
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DQM/EcalCommon/interface/EcalDQMBinningService.h"
00002 #include "DQM/EcalCommon/interface/EcalDQMCommonUtils.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00008 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/ActivityRegistry.h"
00010 #include "Geometry/EcalMapping/interface/EcalMappingRcd.h"
00011 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/CaloGeometryRecord.h"
00012 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/IdealGeometryRecord.h"
00013 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGeometry.h"
00015 #include <utility>
00016 #include <iomanip>
00017 #include <sstream>
00019 #include "TMath.h"
00020 #include "TObjArray.h"
00021 #include "TObjString.h"
00022 #include "TString.h"
00023 #include "TPRegexp.h"
00025 using namespace ecaldqm;
00027 EcalDQMBinningService::EcalDQMBinningService(const edm::ParameterSet& _ps, edm::ActivityRegistry &_registry) :
00028   cacheId_(0),
00029   cacheOtype_(nObjType),
00030   cacheBtype_(nBinType),
00031   etaBound_(1.479),
00032   geometry_(0),
00033   initialized_(false),
00034   verbosity_(_ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("verbosity"))
00035 {
00036   _registry.watchPostBeginRun(this, &EcalDQMBinningService::postBeginRun);
00037 }
00039 EcalDQMBinningService::~EcalDQMBinningService()
00040 {
00041 }
00043 void
00044 EcalDQMBinningService::postBeginRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &_es)
00045 {
00046   // set up ecaldqm::electronicsMap in EcalDQMCommonUtils
00047   edm::ESHandle<EcalElectronicsMapping> elecMapHandle;
00048   _es.get<EcalMappingRcd>().get(elecMapHandle);
00049   setElectronicsMap(elecMapHandle.product());
00051   // set up ecaldqm::electronicsMap in EcalDQMCommonUtils
00052   edm::ESHandle<EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap> ttMapHandle;
00053   _es.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get(ttMapHandle);
00054   setTrigTowerMap(ttMapHandle.product());
00056   edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geomHndl;
00057   _es.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(geomHndl);
00058   geometry_ = geomHndl.product();
00059   if(!geometry_)
00060     throw cms::Exception("EventSetup") << "CaloGeometry invalid";
00062   initialized_ = true;
00063 }
00065 std::vector<EcalDQMBinningService::AxisSpecs>
00066 EcalDQMBinningService::getBinning(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, bool _isMap/* = true*/, unsigned _objOffset/* = 0*/) const
00067 {
00068   if(_otype >= nObjType || _btype >= unsigned(nPresetBinnings))
00069     return std::vector<AxisSpecs>(0); // you are on your own
00071   switch(_otype){
00072   case kEB:
00073     return getBinningEB_(_btype, _isMap);
00074   case kEBMEM:
00075     return getBinningEBMEM_(_btype, _isMap);
00076   case kEE:
00077     return getBinningEE_(_btype, _isMap, 0);
00078   case kEEm:
00079     return getBinningEE_(_btype, _isMap, -1);
00080   case kEEp:
00081     return getBinningEE_(_btype, _isMap, 1);
00082   case kEEMEM:
00083     return getBinningEEMEM_(_btype, _isMap);
00084   case kSM:
00085     return getBinningSM_(_btype, _isMap, _objOffset);
00086   case kSMMEM:
00087     return getBinningSMMEM_(_btype, _isMap, _objOffset);
00088   case kEcal:
00089     return getBinningEcal_(_btype, _isMap);
00090   default:
00091     return std::vector<AxisSpecs>(0);
00092   }
00093 }
00095 int
00096 EcalDQMBinningService::xlow(int _iSM) const
00097 {
00098   switch(_iSM){
00099   case kEEm01: case kEEp01: return 15;
00100   case kEEm02: case kEEp02: return 0;
00101   case kEEm03: case kEEp03: return 0;
00102   case kEEm04: case kEEp04: return 5;
00103   case kEEm05: case kEEp05: return 30;
00104   case kEEm06: case kEEp06: return 55;
00105   case kEEm07: case kEEp07: return 60;
00106   case kEEm08: case kEEp08: return 55;
00107   case kEEm09: case kEEp09: return 45;
00108   default: break;
00109   }
00111   if(_iSM >= kEBmLow && _iSM <= kEBpHigh) return 0;
00113   return 0;
00114 }
00116 int
00117 EcalDQMBinningService::ylow(int _iSM) const
00118 {
00119   switch(_iSM){
00120   case kEEm01: case kEEp01: case kEEm09: case kEEp09: return 60;
00121   case kEEm02: case kEEp02: case kEEm08: case kEEp08: return 50;
00122   case kEEm03: case kEEp03: case kEEm07: case kEEp07: return 25;
00123   case kEEm04: case kEEp04: case kEEm06: case kEEp06: return 5;
00124   case kEEm05: case kEEp05: return 0;
00125   default: break;
00126   }
00128   if(_iSM >= kEBmLow && _iSM <= kEBmHigh) return ((_iSM - kEBmLow) % 18) * 20;
00129   if(_iSM >= kEBpLow && _iSM <= kEBpHigh) return (-1 - ((_iSM - kEBpLow) % 18)) * 20;
00131   return 0;
00132 }
00134 const std::vector<int>*
00135 EcalDQMBinningService::getBinMap(ObjectType& _okey, BinningType& _bkey) const
00136 {
00137   if(unsigned(_okey) >= nPlotType || unsigned(_bkey) >= nPresetBinnings) return 0;
00139   if((_okey == kEEm || _okey == kEEp) && _bkey == kProjPhi)
00140     _okey = kEE;
00142   if(_bkey == kTriggerTower){
00143     if(_okey == kEB) _bkey = kSuperCrystal;
00144     else if(_okey == kEE || _okey == kEEm || _okey == kEEp) _bkey = kCrystal;
00145   }
00147   if(binMaps_[_okey][_bkey].size() != 0) return &(binMaps_[_okey][_bkey]);
00149   // Map is not defined yet (or is not going to be)
00151   const std::vector<int>* binMap(0);
00153   switch(_okey){
00154   case kEB:
00155     binMap = getBinMapEB_(_bkey);
00156     break;
00157   case kEBMEM:
00158     binMap = getBinMapEBMEM_(_bkey);
00159     break;
00160   case kEE:
00161     binMap = getBinMapEE_(_bkey, 0);
00162     break;
00163   case kEEm:
00164     binMap = getBinMapEE_(_bkey, -1);
00165     break;
00166   case kEEp:
00167     binMap = getBinMapEE_(_bkey, 1);
00168     break;
00169   case kEEMEM:
00170     binMap = getBinMapEEMEM_(_bkey);
00171     break;
00172   case kSM:
00173     binMap = getBinMapSM_(_bkey);
00174     break;
00175   case kSMMEM:
00176     binMap = getBinMapSMMEM_(_bkey);
00177     break;
00178   case kEcal:
00179     binMap = getBinMapEcal_(_bkey);
00180     break;
00181   default:
00182     return 0;
00183   }
00185   if(verbosity_ > 0){
00186     std::cout << "EcalDQMBinningService: Booked new binMap for " << int(_okey) << " " << int(_bkey);
00187     std::cout << " (Current memory usage: ";
00188     int bytes(0);
00189     for(unsigned iO(0); iO < nPlotType; iO++)
00190       for(unsigned iB(0); iB < nPresetBinnings; iB++)
00191         bytes += binMaps_[iO][iB].size() * sizeof(int);
00192     std::cout << bytes / 1024. << "kB)" << std::endl;
00193   }
00195   return binMap;
00196 }
00198 std::pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> >
00199 EcalDQMBinningService::findBins(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, const DetId &_id) const
00200 {
00201   using namespace std;
00203   if(_otype == cacheOtype_ && _btype == cacheBtype_ && _id == cacheId_) return cache_;
00205   pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> > ret(-1, std::vector<int>(0));
00207   if(_otype >= nObjType || _btype >= unsigned(nPresetBinnings)) return ret;
00209   ret.first = findOffset(_otype, _id);
00210   if(ret.first == unsigned(-1)) return ret;
00212   // bring up the appropriate dictionary
00213   ObjectType okey(objectFromOffset(_otype, ret.first));
00214   BinningType bkey(_btype);
00216   if(okey == nObjType) return ret;
00218   const std::vector<int>* binMap(getBinMap(okey, bkey));
00219   if(binMap == 0) return ret;
00221   switch(bkey){
00222   case kCrystal:
00223     findBinsCrystal_(_id, okey, *binMap, ret.second);
00224     break;
00225   case kTriggerTower:
00226     findBinsTriggerTower_(_id, okey, *binMap, ret.second);
00227     break;
00228   case kSuperCrystal:
00229     findBinsSuperCrystal_(_id, okey, *binMap, ret.second);
00230     break;
00231   case kDCC:
00232     findBinsDCC_(_id, okey, *binMap, ret.second);
00233     break;
00234   case kTCC:
00235     findBinsTCC_(_id, okey, *binMap, ret.second);
00236     break;
00237   case kProjEta:
00238     findBinsProjEta_(_id, okey, *binMap, ret.second);
00239     break;
00240   case kProjPhi:
00241     findBinsProjPhi_(_id, okey, *binMap, ret.second);
00242   default :
00243     break;
00244   }
00246   // binMap value differs from actual bin numbers for SM plots
00247   if(_otype == kSM || _otype == kSMMEM){
00248     for(vector<int>::iterator binItr(ret.second.begin()); binItr != ret.second.end(); ++binItr)
00249       *binItr -= smOffsetBins(_otype, _btype, ret.first);
00250   }
00252   cacheId_ = _id;
00253   cacheOtype_ = _otype;
00254   cacheBtype_ = _btype;
00255   cache_ = ret;
00257   return ret;
00258 }
00260 std::pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> >
00261 EcalDQMBinningService::findBins(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, const EcalElectronicsId &_id) const
00262 {
00263   return findBins(_otype, _btype, getElectronicsMap()->getDetId(_id));
00264 }
00266 std::pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> >
00267 EcalDQMBinningService::findBins(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, unsigned _dcctccid) const
00268 {
00269   using namespace std;
00271   if(_otype == cacheOtype_ && _btype == cacheBtype_ && _dcctccid == cacheId_) return cache_;
00273   pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> > ret(-1, std::vector<int>(0));
00275   if(_btype != kTCC && _btype != kDCC) return ret;
00277   ret.first = findOffset(_otype, _btype, _dcctccid);
00279   if(ret.first == unsigned(-1)) return ret;
00281   // bring up the appropriate dictionary
00282   ObjectType okey(objectFromOffset(_otype, ret.first));
00283   BinningType bkey(_btype);
00285   const std::vector<int>* binMap(getBinMap(okey, bkey));
00286   if(binMap == 0) return ret;
00288   unsigned index(_dcctccid - 1);
00290   if(bkey == kDCC){
00291     if(okey == kEB) index -= kEBmLow;
00292     else if(okey == kEE && index >= kEEpLow) index -= (kEBpHigh - kEEmHigh);
00293     else if(okey == kEEp) index -= kEEpLow;
00294   }
00295   else{
00296     if(okey == kEB) index -= kEBTCCLow;
00297     else if(okey == kEE && index >= kEEpLow) index -= (kEBTCCHigh - kEEmTCCHigh);
00298     else if(okey == kEEp) index -= kEEpTCCLow;
00299   }
00301   ret.second.push_back(binMap->at(index));
00303   cacheId_ = _dcctccid;
00304   cacheOtype_ = _otype;
00305   cacheBtype_ = _btype;
00306   cache_ = ret;
00308   return ret;
00309 }
00311 std::pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> >
00312 EcalDQMBinningService::findBinsNoMap(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, const DetId& _id) const
00313 {
00314   using namespace std;
00316   // Not yet implemented to scale to general cases
00317   if(!((_otype == kSM && _btype == kSuperCrystal) ||
00318        (_otype == kSM && _btype == kTriggerTower) ||
00319        (_otype == kEcal2P && _btype == kDCC) ||
00320        (_otype == kEcal2P && _btype == kTCC)))
00321     throw cms::Exception("NotImplemented") << "1D bin finding only for SM - SC plots or Ecal2P - DCC plots" << std::endl;
00323   if(_otype == kEcal2P && (_btype == kDCC || _btype == kTCC))
00324     return findBins(_otype, _btype, _id);
00326   pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> > ret(-1, std::vector<int>(0));
00328   ret.first = findOffset(_otype, _id);
00329   if(ret.first == unsigned(-1)) return ret;
00331   if(_otype == kSM && _btype == kSuperCrystal)
00332     ret.second.push_back(towerId(_id));
00333   else if(_otype == kSM && _btype == kTriggerTower){
00334     unsigned tccid(tccId(_id));
00335     if(tccid >= 37 && tccid <= 72) // EB
00336       ret.second.push_back(ttId(_id));
00337     else{
00338       unsigned bin(ttId(_id));
00339       tccid = (tccid - 1) % 36;
00340       bool outer(tccid >= 18);
00341       tccid = (tccid + 1) % 18; // TCC numbering is shifted wrt DCC numbering by one 
00342       if(outer) bin += 48;
00343       bin += (tccid % 2) * (outer ? 16 : 24);
00344       ret.second.push_back(bin);
00345     }
00346   }
00348   return ret;
00349 }
00351 std::pair<unsigned, std::vector<int> >
00352 EcalDQMBinningService::findBinsNoMap(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, const EcalElectronicsId& _id) const
00353 {
00354   return findBinsNoMap(_otype, _btype, getElectronicsMap()->getDetId(_id));
00355 }
00357 unsigned
00358 EcalDQMBinningService::findOffset(ObjectType _otype, const DetId &_id) const
00359 {
00360   if(_otype == cacheOtype_ && _id == cacheId_) return cache_.first;
00362   unsigned iSM(dccId(_id) - 1);
00364   if(_otype == kEcal3P){
00365     if(iSM <= kEEmHigh) return findOffset(kEcal3P, kUser, (unsigned)kEEm + 1);
00366     else if(iSM <= kEBpHigh) return findOffset(kEcal3P, kUser, (unsigned)kEB + 1);
00367     else return findOffset(kEcal3P, kUser, (unsigned)kEEp + 1);
00368   }
00369   else if(_otype == kEcal2P){
00370     if(iSM <= kEEmHigh) return findOffset(kEcal2P, kUser, (unsigned)kEE + 1);
00371     else if(iSM <= kEBpHigh) return findOffset(kEcal2P, kUser, (unsigned)kEB + 1);
00372     else return findOffset(kEcal2P, kUser, (unsigned)kEE + 1);
00373   }
00374   else if(_otype == kEcal)
00375     return 0;
00376   else if(_otype == kEcalMEM2P){
00377     if(iSM <= kEEmHigh) return findOffset(kEcal2P, kUser, (unsigned)kEE + 1);
00378     else if(iSM <= kEBpHigh) return findOffset(kEcal2P, kUser, (unsigned)kEB + 1);
00379     else return findOffset(kEcal2P, kUser, (unsigned)kEE + 1);
00380   }
00382   return findOffset(_otype, kDCC, iSM + 1);
00383 }
00385 unsigned
00386 EcalDQMBinningService::findOffset(ObjectType _otype, const EcalElectronicsId &_id) const
00387 {
00388   return findOffset(_otype, getElectronicsMap()->getDetId(_id));
00389 }
00391 unsigned
00392 EcalDQMBinningService::findOffset(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, unsigned _dcctccid) const
00393 {
00394   unsigned iSM(_dcctccid - 1);
00396   switch(_otype){
00397   case kEB:
00398     if(_btype == kDCC && iSM >= kEBmLow && iSM <= kEBpHigh) return 0;
00399     else if(_btype == kTCC && iSM >= kEBTCCLow && iSM <= kEBTCCHigh) return 0;
00400     return -1;
00401   case kEE:
00402     if(_btype == kDCC && 
00403        (iSM <= kEEmHigh ||
00404         (iSM >= kEEpLow && iSM <= kEEpHigh))) return 0;
00405     else if(_btype == kTCC && 
00406             (iSM <= kEEmTCCHigh ||
00407              (iSM >= kEEpTCCLow && iSM <= kEEpTCCHigh))) return 0;
00408     return -1;
00409   case kEEm:
00410     if(_btype == kDCC && iSM <= kEEmHigh) return 0;
00411     else if(_btype == kTCC && iSM <= kEEmTCCHigh) return 0;
00412     else return -1;
00413   case kEEp:
00414     if(_btype == kDCC && (iSM >= kEEpLow && iSM <= kEEpHigh)) return 0;
00415     else if(_btype == kTCC && (iSM >= kEEpTCCLow && iSM <= kEEpTCCHigh)) return 0;
00416     else return -1;
00417   case kSM:
00418     if(iSM < nDCC) return iSM;
00419     else return -1;
00420   case kSMMEM:
00421     if(iSM < nDCC && dccNoMEM.find(iSM) == dccNoMEM.end()) return memDCCIndex(_dcctccid);
00422     else return -1;
00423   case kEcal:
00424     if(_btype == kDCC && iSM < nDCC) return 0;
00425     else if(_btype == kTCC && iSM < nTCC) return 0;
00426     else if(_btype == kUser) return 0;
00427     else return -1;
00428   case kEcal2P:
00429     {
00430       int iSubdet(iSM);
00431       if(_btype == kDCC){
00432         if(iSM <= kEEmHigh) iSubdet = kEE;
00433         else if(iSM <= kEBpHigh) iSubdet = kEB;
00434         else iSubdet = kEE;
00435       }
00436       else if(_btype == kTCC){
00437         if(iSM <= kEEmTCCHigh) iSubdet = kEE;
00438         else if(iSM <= kEBTCCHigh) iSubdet = kEB;
00439         else iSubdet = kEE;
00440       }
00441       if(iSubdet == kEE || iSubdet == kEEm || iSubdet == kEEp) return 0;
00442       else if(iSubdet == kEB) return 1;
00443       else return -1;
00444     }
00445   case kEcal3P:
00446     {
00447       int iSubdet(iSM);
00448       if(_btype == kDCC){
00449         if(iSM <= kEEmHigh) iSubdet = kEEm;
00450         else if(iSM <= kEBpHigh) iSubdet = kEB;
00451         else iSubdet = kEEp;
00452       }
00453       else if(_btype == kTCC){
00454         if(iSM <= kEEmTCCHigh) iSubdet = kEEm;
00455         else if(iSM <= kEBTCCHigh) iSubdet = kEB;
00456         else iSubdet = kEEp;
00457       }
00458       if(iSubdet == kEEm) return 0;
00459       else if(iSubdet == kEB) return 1;
00460       else if(iSubdet == kEEp) return 2;
00461       else return -1;
00462     }
00463   case kEcalMEM2P:
00464     {
00465       int iSubdet(iSM);
00466       if(iSubdet == kEE || iSubdet == kEEm || iSubdet == kEEp) return 0;
00467       else if(iSubdet == kEB) return 1;
00468       else return -1;
00469     }
00470   default:
00471     return -1;
00472   }
00473 }
00475 EcalDQMBinningService::ObjectType
00476 EcalDQMBinningService::objectFromOffset(ObjectType _otype, unsigned _offset) const
00477 {
00478   if(_otype == kEcal3P) {
00479     switch(_offset){
00480     case 0: return kEEm;
00481     case 1: return kEB;
00482     case 2: return kEEp;
00483     default: return nObjType;
00484     }
00485   }
00486   else if(_otype == kEcal2P){
00487     switch(_offset){
00488     case 0: return kEE;
00489     case 1: return kEB;
00490     default: return nObjType;
00491     }
00492   }
00493   else if(_otype == kEcalMEM2P){
00494     switch(_offset){
00495     case 0: return kEEMEM;
00496     case 1: return kEBMEM;
00497     default: return nObjType;
00498     }
00499   }
00500   else
00501     return _otype;
00502 }
00504 int
00505 EcalDQMBinningService::smOffsetBins(ObjectType _otype, BinningType _btype, unsigned _offset) const
00506 {
00507   if(!_offset) return 0;
00509   switch(_otype) {
00510   case kSM :
00511     {
00512       int bins(0);
00513       int offset(_offset);
00515       if(offset > kEEpLow){
00516         int ext(0);
00517         if(offset > kEEp02) ext += 1;
00518         if(offset > kEEp08) ext += 1;
00519         int offBins(nEESMBins * (offset - kEEpLow) + (nEESMBinsExt - nEESMBins) * ext);
00520         switch(_btype){
00521         case kCrystal:
00522         case kTriggerTower:
00523           bins += offBins; break;
00524         case kSuperCrystal:
00525           bins += offBins / 25; break;
00526         default:
00527           break;
00528         }
00529         offset = kEEpLow;
00530       }
00531       if(offset > kEBmLow){
00532         int offBins(nEBSMBins * (offset - kEBmLow));
00533         switch(_btype){
00534         case kCrystal:
00535           bins += offBins; break;
00536         case kTriggerTower:
00537         case kSuperCrystal:
00538           bins += offBins / 25; break;
00539         default:
00540           break;
00541         }
00542         offset = kEBmLow;
00543       }
00544       if(offset > kEEmLow){
00545         int ext(0);
00546         if(offset > kEEm02) ext += 1;
00547         if(offset > kEEm08) ext += 1;
00548         int offBins(nEESMBins * (offset - kEEmLow) + (nEESMBinsExt - nEESMBins) * ext);
00549         switch(_btype){
00550         case kCrystal:
00551         case kTriggerTower:
00552           bins += offBins; break;
00553         case kSuperCrystal:
00554           bins += offBins / 25; break;
00555         default:
00556           break;
00557         }
00558       }
00560       return bins;
00561     }
00562   case kSMMEM :
00563     {
00564       return _offset * 10;
00565     }
00566   default :
00567     break;
00568   }
00570   return 0;
00571 }
00573 std::string
00574 EcalDQMBinningService::channelName(uint32_t _rawId, BinningType _btype/* = kDCC*/) const
00575 {
00576   std::stringstream ss;
00578   switch(_btype){
00579   case kCrystal:
00580     {
00581       // EB-03 DCC 12 CCU 12 strip 3 xtal 1 (EB ieta -13 iphi 60) (TCC 39 TT 12 pstrip 3 chan 1)
00582       EcalElectronicsId eid(_rawId);
00583       ss << smName(eid.dccId()) << " DCC " << eid.dccId() << " CCU " << eid.towerId() << " strip " << eid.stripId() << " xtal " << eid.xtalId();
00584       if(eid.towerId() >= 69) break;
00586       if(eid.dccId() >= kEBmLow + 1 && eid.dccId() <= kEBpHigh + 1){
00587         EBDetId ebid(getElectronicsMap()->getDetId(eid));
00588         ss << " (EB ieta " << std::showpos << ebid.ieta() << std::noshowpos << " iphi " << ebid.iphi() << ")";
00589       }
00590       else{
00591         EEDetId eeid(getElectronicsMap()->getDetId(eid));
00592         ss << " (EE ix " << eeid.ix() << " iy " << eeid.iy() << ")";
00593       }
00594       EcalTriggerElectronicsId teid(getElectronicsMap()->getTriggerElectronicsId(eid));
00595       ss << " (TCC " << teid.tccId() << " TT " << teid.ttId() << " pstrip " << teid.pseudoStripId() << " chan " << teid.channelId() << ")";
00596       break;
00597     }
00598   case kTriggerTower:
00599     {
00600       // EB-03 DCC 12 TCC 18 TT 3
00601       EcalTriggerElectronicsId teid(_rawId);
00602       EcalElectronicsId eid(getElectronicsMap()->getElectronicsId(teid));
00603       ss << smName(eid.dccId()) << " DCC " << eid.dccId() << " TCC " << teid.tccId() << " TT " << teid.ttId();
00604       break;
00605     }
00606   case kSuperCrystal:
00607     {
00608       // EB-03 DCC 12 CCU 18 (EBTT ieta -13 iphi 60)
00609       EcalElectronicsId eid(_rawId);
00610       ss << smName(eid.dccId()) << " DCC " << eid.dccId() << " CCU " << eid.towerId();
00611       if(eid.dccId() >= kEBmLow + 1 && eid.dccId() <= kEBpHigh + 1){
00612         EcalTrigTowerDetId ttid(EBDetId(getElectronicsMap()->getDetId(eid)).tower());
00613         ss << " (EBTT ieta " << std::showpos << ttid.ieta() << std::noshowpos << " iphi " << ttid.iphi() << ")";
00614       }
00615       else{
00616         EcalScDetId scid(EEDetId(getElectronicsMap()->getDetId(eid)).sc());
00617         ss << " (EESC ix " << scid.ix() << " iy " << scid.iy() << ")";
00618       }
00619       break;
00620     }
00621   case kTCC:
00622     {
00623       // EB-03 TCC 12
00624       int tccid(_rawId - nDCC);
00625       int dccid(getElectronicsMap()->DCCid(getElectronicsMap()->getTrigTowerDetId(tccid, 1)));
00626       ss << smName(dccid) << " TCC " << (_rawId - nDCC);
00627       break;
00628     }
00629   case kDCC:
00630     ss << smName(_rawId);
00631     break;
00632   default:
00633     break;
00634   }
00636   return ss.str();
00637 }
00639 uint32_t
00640 EcalDQMBinningService::idFromName(std::string const& _name) const
00641 {
00642   TString name(_name);
00643   TPRegexp re("(EB|EE)([+-][0-9][0-9])(?: TCC ([0-9]+)| DCC ([0-9]+) (CCU|TCC) ([0-9]+)(?: (?:TT|strip) ([0-9]+)(?: xtal ([0-9]+)|)|)|)");
00644   //            1      2                       3             4        5         6                        7                8
00645   uint32_t rawId(0);
00647   TObjArray* matches(re.MatchS(name));
00648   if(matches->GetEntries() == 0) return 0;
00649   else if(matches->GetEntries() == 3){
00650     TString subdet(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(1))->GetString());
00651     if(subdet == "EB"){
00652       int dccid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(2))->GetString().Atoi());
00653       unsigned offset(0);
00654       if(dccid < 0){
00655         dccid *= -1;
00656         offset = kEEmLow;
00657       }
00658       else offset = kEEpLow;
00659       rawId = (dccid + 2) % 9 + 1 + offset;
00660     }
00661     else{
00662       int dccid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(2))->GetString().Atoi());
00663       if(dccid < 0) dccid *= -1;
00664       else dccid += 18;
00665       rawId = kEBmLow + dccid;
00666     }
00667   }
00668   else if(matches->GetEntries() == 4)
00669     rawId = static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(3))->GetString().Atoi() + nDCC;
00670   else{
00671     TString subtype(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(5))->GetString());
00672     if(subtype == "TCC"){
00673       int tccid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(6))->GetString().Atoi());
00674       int ttid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(7))->GetString().Atoi());
00675       rawId = EcalTriggerElectronicsId(tccid, ttid, 1, 1).rawId();
00676     }
00677     else{
00678       int dccid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(4))->GetString().Atoi());
00679       int towerid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(6))->GetString().Atoi());
00680       if(matches->GetEntries() == 7)
00681         rawId = EcalElectronicsId(dccid, towerid, 1, 1).rawId();
00682       else{
00683         int stripid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(7))->GetString().Atoi());
00684         int xtalid(static_cast<TObjString*>(matches->At(8))->GetString().Atoi());
00685         rawId = EcalElectronicsId(dccid, towerid, stripid, xtalid).rawId();
00686       }
00687     }
00688   }
00690   delete matches;
00692   return rawId;
00693 }