
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "../interface/FitterAlgoBase.h"
00002 #include <limits>
00003 #include <cmath>
00005 #include "RooRealVar.h"
00006 #include "RooArgSet.h"
00007 #include "RooRandom.h"
00008 #include "RooDataSet.h"
00009 #include "RooFitResult.h"
00010 #include "RooSimultaneous.h"
00011 #include "RooAddPdf.h"
00012 #include "RooProdPdf.h"
00013 #include "RooConstVar.h"
00014 #include "RooPlot.h"
00015 #include "../interface/RooMinimizerOpt.h"
00016 #include "TCanvas.h"
00017 #include "TStyle.h"
00018 #include "TH2.h"
00019 #include "TFile.h"
00020 #include <RooStats/ModelConfig.h>
00021 #include "../interface/Combine.h"
00022 #include "../interface/ProfileLikelihood.h"
00023 #include "../interface/CascadeMinimizer.h"
00024 #include "../interface/CloseCoutSentry.h"
00025 #include "../interface/utils.h"
00027 #include "../interface/ProfilingTools.h"
00030 #include <Math/MinimizerOptions.h>
00031 #include <Math/QuantFuncMathCore.h>
00032 #include <Math/ProbFunc.h>
00034 using namespace RooStats;
00036 std::string FitterAlgoBase::minimizerAlgo_ = "Minuit2";
00037 std::string FitterAlgoBase::minimizerAlgoForMinos_ = "Minuit2,simplex";
00038 #include <Math/QuantFuncMathCore.h>
00039 #include <Math/ProbFunc.h>
00040 float       FitterAlgoBase::minimizerTolerance_ = 1e-2;
00041 float       FitterAlgoBase::minimizerToleranceForMinos_ = 1e-4;
00042 int         FitterAlgoBase::minimizerStrategy_  = 1;
00043 int         FitterAlgoBase::minimizerStrategyForMinos_ = 0;
00044 float       FitterAlgoBase::preFitValue_ = 1.0;
00045 float       FitterAlgoBase::stepSize_ = 0.1;
00046 bool        FitterAlgoBase::robustFit_ = false;
00047 int         FitterAlgoBase::maxFailedSteps_ = 5;
00048 bool        FitterAlgoBase::do95_ = false;
00049 bool        FitterAlgoBase::saveNLL_ = false;
00050 bool        FitterAlgoBase::keepFailures_ = false;
00051 float       FitterAlgoBase::nllValue_ = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
00053 FitterAlgoBase::FitterAlgoBase(const char *title) :
00054     LimitAlgo(title)
00055 {
00056     options_.add_options()
00057         ("minimizerAlgo",      boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&minimizerAlgo_)->default_value(minimizerAlgo_), "Choice of minimizer (Minuit vs Minuit2)")
00058         ("minimizerTolerance", boost::program_options::value<float>(&minimizerTolerance_)->default_value(minimizerTolerance_),  "Tolerance for minimizer")
00059         ("minimizerStrategy",  boost::program_options::value<int>(&minimizerStrategy_)->default_value(minimizerStrategy_),      "Stragegy for minimizer")
00060         ("preFitValue",        boost::program_options::value<float>(&preFitValue_)->default_value(preFitValue_),  "Value of signal strength pre-fit")
00061         ("do95",       boost::program_options::value<bool>(&do95_)->default_value(do95_),  "Compute also 2-sigma interval from delta(nll) = 1.92 instead of 0.5")
00062         ("robustFit",  boost::program_options::value<bool>(&robustFit_)->default_value(robustFit_),  "Search manually for 1 and 2 sigma bands instead of using Minos")
00063         ("maxFailedSteps",  boost::program_options::value<int>(&maxFailedSteps_)->default_value(maxFailedSteps_),  "How many failed steps to retry before giving up")
00064         ("stepSize",        boost::program_options::value<float>(&stepSize_)->default_value(stepSize_),  "Step size for robust fits (multiplier of the range)")
00065         ("minimizerAlgoForMinos",      boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&minimizerAlgoForMinos_)->default_value(minimizerAlgoForMinos_), "Choice of minimizer (Minuit vs Minuit2) for profiling in robust fits")
00066         ("minimizerStrategyForMinos",  boost::program_options::value<int>(&minimizerStrategyForMinos_)->default_value(minimizerStrategyForMinos_),      "Stragegy for minimizer for profiling in robust fits")
00067         ("minimizerToleranceForMinos",  boost::program_options::value<float>(&minimizerToleranceForMinos_)->default_value(minimizerToleranceForMinos_),      "Tolerance for minimizer for profiling in robust fits")
00068         ("saveNLL",  "Save the negative log-likelihood at the minimum in the output tree (note: value is relative to the pre-fit state)")
00069         ("keepFailures",  "Save the results even if the fit is declared as failed (for NLL studies)")
00070     ;
00071 }
00073 void FitterAlgoBase::applyOptionsBase(const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm) 
00074 {
00075     saveNLL_ = vm.count("saveNLL");
00076     keepFailures_ = vm.count("keepFailures");
00077 }
00079 bool FitterAlgoBase::run(RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data, double &limit, double &limitErr, const double *hint) { 
00080   ProfileLikelihood::MinimizerSentry minimizerConfig(minimizerAlgo_, minimizerTolerance_);
00081   CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 0);
00083   static bool shouldCreateNLLBranch = saveNLL_;
00084   if (shouldCreateNLLBranch) { Combine::addBranch("nll", &nllValue_, "nll/F"); shouldCreateNLLBranch = false; }
00086   return runSpecific(w, mc_s, mc_b, data, limit, limitErr, hint);
00087 }
00090 RooFitResult *FitterAlgoBase::doFit(RooAbsPdf &pdf, RooAbsData &data, RooRealVar &r, const RooCmdArg &constrain, bool doHesse, int ndim, bool reuseNLL) {
00091     return doFit(pdf, data, RooArgList (r), constrain, doHesse, ndim, reuseNLL);
00092 }
00094 RooFitResult *FitterAlgoBase::doFit(RooAbsPdf &pdf, RooAbsData &data, const RooArgList &rs, const RooCmdArg &constrain, bool doHesse, int ndim, bool reuseNLL) {
00095     RooFitResult *ret = 0;
00096     if (reuseNLL) nll->setData(data);   // reuse nll but swap out the data
00097     else nll.reset(pdf.createNLL(data, constrain, RooFit::Extended(pdf.canBeExtended()))); // make a new nll
00099     double nll0 = nll->getVal();
00100     double delta68 = 0.5*ROOT::Math::chisquared_quantile_c(1-0.68,ndim);
00101     double delta95 = 0.5*ROOT::Math::chisquared_quantile_c(1-0.95,ndim);
00102     CascadeMinimizer minim(*nll, CascadeMinimizer::Unconstrained, rs.getSize() ? dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(rs.first()) : 0);
00103     minim.setStrategy(minimizerStrategy_);
00104     minim.setErrorLevel(delta68);
00105     CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);    
00106     bool ok = minim.minimize(verbose-1);
00107     nllValue_ =  nll->getVal() - nll0;
00108     if (!ok && !keepFailures_) { std::cout << "Initial minimization failed. Aborting." << std::endl; return 0; }
00109     if (doHesse) minim.minimizer().hesse();
00110     sentry.clear();
00111     ret =;
00112     if (verbose > 1) { ret->Print("V");  }
00114     std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet> allpars(pdf.getParameters(data));
00116     for (int i = 0, n = rs.getSize(); i < n; ++i) {
00117         // if this is not the first fit, reset parameters  
00118         if (i) {
00119             RooArgSet oldparams(ret->floatParsFinal());
00120             *allpars = oldparams;
00121         }
00123         // get the parameter to scan, amd output variable in fit result
00124         RooRealVar &r = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar &>(*;
00125         RooRealVar &rf = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar &>(*ret->floatParsFinal().find(r.GetName()));
00126         double r0 = r.getVal(), rMin = r.getMin(), rMax = r.getMax();
00128         if (!robustFit_) {
00129             if (do95_) {
00130                 throw std::runtime_error("95% CL errors with Minos are not working at the moment.");
00131                 minim.setErrorLevel(delta95);
00132                 minim.improve(verbose-1);
00133                 minim.setErrorLevel(delta95);
00134                 if (minim.minimizer().minos(RooArgSet(r)) != -1) {
00135                     rf.setRange("err95", r.getVal() + r.getAsymErrorLo(), r.getVal() + r.getAsymErrorHi());
00136                 }
00137                 minim.setErrorLevel(delta68);
00138                 minim.improve(verbose-1);
00139             }
00140             if (minim.minimizer().minos(RooArgSet(r)) != -1) {
00141                 rf.setRange("err68", r.getVal() + r.getAsymErrorLo(), r.getVal() + r.getAsymErrorHi());
00142                 rf.setAsymError(r.getAsymErrorLo(), r.getAsymErrorHi());
00143             }
00144        } else {
00145             r.setVal(r0); r.setConstant(true);
00147             CascadeMinimizer minim2(*nll, CascadeMinimizer::Constrained);
00148             minim2.setStrategy(minimizerStrategyForMinos_);
00150             std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet> allpars(nll->getParameters((const RooArgSet *)0));
00152             double nll0 = nll->getVal();
00153             double threshold68 = nll0 + delta68;
00154             double threshold95 = nll0 + delta95;
00155             // search for crossings
00157             assert(!std::isnan(r0));
00158             // high error
00159             double hi68 = findCrossing(minim2, *nll, r, threshold68, r0,   rMax);
00160             double hi95 = do95_ ? findCrossing(minim2, *nll, r, threshold95, std::isnan(hi68) ? r0 : hi68, std::max(rMax, std::isnan(hi68*2-r0) ? r0 : hi68*2-r0)) : r0;
00161             // low error 
00162             *allpars = RooArgSet(ret->floatParsFinal()); r.setVal(r0); r.setConstant(true);
00163             double lo68 = findCrossing(minim2, *nll, r, threshold68, r0,   rMin); 
00164             double lo95 = do95_ ? findCrossing(minim2, *nll, r, threshold95, std::isnan(lo68) ? r0 : lo68, rMin) : r0;
00166             rf.setAsymError(!std::isnan(lo68) ? lo68 - r0 : 0, !std::isnan(hi68) ? hi68 - r0 : 0);
00167             rf.setRange("err68", !std::isnan(lo68) ? lo68 : r0, !std::isnan(hi68) ? hi68 : r0);
00168             if (do95_ && (!std::isnan(lo95) || !std::isnan(hi95))) {
00169                 rf.setRange("err95", !std::isnan(lo95) ? lo95 : r0, !std::isnan(hi95) ? hi95 : r0);
00170             }
00172             r.setVal(r0); r.setConstant(false);
00173         }
00174     }
00176     return ret;
00177 }
00179 double FitterAlgoBase::findCrossing(CascadeMinimizer &minim, RooAbsReal &nll, RooRealVar &r, double level, double rStart, double rBound) {
00180     ProfileLikelihood::MinimizerSentry minimizerConfig(minimizerAlgoForMinos_, minimizerToleranceForMinos_);
00181     if (verbose) std::cout << "Searching for crossing at nll = " << level << " in the interval " << rStart << ", " << rBound << std::endl; 
00182     double rInc = stepSize_*(rBound - rStart);
00183     r.setVal(rStart); 
00184     std::auto_ptr<RooFitResult> checkpoint;
00185     std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet>    allpars;
00186     bool ok = false;
00187     {
00188         CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);    
00189         ok = minim.improve(verbose-1);
00190         checkpoint.reset(;
00191     }
00192     if (!ok) { std::cout << "Error: minimization failed at " << r.GetName() << " = " << rStart << std::endl; return NAN; }
00193     double here = nll.getVal();
00194     int nfail = 0;
00195     if (verbose > 0) { printf("      %s      lvl-here  lvl-there   stepping\n", r.GetName()); fflush(stdout); }
00196     do {
00197         rStart += rInc;
00198         if (rInc*(rStart - rBound) > 0) { // went beyond bounds
00199             rStart -= rInc;
00200             rInc    = 0.5*(rBound-rStart);
00201         }
00202         r.setVal(rStart);
00203         nll.clearEvalErrorLog(); nll.getVal();
00204         if (nll.numEvalErrors() > 0) {
00205             ok = false;
00206         } else {
00207             CloseCoutSentry sentry(verbose < 3);    
00208             ok = minim.improve(verbose-1);
00209         }
00210         if (!ok) { 
00211             nfail++;
00212             if (nfail >= maxFailedSteps_) {  std::cout << "Error: minimization failed at " << r.GetName() << " = " << rStart << std::endl; return NAN; }
00213             RooArgSet oldparams(checkpoint->floatParsFinal());
00214             if (allpars.get() == 0) allpars.reset(nll.getParameters((const RooArgSet *)0));
00215             *allpars = oldparams;
00216             rStart -= rInc; rInc *= 0.5; 
00217             continue;
00218         } else nfail = 0;
00219         double there = here;
00220         here = nll.getVal();
00221         if (verbose > 0) { printf("%f    %+.5f  %+.5f    %f\n", rStart, level-here, level-there, rInc); fflush(stdout); }
00222         if ( fabs(here - level) < 4*minimizerToleranceForMinos_ ) {
00223             // set to the right point with interpolation
00224             r.setVal(rStart + (level-here)*(level-there)/(here-there));
00225             return r.getVal();
00226         } else if (here > level) {
00227             // I'm above the level that I wanted, this means I stepped too long
00228             // First I take back all the step
00229             rStart -= rInc; 
00230             // Then I try to figure out a better step
00231             if (runtimedef::get("FITTER_DYN_STEP")) {
00232                 if (fabs(there - level) > 0.05) { // If started from far away, I still have to step carefully
00233                     double rIncFactor = std::max(0.2, std::min(0.7, 0.75*(level-there)/(here-there)));
00234                     //printf("\t\t\t\t\tCase A1: level-there = %f,  here-there = %f,   rInc(Old) = %f,  rInFactor = %f,  rInc(New) = %f\n", level-there, here-there, rInc, rIncFactor, rInc*rIncFactor);
00235                     rInc *= rIncFactor;
00236                 } else { // close enough to jump straight to target
00237                     double rIncFactor = std::max(0.05, std::min(0.95, 0.95*(level-there)/(here-there)));
00238                     //printf("\t\t\t\t\tCase A2: level-there = %f,  here-there = %f,   rInc(Old) = %f,  rInFactor = %f,  rInc(New) = %f\n", level-there, here-there, rInc, rIncFactor, rInc*rIncFactor);
00239                     rInc *= rIncFactor;
00240                 }
00241             } else {
00242                 rInc *= 0.3;
00243             }
00244             if (allpars.get() == 0) allpars.reset(nll.getParameters((const RooArgSet *)0));
00245             RooArgSet oldparams(checkpoint->floatParsFinal());
00246             *allpars = oldparams;
00247         } else if ((here-there)*(level-there) < 0 && // went wrong
00248                    fabs(here-there) > 0.1) {         // by more than roundoff
00249             if (allpars.get() == 0) allpars.reset(nll.getParameters((const RooArgSet *)0));
00250             RooArgSet oldparams(checkpoint->floatParsFinal());
00251             *allpars = oldparams;
00252             rStart -= rInc; rInc *= 0.5;
00253         } else {
00254             // I did this step, and I'm not there yet
00255             if (runtimedef::get("FITTER_DYN_STEP")) {
00256                 if (fabs(here - level) > 0.05) { // we still have to step carefully
00257                     if ((here-there)*(level-there) > 0) { // if we went in the right direction
00258                         // then optimize step size
00259                         double rIncFactor = std::max(0.2, std::min(2.0, 0.75*(level-there)/(here-there)));
00260                         //printf("\t\t\t\t\tCase B1: level-there = %f,  here-there = %f,   rInc(Old) = %f,  rInFactor = %f,  rInc(New) = %f\n", level-there, here-there, rInc, rIncFactor, rInc*rIncFactor);
00261                         rInc *= rIncFactor;
00262                     } //else printf("\t\t\t\t\tCase B3: level-there = %f,  here-there = %f,   rInc(Old) = %f\n", level-there, here-there, rInc);
00263                 } else { // close enough to jump straight to target
00264                     double rIncFactor = std::max(0.05, std::min(4.0, 0.95*(level-there)/(here-there)));
00265                     //printf("\t\t\t\t\tCase B2: level-there = %f,  here-there = %f,   rInc(Old) = %f,  rInFactor = %f,  rInc(New) = %f\n", level-there, here-there, rInc, rIncFactor, rInc*rIncFactor);
00266                     rInc *= rIncFactor;
00267                 }
00268             } else {
00269                 //nothing?
00270             }
00271             checkpoint.reset(;
00272         }
00273     } while (fabs(rInc) > minimizerToleranceForMinos_*stepSize_*std::max(1.0,rBound-rStart));
00274     if (fabs(here - level) > 0.01) {
00275         std::cout << "Error: closed range without finding crossing." << std::endl;
00276         return NAN;
00277     } else {
00278         return r.getVal();
00279     }
00280 }