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00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 #==================================================== FILTER EVENTS WITH WZSkims 00004 #from DPGAnalysis.Skims.WElectronSkim_cff import * # already imported by ZElectronSkim_cff 00005 from DPGAnalysis.Skims.ZElectronSkim_cff import * 00006 # tagGsfSeq for Zee 00007 # 00008 WSkimSeq = cms.Sequence( WEnuHltFilter * ele_sequence * elecMetFilter ) 00009 00010 #from Calibration.SANDBOX.ZElectronSkimSandbox_cff import * 00011 00012 #===================================================== removing events with trackerDrivenOnly electrons 00013 # if you want to filter events with trackerDrivenOnly electrons 00014 # you should produce a collection containing the Ref to the 00015 # trackerDrivenOnly electrons and then you should filter these events 00016 # the lines to produce the Ref collection are the following 00017 # you should not need to uncomment those, because I've already 00018 # produced them in the ALCARECO step 00019 #trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons = cms.EDFilter("GsfElectronRefSelector", 00020 # src = cms.InputTag( 'gsfElectrons' ), 00021 # cut = cms.string( "(ecalDrivenSeed==0)" ) 00022 # ) 00023 00024 # these lines active a filter that counts if there are more than 0 00025 # trackerDrivenOnly electrons 00026 #trackerDrivenRemover = cms.EDFilter("PATCandViewCountFilter", 00027 # minNumber = cms.uint32(0), 00028 # maxNumber = cms.uint32(0), 00029 # src = cms.InputTag("trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons") 00030 # ) 00031 #trackerDrivenRemoverSeq = cms.Sequence( trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons * trackerDrivenRemover ) 00032 #trackerDrivenRemoverSeq = cms.Sequence( trackerDrivenOnlyElectrons) 00033 00034 00035 # already imported by the WElectronSkim 00036 #from RecoJets.Configuration.RecoPFJets_cff import * 00037 #kt6PFJetsForRhoCorrection = kt6PFJets.clone(doRhoFastjet = True) 00038 #kt6PFJetsForRhoCorrection.Rho_EtaMax = cms.double(2.5) 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 from Calibration.EcalAlCaRecoProducers.alCaIsolatedElectrons_cfi import * 00044 00045 00046 00047 seqALCARECOEcalCalElectronRECO = cms.Sequence( alCaIsolatedElectrons) 00048 00049 00050 seqALCARECOEcalCalElectron = cms.Sequence( kt6PFJetsForRhoCorrection + 00051 seqALCARECOEcalCalElectronRECO 00052 ) 00053 00054 seqALCARECOEcalCalZElectron = cms.Sequence( tagGsfSeq * seqALCARECOEcalCalElectron) 00055 seqALCARECOEcalCalWElectron = cms.Sequence( WSkimSeq * seqALCARECOEcalCalElectron)