
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 PFClusterJetParameters = cms.PSet( 
00004     src            = cms.InputTag('pfClusterRefsForJets'),
00005     srcPVs         = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
00006     jetType        = cms.string('PFClusterJet'),
00007     doOutputJets   = cms.bool(True),
00008     # minimum jet pt
00009     jetPtMin       = cms.double(3.0),
00010     # minimum calo tower input et
00011     inputEtMin     = cms.double(0.3),
00012     # minimum calo tower input energy
00013     inputEMin      = cms.double(0.0),
00014     # primary vertex correction
00015     doPVCorrection = cms.bool(True),
00016     # pileup with offset correction
00017     doPUOffsetCorr = cms.bool(False),
00018     # if pileup is false, these are not read:
00019     nSigmaPU = cms.double(1.0),
00020     radiusPU = cms.double(0.5),  
00021     # fastjet-style pileup 
00022     doAreaFastjet       = cms.bool( False),
00023     doRhoFastjet        = cms.bool( False),
00024     doAreaDiskApprox    = cms.bool( False),
00025     Active_Area_Repeats = cms.int32(    1),
00026     GhostArea           = cms.double(0.01),
00027     Ghost_EtaMax        = cms.double( 5.0),
00028     Rho_EtaMax          = cms.double( 4.4),
00029     voronoiRfact        = cms.double(-0.9),
00030     useDeterministicSeed= cms.bool( True ),
00031     minSeed             = cms.uint32( 14327 )
00032 )