
Go to the documentation of this file.
00013 // SiPixel Gaussian Smearing
00014 #include "SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm.h"
00016 // Geometry
00017 //#include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
00018 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDetUnit.h"
00019 //#include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDetType.h"
00020 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/RectangularPixelTopology.h"
00021 #include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/LocalPoint.h"
00022 #include "DataFormats/GeometryCommonDetAlgo/interface/MeasurementPoint.h"
00024 // Famos
00025 #include "FastSimulation/Utilities/interface/RandomEngine.h"
00026 #include "FastSimulation/Utilities/interface/SimpleHistogramGenerator.h"
00028 // STL
00030 // ROOT
00031 #include <TFile.h>
00032 #include <TH1F.h>
00033 //#include <TAxis.h>
00035 //#define FAMOS_DEBUG
00037 const double PI = 3.14159265358979323;
00038 const double microntocm = 0.0001;
00039 using namespace std;
00041 SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm::SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm(
00042   const edm::ParameterSet& pset,
00043   GeomDetType::SubDetector pixelPart,
00044   const RandomEngine* engine)
00045 :
00046   pset_(pset),
00047   thePixelPart(pixelPart),
00048   random(engine)
00049 {
00050   // Switch between old (ORCA) and new (CMSSW) pixel parameterization
00051   useCMSSWPixelParameterization = pset.getParameter<bool>("UseCMSSWPixelParametrization");
00053   if( thePixelPart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel ) {
00054      isForward = false;
00055      thePixelResolutionFileName1 = pset_.getParameter<string>( "NewPixelBarrelResolutionFile1" );
00056      thePixelResolutionFile1 = new 
00057        TFile( edm::FileInPath( thePixelResolutionFileName1 ).fullPath().c_str()  ,"READ");
00058      thePixelResolutionFileName2 =  pset_.getParameter<string>( "NewPixelBarrelResolutionFile2" );
00059      thePixelResolutionFile2 = new
00060        TFile( edm::FileInPath( thePixelResolutionFileName2 ).fullPath().c_str()  ,"READ");
00061      initializeBarrel();
00062      tempId = pset_.getParameter<int> ( "templateIdBarrel" );
00063      if( ! templ.pushfile(tempId) )
00064          throw cms::Exception("SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm:")
00065                 <<"SiPixel Barrel Template Not Loaded Correctly!"<<endl;
00066 #ifdef  FAMOS_DEBUG
00067      cout<<"The Barrel map size is "<<theXHistos.size()<<" and "<<theYHistos.size()<<endl;
00068 #endif
00069   }
00070   else
00071   if ( thePixelPart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap ) {
00072      isForward = true;
00073      thePixelResolutionFileName1 = pset_.getParameter<string>( "NewPixelForwardResolutionFile" );
00074      thePixelResolutionFile1 = new
00075        TFile( edm::FileInPath( thePixelResolutionFileName1 ).fullPath().c_str()  ,"READ");
00076      initializeForward();
00077      tempId = pset_.getParameter<int> ( "templateIdForward" );
00078      if( ! templ.pushfile(tempId) )
00079          throw cms::Exception("SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm:")
00080                 <<"SiPixel Forward Template Not Loaded Correctly!"<<endl;
00081 #ifdef  FAMOS_DEBUG
00082      cout<<"The Forward map size is "<<theXHistos.size()<<" and "<<theYHistos.size()<<endl;
00083 #endif
00084   }
00085   else
00086      throw cms::Exception("SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm :")
00087        <<"Not a pixel detector"<<endl;
00088 }
00090 SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm::~SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm()
00091 {
00093   std::map<unsigned,const SimpleHistogramGenerator*>::const_iterator it;
00094   for ( it=theXHistos.begin(); it!=theXHistos.end(); ++it )
00095     delete it->second;
00096   for ( it=theYHistos.begin(); it!=theYHistos.end(); ++it )
00097     delete it->second;
00099   theXHistos.clear();
00100   theYHistos.clear();
00102 }
00104 void SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm::smearHit(
00105   const PSimHit& simHit,
00106   const PixelGeomDetUnit* detUnit,
00107   const double boundX,
00108   const double boundY)
00109 {
00111 #ifdef FAMOS_DEBUG
00112   std::cout << " Pixel smearing in " << thePixelPart 
00113             << std::endl;
00114 #endif
00115   //
00116   // at the beginning the position is the Local Point in the local pixel module reference frame
00117   // same code as in PixelCPEBase
00118   LocalVector localDir = simHit.momentumAtEntry().unit();
00119   float locx = localDir.x();
00120   float locy = localDir.y();
00121   float locz = localDir.z();
00123   // alpha: angle with respect to local x axis in local (x,z) plane
00124   float cotalpha = locx/locz;
00125   if ( isFlipped( detUnit ) ) { // &&& check for FPIX !!!
00126 #ifdef FAMOS_DEBUG
00127     std::cout << " isFlipped " << std::endl;
00128 #endif
00129   }
00130   // beta: angle with respect to local y axis in local (y,z) plane
00131   float cotbeta = locy/locz;
00132   float sign=1.;
00133   if( isForward ) {
00134     if( cotbeta < 0 ) sign=-1.;
00135     cotbeta = sign*cotbeta;
00136   }
00139   //
00140 #ifdef FAMOS_DEBUG
00141   std::cout << " Local Direction " << simHit.localDirection()
00142             << " cotalpha(x) = " << cotalpha
00143             << " cotbeta(y) = "  << cotbeta
00144             << std::endl;
00145 #endif
00147   const PixelTopology* theSpecificTopology = &(detUnit->specificType().specificTopology());
00148   const RectangularPixelTopology *rectPixelTopology = static_cast<const RectangularPixelTopology*>(theSpecificTopology);
00150   const int nrows = theSpecificTopology->nrows();
00151   const int ncolumns = theSpecificTopology->ncolumns();
00153   const Local3DPoint lp = simHit.localPosition();
00154   //Transform local position to measurement position
00155   const MeasurementPoint mp = rectPixelTopology->measurementPosition( lp );
00156   float mpy = mp.y();
00157   float mpx = mp.x();
00158   //Get the center of the struck pixel in measurement position
00159   float pixelCenterY = 0.5 + (int)mpy;
00160   float pixelCenterX = 0.5 + (int)mpx;
00161 #ifdef FAMOS_DEBUG
00162   cout<<"Struck pixel center at pitch units x: "<<pixelCenterX<<" y: "<<pixelCenterY<<endl;
00163 #endif
00165   const MeasurementPoint mpCenter(pixelCenterX, pixelCenterY);
00166   //Transform the center of the struck pixel back into local position
00167   const Local3DPoint lpCenter = rectPixelTopology->localPosition( mpCenter );
00168 #ifdef FAMOS_DEBUG
00169   cout<<"Struck point at cm x: "<<lp.x()<<" y: "<<lp.y()<<endl;
00170   cout<<"Struck pixel center at cm x: "<<lpCenter.x()<<" y: "<<lpCenter.y()<<endl;
00171   cout<<"The boundX is "<<boundX<<" boundY is "<<boundY<<endl;
00172 #endif
00174   //Get the relative position of struck point to the center of the struck pixel
00175   float xtrk = lp.x() - lpCenter.x();
00176   float ytrk = lp.y() - lpCenter.y();
00177   //Pixel Y, X pitch
00178   const float ysize={0.015}, xsize={0.01};
00179   //Variables for SiPixelTemplate input, see SiPixelTemplate reco
00180   float yhit = 20. + 8.*(ytrk/ysize);
00181   float xhit = 20. + 8.*(xtrk/xsize);
00182   int   ybin = (int)yhit;
00183   int   xbin = (int)xhit;
00184   float yfrac= yhit - (float)ybin;
00185   float xfrac= xhit - (float)xbin;
00186   //Protect againt ybin, xbin being outside of range [0-39]
00187   if( ybin < 0 )    ybin = 0;
00188   if( ybin > 39 )   ybin = 39;
00189   if( xbin < 0 )    xbin = 0;
00190   if( xbin > 39 )   xbin = 39; 
00192   //Variables for SiPixelTemplate output
00193   //qBin -- normalized pixel charge deposition
00194   float qbin_frac[4];
00195   //Single pixel cluster projection possibility
00196   float ny1_frac, ny2_frac, nx1_frac, nx2_frac;
00197   bool singlex = false, singley = false;
00198   templ.interpolate(tempId, cotalpha, cotbeta);
00199   templ.qbin_dist(tempId, cotalpha, cotbeta, qbin_frac, ny1_frac, ny2_frac, nx1_frac, nx2_frac );
00200   int  nqbin;
00202   double xsizeProbability = random->flatShoot();
00203   double ysizeProbability = random->flatShoot();
00204   bool hitbigx = rectPixelTopology->isItBigPixelInX( (int)mpx );
00205   bool hitbigy = rectPixelTopology->isItBigPixelInY( (int)mpy );
00207   if( hitbigx ) 
00208     if( xsizeProbability < nx2_frac )  singlex = true;
00209     else singlex = false;
00210   else
00211     if( xsizeProbability < nx1_frac )  singlex = true;
00212     else singlex = false;
00214   if( hitbigy )
00215     if( ysizeProbability < ny2_frac )  singley = true;
00216     else singley = false;
00217   else
00218     if( ysizeProbability < ny1_frac )  singley = true;
00219     else singley = false;
00223   // random multiplicity for alpha and beta
00224   double qbinProbability = random->flatShoot();
00225   for(int i = 0; i<4; ++i) {
00226      nqbin = i;
00227      if(qbinProbability < qbin_frac[i]) break;
00228   }
00230   //Store interpolated pixel cluster profile
00231   //BYSIZE, BXSIZE, const definition from SiPixelTemplate
00232   float ytempl[41][BYSIZE] = {{0}}, xtempl[41][BXSIZE] = {{0}} ;
00233   templ.ytemp(0, 40, ytempl);
00234   templ.xtemp(0, 40, xtempl);
00236   std::vector<double> ytemp(BYSIZE);
00237   for( int i=0; i<BYSIZE; ++i) {
00238      ytemp[i]=(1.-yfrac)*ytempl[ybin][i]+yfrac*ytempl[ybin+1][i];
00239   }
00241   std::vector<double> xtemp(BXSIZE);
00242   for(int i=0; i<BXSIZE; ++i) {
00243      xtemp[i]=(1.-xfrac)*xtempl[xbin][i]+xfrac*xtempl[xbin+1][i];
00244   }
00246   //Pixel readout threshold
00247   const float qThreshold = templ.s50()*2.0;
00249   //Cut away pixels below readout threshold
00250   //For cluster lengths calculation
00251   int offsetX1=0, offsetX2=0, offsetY1=0, offsetY2=0;
00252   int firstY, lastY, firstX, lastX;
00253   for( firstY = 0; firstY < BYSIZE; ++firstY ) {
00254     bool yCluster = ytemp[firstY] > qThreshold ;
00255     if( yCluster )
00256     {
00257       offsetY1 = BHY -firstY;
00258       break;
00259     }
00260   }
00261   for( lastY = firstY; lastY < BYSIZE; ++lastY )
00262   {
00263     bool yCluster = ytemp[lastY] > qThreshold ;
00264     if( !yCluster )
00265     {
00266       lastY = lastY - 1;
00267       offsetY2 = lastY - BHY;
00268       break;
00269     }
00270   }
00272   for( firstX = 0; firstX < BXSIZE; ++firstX )  {
00273     bool xCluster = xtemp[firstX] > qThreshold ;
00274     if( xCluster ) {
00275       offsetX1 = BHX - firstX;
00276       break;
00277     }
00278   }
00279   for( lastX = firstX; lastX < BXSIZE; ++ lastX ) {
00280     bool xCluster = xtemp[lastX] > qThreshold ;
00281     if( !xCluster ) {
00282       lastX = lastX - 1;
00283       offsetX2 = lastX - BHX;
00284       break;
00285     }
00286   }
00288   bool edge, edgex, edgey;
00289   //  bool bigx, bigy;
00290   unsigned int clslenx = offsetX1 + offsetX2 + 1;
00291   unsigned int clsleny = offsetY1 + offsetY2 + 1;
00293   theClslenx = clslenx;
00294   theClsleny = clsleny;
00296   int firstPixelInX = (int)mpx - offsetX1 ;
00297   int firstPixelInY = (int)mpy - offsetY1 ;
00298   int lastPixelInX  = (int)mpx + offsetX2 ;
00299   int lastPixelInY  = (int)mpy + offsetY2 ;
00300   firstPixelInX = (firstPixelInX >= 0) ? firstPixelInX : 0 ;
00301   firstPixelInY = (firstPixelInY >= 0) ? firstPixelInY : 0 ;
00302   lastPixelInX  = (lastPixelInX < nrows ) ? lastPixelInX : nrows-1 ;
00303   lastPixelInY  = (lastPixelInY < ncolumns ) ? lastPixelInY : ncolumns-1;
00305   edgex = rectPixelTopology->isItEdgePixelInX( firstPixelInX ) || rectPixelTopology->isItEdgePixelInX( lastPixelInX );
00306   edgey = rectPixelTopology->isItEdgePixelInY( firstPixelInY ) || rectPixelTopology->isItEdgePixelInY( lastPixelInY );
00307   edge = edgex || edgey;
00309   //  bigx = rectPixelTopology->isItBigPixelInX( firstPixelInX ) || rectPixelTopology->isItBigPixelInX( lastPixelInX );
00310   //  bigy = rectPixelTopology->isItBigPixelInY( firstPixelInY ) || rectPixelTopology->isItBigPixelInY( lastPixelInY );
00311   bool hasBigPixelInX = rectPixelTopology->containsBigPixelInX( firstPixelInX, lastPixelInX );
00312   bool hasBigPixelInY = rectPixelTopology->containsBigPixelInY( firstPixelInY, lastPixelInY );
00314   //Variables for SiPixelTemplate pixel hit error output
00315   float sigmay, sigmax, sy1, sy2, sx1, sx2;
00316   templ.temperrors(tempId, cotalpha, cotbeta, nqbin, sigmay, sigmax, sy1, sy2, sx1, sx2 );
00318   // define private mebers --> Errors
00319   if( edge ) {
00320     if( edgex && !edgey ) {
00321       theErrorX = 23.0*microntocm;
00322       theErrorY = 39.0*microntocm;
00323     }
00324     else if( !edgex && edgey ) {
00325       theErrorX = 24.0*microntocm;
00326       theErrorY = 96.0*microntocm;
00327     }
00328     else
00329     {
00330       theErrorX = 31.0*microntocm;
00331       theErrorY = 90.0*microntocm;
00332     }
00334   }  
00335   else {
00336     if( singlex )
00337       if ( hitbigx )
00338         theErrorX = sx2*microntocm;
00339       else
00340         theErrorX = sx1*microntocm;
00341     else  theErrorX = sigmax*microntocm;
00342     if( singley )
00343       if( hitbigy )
00344         theErrorY = sy2*microntocm;
00345       else
00346         theErrorY = sy1*microntocm;
00347     else  theErrorY = sigmay*microntocm;
00348   }
00349   theErrorZ = 1e-8; // 1 um means zero
00350   theError = LocalError( theErrorX*theErrorX, 0., theErrorY*theErrorY);
00351   // Local Error is 2D: (xx,xy,yy), square of sigma in first an third position 
00352   // as for resolution matrix
00353   //
00354 #ifdef FAMOS_DEBUG
00355   std::cout << " Pixel Errors "
00356             << "\talpha(x) = " << theErrorX
00357             << "\tbeta(y) = "  << theErrorY
00358             << std::endl;       
00359 #endif
00360   // Generate position
00361   // get resolution histograms
00362   int cotalphaHistBin = (int)( ( cotalpha - rescotAlpha_binMin ) / rescotAlpha_binWidth + 1 );
00363   int cotbetaHistBin  = (int)( ( cotbeta  - rescotBeta_binMin )  / rescotBeta_binWidth + 1 );
00364   // protection against out-of-range (undeflows and overflows)
00365   if( cotalphaHistBin < 1 ) cotalphaHistBin = 1; 
00366   if( cotbetaHistBin  < 1 ) cotbetaHistBin  = 1; 
00367   if( cotalphaHistBin > (int)rescotAlpha_binN ) cotalphaHistBin = (int)rescotAlpha_binN; 
00368   if( cotbetaHistBin  > (int)rescotBeta_binN  ) cotbetaHistBin  = (int)rescotBeta_binN; 
00369   //
00370   unsigned int theXHistN;
00371   unsigned int theYHistN;
00372   if( !isForward ) {
00373      if(edge)
00374      {
00375        theXHistN = cotalphaHistBin * 1000 + cotbetaHistBin * 10  +  (nqbin+1);
00376        theYHistN = theXHistN;         
00377      }
00378      else
00379      {
00380        if(singlex)
00381        {
00382          if(hitbigx)  theXHistN = 1 * 100000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin ;
00383          else   theXHistN = 1 * 100000 + 1 * 1000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin ;
00384        }
00385        else
00386        {
00387          if(hasBigPixelInX)  theXHistN = 1 * 1000000 + 1 * 100000 + cotalphaHistBin * 1000 + cotbetaHistBin * 10 + (nqbin+1);
00388          else   theXHistN = 1 * 1000000 + 1 * 100000 + 1 * 10000 + cotalphaHistBin * 1000 + cotbetaHistBin * 10 + (nqbin+1);
00389        }
00390        if(singley)
00391        {
00392          if(hitbigy)  theYHistN = 1 * 100000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin ;
00393          else   theYHistN = 1 * 100000 + 1 * 1000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin ;
00394        }
00395        else
00396        {
00397          if(hasBigPixelInY)  theYHistN = 1 * 1000000 + 1 * 100000 + cotalphaHistBin * 1000 + cotbetaHistBin * 10 + (nqbin+1);
00398          else   theYHistN = 1 * 1000000 + 1 * 100000 + 1 * 10000 + cotalphaHistBin * 1000 + cotbetaHistBin * 10 + (nqbin+1);
00399        }
00400      }
00401   }
00402   else
00403   {
00404      if(edge)
00405      {
00406        theXHistN = cotalphaHistBin * 1000 +  cotbetaHistBin * 10 +  (nqbin+1);
00407        theYHistN = theXHistN;
00408      }
00409      else
00410      {
00411        if( singlex )
00412          if( hitbigx )
00413            theXHistN = 100000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin;
00414          else
00415            theXHistN = 100000 + 1000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin;
00416        else
00417          theXHistN = 100000 + 10000 + cotalphaHistBin * 1000 +  cotbetaHistBin * 10 +  (nqbin+1);
00418        if( singley )
00419          if( hitbigy )
00420            theYHistN = 100000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin;
00421          else
00422            theYHistN = 100000 + 1000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin;
00423        else
00424          theYHistN = 100000 + 10000 + cotalphaHistBin * 1000 +  cotbetaHistBin * 10 +  (nqbin+1);
00425      }
00426   }
00427   unsigned int counter = 0;
00428   do {
00429     //
00430     // Smear the hit Position
00431     thePositionX = theXHistos[theXHistN]->generate();
00432     thePositionY = theYHistos[theYHistN]->generate();
00433     if( isForward ) thePositionY *= sign;
00434     thePositionZ = 0.0; // set at the centre of the active area
00435     //protect from empty resolution histograms
00436     //if( thePositionX > 0.0799 )  thePositionX = 0;
00437     //if( thePositionY > 0.0799 )  thePositionY = 0;
00438     thePosition = 
00439       Local3DPoint(simHit.localPosition().x() + thePositionX , 
00440                    simHit.localPosition().y() + thePositionY , 
00441                    simHit.localPosition().z() + thePositionZ );
00442 #ifdef FAMOS_DEBUG
00443     std::cout << " Detector bounds: "
00444               << "\t\tx = " << boundX
00445               << "\ty = " << boundY
00446               << std::endl;
00447     std::cout << " Generated local position "
00448               << "\tx = " << thePosition.x()
00449               << "\ty = " << thePosition.y()
00450               << std::endl;       
00451 #endif  
00452     counter++;
00453     if(counter > 20) {
00454       thePosition = Local3DPoint(simHit.localPosition().x(), 
00455                                  simHit.localPosition().y(), 
00456                                  simHit.localPosition().z());
00457       break;
00458     }
00459   } while(fabs(thePosition.x()) > boundX  || fabs(thePosition.y()) > boundY);
00461 }
00463 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00465 // The isFlipped() is a silly way to determine which detectors are inverted.
00466 // In the barrel for every 2nd ladder the E field direction is in the
00467 // global r direction (points outside from the z axis), every other
00468 // ladder has the E field inside. Something similar is in the 
00469 // forward disks (2 sides of the blade). This has to be recognised
00470 // because the charge sharing effect is different.
00471 //
00472 // The isFliped does it by looking and the relation of the local (z always
00473 // in the E direction) to global coordinates. There is probably a much 
00474 // better way.(PJ: And faster!)
00475 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00476 bool SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm::isFlipped(const PixelGeomDetUnit* theDet) const {
00477   // Check the relative position of the local +/- z in global coordinates.
00478   float tmp1 = theDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,0.)).perp();
00479   float tmp2 = theDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,1.)).perp();
00480   //  std::cout << " 1: " << tmp1 << " 2: " << tmp2 << std::endl;
00481   if ( tmp2<tmp1 ) return true;
00482   else return false;    
00483 }
00485 void SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm::initializeBarrel()
00486 {
00487   //Hard coded at the moment, can easily be changed to be configurable
00488   rescotAlpha_binMin = -0.2;
00489   rescotAlpha_binWidth = 0.08 ;
00490   rescotAlpha_binN = 5;
00491   rescotBeta_binMin = -5.5;
00492   rescotBeta_binWidth = 1.0;
00493   rescotBeta_binN = 11;
00494   resqbin_binMin = 0;
00495   resqbin_binWidth = 1;
00496   resqbin_binN = 4;
00498   // Initialize the barrel histos once and for all, and prepare the random generation
00499   for ( unsigned cotalphaHistBin=1; cotalphaHistBin<=rescotAlpha_binN; ++cotalphaHistBin )
00500      for ( unsigned cotbetaHistBin=1; cotbetaHistBin<=rescotBeta_binN; ++cotbetaHistBin )  {
00501          unsigned int singleBigPixelHistN = 1 * 100000
00502                                         + cotalphaHistBin * 100
00503                                         + cotbetaHistBin ;
00504          theXHistos[singleBigPixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00505               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hx%u" , singleBigPixelHistN ) ),
00506               random);
00507          theYHistos[singleBigPixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00508               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hy%u" , singleBigPixelHistN ) ),
00509               random);
00510          unsigned int singlePixelHistN = 1 * 100000 + 1 * 1000
00511                                         + cotalphaHistBin * 100
00512                                         + cotbetaHistBin ;
00513          theXHistos[singlePixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00514               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hx%u" , singlePixelHistN ) ),
00515               random);
00516          theYHistos[singlePixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00517               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hy%u" , singlePixelHistN ) ),
00518               random);
00519          for( unsigned qbinBin=1;  qbinBin<=resqbin_binN; ++qbinBin )  {
00520              unsigned int edgePixelHistN = cotalphaHistBin * 1000
00521                                         +  cotbetaHistBin * 10
00522                                         +  qbinBin;
00523              theXHistos[edgePixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00524               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile2->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hx0%u" ,edgePixelHistN ) ), random );
00525              theYHistos[edgePixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00526               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile2->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hy0%u" ,edgePixelHistN ) ), random );
00527              unsigned int multiPixelBigHistN = 1 * 1000000 + 1 * 100000
00528                                            + cotalphaHistBin * 1000
00529                                            + cotbetaHistBin * 10
00530                                            + qbinBin;
00531              theXHistos[multiPixelBigHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00532               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hx%u" ,multiPixelBigHistN ) ), random );
00533              theYHistos[multiPixelBigHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00534               (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hy%u" ,multiPixelBigHistN ) ), random );
00535              unsigned int multiPixelHistN = 1 * 1000000 + 1 * 100000 + 1 * 10000
00536                                            + cotalphaHistBin * 1000
00537                                            + cotbetaHistBin * 10
00538                                            + qbinBin;
00539              theXHistos[multiPixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00540              (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hx%u" , multiPixelHistN ) ),
00541              random);
00542              theYHistos[multiPixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00543              (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustBPIX/hy%u" , multiPixelHistN ) ),
00544              random);
00545           } //end for qbinBin
00546      }//end for cotalphaHistBin, cotbetaHistBin
00547 }
00549 void SiPixelGaussianSmearingRecHitConverterAlgorithm::initializeForward()
00550 {
00551   //Hard coded at the moment, can easily be changed to be configurable
00552   rescotAlpha_binMin = 0.1;
00553   rescotAlpha_binWidth = 0.1 ;
00554   rescotAlpha_binN = 4;
00555   rescotBeta_binMin = 0.;
00556   rescotBeta_binWidth = 0.15;
00557   rescotBeta_binN = 4;
00558   resqbin_binMin = 0;
00559   resqbin_binWidth = 1;
00560   resqbin_binN = 4;
00562   // Initialize the forward histos once and for all, and prepare the random generation
00563   for ( unsigned cotalphaHistBin=1; cotalphaHistBin<=rescotAlpha_binN; ++cotalphaHistBin )
00564      for ( unsigned cotbetaHistBin=1; cotbetaHistBin<=rescotBeta_binN; ++cotbetaHistBin )  
00565          for( unsigned qbinBin=1;  qbinBin<=resqbin_binN; ++qbinBin )  {
00566             unsigned int edgePixelHistN = cotalphaHistBin * 1000 +  cotbetaHistBin * 10 +  qbinBin;
00567             theXHistos[edgePixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00568             (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhx0%u" ,edgePixelHistN ) ), random );
00569             theYHistos[edgePixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00570             (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhy0%u" ,edgePixelHistN ) ), random );
00571             unsigned int PixelHistN = 100000 + 10000 + cotalphaHistBin * 1000 +  cotbetaHistBin * 10 +  qbinBin;
00572             theXHistos[PixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00573             (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhx%u" ,PixelHistN ) ), random );
00574             theYHistos[PixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00575             (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhy%u" ,PixelHistN ) ), random );           
00576          }//end cotalphaHistBin, cotbetaHistBin, qbinBin
00578   for ( unsigned cotalphaHistBin=1; cotalphaHistBin<=rescotAlpha_binN; ++cotalphaHistBin )
00579     for ( unsigned cotbetaHistBin=1; cotbetaHistBin<=rescotBeta_binN; ++cotbetaHistBin )
00580     {
00581       unsigned int SingleBigPixelHistN = 100000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin;
00582       theXHistos[SingleBigPixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00583       (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhx%u" ,SingleBigPixelHistN ) ), random );
00584       theYHistos[SingleBigPixelHistN] = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00585       (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhy%u" ,SingleBigPixelHistN ) ), random );
00586       unsigned int SinglePixelHistN = 100000 + 1000 + cotalphaHistBin * 100 + cotbetaHistBin;
00587       theXHistos[SinglePixelHistN]  = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00588       (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhx%u" ,SinglePixelHistN ) ), random );
00589       theYHistos[SinglePixelHistN]  = new SimpleHistogramGenerator(
00590       (TH1F*) thePixelResolutionFile1->Get(  Form( "DQMData/clustFPIX/fhy%u" ,SinglePixelHistN ) ), random );
00592     }
00593 }