
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RK4PreciseStep.h"
00002 #include "RK4OneStep.h"
00003 //#include "Utilities/UI/interface/SimpleConfigurable.h"
00004 #include <iostream>
00006 CartesianState
00007 RK4PreciseStep::operator()( const CartesianState& start, const RKCartesianDerivative& deriv,
00008                             double step, double eps) const
00009 {
00010     const double Safety = 0.9;
00011     double remainigStep = step;
00012     double stepSize = step;
00013     CartesianState currentStart = start;
00014     int nsteps = 0;
00015     std::pair<CartesianState, double> tryStep;
00017     do {
00018         tryStep = stepWithAccuracy( currentStart, deriv, stepSize);
00019         nsteps++;
00020         if (tryStep.second <eps) {
00021             if (remainigStep - stepSize < eps/2) {
00022                 if (verbose()) std::cout << "Accuracy reached, and full step taken in " 
00023                                     << nsteps << " steps" << std::endl;
00024                 return tryStep.first; // we are there
00025             }
00026             else {
00027                 remainigStep -= stepSize;
00028                 // increase step size
00029                 double factor =  std::min( Safety * pow( fabs(eps/tryStep.second),0.2), 4.);
00030                 stepSize = std::min( stepSize*factor, remainigStep);
00031                 currentStart = tryStep.first;
00032                 if (verbose()) std::cout << "Accuracy reached, but " << remainigStep 
00033                      << " remain after " << nsteps << " steps. Step size increased by " 
00034                      << factor << " to " << stepSize << std::endl;
00035             }
00036         }
00037         else {
00038             // decrease step size
00039             double factor =  std::max( Safety * pow( fabs(eps/tryStep.second),0.25), 0.1);
00040             stepSize *= factor;
00041             if (verbose()) std::cout << "Accuracy not yet reached: delta = " << tryStep.second
00042                  << ", step reduced by " << factor << " to " << stepSize 
00043                  << ", (R,z)= " << currentStart.position().perp() 
00044                  << ", " << currentStart.position().z() << std::endl;
00045         }
00046     } while (remainigStep > eps/2);
00048     return tryStep.first;
00049 }
00051 std::pair<CartesianState, double>
00052 RK4PreciseStep::stepWithAccuracy( const CartesianState& start, const RKCartesianDerivative& deriv,
00053                                   double step) const
00054 {
00055     RK4OneStep solver;
00056     CartesianState one(solver(start, deriv, step));
00057     CartesianState firstHalf(solver(start, deriv, step/2));
00058     CartesianState secondHalf(solver(firstHalf, deriv, step/2));
00059     double diff = distance(one, secondHalf);
00060     return std::pair<CartesianState, double>(secondHalf,diff);
00061 }
00063 double RK4PreciseStep::distance( const CartesianState& a, const CartesianState& b) const
00064 {
00065     return (a.position() - b.position()).mag() + (a.momentum() - b.momentum()).mag() / b.momentum().mag();
00066 }
00068 bool RK4PreciseStep::verbose() const
00069 {
00070   // static bool verb = SimpleConfigurable<bool>(false,"RK4PreciseStep:verbose").value();
00072   static bool verb = true;
00073   return verb;
00074 }