
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef RecoCandidate_IsoDeposit_H
00002 #define RecoCandidate_IsoDeposit_H
00019 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/IsoDepositDirection.h"
00020 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/Vector3D.h"
00021 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00022 #include <map>
00023 #include <cmath>
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include <vector>
00026 #include <typeinfo>
00028 namespace reco { 
00029   namespace isodeposit {
00030     struct AbsVeto {
00031       virtual ~AbsVeto() { }
00033       virtual bool veto(double eta, double phi, float value) const = 0;
00036       virtual void centerOn(double eta, double phi) {
00037         throw cms::Exception("Not Implemented") << "This AbsVeto implementation (" << typeid(this).name() << ") does not support the centerOn(eta,phi) method";
00038       }
00039     };
00040     typedef std::vector<AbsVeto*> AbsVetos;
00041   } 
00042 }
00044 namespace reco {
00046   class IsoDeposit {
00047   public:
00049     typedef isodeposit::Direction Direction;
00050     typedef isodeposit::AbsVeto AbsVeto;
00051     typedef isodeposit::AbsVetos AbsVetos;
00052     typedef Direction::Distance Distance;
00053     typedef std::multimap<Distance, float> DepositsMultimap;
00054     typedef DepositsMultimap::const_iterator  DepIterator;
00057     // old style vetos
00058     struct Veto  { 
00059       Direction vetoDir; float dR; 
00060       Veto() {}
00061       Veto(Direction dir, double d):vetoDir(dir), dR(d) {}
00062     };
00063     typedef std::vector<Veto> Vetos;
00066     IsoDeposit(double eta=0, double phi=0); 
00067     IsoDeposit(const Direction & candDirection);
00070     virtual ~IsoDeposit(){};
00073     const Direction & direction() const { return theDirection; }
00074     double eta() const {return theDirection.eta();}
00075     double phi() const {return theDirection.phi();}
00078     const Veto & veto() const { return  theVeto; }
00080     void setVeto(const Veto & aVeto) { theVeto = aVeto; }
00083     void addDeposit(double dr, double deposit); // FIXME - temporary for backward compatibility
00084     void addDeposit(const Direction & depDir, double deposit);
00087     double depositWithin( 
00088                          double coneSize,                                        //dR in which deposit is computed
00089                          const Vetos & vetos = Vetos(),                          //additional vetos 
00090                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                            //skip exclusion of veto 
00091                          ) const;
00094     double depositWithin( Direction dir,
00095                           double coneSize,                                        //dR in which deposit is computed
00096                           const Vetos & vetos = Vetos(),                          //additional vetos 
00097                           bool skipDepositVeto = false                            //skip exclusion of veto 
00098                           ) const;
00101     std::pair<double,int> 
00102       depositAndCountWithin( 
00103                             double coneSize,                   //dR in which deposit is computed
00104                             const Vetos & vetos = Vetos(),     //additional vetos 
00105                             double threshold = -1e+36,         //threshold on counted deposits
00106                             bool skipDepositVeto = false       //skip exclusion of veto 
00107                             ) const;
00110     std::pair<double,int> 
00111       depositAndCountWithin( 
00112                             Direction dir,                     //wrt another direction
00113                             double coneSize,                   //dR in which deposit is computed
00114                             const Vetos & vetos = Vetos(),     //additional vetos 
00115                             double threshold = -1e+36,         //threshold on deposits
00116                             bool skipDepositVeto = false       //skip exclusion of veto 
00117                             ) const;
00120     double depositWithin( 
00121                          double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00122                          const AbsVetos & vetos,                     //additional vetos 
00123                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00124                          ) const;
00127     std::pair<double,int> 
00128       depositAndCountWithin( 
00129                             double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00130                             const AbsVetos & vetos,                     //additional vetos 
00131                             bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00132                             ) const;
00136     double candEnergy() const {return theCandTag;}
00139     void addCandEnergy(double et) { theCandTag += et;}
00141     std::string print() const;
00143     class const_iterator {
00144     public:
00145       const const_iterator & operator++() { ++it_; cacheReady_ = false; return *this; }
00146       const const_iterator * operator->() const { return this; }
00147       float dR() const { return it_->first.deltaR; }
00148       float eta() const { if (!cacheReady_) doDir(); return cache_.eta(); }
00149       float phi() const { if (!cacheReady_) doDir(); return cache_.phi(); }
00150       float value() const { return it_->second; }
00151       bool  operator!=(const const_iterator &it2) { return it2.it_ != it_; }
00152       friend class IsoDeposit;
00153     private:
00154       typedef Direction::Distance Distance;
00155       void doDir() const { cache_ = parent_->direction() + it_->first; cacheReady_ = true; } 
00156       const_iterator(const IsoDeposit* parent, std::multimap<Distance, float>::const_iterator it) : 
00157         parent_(parent), it_(it), cache_(), cacheReady_(false) { } 
00158         const reco::IsoDeposit* parent_;
00159         mutable std::multimap<Distance, float>::const_iterator it_;
00160         mutable Direction cache_;
00161         mutable bool      cacheReady_;
00162     };
00163     const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(this, theDeposits.begin()); } 
00164     const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, theDeposits.end()); } 
00166     class SumAlgo {
00167       public: 
00168         SumAlgo() : sum_(0) {}
00169         void operator+=(DepIterator deposit) { sum_ += deposit->second; }  
00170         void operator+=(double deposit) { sum_ += deposit; }  
00171         double result() const { return sum_; }
00172       private:
00173         double sum_;
00174     };
00175     class CountAlgo {
00176       public: 
00177         CountAlgo() : count_(0) {}
00178         void operator+=(DepIterator deposit) { count_++; }  
00179         void operator+=(double deposit) { count_ ++; }  
00180         double result() const { return count_; }
00181       private:
00182         size_t count_;
00183     };
00184     class Sum2Algo {
00185       public: 
00186         Sum2Algo() : sum2_(0) {}
00187         void operator+=(DepIterator deposit) { sum2_ += deposit->second*deposit->second; }  
00188         void operator+=(double deposit) { sum2_ += deposit*deposit; }  
00189         double result() const { return sum2_; }
00190       private:
00191         double sum2_;
00192     };
00193     class MaxAlgo {
00194       public: 
00195         MaxAlgo() : max_(0) {}
00196         void operator+=(DepIterator deposit) { if (deposit->second > max_) max_ = deposit->second; }  
00197         void operator+=(double deposit) { if (deposit > max_) max_ = deposit; }  
00198         double result() const { return max_; }
00199       private:
00200         double max_;
00201     };
00203     class MeanDRAlgo {
00204       public: 
00205       MeanDRAlgo() : sum_(0.),count_(0.) {}
00206         void operator+=(DepIterator deposit) {sum_ +=deposit->first.deltaR; count_+=1.0;   }  
00207         double result() const { return sum_/std::max(1.,count_); }
00208       private:
00209         double sum_;
00210         double count_;
00211     };
00213     class SumDRAlgo {
00214       public: 
00215       SumDRAlgo() : sum_(0.){}
00216         void operator+=(DepIterator deposit) {sum_ +=deposit->first.deltaR;}  
00217         double result() const { return sum_; }
00218       private:
00219         double sum_;
00220     };
00223     template<typename Algo>
00224     double algoWithin(   double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00225                          const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00226                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00227                          ) const;
00229     template<typename Algo>
00230     double algoWithin(const Direction &,   
00231                       double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00232                       const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00233                       bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00234                       ) const;
00235     // count of the non-vetoed deposits in the cone
00236     double countWithin(  double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00237                          const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00238                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00239                          ) const;
00240     // sum of the non-vetoed deposits in the cone
00241     double sumWithin(    double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00242                          const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00243                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00244                          ) const;
00245     // sum of the non-vetoed deposits in the cone w.r.t. other direction
00246     double sumWithin(const Direction & dir,      
00247                      double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00248                      const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00249                      bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00250                      ) const;    // sum of the squares of the non-vetoed deposits in the cone
00251     double sum2Within(   double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00252                          const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00253                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00254                          ) const;
00255     // maximum value among the non-vetoed deposits in the cone
00256     double maxWithin(    double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00257                          const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00258                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00259                          ) const;
00260     // maximum value among the non-vetoed deposits in the cone
00261     double nearestDR(    double coneSize,                            //dR in which deposit is computed
00262                          const AbsVetos & vetos = AbsVetos(),        //additional vetos 
00263                          bool skipDepositVeto = false                //skip exclusion of veto 
00264                          ) const;
00269   private:
00272     Direction theDirection;
00275     Veto      theVeto;
00278     float theCandTag; 
00282     DepositsMultimap theDeposits;
00283   };
00285 }
00287 template<typename Algo>
00288 double reco::IsoDeposit::algoWithin(double coneSize, const AbsVetos& vetos, bool skipDepositVeto) const 
00289 {
00290   using namespace reco::isodeposit;
00291   Algo algo;
00292   typedef AbsVetos::const_iterator IV;
00293   IV ivEnd = vetos.end();
00295   Distance maxDistance = {float(coneSize),999.f};
00296   typedef DepositsMultimap::const_iterator IM;
00297   IM imLoc = theDeposits.upper_bound( maxDistance ); 
00298   for (IM im = theDeposits.begin(); im != imLoc; ++im) {
00299     bool vetoed = false;
00300     Direction dirDep = theDirection+im->first;
00301     for (IV iv = vetos.begin(); iv < ivEnd; ++iv) {
00302       if ((*iv)->veto(dirDep.eta(), dirDep.phi(), im->second)) { vetoed = true;  break; }
00303     }
00304     if (!vetoed) {
00305       if (skipDepositVeto || (dirDep.deltaR(theVeto.vetoDir) > theVeto.dR)) {
00306         algo += im;
00307       }
00308     }
00309   }
00310   return algo.result();
00311 }
00313 template<typename Algo>
00314 double reco::IsoDeposit::algoWithin(const Direction& dir, double coneSize, 
00315                                     const AbsVetos& vetos, bool skipDepositVeto) const 
00316 {
00317   using namespace reco::isodeposit;
00318   Algo algo;
00319   typedef AbsVetos::const_iterator IV;
00320   IV ivEnd = vetos.end();
00321   typedef DepositsMultimap::const_iterator IM;
00322   IM imLoc = theDeposits.end();
00323   for (IM im = theDeposits.begin(); im != imLoc; ++im) {
00324     bool vetoed = false;
00325     Direction dirDep = theDirection+im->first;
00326     Distance newDist = dirDep - dir;
00327     if(newDist.deltaR > coneSize) continue;
00328     for (IV iv = vetos.begin(); iv < ivEnd; ++iv) {
00329       if ((*iv)->veto(dirDep.eta(), dirDep.phi(), im->second)) { vetoed = true;  break; }
00330     }
00331     if (!vetoed) {
00332       if (skipDepositVeto || (dirDep.deltaR(theVeto.vetoDir) > theVeto.dR)) {
00333         algo += im;
00334       }
00335     }
00336   }
00337   return algo.result();
00338 }
00343 #endif