
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CondFormats/SiStripObjects/interface/SiStripLatency.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00005 #include <algorithm>
00006 #include <iterator>
00007 #include <iostream>
00008 #include <sstream>
00010 bool SiStripLatency::put( const uint32_t detId, const uint16_t apv, const uint16_t latency, const uint16_t mode )
00011 {
00012   if( detId > 536870911 ) {
00013     std::stringstream error;
00014     error << "ERROR: the detId = " << detId << " is bigger than the maximum acceptable value = 2^(29) - 1 = " << 536870911 << std::endl;
00015     error << "Since we are using 29 bits for the detId and 3 bits for the apv value. The maximum tracker detId at the moment" << std::endl;
00016     error << "of the writing of this class was 47017836 as defined in CalibTracker/SiStripCommon/data/SiStripDetInfo.dat." << std::endl;
00017     error << "If the maximum value has changed a revision of this calss is needed, possibly changing the detIdAndApv value from" << std::endl;
00018     error << "from uint32_t to uint64_t." << std::endl;
00019     edm::LogError("SiStripLatency::put") << error;
00020     throw cms::Exception("InsertFailure");
00021   }
00023   // Store all the values in the vectors
00024   uint32_t detIdAndApv = (detId << 3) | apv;
00025   latIt pos = lower_bound(latencies_.begin(), latencies_.end(), detIdAndApv, OrderByDetIdAndApv());
00027   if( pos != latencies_.end() && pos->detIdAndApv == detIdAndApv ) {
00028     std::cout << "Value already inserted, skipping insertion" << std::endl;
00029     return false;
00030   }
00031   // std::cout << "Filling with: latency = " << latency << ", mode = " << mode << std::endl;
00032   latencies_.insert(pos, Latency(detIdAndApv, latency, mode));
00034   return true;
00035 }
00037 void SiStripLatency::compress()
00038 {
00039   latIt lat = latencies_.begin();
00040   while( lat != latencies_.end() ) {
00041     // If it is not the last and it has the same latency and mode as the next one remove it
00042     if( ((lat+1) != latencies_.end()) && ((lat+1)->mode == lat->mode) && ((lat+1)->latency == lat->latency) ) {
00043       lat = latencies_.erase(lat);
00044     }
00045     else {
00046       ++lat;
00047     }
00048   }
00049 }
00051 uint16_t SiStripLatency::latency(const uint32_t detId, const uint16_t apv) const
00052 {
00053   const latConstIt & pos = position(detId, apv);
00054   if( pos == latencies_.end() ) {
00055     return 255;
00056   }
00057   return pos->latency;
00058 }
00060 uint16_t SiStripLatency::mode(const uint32_t detId, const uint16_t apv) const
00061 {
00062   const latConstIt & pos = position(detId, apv);
00063   if( pos == latencies_.end() ) {
00064     return 0;
00065   }
00066   return pos->mode;
00067 }
00069 std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> SiStripLatency::latencyAndMode(const uint32_t detId, const uint16_t apv) const
00070 {
00071   const latConstIt & pos = position(detId, apv);
00072   if( pos == latencies_.end() ) {
00073     return std::make_pair(255, 0);
00074   }
00075   return std::make_pair(pos->latency, pos->mode);
00076 }
00078 uint16_t SiStripLatency::singleLatency() const
00079 {
00080   if( latencies_.size() == 1 ) {
00081     return latencies_[0].latency;
00082   }
00083   int differentLatenciesNum = 0;
00084   // Count the number of different latencies
00085   for( latConstIt it = latencies_.begin(); it != latencies_.end()-1; ++it ) {
00086     if( it->latency != (it+1)->latency ) {
00087       ++differentLatenciesNum;
00088     }
00089   }
00090   if( differentLatenciesNum == 0 ) {
00091     return latencies_[0].latency;
00092   }
00093   return 255;
00094 }
00096 uint16_t SiStripLatency::singleMode() const
00097 {
00098   if( latencies_.size() == 1 ) {
00099     return latencies_[0].mode;
00100   }
00101   int differentModesNum = 0;
00102   // Count the number of different modes
00103   for( latConstIt it = latencies_.begin(); it != latencies_.end()-1; ++it ) {
00104     if( it->mode != (it+1)->mode ) {
00105       ++differentModesNum;
00106     }
00107   }
00108   if( differentModesNum == 0 ) {
00109     return latencies_[0].mode;
00110   }
00111   return 0;
00112 }
00114 void SiStripLatency::allModes(std::vector<uint16_t> & allModesVector) const
00115 {
00116   for( latConstIt it = latencies_.begin(); it != latencies_.end(); ++it ) {
00117     allModesVector.push_back(it->mode);
00118   }
00119   // The Latencies are sorted by DetIdAndApv, we need to sort the modes again and then remove duplicates
00120   sort( allModesVector.begin(), allModesVector.end() );
00121   allModesVector.erase( unique( allModesVector.begin(), allModesVector.end() ), allModesVector.end() );
00122 }
00124 int16_t SiStripLatency::singleReadOutMode() const
00125 {
00126   uint16_t mode = singleMode();
00127   if(mode != 0 ) {
00128     if( (mode & READMODEMASK) == READMODEMASK ) return 1;
00129     if( (mode & READMODEMASK) == 0 ) return 0;
00130   }
00131   else {
00132     // If we are here the Tracker is not in single mode. Check if it is in single Read-out mode.
00133     bool allInPeakMode = true;
00134     bool allInDecoMode = true;
00135     std::vector<uint16_t> allModesVector;
00136     allModes(allModesVector);
00137     std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator it = allModesVector.begin();
00138     if (allModesVector.size() == 1 && allModesVector[0] == 0) allInPeakMode = false;
00139     else{
00140       for( ; it != allModesVector.end(); ++it ) {
00141         if( (*it) % 2 == 0 ) continue;
00142         if( ((*it) & READMODEMASK) == READMODEMASK ) allInDecoMode = false;
00143         if( ((*it) & READMODEMASK) == 0 ) allInPeakMode = false;
00144       }
00145     }
00146     if( allInPeakMode ) return 1;
00147     if( allInDecoMode ) return 0;
00148   }
00149   return -1;
00150 }
00153 void SiStripLatency::allLatencies(std::vector<uint16_t> & allLatenciesVector) const
00154 {
00156   for( latConstIt it = latencies_.begin(); it != latencies_.end(); ++it ) {
00157     allLatenciesVector.push_back(it->latency);
00158   }
00159   // The Latencies are sorted by DetIdAndApv, we need to sort the latencies again and then remove duplicates
00160   sort( allLatenciesVector.begin(), allLatenciesVector.end() );
00161   allLatenciesVector.erase( unique( allLatenciesVector.begin(), allLatenciesVector.end() ), allLatenciesVector.end() );
00162 }
00165 std::vector<SiStripLatency::Latency> SiStripLatency::allUniqueLatencyAndModes()
00166 {
00167   std::vector<Latency> latencyCopy(latencies_);
00168   sort( latencyCopy.begin(), latencyCopy.end(), OrderByLatencyAndMode() );
00169   latencyCopy.erase( unique( latencyCopy.begin(), latencyCopy.end(), SiStripLatency::EqualByLatencyAndMode() ), latencyCopy.end() );
00170   return latencyCopy;
00171 }
00173 void SiStripLatency::printSummary(std::stringstream & ss) const
00174 {
00175   ss << std::endl;
00176   if(singleReadOutMode()==1){
00177      ss << "SingleReadOut = PEAK" << std::endl;
00178   }else if(singleReadOutMode()==0){
00179     ss << "SingleReadOut = DECO" << std::endl;
00180   }else{
00181     ss << "SingleReadOut = MIXED" << std::endl;
00182   }
00183   uint16_t lat = singleLatency();
00184   if( lat != 255 ) {
00185     ss << "All the Tracker has the same latency = " << lat << std::endl;
00186   }
00187   else {
00188     std::vector<uint16_t> allLatenciesVector;
00189     allLatencies(allLatenciesVector);
00190     if( allLatenciesVector.size() > 1 ) {
00191       ss << "There is more than one latency value in the Tracker" << std::endl;
00192     }
00193     else {
00194       ss << "Latency value is " << lat << " that means invalid" << std::endl;
00195     }
00196   }
00197   ss << "Total number of ranges = " << latencies_.size() << std::endl;
00198   printDebug(ss);
00199 }
00202 void SiStripLatency::printDebug(std::stringstream & ss) const
00203 {
00204   ss << "List of all the latencies and modes for the " << latencies_.size() << " ranges in the object:" << std::endl;
00205   for( latConstIt it = latencies_.begin(); it != latencies_.end(); ++it ) {
00206     int detId = it->detIdAndApv >> 3;
00207     int apv = it->detIdAndApv & 7; // 7 is 0...0111
00208     ss << "for detId = " << detId << " and apv pair = " << apv << " latency = " << int(it->latency) << " and mode = " << int(it->mode) << std::endl;
00209   }
00210 }
00212 #undef READMODEMASK