
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * v1.0
00003  * written by J. Gartner
00004  *
00005  * 2011.03.11 expanded by GP Di Giovanni
00006  * 
00007  * There is quality test allowing to check elements outside the
00008  * diagonal, so I need to add the 1D plot with all elements in the diagonal
00009  * in the first bin and all elements outside the diagonal in the second bin
00010  * 
00011  * In such way we can run the ContentsXRange quality test...
00012  */
00014 #include "DQM/L1TMonitor/interface/L1TdeCSCTF.h"
00015 #include "DataFormats/CSCDigi/interface/CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection.h"
00016 #include "DataFormats/L1CSCTrackFinder/interface/L1CSCTrackCollection.h"
00017 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/L1MuTriggerScalesRcd.h"
00018 #include <DataFormats/L1CSCTrackFinder/interface/CSCTriggerContainer.h>
00019 #include <DataFormats/L1GlobalMuonTrigger/interface/L1MuRegionalCand.h>
00021 #include "CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1MuTriggerScales.h"
00022 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/L1MuTriggerScalesRcd.h"
00023 #include "CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1MuTriggerPtScale.h"
00024 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/L1MuTriggerPtScaleRcd.h"
00027 #include "DataFormats/L1CSCTrackFinder/interface/TrackStub.h"
00029 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00031 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00032 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00034 #include <iostream>
00035 #include <iomanip>
00036 #include <memory>
00039 using namespace std;
00040 using namespace edm;
00042 L1TdeCSCTF::L1TdeCSCTF(ParameterSet const& pset):EDAnalyzer(){
00043         dataTrackProducer = pset.getParameter<InputTag>("dataTrackProducer");
00044         emulTrackProducer = pset.getParameter<InputTag>("emulTrackProducer");
00045         lctProducer       = pset.getParameter<InputTag>("lctProducer");
00046         dataStubProducer  = pset.getParameter<InputTag>("dataStubProducer");
00047         emulStubProducer  = pset.getParameter<InputTag>("emulStubProducer");
00049         m_dirName         = pset.getUntrackedParameter("DQMFolder", string("L1TEMU/CSCTFexpert"));
00051         ts=0;
00052         ptLUT_ = 0;
00054         ptLUTset = pset.getParameter<ParameterSet>("PTLUT");
00056         dbe = NULL;
00057         if(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DQMStore", false) )
00058         {
00059                 dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00060                 dbe->setVerbose(0);
00061                 dbe->setCurrentFolder(m_dirName);
00062         }
00064         outFile = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("outFile", "");
00065         if( outFile.size() != 0 )
00066         {
00067           LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF")
00068             << "L1T Monitoring histograms will be saved to " 
00069             << outFile.c_str() 
00070             << endl;
00071         }
00073         bool disable = pset. getUntrackedParameter<bool>("disableROOToutput", false);
00074         if(disable){
00075                 outFile="";
00076         }
00078         /*bzero(srLUTs_, sizeof(srLUTs_));
00079         //int endcap =1, sector =1;
00080         bool TMB07=true;
00081         ParameterSet srLUTset;
00082         srLUTset.addUntrackedParameter<bool>("ReadLUTs", false);
00083         srLUTset.addUntrackedParameter<bool>("Binary",   false);
00084         srLUTset.addUntrackedParameter<string>("LUTPath", "./");
00085         for(int endcapItr = CSCDetId::minEndcapId(); endcapItr <= CSCDetId::maxEndcapId(); endcapItr++)
00086         {
00087                 for(int sectorItr = CSCTriggerNumbering::minTriggerSectorId();sectorItr <= CSCTriggerNumbering::maxTriggerSectorId();sectorItr++)
00088         {
00089                         for(int stationItr = 1; stationItr <= 4; stationItr++)
00090                 {
00091                         if(stationItr == 1)
00092                         {
00093                                         for(int subsectorItr = 0; subsectorItr < 2; subsectorItr++)
00094                                         {
00095                                         srLUTs_[endcapItr-1][sectorItr-1][subsectorItr] = new CSCSectorReceiverLUT(endcapItr, sectorItr, subsectorItr+1, stationItr, srLUTset, TMB07); 
00096                                 }
00097                         } else {
00098                                         srLUTs_[endcapItr-1][sectorItr-1][stationItr] = new CSCSectorReceiverLUT(endcapItr, sectorItr, 0, stationItr, srLUTset, TMB07); 
00099                         } //if for station 1 or 234
00100                 } // stationItr loop
00101                 } // sectorItr loop
00102         } // endcapItr loop
00103         */
00104         my_dtrc = new CSCTFDTReceiver();
00105 }
00107 void L1TdeCSCTF::beginJob()
00108 {
00112         // DQM Directory Structure //
00114         DQMStore * dbe = 0;
00115         dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00116         if( dbe ){
00117                 dbe->setCurrentFolder(m_dirName);
00119                 // Define Monitor Elements //
00121                 //Monitor Elements for Pt Lut Address Field
00122                 pt1Comp = dbe->book2D("pt1Comp","Hardware Vs. Emulator #Delta #phi_{12}",256,0,256,256,0,256);
00123                 pt1Comp->setAxisTitle("Hardware #Delta #phi_{12}",1);
00124                 pt1Comp->setAxisTitle("Emulator #Delta #phi_{12}",2);
00125                 pt2Comp = dbe->book2D("pt2Comp","Hardware Vs. Emulator #Delta #phi_{23}",16,0,16,16,0,16);
00126                 pt2Comp->setAxisTitle("Hardware #Delta #phi_{23}",1);
00127                 pt2Comp->setAxisTitle("Emulator #Delta #phi_{23}",2);
00128                 pt3Comp = dbe->book2D("pt3Comp","Hardware Vs. Emulator #eta",16,0,16,16,0,16);
00129                 pt3Comp->setAxisTitle("Hardware #eta",1);
00130                 pt3Comp->setAxisTitle("Emulator #eta",2);
00131                 pt4Comp = dbe->book2D("pt4Comp","Hardware Vs. Emulator Mode",19,0,19,19,0,19);
00132                 pt4Comp->setAxisTitle("Hardware Mode",1);
00133                 pt4Comp->setAxisTitle("Emulator Mode",2);
00134                 //Hardware Bin Titles
00135                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(1,"No Track",1);
00136                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(2,"Bad Phi/Single",1);
00137                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(3,"ME1-2-3",1);
00138                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(4,"ME1-2-4",1);
00139                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(5,"ME1-3-4",1);
00140                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(6,"ME2-3-4",1);
00141                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(7,"ME1-2",1);
00142                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(8,"ME1-3",1);
00143                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(9,"ME2-3",1);
00144                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(10,"ME2-4",1);
00145                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(11,"ME3-4",1);
00146                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(12,"MB1-ME3",1);
00147                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(13,"MB1-ME2",1);
00148                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(14,"ME1-4",1);
00149                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(15,"MB1-ME1",1);
00150                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(16,"Halo Trigger",1);
00151                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(17,"MB1-ME1-2",1);
00152                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(18,"MB1-ME1-3",1);
00153                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(19,"MB1-ME2-3",1);
00154                 //Emu Bin Titles
00155                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(1,"No Track",2);
00156                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(2,"Bad Phi/Single",2);
00157                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(3,"ME1-2-3",2);
00158                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(4,"ME1-2-4",2);
00159                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(5,"ME1-3-4",2);
00160                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(6,"ME2-3-4",2);
00161                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(7,"ME1-2",2);
00162                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(8,"ME1-3",2);
00163                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(9,"ME2-3",2);
00164                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(10,"ME2-4",2);
00165                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(11,"ME3-4",2);
00166                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(12,"MB1-ME3",2);
00167                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(13,"MB1-ME2",2);
00168                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(14,"ME1-4",2);
00169                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(15,"MB1-ME1",2);
00170                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(16,"Halo Trigger",2);
00171                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(17,"MB1-ME1-2",2);
00172                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(18,"MB1-ME1-3",2);
00173                 pt4Comp->setBinLabel(19,"MB1-ME2-3",2);
00175                 pt5Comp = dbe->book2D("pt5Comp","Hardware Vs. Emulator Sign, FR",4,0,4,4,0,4);
00176                 pt5Comp->setAxisTitle("Hardware Sign<<1|FR",1);
00177                 pt5Comp->setAxisTitle("Emulator Sign<<1|FR",2);
00179                 //Monitor Elements for track variables
00180                 phiComp = dbe->book2D("phiComp","Hardware Vs. Emulator Track #phi",32,0,32,32,0,32);
00181                 phiComp->setAxisTitle("Hardware #phi",1);
00182                 phiComp->setAxisTitle("Emulator #phi",2);
00183                 etaComp = dbe->book2D("etaComp","Hardware Vs. Emulator Track #eta",32,0,32,32,0,32);
00184                 etaComp->setAxisTitle("Hardware #eta",1);
00185                 etaComp->setAxisTitle("Emulator #eta",2);
00186                 occComp = dbe->book2D("occComp","Hardware Vs. Emulator Track Occupancy",5,0,5,5,0,5);
00187                 occComp->setAxisTitle("Hardware Occupancy",1);
00188                 occComp->setAxisTitle("Emulator Occupancy",2);
00189                 ptComp  = dbe->book2D("ptComp","Hardware Vs. Emulator Pt",32,0,32,32,0,32);
00190                 ptComp->setAxisTitle("Hardware P_{t}",1);
00191                 ptComp->setAxisTitle("Emulator P_{t}",2);
00192                 qualComp= dbe->book2D("qualComp","Hardware Vs. Emulator Quality",4,0,4,4,0,4);
00193                 qualComp->setAxisTitle("Hardware Quality",1);
00194                 qualComp->setAxisTitle("Emulator Quality",2);
00197                 //Monitor Elemens for Dt Stubs
00198                 dtStubPhi = dbe->book2D("dtStubPhi","Hardware Vs. Emulator DT Stub #phi",200,400,2400,200,400,2400);
00199                 dtStubPhi->setAxisTitle("Hardware Stub #phi",1);
00200                 dtStubPhi->setAxisTitle("Emulator Stub #phi",2);
00201                 badDtStubSector = dbe->book2D("badDtStubSector","Dt Sector for bad Dt stub #phi",6,1,7,2,1,3);
00202                 badDtStubSector->setAxisTitle("Dt stub sector, subsector",1);
00203                 badDtStubSector->setAxisTitle("Dt Stub Endcap",2);
00205                 //***********************************//
00206                 //* F O R   Q U A L I T Y   T E S T *//
00207                 //***********************************//
00208                 //1D plots for the quality test
00209                 //Monitor Elements for Pt Lut Address Field
00210                 pt1Comp_1d = dbe->book1D("pt1Comp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator #Delta #phi_{12}",2,0,2);
00211                 pt1Comp_1d->setAxisTitle("#Delta #phi_{12}",1);
00212                 pt1Comp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00213                 pt1Comp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00215                 pt2Comp_1d = dbe->book1D("pt2Comp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator #Delta #phi_{23}",2,0,2);
00216                 pt2Comp_1d->setAxisTitle("#Delta #phi_{23}",1);
00217                 pt2Comp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00218                 pt2Comp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00220                 pt3Comp_1d = dbe->book1D("pt3Comp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator #eta",2,0,2);
00221                 pt3Comp_1d->setAxisTitle("#eta",1);
00222                 pt3Comp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00223                 pt3Comp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00225                 pt4Comp_1d = dbe->book1D("pt4Comp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator Mode",2,0,2);
00226                 pt4Comp_1d->setAxisTitle("Mode",1);
00227                 pt4Comp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00228                 pt4Comp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00230                 pt5Comp_1d = dbe->book1D("pt5Comp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator Sign, FR",2,0,2);
00231                 pt5Comp_1d->setAxisTitle("Sign<<1|FR",1);
00232                 pt5Comp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00233                 pt5Comp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00236                 //Monitor Elements for track variables
00237                 phiComp_1d = dbe->book1D("phiComp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator Track #phi",2,0,2);
00238                 phiComp_1d->setAxisTitle("#phi",1);
00239                 phiComp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00240                 phiComp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00242                 etaComp_1d = dbe->book1D("etaComp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator Track #eta",2,0,2);
00243                 etaComp_1d->setAxisTitle("#eta",1);
00244                 etaComp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00245                 etaComp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00247                 occComp_1d = dbe->book1D("occComp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator Track Occupancy",2,0,2);
00248                 occComp_1d->setAxisTitle("Occupancy",1);
00249                 occComp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00250                 occComp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00252                 ptComp_1d  = dbe->book1D("ptComp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator Pt",2,0,2);
00253                 ptComp_1d->setAxisTitle("P_{t}",1);
00254                 ptComp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00255                 ptComp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00257                 qualComp_1d= dbe->book1D("qualComp_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator Quality",2,0,2);
00258                 qualComp_1d->setAxisTitle("Quality",1);
00259                 qualComp_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00260                 qualComp_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00262                 //Monitor Elemens for Dt Stubs
00263                 dtStubPhi_1d = dbe->book1D("dtStubPhi_1d","Hardware Vs. Emulator DT Stub #phi",2,0,2);
00264                 dtStubPhi_1d->setAxisTitle("DT Stub #phi",1);
00265                 dtStubPhi_1d->setBinLabel(1, "Agree", 1);
00266                 dtStubPhi_1d->setBinLabel(2, "Disagree", 1);
00268         }
00270 }
00272 void L1TdeCSCTF::endJob(void){
00274         if(ptLUT_) delete ptLUT_;
00276         if ( outFile.size() != 0  && dbe ) dbe->save(outFile);  
00277         return;
00278 }
00280 void L1TdeCSCTF::analyze(Event const& e, EventSetup const& es){
00281         // Get LCT information
00283         /*int lctArray[20][7];
00284         short nLCTs=0;
00285         for(int oj=0; oj<20; oj++) lctArray[oj][0]=0;
00286         if( lctProducer.label() != "null" )
00287         {
00288                 Handle<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> LCTs;
00289                 e.getByLabel(lctProducer.label(),lctProducer.instance(), LCTs);
00291                 // check validity of input collection
00292                 if(!LCTs.isValid()) {
00293                   LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF")
00294                     << "\n No valid [lct] product found: "
00295                     << " CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection"
00296                     << endl;
00297                   return;
00298                 }
00300                 ESHandle< L1MuTriggerScales > scales ;
00301                 es.get< L1MuTriggerScalesRcd >().get( scales ) ;
00302                 ESHandle< L1MuTriggerPtScale > ptScale ;
00303                 es.get< L1MuTriggerPtScaleRcd >().get( ptScale ) ;
00304                 ptLUT_ = new CSCTFPtLUT(ptLUTset, scales.product(), ptScale.product() );
00306                 for(CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator csc=LCTs.product()->begin(); csc!=LCTs.product()->end(); csc++)
00307                 {
00308                         int lctId=0;
00310                         CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::Range range1 = LCTs.product()->get((*csc).first);
00311                         for(CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::const_iterator lct=range1.first; lct!=range1.second; lct++,lctId++)
00312                         {
00313                                 CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::Range range1 = LCTs.product()->get((*csc).first);
00314                                 CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection::const_iterator lct;
00315                                 for( lct = range1.first; lct!=range1.second; lct++)
00316                                 {       
00317                                         int station = (*csc).first.station()-1;
00318                                         int cscId   = (*csc).first.triggerCscId()-1;
00319                                         int sector  = (*csc).first.triggerSector()-1;
00320                                         int subSector = CSCTriggerNumbering::triggerSubSectorFromLabels((*csc).first);
00321                                         int tbin    = lct->getBX();
00322                                         int fpga    = ( subSector ? subSector-1 : station+1 );
00323                                         int endcap = (*csc).first.endcap()-1;
00325                                         lclphidat lclPhi;
00326                                         gblphidat gblPhi;
00327                                         gbletadat gblEta;
00329                                         try{
00330                                                 lclPhi = srLUTs_[endcap][sector][fpga]->localPhi(lct->getStrip(), lct->getPattern(), lct->getQuality(), lct->getBend());
00331                                         } catch ( cms::Exception &e ) {
00332                                                 bzero(&lclPhi, sizeof(lclPhi));
00333                                                 LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF:analyze()") << "Exception from LocalPhi LUT in endCap: " << endcap << ", sector: " << sector << ", fpga: " << fpga 
00334                                                         << "(strip:" << lct->getStrip() << ", pattern:"<< lct->getPattern() << ", Q:" << lct->getQuality() << ", bend:" << lct->getBend() << endl;
00335                                         }
00337                                         try{
00338                                                 gblPhi = srLUTs_[endcap][sector][fpga]->globalPhiME( lclPhi.phi_local, lct->getKeyWG(),cscId+1);
00339                                         } catch  ( cms::Exception &e ) {
00340                                                 bzero(&gblPhi,sizeof(gblPhi));
00341                                                 LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF:analyze()") << "Exception from GlobalPhi LUT in endCap: " << endcap << ", sector: " << sector << ", fpga: " << fpga 
00342                                                         << "(local phi:" << lclPhi.phi_local << ", keyWG:" << lct->getKeyWG() << ",cscID:" << cscId+1 << endl;
00343                                         }
00344                                         try{
00345                                                 gblEta = srLUTs_[endcap][sector][fpga]->globalEtaME(lclPhi.phi_bend_local, lclPhi.phi_local,lct->getKeyWG(),cscId+1);
00346                                         } catch  ( cms::Exception &e ) {
00347                                                 bzero(&gblEta,sizeof(gblEta));
00348                                                 LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF:analyze()") << "Exception from GlobalEta LUT in endCap: " << endcap << ", sector: " << sector << ", fpga: " << fpga
00349                                                         << "(local phi bend:" << lclPhi.phi_bend_local << ", local phi:" <<  lclPhi.phi_local << ", keyWG: " << lct->getKeyWG() << ", cscID: " << cscId+1 << endl;
00350                                         }
00352                                         allLctBx->Fill(tbin);
00354                                         if((nLCTs < 20))
00355                                         {
00356                                                 lctArray[nLCTs][0] = 1;
00357                                                 lctArray[nLCTs][1] = sector;
00358                                                 lctArray[nLCTs][2] = tbin;
00359                                                 lctArray[nLCTs][3] = endcap;
00360                                                 lctArray[nLCTs][4] = gblPhi.global_phi;
00361                                                 lctArray[nLCTs][5] = gblEta.global_eta;
00362                                                 lctArray[nLCTs][6] = station;
00363                                                 nLCTs++;
00364                                         }
00365                                 }
00366                         }
00367                 }
00368         }*/
00370         // Initialize Arrays
00372         unsigned int nDataMuons = 0;
00373         unsigned int nEmulMuons = 0;
00374         int dataMuonArray[8][10], emuMuonArray[8][10];
00375         for(int muon=0; muon<8; muon++)
00376         {
00377                 for(int par=0; par<3; par++)
00378                 {
00379                         dataMuonArray[muon][par]=0;
00380                         emuMuonArray[muon][par] =0;
00381                 }
00382                 emuMuonArray[muon][3] =-1;
00383                 dataMuonArray[muon][3]=-1;
00385                 emuMuonArray[muon][4]=7;
00386                 dataMuonArray[muon][4]=7;
00388                 for(int par2=5; par2<10; par2++)
00389                 {
00390                         emuMuonArray[muon][par2]= -1;
00391                         dataMuonArray[muon][par2]= -1;
00392                 }
00393         }
00394         // Get Hardware information, and check output of PtLUT
00396         if( dataTrackProducer.label() != "null" )
00397         {
00398                 Handle<L1CSCTrackCollection> tracks;
00399                 e.getByLabel(dataTrackProducer.label(),dataTrackProducer.instance(),tracks);
00401                 // check validity of input collection
00402                 if(!tracks.isValid()) {
00403                   LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF")
00404                     << "\n No valid [data tracks] product found: "
00405                     << " L1CSCTrackCollection"
00406                     << endl;
00407                   return;
00408                 }
00411                 for(L1CSCTrackCollection::const_iterator trk=tracks.product()->begin(); trk!=tracks.product()->end(); trk++)
00412                 {
00413                         if (nDataMuons>=8)
00414                                 break;
00415                         if( (trk->first.BX() <2) && (trk->first.BX() > -1) )
00416                         {
00417                                 //int mOdE = (trk->first.ptLUTAddress()>>16)&0xf; 
00418                                 //cout << "D->Mode: " << mOdE << ", Rank " << trk->first.rank() << endl;
00419                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][0] = trk->first.ptLUTAddress();  
00420                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][1] = trk->first.sector();
00421                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][2] = trk->first.endcap();
00422                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][8] = trk->first.outputLink();
00423                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][4] = trk->first.BX();
00424                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][5] = trk->first.rank();
00425                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][6] = trk->first.localPhi();
00426                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][7] = trk->first.eta_packed();
00427                                 dataMuonArray[nDataMuons][9] = trk->first.modeExtended();
00428                                 nDataMuons++;
00429                         }
00430                 }
00431         }
00432         // Get Emulator information
00434         if( emulTrackProducer.label() != "null" )
00435         {
00436                 Handle<L1CSCTrackCollection> tracks;
00437                 e.getByLabel(emulTrackProducer.label(),emulTrackProducer.instance(),tracks);
00439                 // check validity of input collection
00440                 if(!tracks.isValid()) {
00441                   LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF")
00442                     << "\n No valid [emulator tracks] product found: "
00443                     << " L1CSCTrackCollection"
00444                     << endl;
00445                   return;
00446                 }
00448                 for(L1CSCTrackCollection::const_iterator trk=tracks.product()->begin(); trk!=tracks.product()->end(); trk++)
00449                 {
00450                         if(nEmulMuons>=8)
00451                                 break;
00452                         if((trk->first.BX() <2) && (trk->first.BX() >-1))
00453                         {
00454                                 //int mOdE = (trk->first.ptLUTAddress()>>16)&0xf; 
00455                                 //cout << "E->Mode: " << mOdE << ", Rank " << trk->first.rank() << endl;
00456                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][0] = trk->first.ptLUTAddress();
00457                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][1] = trk->first.sector();
00458                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][2] = trk->first.endcap();
00459                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][4] = trk->first.BX();
00460                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][5] = trk->first.rank();
00461                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][6] = trk->first.localPhi();
00462                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][7] = trk->first.eta_packed();
00463                                 emuMuonArray[nEmulMuons][9] = trk->first.modeExtended();
00464                                 nEmulMuons++;
00465                         }
00466                 }
00467         }
00468         //Fill Occupancy M.E.
00469         if( (nDataMuons!=0)||(nEmulMuons!=0) ) {
00470           occComp->Fill(nDataMuons,nEmulMuons);
00471           (nDataMuons==nEmulMuons) ? occComp_1d->Fill(0) : occComp_1d->Fill(1);
00472         }
00473         // Match Tracks by sector & mode in the case of multiple tracks
00475         if(nDataMuons==nEmulMuons)
00476         {
00477                 //First, find EXACT address matches in a given sector, endcap
00478                 for(unsigned int mu1=0; mu1<nDataMuons; mu1++)
00479                 {
00480                         for(unsigned int mu2=0; mu2<nEmulMuons; mu2++)
00481                         if((emuMuonArray[mu2][1]==dataMuonArray[mu1][1])&&(emuMuonArray[mu2][2]==dataMuonArray[mu1][2]))
00482                         {
00483                                 if(emuMuonArray[mu2][0]==dataMuonArray[mu1][0])
00484                                 {
00485                                         emuMuonArray[mu2][3]=mu1;
00486                                         dataMuonArray[mu1][3]=1;
00487                                 }
00488                         }
00489                 }
00490                 //Next, try to match unmapped 
00491                 for(unsigned int c2a=0; c2a<nEmulMuons; c2a++)
00492                 {
00493                         if(emuMuonArray[c2a][3]==-1)
00494                         {
00495                                 for(unsigned int cor_a=0; cor_a<nDataMuons; cor_a++)
00496                                 {
00497                                         if( (dataMuonArray[cor_a][1]==emuMuonArray[c2a][1]) && (dataMuonArray[cor_a][2]==emuMuonArray[c2a][2]))// && (dataMuonArray[cor_a][3]==-1))
00498                                         {
00499                                                 emuMuonArray[c2a][3]=cor_a;
00500                                                 dataMuonArray[cor_a][3]=1;
00501                                         }
00502                                 }
00503                         }
00504                 }
00505                 //Check that a single emulator track is not mapped to multiple data tracks
00506                 bool multiMap = false;
00507                 if(nEmulMuons>1)
00508                 {
00509                         for(unsigned int c1a=0; c1a<(nEmulMuons-1); c1a++)
00510                         {
00511                                 for(unsigned int c1b=(c1a+1); c1b<nEmulMuons; c1b++)
00512                                 {
00513                                         if(emuMuonArray[c1a][3]==emuMuonArray[c1b][3])
00514                                         {
00515                                                 //cout << "Error: Multiple Emulator Muons Mapped to the same Data Muon." << endl;
00516                                                 multiMap = true;
00517                                                 break;
00518                                         }
00519                                 }
00520                                 if (multiMap)
00521                                         break;
00522                         }
00523                 }
00524                 //Fill histograms based on matched Tracks
00525                 for(unsigned int mu3=0; mu3<nEmulMuons; mu3++)
00526                 {
00527                         int mapping = emuMuonArray[mu3][3];
00528                         if((mapping!=-1)&&(multiMap==false))
00529                         {
00530                                 //Decode LUT Address for more meaningful comparison
00531                                 int emuPhi12 = (0x0000ff & emuMuonArray[mu3][0]);
00532                                 int datPhi12 = (0x0000ff & dataMuonArray[mapping][0]);
00533                                 int emuPhi23 = (0x000f00 & emuMuonArray[mu3][0])>>8;
00534                                 int datPhi23 = (0x000f00 & dataMuonArray[mapping][0])>>8;
00535                                 int emuEta   = (0x00f000 & emuMuonArray[mu3][0])>>12;
00536                                 int datEta   = (0x00f000 & dataMuonArray[mapping][0])>>12;
00537                                 //int emuMode = (0x0f0000 & emuMuonArray[mu3][0])>>16;
00538                                 //int datMode = (0x0f0000 & dataMuonArray[mapping][0])>>16;
00539                                 int emuFrSin = (0xf00000 & emuMuonArray[mu3][0])>>20;
00540                                 int datFrSin = (0xf00000 & dataMuonArray[mapping][0])>>20;
00541                                 //Decode Rank for more meaningful comparison
00542                                 int emuQual  = emuMuonArray[mu3][5]>>5;
00543                                 int datQual  = dataMuonArray[mapping][5]>>5;
00544                                 int emuPt    = 0x1f & emuMuonArray[mu3][5];
00545                                 int datPt    = 0x1f & dataMuonArray[mapping][5];
00546                                 int emuModeExtended = emuMuonArray[mu3][9];
00547                                 int datModeExtended = dataMuonArray[mapping][9];
00549                                 //Fill mode M.E., one of (the most important) PtLUT address field
00550                                 pt4Comp->Fill(datModeExtended,emuModeExtended);
00551                                 (datModeExtended==emuModeExtended) ? pt4Comp_1d->Fill(0) : pt4Comp_1d->Fill(1);
00552                                 //To disentagle problems, only fill histograms if mode matches
00553                                 if(emuModeExtended==datModeExtended)
00554                                 {
00555                                         //Fill Pt LUT address field M.E.
00556                                         pt1Comp->Fill(datPhi12,emuPhi12); (datPhi12==emuPhi12) ? pt1Comp_1d->Fill(0) : pt1Comp_1d->Fill(1);
00557                                         pt2Comp->Fill(datPhi23,emuPhi23); (datPhi23==emuPhi23) ? pt2Comp_1d->Fill(0) : pt2Comp_1d->Fill(1);
00558                                         pt3Comp->Fill(datEta,emuEta);     (datEta==emuEta)     ? pt3Comp_1d->Fill(0) : pt3Comp_1d->Fill(1);
00559                                         pt5Comp->Fill(datFrSin,emuFrSin); (datFrSin==emuFrSin) ? pt5Comp_1d->Fill(0) : pt5Comp_1d->Fill(1);
00560                                         //Fill Track value M.E.
00561                                         if(dataMuonArray[mapping][8]==1) //Rank Comparison available for Link 1 only due to readout limitation
00562                                         {
00563                                                 ptComp->Fill(datPt,emuPt);      (datPt==emuPt)     ? ptComp_1d->Fill(0)   : ptComp_1d->Fill(1);
00564                                                 qualComp->Fill(datQual,emuQual);(datQual==emuQual) ? qualComp_1d->Fill(0) : qualComp_1d->Fill(1);
00565                                         }
00566                                         phiComp->Fill(dataMuonArray[mapping][6],emuMuonArray[mu3][6]);
00567                                         etaComp->Fill(dataMuonArray[mapping][7],emuMuonArray[mu3][7]);
00569                                         (dataMuonArray[mapping][6]==emuMuonArray[mu3][6]) ? phiComp_1d->Fill(0) : phiComp_1d->Fill(1); 
00570                                         (dataMuonArray[mapping][7]==emuMuonArray[mu3][7]) ? etaComp_1d->Fill(0) : etaComp_1d->Fill(1);
00571                                 }
00572                         }
00573                 }
00574         }
00576         //Compare DT stubs to check transmission quality
00578         //Declare arrays, initialize
00579         int eDtStub[7][15];
00580         int dDtStub[8][15];
00581         int eDtCounter = 0;
00582         int dDtCounter = 0;
00583         for(int dJ=0; dJ<7; dJ++)
00584         {
00585                 for(int dK=0; dK<15; dK++)
00586                 {
00587                         eDtStub[dJ][dK] = -55;
00588                         dDtStub[dJ][dK] = -55;
00589                         dDtStub[7][dK] = -55;
00590                 }
00591         }
00593         // Get Daq Recorded Stub Information
00594         if( dataStubProducer.label() != "null" )
00595         {
00596                 Handle<CSCTriggerContainer<csctf::TrackStub> > dtTrig;
00597                 e.getByLabel(dataStubProducer.label(),dataStubProducer.instance(),dtTrig);
00598                 // check validity of input collection
00599                 if(!dtTrig.isValid()) {
00600                   LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF")
00601                     << "\n No valid [Data Stubs] product found: "
00602                     << " L1CSCTrackCollection"
00603                     << endl;
00604                   return;
00605                 }
00606                 const CSCTriggerContainer<csctf::TrackStub>* dt_stubs = dtTrig.product();
00607                 CSCTriggerContainer<csctf::TrackStub> stub_list;
00608                 stub_list.push_many(*dt_stubs);
00609                 vector<csctf::TrackStub> stuList = stub_list.get();
00610                 vector<csctf::TrackStub>::const_iterator stu= stuList.begin();
00611                 for(; stu!=stuList.end(); stu++)
00612                 {
00613                         if(dDtCounter>=15)
00614                                 break;
00615                         if((stu->BX()>4) && (stu->BX()<9))
00616                         {
00617                                 dDtStub[0][dDtCounter] = stu->phiPacked();
00618                                 dDtStub[1][dDtCounter] = stu->getQuality();
00619                                 dDtStub[2][dDtCounter] = stu->endcap();
00620                                 dDtStub[3][dDtCounter] = stu->sector();
00621                                 dDtStub[4][dDtCounter] = stu->subsector();
00622                                 dDtCounter++;
00623                         }
00624                 }
00625         }
00627         // Get Daq Recorded Stub Information
00628         if( emulStubProducer.label() != "null" )
00629         {
00630                 // Get Emulated Stub Information
00631                 Handle<L1MuDTChambPhContainer> pCon;
00632                 e.getByLabel(emulStubProducer.label(),emulStubProducer.instance(),pCon);
00633                 // check validity of input collection
00634                 if(!pCon.isValid()) {
00635                   LogWarning("L1TdeCSCTF")
00636                     << "\n No valid [Data Stubs] product found: "
00637                     << " L1CSCTrackCollection"
00638                     << endl;
00639                   return;
00640                 }
00641                 CSCTriggerContainer<csctf::TrackStub> emulStub = my_dtrc->process(pCon.product());
00642                 vector<csctf::TrackStub> emuList = emulStub.get();
00643                 vector<csctf::TrackStub>::const_iterator eStu=emuList.begin();
00644                 for(; eStu!=emuList.end(); eStu++)
00645                 {
00647                         if (eDtCounter>=15)
00648                                 break;
00649                         if((eStu->BX()>4) && (eStu->BX()<9) )
00650                         {
00651                                 eDtStub[0][eDtCounter] = eStu->phiPacked();
00652                                 eDtStub[1][eDtCounter] = eStu->getQuality();
00653                                 eDtStub[2][eDtCounter] = eStu->endcap();
00654                                 eDtStub[3][eDtCounter] = eStu->sector();
00655                                 eDtStub[4][eDtCounter] = eStu->subsector();
00656                                 eDtCounter++;
00657                         }
00658                 }
00659         }
00661         //cout << "Num Tracks match eDtCounter: " << eDtCounter << ", dDt: " << dDtCounter << endl;
00662         //First find perfect matches
00663         for(int eS=0; eS<eDtCounter; eS++)
00664         {
00665                 //cout << "es Loop" <<  endl;
00666                 for(int dS=0; dS<dDtCounter; dS++)
00667                 {
00668                         //cout << "ds Loop" << endl;
00669                         if(eDtStub[2][eS]==dDtStub[2][dS])
00670                         {
00671                                 //cout << "end match" << endl;
00672                                 if(eDtStub[3][eS]==dDtStub[3][dS])
00673                                 {
00674                                         //cout << "sec match" << endl;
00675                                         if(eDtStub[4][eS]==dDtStub[4][dS]) 
00676                                         {
00677                                                 //cout << "First match loop, eS: " << eS << ", dS" << dS << endl;
00678                                                 if( (eDtStub[0][eS]==dDtStub[0][dS]) && (eDtStub[1][eS]==dDtStub[1][dS]) && (eDtStub[6][eS]!=1) && (dDtStub[6][dS]!=1) )
00679                                                 {
00680                                                         //cout << "Passed fist matching." << endl;
00681                                                         eDtStub[5][eS] = dS;
00682                                                         eDtStub[6][eS] = 1;
00683                                                         dDtStub[5][dS] = eS;
00684                                                         dDtStub[6][dS] = 1;
00685                                                 }
00686                                         }
00687                                 }
00688                         }
00689                 }
00690         }
00692         //Now find imperfect matches
00693         for(int eS2=0; eS2<eDtCounter; eS2++)
00694         {
00695                 for(int dS2=0; dS2<dDtCounter; dS2++)
00696                 {
00697                         //cout << "1: " << eDtStub[2][eS2] << ", " << dDtStub[2][dS2] << ", " << eDtStub[3][eS2] << ", " << dDtStub[3][dS2] << ", " << eDtStub[4][eS2] << ", " << dDtStub[4][dS2] << endl;
00698                         if( (eDtStub[2][eS2]==dDtStub[2][dS2]) && (eDtStub[3][eS2]==dDtStub[3][dS2]) && (eDtStub[4][eS2]==dDtStub[4][dS2]) )
00699                         {
00700                                 //cout << "2: " << dDtStub[7][eS2] << ", " << dDtStub[7][dS2] << ", " << abs(eDtStub[0][eS2]-dDtStub[0][dS2]) << ", " << ", " << eDtStub[6][eS2] << ", " << dDtStub[6][dS2] << endl;
00701                                 if( ((dDtStub[7][eS2]==-55) || (dDtStub[7][dS2]>(abs(eDtStub[0][eS2]-dDtStub[0][dS2]))) ) && (eDtStub[6][eS2]!=1) && (dDtStub[6][dS2]!=1)  )
00702                                 {
00703                                         //cout << "Imperfect match found" << endl;
00704                                         dDtStub[5][dS2] = eS2;
00705                                         dDtStub[6][dS2] = 2;
00706                                         eDtStub[5][eS2] = dS2;
00707                                         eDtStub[6][eS2] = 2;
00708                                         dDtStub[7][dS2] = abs(eDtStub[0][eS2]-dDtStub[0][dS2]);
00709                                 }
00710                         }
00711                 }
00712         }
00714         //Debug time!
00715         bool dtSMulti = false;
00716         int dtUnmap  = 0;
00717         if(eDtCounter>1)
00718                 for(int eS3a=0; eS3a<eDtCounter-1; eS3a++)
00719                         for(int eS3b=eS3a+1; eS3b<eDtCounter; eS3b++)
00720                         {
00721                                 if( eDtStub[5][eS3a]==eDtStub[5][eS3b] ) dtSMulti=true;
00722                                 if( eDtStub[5][eS3a]==-55 || eDtStub[5][eS3b]==-55 ) dtUnmap++;
00723                         }
00725         if(dDtCounter>1)
00726                 for(int dS3a=0; dS3a<dDtCounter-1; dS3a++)
00727                         for(int dS3b=dS3a+1; dS3b<dDtCounter; dS3b++)
00728                         {
00729                                 if( dDtStub[5][dS3a]==dDtStub[5][dS3b] ) dtSMulti=true;
00730                                 if( dDtStub[5][dS3a]==-55||dDtStub[5][dS3b]==-55 ) dtUnmap++;
00731                         }
00732         /*if(dtSMulti==true)
00733                 cout << "Multiple DT stubs mapped to the same stub" << endl;
00734         if(dtUnmap!=0)
00735                 cout << "Unmapped DT stubs:" << dtUnmap << endl;*/
00737         if(dtSMulti==false && dtUnmap==0)
00738         {
00739                 for(int phil=0; phil<eDtCounter; phil++)
00740                 {
00741                         if(eDtStub[6][phil]==1 || eDtStub[6][phil]==2)
00742                         {
00743                                 int indexFil = eDtStub[3][phil]*2+eDtStub[4][phil]-1;
00744                                 dtStubPhi->Fill(eDtStub[0][phil],  dDtStub[0][ eDtStub[5][phil] ]);
00745                                 (eDtStub[0][phil] ==  dDtStub[0][ eDtStub[5][phil] ]) ? dtStubPhi_1d->Fill(0) : dtStubPhi_1d->Fill(1);
00746                                 if( eDtStub[0][phil] != dDtStub[0][ eDtStub[5][phil] ])
00747                                         badDtStubSector->Fill(indexFil,eDtStub[2][phil]);
00748                         }
00749                 }
00750         }
00752 }