00001 # Configuration include for unpacking scope mode digis from spy channel data 00002 #============================================================================ 00003 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00004 00005 SiStripSpyUnpacker = cms.EDProducer( 00006 "SiStripSpyUnpackerModule", 00007 FEDIDs = cms.vuint32(), # FED IDs to look at - leave empty for all FEDs 00008 #FEDIDs = cms.vuint32(50, 187, 260, 356), # or use a subset. 00009 InputProductLabel = cms.InputTag('source'), 00010 AllowIncompleteEvents = cms.bool(True), 00011 StoreCounters = cms.bool(True), 00012 StoreScopeRawDigis = cms.bool(True) # Note - needs to be True for use in other modules. 00013 )