
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/interface/FineDelayTask.h"
00002 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripHistoTitle.h"
00003 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
00004 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripDetKey.h"
00008 #define NBINS (500)
00009 #define LOWBIN (-125)
00010 #define HIGHBIN (125)
00013 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00014 //
00015 CommissioningTask::HistoSet FineDelayTask::timing_;
00016 MonitorElement* FineDelayTask::mode_ = NULL;
00018 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00019 //
00020 FineDelayTask::FineDelayTask( DQMStore* dqm,
00021                               const FedChannelConnection& conn ) :
00022   CommissioningTask( dqm, conn, "FineDelayTask" )
00023 {
00024   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::FineDelayTask] Constructing object...";
00025 }
00027 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00028 //
00029 FineDelayTask::~FineDelayTask() {
00030   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::FineDelayTask] Destructing object...";
00031 }
00033 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00034 //
00035 void FineDelayTask::book() {
00036   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::book]";
00038   std::string title;
00039   int nBins = NBINS;
00040   SiStripDetKey detkeytracker((uint32_t) 0);
00042   // see if the global timing histogram is already booked
00043   if (timing_.histo()) {
00044     // if already booked, use it
00045     LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::book] using existing histogram.";
00046   } else {
00047     // make a new histo on the tracker level if not existing yet
00048     LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[LatencyTask::book] booking a new histogram.";
00049     // construct the histo title
00050     title = SiStripHistoTitle( sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO,
00051                                sistrip::FINE_DELAY,
00052                                sistrip::DET_KEY,
00053                                detkeytracker.key(),
00054                                sistrip::TRACKER,
00055                                0,
00056                                sistrip::extrainfo::clusterCharge_ ).title();
00057     dqm()->setCurrentFolder( detkeytracker.path() );
00058     timing_.histo( dqm()->bookProfile( title, title,            // name and title
00059                                        nBins, LOWBIN, HIGHBIN,  // binning + range
00060                                        100, 0., -1., "s" ) );   // Y range : automatic
00061     timing_.vNumOfEntries_.resize(nBins,0);
00062     timing_.vSumOfContents_.resize(nBins,0);
00063     timing_.vSumOfSquares_.resize(nBins,0);
00064   }
00065   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "Binning is " << timing_.vNumOfEntries_.size();
00066   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::book] done";
00067   if(!mode_) {
00068     std::string pwd = dqm()->pwd();
00069     std::string rootDir = pwd.substr(0,pwd.find(std::string(sistrip::root_) + "/")+(sizeof(sistrip::root_)));
00070     dqm()->setCurrentFolder( rootDir );
00071     mode_ = dqm()->bookInt("latencyCode");
00072   }
00074 }
00076 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00077 //
00078 void FineDelayTask::fill( const SiStripEventSummary& summary,
00079                           const edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>& digis ) {
00080   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::fill]";
00081   // retrieve the delay from the EventSummary
00082   float delay = const_cast<SiStripEventSummary&>(summary).ttcrx();
00083   uint32_t latencyCode = (const_cast<SiStripEventSummary&>(summary).layerScanned()>>24)&0xff;
00084   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::fill]: layerScanned() is " << const_cast<SiStripEventSummary&>(summary).layerScanned();
00085   int latencyShift = latencyCode & 0x3f;             // number of bunch crossings between current value and start of scan... must be positive
00086   if(latencyShift>32) latencyShift -=64;             // allow negative values: we cover [-32,32].. should not be needed.
00087   if((latencyCode>>6)==2) latencyShift -= 3;         // layer in deconv, rest in peak
00088   if((latencyCode>>6)==1) latencyShift += 3;         // layer in peak, rest in deconv
00089   float correctedDelay = delay - (latencyShift*25.); // shifts the delay so that 0 corresponds to the current settings.
00091   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::fill]; the delay is " << delay;
00092   // loop on the strips to find the (maybe) non-zero digi
00093   for(unsigned int strip=0;strip<;strip++) {
00094     if([strip].adc()!=0) {
00095       // apply the TOF correction
00096       float tof = ([strip].adc()>>8)/10.;
00097       correctedDelay = delay - (latencyShift*25.) - tof;
00098       if(([strip].adc()>>8)==255) continue; // skip hit if TOF is in overflow
00099       // compute the bin
00100       float nbins = NBINS;
00101       float lowbin = LOWBIN;
00102       float highbin = HIGHBIN;
00103       int bin = int((correctedDelay-lowbin)/((highbin-lowbin)/nbins));
00104       LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::fill]; using a hit with value " << ([strip].adc()&0xff )
00105                                 << " at corrected delay of " << correctedDelay
00106                                 << " in bin " << bin << "  (tof is " << tof << "( since adc = " <<[strip].adc() << "))";
00107       updateHistoSet( timing_,bin,[strip].adc()&0xff);
00108       if(mode_) mode_->Fill(latencyCode);
00109     }
00110   }
00111 }
00113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00114 //
00115 void FineDelayTask::update() {
00116   LogDebug("Commissioning") << "[FineDelayTask::update]";
00117   updateHistoSet( timing_ );
00118 }