
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Two modules of CLHEP are partly used in DDD
00002 // . unit definitions (such as m, cm, GeV, ...) of module CLHEP/Units
00003 // . rotation matrices and translation std::vectors of module CLHEP/Vector
00004 //   (they are typedef'd to DDRotationMatrix and DDTranslation in
00005 //   DDD/DDCore/interface/DDTransform.h
00006 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
00008 /*
00009   Doc!
00010 */
00011 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"
00012 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolid.h"
00013 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDMaterial.h"
00014 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCompactView.h"
00015 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDPartSelection.h"
00016 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDName.h"
00018 #include <fstream>
00019 #include <string>
00020 #include <set>
00021 #include <iostream>
00022 #include <map>
00024 std::string link(std::string & nm, std::string & ns)
00025 {
00026    return ns + nm + ".html";
00027 }
00029 void streamSolid(DDSolid s, std::ostream & os) {
00030   DDSolidShape sp = s.shape();
00031   if ( (sp==ddpolycone_rrz) || (sp==ddpolyhedra_rrz) ) {
00032     unsigned int i = 0;
00033     const std::vector<double> & p = s.parameters();
00034     if (sp==ddpolyhedra_rrz){
00035       os << "numSides=" << p[0] << " ";
00036       ++i;
00037     }
00038     os <<"startPhi[deg]=" << p[i]/deg << " deltaPhi[deg]" << p[i+1]/deg << std::endl;
00039     i +=2;
00040     os << "<table><tr><td>z[cm]</td><td>rMin[cm]</td><td>rMax[cm]</td></tr>";
00041     while ( i+1 < p.size()) {
00042       os << "<tr><td>" << p[i]/cm << "</td>";
00043       os << "<td>" << p[i+1]/cm << "</td>";
00044       os << "<td>" << p[i+2]/cm << "</td></tr>" << std::endl;
00045       i = i+3;  
00046     }
00047     os << "</table>" << std::endl;
00048   } else
00049   {
00050     os << s;
00051   }
00052 }
00054 void generateHtml(std::vector<DDLogicalPart> & v, std::map<DDLogicalPart,int> & c)
00055 {
00056    static DDCompactView cpv;
00057    std::string name = v.back().name().name();
00058    std::string ns   = v.back().name().ns();
00059    std::string fname = link(name,ns);
00060    std::ofstream file(fname.c_str());
00063    file << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">" << std::endl;
00064    file << "<html><head><title>DDD-part:" << ns << " " << name << "</title>";
00065    file << "<body><h2>"
00066         <<  "name=" << name << "  namespace=" << ns << "</h2>" << std::endl;
00067    file << "<br>weight = " << cpv.weight(v.back())/kg << "kg<br>" << std::endl;
00068    //file << "volume = " << v.back().solid().volume()/m3 << "m3<br>" << std::endl;
00069    //file << "solid  = " << typeid(v.back().solid().rep()).name() << "  ";
00070            streamSolid(v.back().solid(),file);
00071    file << "<br>" << std::endl;
00072    std::string mname = v.back().material().name().name();
00073    std::string mns   = v.back().material().name().ns();
00074    std::string lk = mns + ".html#" + mname;
00075    file << "material = " << "<a href=\""  << lk <<  "\">"  
00076                          << mname << "</a>" << std::endl;
00077    file << "density = "  << v.back().material().density()/g*cm3 << "g/cm3<br>" << std::endl;
00079    // link children
00080    file << "<br>Children:<br>" << std::endl;
00081    std::map<DDLogicalPart,int>::iterator cit = c.begin();
00082    for (; cit != c.end(); ++cit) {
00083      std::string nm, nsp;
00084      nm = cit->; nsp = cit->;
00085      file << "<a href=\"" << link(nm,nsp) << "\">"
00086           << nm  << "(" << cit->second << ")</a> " << std::endl;
00087    }
00089    file << "<br><br>Ancestors:<br>";
00090    int s = v.size();
00091    --s; --s;
00092    for (; s>=0; --s) {
00093      std::string nm,nsp;
00094      nm = v[s].name().name();
00095      nsp = v[s].name().ns();
00096      file << std::string(2*s,' ') << "<a href=\"" << link(nm,nsp) << "\">"
00097               << nm << "</a><br> " << std::endl;
00098    }
00099    file << "<br>SpecPars:<br>" << std::endl;
00100    file << "<table><tbody>" << std::endl;
00101    typedef std::vector< std::pair<DDPartSelection*,DDsvalues_type*> > sv_type;
00102    sv_type sv = v.back().attachedSpecifics();
00103    sv_type::iterator sit = sv.begin();
00104    for (; sit != sv.end(); ++sit) {
00105      file << "<tr>" << std::endl
00106           << " <td>" << *(sit->first) <<"</td>" << std::endl;
00107      file << " <td>";     
00108      DDsvalues_type::iterator svit = sit->second->begin();
00109      for(; svit != sit->second->end(); ++svit) {
00110        file << svit->second << "<br>" <<std::endl;
00111      }
00112      file << "</td>" << std::endl
00113           << "</tr>" << std::endl;
00115    }
00116    file << "</table></tbody>" << std::endl;
00118    file << "<br></body></html>" <<std::endl;
00119    file.close();
00120 }
00122 void writeMaterials(std::map<std::string,std::set<DDMaterial> > & m)
00123 {
00124    std::map<std::string, std::set<DDMaterial> >::iterator it = m.begin();
00125    for (; it != m.end(); ++it) {
00126      std::string fname = it->first + ".html"; 
00127      std::ofstream file(fname.c_str());
00128      file << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">" << std::endl;
00129      file << "<html><head><title>DDD-Materials</title>";
00130      file << "<body>";
00131      std::set<DDMaterial>::iterator mit = it->second.begin();
00132      for (; mit != it->second.end(); ++mit) {
00133        file << "<a name=\"" << mit->name().name() << "\">";
00134        file << mit->name().name() << " d=" << mit->density()/g*cm3 
00135             << "g/cm3";
00137        file << "</a><br>";
00138      }      
00139      file << "</body></html>" << std::endl;
00140      file.close();
00141    }
00143 }
00145 void hierarchy(const DDLogicalPart & parent)
00146 {
00147   static  DDCompactView cpv ;
00148   static DDCompactView::graph_type g = cpv.graph();
00149   static int count=0;
00150   static std::vector<DDLogicalPart> history;
00151   static std::map<std::string,std::set<DDMaterial> > materials;
00152   //DDCompactView::graph_type::adj_iterator it = g.begin();
00154   history.push_back(parent);
00155   materials[parent.material().name().ns()].insert(parent.material());
00156   std::cout << history.size() << std::string(2*count,' ') << " " << parent.ddname() << std::endl;
00157   DDCompactView::graph_type::edge_range er = g.edges(parent);
00158   DDCompactView::graph_type::edge_iterator eit = er.first;
00159   std::map<DDLogicalPart,int> children;
00160   for (; eit != er.second; ++eit) {  
00161      children[g.nodeData(*eit)]++;
00162   }
00164   generateHtml(history,children);
00166   std::map<DDLogicalPart,int>::iterator cit = children.begin();
00167   for (; cit != children.end(); ++cit) {
00168      ++count;
00169      hierarchy(cit->first);
00170      history.pop_back();
00171      --count;
00172   }
00174   writeMaterials(materials);
00175 }