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/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_5_3_9_patch3/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit/data/hww/ File Reference

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namespace  interpolateCardsSimple


def interpolateCardsSimple::file2map


tuple interpolateCardsSimple::alpha = abs(mass2 - mass)
int interpolateCardsSimple::beta = 1
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::br = file2map(path+"YR-BR3.txt")
string interpolateCardsSimple::cfmt = "%-"
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::chmax = max([max(len(p),len(c)) for p,c,x in shapeLines])
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::cmax = max([cmax]+[len(l) for l in obskeyline]+[len(x) for x in obsline])
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::DC1 = parseCard(open(file1,"r"), options)
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::DC2 = parseCard(open(file2,"r"), options)
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::dm1 = abs(mass1 - mass)
 Make sure mass1 is always the closest (and pick the worse one in case of a tie)
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::dm2 = abs(mass2 - mass)
list interpolateCardsSimple::eff = rate/xsbr1[p]
list interpolateCardsSimple::errline = systlines[name]
string interpolateCardsSimple::file1 = "/%d/hww_%dj_shape.txt"
string interpolateCardsSimple::file2 = "/%d/hww_%dj_shape.txt"
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::ggXS = file2map(path+"YR-XS-ggH.txt")
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::histo = ofile.Get("histo_%s" % p)
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::hmax = max([10] + [len("%-12s %s %s" % (l,p,a)) for l,(p,a,e,nf) in systlines.items()])
list interpolateCardsSimple::keyline = []
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::mass = float(args[0])
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::mass1 = max([m for m in refmasses if m <= mass])
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::mass2 = min([m for m in refmasses if m >= mass])
list interpolateCardsSimple::obsline = [str(x) for x in DC1.obs.values()]
 Basic consistency check.
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::ofile = ROOT.TFile( "%s/%g/hww_%dj%s.input.root" % (options.ddir,mass,options.jets,options.postfix) , "UPDATE" )
dictionary interpolateCardsSimple::paramSysts = {}
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [mass1 mass2] mass3 > datacard3.txt \nrun with --help to get list of options")
list interpolateCardsSimple::path = os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']
list interpolateCardsSimple::pidline = []
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::qqXS = file2map(path+"YR-XS-vbfH.txt")
list interpolateCardsSimple::rate = DC1.exp[b]
list interpolateCardsSimple::refmasses = [ int(line) for line in open(options.ddir+"/"+options.refmasses,"r") ]
list interpolateCardsSimple::signals = []
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::sysnamesSorted = systlines.keys()
list interpolateCardsSimple::systline = []
tuple interpolateCardsSimple::xfile = open(options.ddir+"/%d/hww_%dj_shape%s.txt" % (mass, options.jets,options.postfix), "w")
dictionary interpolateCardsSimple::xsbr = { 'ggH':1.0, 'qqH':1.0 }
dictionary interpolateCardsSimple::xsbr1 = { 'ggH':1.0, 'qqH':1.0 }
dictionary interpolateCardsSimple::xsbr2 = { 'ggH':1.0, 'qqH':1.0 }