Source code (CVS tag: V01-00-07 ) - Administrative privileges
Definition of a few DataFormates needed for the specific treatment of the Nuclear Interactions and their secondary vertices in Fast Simulation.
Used by FastSimulation/MaterialEffects.
Public interface
- FSimDisplacedVertex
- FSimDisplacedVertexFwd
This data format is designed to combine the informations from FSimVertex and its FSimVertexType. It is not part of general FastSimulation sequence and useful for private productions and analyses.
- FSimVertexType
- FSimVertexTypeFwd
It holds the information about the nature of a SimVertex within the Famos or Generation sequences.
- NUEvent
It defines the whole set of simulated tracks exiting from a Nuclear Interaction in the Fast Simulation.
Unit tests and examples
Status and planned development
Last updated: @ Author: computer-generated.