
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 patJets = cms.EDProducer("PATJetProducer",
00004     # input
00005     jetSource = cms.InputTag("ak5CaloJets"),
00006     # add user data
00007     userData = cms.PSet(
00008       # add custom classes here
00009       userClasses = cms.PSet(
00010         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00011       ),
00012       # add doubles here
00013       userFloats = cms.PSet(
00014         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00015       ),
00016       # add ints here
00017       userInts = cms.PSet(
00018         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00019       ),
00020       # add candidate ptrs here
00021       userCands = cms.PSet(
00022         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00023       ),
00024       # add "inline" functions here
00025       userFunctions = cms.vstring(),
00026       userFunctionLabels = cms.vstring()
00027     ),
00028     # embedding of RECO items (do not use on AOD input!)
00029     #embedCaloTowers = cms.bool(False), # optional
00030     # embedding of AOD items
00031     embedPFCandidates = cms.bool(False),
00032     # jet energy corrections
00033     addJetCorrFactors    = cms.bool(True),
00034     jetCorrFactorsSource = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("patJetCorrFactors") ),
00035     # btag information
00036     addBTagInfo          = cms.bool(True),   ## master switch
00037     addDiscriminators    = cms.bool(True),   ## addition btag discriminators
00038     discriminatorSources = cms.VInputTag(
00039         cms.InputTag("combinedSecondaryVertexBJetTags"),
00040         cms.InputTag("combinedSecondaryVertexMVABJetTags"),
00041         cms.InputTag("jetBProbabilityBJetTags"),
00042         cms.InputTag("jetProbabilityBJetTags"),
00043         cms.InputTag("simpleSecondaryVertexHighEffBJetTags"),
00044         cms.InputTag("simpleSecondaryVertexHighPurBJetTags"),
00045         cms.InputTag("softElectronByPtBJetTags"),
00046         cms.InputTag("softElectronByIP3dBJetTags"),
00047         cms.InputTag("softMuonBJetTags"),
00048         cms.InputTag("softMuonByPtBJetTags"),
00049         cms.InputTag("softMuonByIP3dBJetTags"),
00050         cms.InputTag("trackCountingHighEffBJetTags"),
00051         cms.InputTag("trackCountingHighPurBJetTags"),
00052     ),
00053     # clone tag infos ATTENTION: these take lots of space!
00054     # usually the discriminators from the default algos
00055     # are sufficient
00056     addTagInfos     = cms.bool(False),
00057     tagInfoSources  = cms.VInputTag(),
00058     # track association
00059     addAssociatedTracks    = cms.bool(True),
00060     trackAssociationSource = cms.InputTag("ak5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex"),
00061     # jet charge
00062     addJetCharge    = cms.bool(True),
00063     jetChargeSource = cms.InputTag("patJetCharge"),
00064     # add jet ID for calo jets. This should be of type ak5JetID, ak7JetID, ...
00065     addJetID = cms.bool(False),
00066     jetIDMap = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"),
00067     # mc matching
00068     addGenPartonMatch   = cms.bool(True),                           ## switch on/off matching to quarks from hard scatterin
00069     embedGenPartonMatch = cms.bool(True),                           ## switch on/off embedding of the GenParticle parton for this jet
00070     genPartonMatch      = cms.InputTag("patJetPartonMatch"),        ## particles source to be used for the matching
00071     addGenJetMatch      = cms.bool(True),                           ## switch on/off matching to GenJet's
00072     embedGenJetMatch    = cms.bool(True),                           ## switch on/off embedding of matched genJet's
00073     genJetMatch         = cms.InputTag("patJetGenJetMatch"),        ## GenJet source to be used for the matching
00074     addPartonJetMatch   = cms.bool(False),                          ## switch on/off matching to PartonJet's (not implemented yet)
00075     partonJetSource     = cms.InputTag("NOT_IMPLEMENTED"),          ## ParticleJet source to be used for the matching
00076     # jet flavour idetification configurables
00077     getJetMCFlavour    = cms.bool(True),
00078     JetPartonMapSource = cms.InputTag("patJetFlavourAssociation"),
00079     # efficiencies
00080     addEfficiencies = cms.bool(False),
00081     efficiencies    = cms.PSet(),
00082     # resolution
00083     addResolutions = cms.bool(False),
00084     resolutions     = cms.PSet()
00085 )