
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef DDI_Store_h
00002 #define DDI_Store_h
00004 #include <map>
00005 #include "DetectorDescription/Base/interface/rep_type.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00008 //;
00009 //FIXME: Store : implement readOnly-behaviour ..
00010 namespace DDI {
00036    template <class N, class I, class K=I>
00037    class Store 
00038    {
00039    public:
00040       typedef N name_type;
00041       typedef I  pimpl_type;
00042       //typedef I* pimpl_type;
00043       typedef K key_type;
00044       typedef rep_type<name_type, pimpl_type> Rep_type;  
00045       // direct way - no comfortable dereferencing of a pointer to rep_type
00046       //typedef typename std::pair<name_type,pimpl_type> rep_type;
00047       /*
00048        struct rep_type {
00049        rep_type(const name_type & n, pimpl_type p) : first(n), second(p) { }
00050        key_type first;
00051        pimpl_type second;
00052        };
00053        */ 
00054       //typedef typename Rep_type<N,I> rep_type;
00056       typedef Rep_type* prep_type;
00058       typedef std::map<name_type,prep_type> registry_type;
00059       typedef typename registry_type::iterator iterator;
00060       typedef typename registry_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
00061       typedef typename registry_type::size_type size_type;
00063       iterator begin() { return reg_.begin(); }
00064       const_iterator begin() const { return reg_.begin(); }
00065       iterator end() { return reg_.end(); }
00066       const_iterator end() const { return reg_.end(); }
00067       size_type size() const { return reg_.size(); } 
00069       // empty shell or fetch from registry
00070       prep_type create(const name_type &);
00072       // full new object or replace existing with new one
00073       prep_type create(const name_type &, pimpl_type);
00075       // anonymous object, not stored
00076       /*    prep_type create(pimpl_type); */
00078       // clear all objects
00079       void clear();
00081       // swap moves the registry from this guy to another of the same type
00082       void swap ( Store& );
00084       bool isDefined(const name_type & n ) const;
00085       void setReadOnly(bool b) { readOnly_ = b; }
00086       bool readOnly() const { return readOnly_; }
00088       Store() : readOnly_(false) { }
00089       ~Store();
00091    protected:
00092       registry_type reg_;
00093       Store(const Store &);
00094       Store & operator=(const Store &);
00095       bool readOnly_;
00096    };
00099    //   rep_type as nested type inside Store, currently gives
00100    //   internal compiler error on gcc-2.95.2, but works on SUNWspro62Apr02Sun
00101    //    
00102    // template<class N, class I, class K>
00103    // Store<N,I,K>::rep_type::rep_type(const name_type & n, pimpl_type p)
00104    //  : std::pair(n,p)
00105    // { }
00107    /* template<class N, class I, class K> */
00108    /* void */
00109    /* Store<N,I,K>::clear() */
00110    /* { */
00111    /*   typename registry_type::iterator it = reg_.begin(); */
00112    /*   for (; it != reg_.end(); ++it) { */
00113    /*     delete it->second->second; */
00114    /*     delete it->second; */
00115    /*   }   */
00116    /*   reg_.clear(); */
00117    /* } */
00119    template<class N, class I, class K>
00120    typename Store<N,I,K>::prep_type 
00121    Store<N,I,K>::create(const name_type & n)
00122    {
00123       prep_type tmp = 0;
00124       std::pair<typename registry_type::iterator,bool> result 
00125       = reg_.insert(std::make_pair(n,tmp));
00126       if (result.second) {
00127          if (readOnly_) throw cms::Exception("DetectorDescriptionStore")<<" Store has been locked.  Illegal attempt to add " << n << " to a global store."; 
00128          // ELSE     
00129          result.first->second = new Rep_type(n,(I)0);
00130       }
00131       return result.first->second;    
00132    }
00135    template<class N, class I, class K>
00136    typename Store<N,I,K>::prep_type 
00137    Store<N,I,K>::create(const name_type & n, 
00138                         pimpl_type p)
00139    {                    
00140       if (readOnly_) throw cms::Exception("DetectorDescriptionStore")<<" Store has been locked.  Illegal attempt to add " << n << " to a global store."; 
00141       // ELSE     
00142       prep_type tmp = 0;
00143       std::pair<typename registry_type::iterator,bool> result 
00144       = reg_.insert(std::make_pair(n,tmp));
00145       if (!result.second) {
00146          delete result.first->second->second;
00147          result.first->second->second = p;
00148          //delete result.first->second->swap(p);
00149       }
00150       else {
00151          result.first->second = new Rep_type(n,p);
00152       }
00153       return result.first->second;
00154    }
00156    template<class N, class I, class K>
00157    Store<N,I,K>::~Store()
00158    {
00159       typename registry_type::iterator it = reg_.begin();
00160       for(; it != reg_.end(); ++it) {
00161          //     std::cout << "deleting " << it->first << std::endl;
00162          delete it->second->second; it->second->second = 0;
00163          delete it->second; it->second = 0;
00164       }
00165    } 
00167    /*  template<class N, class I, class K> */
00168    /*  typename Store<N,I,K>::prep_type  */
00169    /*  Store<N,I,K>::create(typename Store<N,I,K>::pimpl_type p) */
00170    /*  {                                           */
00171    /*    if (readOnly_) throw cms::Exception("DetectorDescriptionStore")<<" Store has been locked.  Illegal attempt to add " << name_type() << " to a global store.";  */
00172    /*     return new Rep_type(name_type(),p); */
00173    /*  } */
00175    template<class N, class I, class K>
00176    bool Store<N,I,K>::isDefined(const name_type & n ) const
00177    {
00178       if (readOnly_) edm::LogWarning("DetectorDescriptionStore") << " Store is locked and most likely empty.  isDefined will be false.";
00179       typename registry_type::const_iterator it = reg_.find(n);
00180       bool result(false);
00181       if (it != reg_.end()) {
00182          if (it->second->second) {
00183             result=true;
00184          }  
00185       }
00186       return result;
00187    }
00189    template<class N, class I, class K>
00190    void Store<N, I, K>::swap ( Store<N, I, K>& storeToSwap ) {
00191       reg_.swap(storeToSwap.reg_);
00192       storeToSwap.readOnly_ = readOnly_;
00193    }
00195 } // namespace DDI
00197 #endif