
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # REMINDER : det.simulation need a startup seed;
00004 # in your cfg, do NOT forget to give seeds via RandomNumberGeneratorService !!!
00005 # Include Configuration/StandardSequences/data/SimulationRandomNumberGeneratorSeeds.cff
00006 # 
00007 # Vertex smearing is exectuted in the pgen sequence
00008 # Geant4-based detector simulation
00009 # (necessary geometry and mag.field records included)
00010 #
00011 # It retuns label "g4SimHits" that one places in the path
00012 #
00013 # Advise : OscarProducer has a config. parameter to control
00014 # which HepMCProduct ( to pickup as event input, 
00015 # the original or the one with the vertex smearing applied; 
00016 # the parameter's name is HepMCProductLabel, it belongs to
00017 # the PSet Generator, and the default = "VtxSmeared"
00018 #
00019 from Configuration.StandardSequences.Sim_cff import *
00020 #
00021 # if you want to skip vertex smearing, you need to reset it:
00022 # replace g4SimHits.Generator.HepMCProductLabel = "source"
00023 #
00024 # several other useful parameters are listed in the WorkBook:
00025 #
00026 #
00027 # include TrackingParticle Producer
00028 # NOTA BENE: it MUST be run here at the moment, since it depends 
00029 # of the availability of the CrossingFrame in the Event
00030 #
00031 # Digitization (electronics response modeling)
00032 # (all necessary geometry and other records included in the cff's)
00033 #
00034 # returns sequence "doAllDigi"
00035 #
00036 from Configuration.StandardSequences.Digi_cff import *
00037 from SimGeneral.HepPDTESSource.pythiapdt_cfi import *
00038 simulation = cms.Sequence(psim*pdigi)