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00001 // C++ common header 00002 #include <iostream> 00003 #include <vector> 00004 #include <fstream> 00005 00006 // Boost headers 00007 #include "boost/scoped_ptr.hpp" 00008 00009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h" 00010 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Run.h" 00011 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h" 00012 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h" 00013 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h" 00014 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h" 00015 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h" 00016 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h" 00017 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h" 00018 #include "CondFormats/Common/interface/FileBlob.h" 00019 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/DQMXMLFileRcd.h" 00020 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h" 00021 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h" 00022 00023 namespace edmtest { 00024 class DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer: public edm::EDAnalyzer { 00025 public: 00026 explicit DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet & pset); 00027 explicit DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(int i); 00028 virtual ~DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(); 00029 virtual void analyze(const edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& setup); 00030 virtual void beginRun(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) ; 00031 private: 00032 bool init_ ; 00033 std::string labelToGet_ ; 00034 }; 00035 00036 DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &ps):labelToGet_(ps.getParameter<std::string>("labelToGet")) { 00037 init_ = false ; 00038 //std::cout << "DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)" << std::endl; 00039 } 00040 00041 DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(int i) { 00042 init_ = false ; 00043 //std::cout << "DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(int i) " << i << std::endl; 00044 } 00045 00046 DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::~DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer() 00047 { 00048 init_ = false ; 00049 //std::cout << "~DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer" << std::endl; 00050 } 00051 00052 void DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::analyze( const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) 00053 { 00054 return ; 00055 } 00056 00057 void DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::beginRun(edm::Run const& run , edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) 00058 { 00059 //std::cout << "DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::beginRun()" << std::endl; 00060 if(!init_) 00061 { 00062 init_ = true ; 00063 edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey recordKey(edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey::TypeTag::findType("DQMXMLFileRcd")); 00064 if(recordKey.type() == edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey::TypeTag()) { 00065 throw cms::Exception ("Record not found") << "Record \"DQMXMLFileRcd" 00066 << "\" does not exist!" << std::endl; 00067 } 00068 edm::ESHandle<FileBlob> rootgeo; 00069 iSetup.get<DQMXMLFileRcd>().get(labelToGet_,rootgeo); 00070 //std::cout<<"XML FILE IN MEMORY 1 with label " << labelToGet_ <<std::endl; 00071 boost::scoped_ptr<std::vector<unsigned char> > tb1( (*rootgeo).getUncompressedBlob() ); 00072 //here you can implement the stream for putting the TFile on disk... 00073 std::string outfile1("XML1_retrieved.xml") ; 00074 ofstream output1(outfile1.c_str()) ; 00075 output1.write((const char *)&(*tb1)[0], tb1->size()); 00076 output1.close() ; 00077 00078 // iSetup.get<DQMXMLFileRcd>().get("XML2_mio",rootgeo); 00079 // std::cout<<"ROOT FILE IN MEMORY 2"<<std::endl; 00080 // boost::scoped_ptr<std::vector<unsigned char> > tb2( (*rootgeo).getUncompressedBlob() ); 00081 // //here you can implement the stream for putting the TFile on disk... 00082 // std::string outfile2("XML2_retrieved.xml") ; 00083 // ofstream output2(outfile2.c_str()) ; 00084 // output2.write((const char *)&(*tb2)[0], tb2->size()); 00085 // output2.close() ; 00086 // boost::scoped_ptr<std::vector<unsigned char> > tb( (*rootgeo).getUncompressedBlob() ); 00087 } 00088 } 00089 00090 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer); 00091 }