00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 from CalibMuon.DTCalibration.dtSegmentSelection_cfi import dtSegmentSelection 00004 00005 DTVDriftSegmentCalibration = cms.EDAnalyzer("DTVDriftSegmentCalibration", 00006 # Segment selection 00007 dtSegmentSelection, 00008 recHits4DLabel = cms.InputTag('dt4DSegments'), 00009 rootFileName = cms.untracked.string('DTVDriftHistos.root'), 00010 # Choose the chamber you want to calibrate (default = "All"), specify the chosen chamber 00011 # in the format "wheel station sector" (i.e. "-1 3 10") 00012 calibChamber = cms.untracked.string('All') 00013 )