
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing.h"
00002 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/Cylinder.h"
00003 #include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/src/RealQuadEquation.h"
00005 #include <cmath>
00007 StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing::StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing 
00008 (const GlobalPoint& startingPos, const GlobalVector& startingDir,
00009  const PropagationDirection propDir) :
00010   theX0(startingPos),
00011   theP0(startingDir.unit()),
00012   thePropDir(propDir) {}
00014 std::pair<bool,double>
00015 StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing::pathLength (const Cylinder& cylinder) const
00016 {
00017   //
00018   // radius of cylinder and transversal position relative to axis
00019   //
00020   double R(cylinder.radius());
00021   GlobalPoint axis(cylinder.toGlobal(Cylinder::LocalPoint(0.,0.)));
00022   PositionType2D xt2d(theX0.x()-axis.x(),theX0.y()-axis.y());
00023   //
00024   // transverse direction
00025   // 
00026   DirectionType2D pt2d(theP0.x(),theP0.y());
00027   //
00028   // solution of quadratic equation for s - assume |theP0|=1
00029   //
00030   RealQuadEquation eq(pt2d.mag2(),2.*,xt2d.mag2()-R*R);
00031   if ( !eq.hasSolution )  return std::pair<bool,double>(false,0.);
00032   //
00033   // choice of solution and verification of direction
00034   //
00035   return chooseSolution(eq.first,eq.second);
00036 }
00038 std::pair<bool,double>
00039 StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing::chooseSolution (const double s1, 
00040                                                     const double s2) const
00041 {
00042   //
00043   // follows the logic implemented in HelixBarrelCylinderCrossing
00044   //
00045   if ( thePropDir==anyDirection ) {
00046     return std::pair<bool,double>(true,(fabs(s1)<fabs(s2)?s1:s2));
00047   }
00048   else {
00049     int propSign = thePropDir==alongMomentum ? 1 : -1;
00050     if ( s1*s2 < 0) {
00051       // if different signs return the positive one
00052       return std::pair<bool,double>(true,((s1*propSign>0)?s1:s2));
00053     }
00054     else if ( s1*propSign>0 ) {
00055       // if both positive, return the shortest
00056       return std::pair<bool,double>(true,(fabs(s1)<fabs(s2)?s1:s2));
00057     }
00058   }
00059   return std::pair<bool,double>(false,0.);
00060 }