
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 SiStripSpyDisplay = cms.EDAnalyzer(
00004     'SiStripSpyDisplayModule',
00005     # Vector detIDs to examine
00006     detIDs = cms.vuint32( 369120277, 369120278 ),
00007     #
00008     # Spy Channel (raw) digi sources (change in your config)
00009     #========================================================
00010     # --- Source of (Spy) Scope Mode Raw Digis
00011     InputScopeModeRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00012     # --- Source of Virgin Raw digis
00013     InputPayloadRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00014     # --- Source of Processed Raw digis
00015     InputReorderedPayloadRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00016     # --- Source of Processed Raw digis
00017     InputReorderedModuleRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00018     # --- Source of Pedestals and Post-Pedestal digis
00019     InputPedestalsLabel           = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00020     InputNoisesLabel           = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00021     InputPostPedestalRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00022     # --- Source of Post-Common Mode digis
00023     InputPostCMRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00024     # --- Source of zero-suppressed raw digis
00025     InputZeroSuppressedRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00026     # --- Source of Zero-suppressed digis
00027     InputZeroSuppressedDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00028     # --- Mainline data for comparison
00029     InputCompVirginRawDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00030     InputCompZeroSuppressedDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("", ""),
00031     #
00032     # --- Folder name for TFileService output
00033     OutputFolderName = cms.string("DEFAULT_OUTPUTNAME"),
00034     #
00035     )