egHLT::OffEle Member List

This is the complete list of members for egHLT::OffEle, including all inherited members.
bremFrac() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
caloEnergy() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
charge() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
classification() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
clusShapeData_egHLT::OffEle [private]
ctfTrack() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkChi2() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkEta() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkHitsFound() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkHitsLost() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkInnerRadius() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkNDof() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkNrHits() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkOuterRadius() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkP() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkPt() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkPtInner() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ctfTrkPtOuter() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
cutCode() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
cutCode_egHLT::OffEle [private]
DeltaE() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
dEtaIn() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
dEtaOut() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
detEta() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
dPhiIn() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
dPhiOut() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
e1x5Over5x5() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
e2x5MaxOver5x5() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
energy() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
epIn() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
epOut() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
et() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
eta() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
etaSC() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
etSC() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
eventData_egHLT::OffEle [private]
gsfEle() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
gsfEle_egHLT::OffEle [private]
hltData_egHLT::OffEle [private]
hltDEtaIn() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltDPhiIn() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltEnergy() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltEta() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltInvEInvP() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltIsolEm() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltIsolHad() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltIsolTrksEle() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltIsolTrksPho() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hltPhi() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
hOverE() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
invEInvP() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
isGap() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
isolData_egHLT::OffEle [private]
isolEm() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
isolHad() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
isolHadDepth1() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
isolHadDepth2() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
isolNrTrks() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
isolPtTrks() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
looseCutCode() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
looseCutCode_egHLT::OffEle [private]
NVertex() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
OffEle(const reco::GsfElectron &ele, const ClusShapeData &shapeData, const IsolData &isolData, const HLTData &hltData, const EventData &eventData)egHLT::OffEle [inline]
p4() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
pCalo() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
phi() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
phiSC() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ptCalo() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
ptVtx() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
pVtx() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
r9() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
setCutCode(int code)egHLT::OffEle [inline]
setLooseCutCode(int code)egHLT::OffEle [inline]
setTrigBits(TrigCodes::TrigBitSet bits)egHLT::OffEle [inline]
setTrigCutsCutCodes(const std::vector< std::pair< TrigCodes::TrigBitSet, int > > trigCutsCutCodes)egHLT::OffEle [inline]
sigmaEtaEta() const egHLT::OffEle
sigmaEtaEtaUnCorr() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
sigmaIEtaIEta() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
sigmaPhiPhi() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
trigBits() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
trigBits_egHLT::OffEle [private]
trigCutsCutCode(const TrigCodes::TrigBitSet &trigger) const egHLT::OffEle
trigCutsCutCodes_egHLT::OffEle [private]
validCTFTrack() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
zVtx() const egHLT::OffEle [inline]
~OffEle()egHLT::OffEle [inline]