
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import math, re, optparse, commands, os, sys, time, datetime
00002 from BeamSpotObj import BeamSpot
00003 from IOVObj import IOV
00005 lockFile = ".lock"
00007 ###########################################################################################
00008 def timeoutManager(type,timeout=-1,fileName=".timeout"):
00009     if timeout == 0:
00010         return 1
00011     timeFormat = "%a,%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S"
00012     currentTime = time.gmtime()
00013     timeoutLine = type + ' ' + time.strftime(timeFormat, currentTime) + '\n'
00014     isTimeout = False
00015     alreadyThere = False
00016     timeoutType = -1;
00017     fileExist = os.path.isfile(fileName)
00018     text = ''
00019     fields = []
00020     reset = False
00021     if timeout == -1:
00022         reset = True
00023     if fileExist:
00024         file = open(fileName)
00025         for line in file:
00026             text += line
00027             fields = line.strip('\n').split(' ')
00028             if fields[0] == type:
00029                 alreadyThere = True
00030                 if reset:
00031                     text = text.replace(line,'')
00032                     continue
00034                 fileTime = time.strptime(fields[1],timeFormat)
00035                 myTime = time.mktime(fileTime)
00036                 referenceTime = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
00037                 daylight = 0
00038                 if currentTime.tm_isdst == 0:
00039                     daylight = 3600
00040                 elapsedTime = referenceTime-myTime-daylight
00041                 if elapsedTime > timeout:
00042                     isTimeout = True
00043                     timeoutType = 1
00044                     print "Timeout! " + str(elapsedTime) + " seconds passed since the " + type + " timeout was set and you can't tolerate more than " + str(timeout) + " seconds!"
00045                 else:
00046                     timeoutType = 0
00047                     print "Timeout of type " + type + " already exist and was generated " + str(elapsedTime) + " seconds ago at " + fields[1]
00049         file.close()
00051     if not fileExist or not alreadyThere and not reset:
00052         timeoutType = -1
00053         text += timeoutLine
00055     if not fileExist or not alreadyThere or isTimeout or (reset and alreadyThere):
00056         if fileExist:
00057             commands.getstatusoutput("rm -rf " + fileName)
00058         file = open(fileName,'w')
00059         file.write(text)
00060         file.close()
00062     return timeoutType
00065 ###########################################################################################
00066 def setLockName(name):
00067     global lockFile
00068     lockFile = name
00070 ###########################################################################################
00071 def checkLock():
00072     global lockFile
00073     if os.path.isfile(lockFile):
00074         return True
00075     else:
00076         return False
00078 ###########################################################################################
00079 def lock():
00080     global lockFile
00081     commands.getstatusoutput( "touch " + lockFile)
00083 ###########################################################################################
00084 def rmLock():
00085     global lockFile
00086     if checkLock():
00087         commands.getstatusoutput( "rm " + lockFile)
00089 ###########################################################################################
00090 def exit(msg=""):
00091     rmLock()
00092     raise SystemExit(msg or optionstring.replace("%prog",sys.argv[0]))
00094 ###########################################################################################
00095 def isnan(num):
00096     fnum = float(num)
00097     return fnum != fnum
00099 ###########################################################################################
00100 # OPTIONS
00101 ###########################################################################################
00102 USAGE = re.compile(r'(?s)\s*usage: (.*?)(\n[ \t]*\n|$)')
00104 ###########################################################################################
00105 def parse(docstring, arglist=None):
00106     global optionstring
00107     global tagType
00108     optionstring = docstring
00109     match =
00110     if not match: raise ParsingError("Cannot find the option string")
00111     optlines =
00112     try:
00113         p = optparse.OptionParser(optlines[0])
00114         for line in optlines[1:]:
00115             opt, help=line.split(':')[:2]
00116             short,long=opt.split(',')[:2]
00117             if '=' in opt:
00118                 action='store'
00119                 long=long.split('=')[0]
00120             else:
00121                 action='store_true'
00122             p.add_option(short.strip(),long.strip(),
00123                          action = action, help = help.strip())
00124     except (IndexError,ValueError):
00125         raise ParsingError("Cannot parse the option string correctly")
00126     return p.parse_args(arglist)
00128 ###########################################################################################
00129 def nonzero(self): # will become the nonzero method of optparse.Values
00130     "True if options were given"
00131     for v in self.__dict__.itervalues():
00132         if v is not None: return True
00133     return False
00135 ###########################################################################################
00136 optparse.Values.__nonzero__ = nonzero # dynamically fix optparse.Values
00139 ###########################################################################################
00141 ###########################################################################################
00142 class ParsingError(Exception): pass
00144 ###########################################################################################
00145 # General utilities
00146 ###########################################################################################
00147 ###########################################################################################
00148 def sendEmail(mailList,error):
00149     print "Sending email to " + mailList + " with body: " + error
00150     list = mailList.split(',')
00151     for email in list:
00152         p = os.popen("mail -s \"Automatic workflow error\" " + email ,"w")
00153         p.write(error)
00154         status = p.close() 
00156 ###########################################################################################
00157 def dirExists(dir):
00158     if dir.find("castor") != -1:
00159         lsCommand = "nsls " + dir
00160         output = commands.getstatusoutput( lsCommand )
00161         return not output[0]
00162     else:
00163         return os.path.exists(dir)
00165 ########################################################################
00166 def ls(dir,filter=""):
00167     lsCommand      = ''
00168     listOfFiles    = []
00169     if dir.find('castor') != -1:
00170         lsCommand = 'ns'
00171     elif not os.path.exists(dir):
00172         print "ERROR: File or directory " + dir + " doesn't exist"
00173         return listOfFiles
00175     aCommand  = lsCommand  + 'ls '+ dir
00176     #aCommand  = lsCommand  + 'ls '+ dir + " | grep .txt"
00177     if filter != "":
00178         aCommand  += " | grep " + filter 
00180     tmpStatus = commands.getstatusoutput( aCommand )
00181     listOfFiles = tmpStatus[1].split('\n')
00182     if len(listOfFiles) == 1:
00183         if listOfFiles[0].find('No such file or directory') != -1:
00184             exit("ERROR: File or directory " + dir + " doesn't exist") 
00186     return listOfFiles            
00188 ########################################################################
00189 def cp(fromDir,toDir,listOfFiles,overwrite=False,smallList=False):
00190     cpCommand   = ''
00191     copiedFiles = []
00192     if fromDir.find('castor') != -1 or toDir.find('castor') != -1 :
00193         cpCommand = 'rf'
00194     elif fromDir.find('resilient') != -1:
00195         cpCommand = 'dc'
00196     if fromDir[len(fromDir)-1] != '/':
00197         fromDir += '/'
00199     if toDir[len(toDir)-1] != '/':
00200         toDir += '/'
00202     for file in listOfFiles:
00203         if os.path.isfile(toDir+file):
00204             if overwrite:
00205                 print "File " + file + " already exists in destination directory. We will overwrite it."
00206             else:
00207                 print "File " + file + " already exists in destination directory. We will Keep original file."
00208                 if not smallList:
00209                     copiedFiles.append(file)
00210                 continue
00211         # copy to local disk
00212         aCommand = cpCommand + 'cp '+ fromDir + file + " " + toDir
00213         print " >> " + aCommand
00214         tmpStatus = commands.getstatusoutput( aCommand )
00215         if tmpStatus[0] == 0:
00216             copiedFiles.append(file)
00217         else:
00218             print "[cp()]\tERROR: Can't copy file " + file
00219     return copiedFiles
00221 ########################################################################
00224 ###########################################################################################
00225 # lumi tools CondCore/Utilities/python/
00226 ###########################################################################################
00227 def pack(high,low):
00228     """pack high,low 32bit unsigned int to one unsigned 64bit long long
00229        Note:the print value of result number may appear signed, if the sign bit is used.
00230     """
00231     h=high<<32
00232     return (h|low)
00234 ###########################################################################################
00235 def unpack(i):
00236     """unpack 64bit unsigned long long into 2 32bit unsigned int, return tuple (high,low)
00237     """
00238     high=i>>32
00239     low=i&0xFFFFFFFF
00240     return(high,low)
00242 ###########################################################################################
00243 def unpackLumiid(i):
00244     """unpack 64bit lumiid to dictionary {'run','lumisection'}
00245     """
00246     j=unpack(i)
00247     return {'run':j[0],'lumisection':j[1]}
00248 ###########################################################################################
00249 # end lumi tools
00250 ###########################################################################################
00252 ###########################################################################################
00253 def cmp_list_run(a,b):
00254     if int(a.IOVfirst) < int(b.IOVfirst): return -1
00255     if int(a.IOVfirst) == int(b.IOVfirst): return 0
00256     if int(a.IOVfirst) > int(b.IOVfirst): return 1
00258 ###########################################################################################
00259 def cmp_list_lumi(a,b):
00260     if int(a.Run) < int(b.Run): return -1
00261     if int(a.Run) == int(b.Run):
00262         if int(a.IOVfirst) < int(b.IOVfirst): return -1
00263         if int(a.IOVfirst) == int(b.IOVfirst): return 0
00264         if int(a.IOVfirst) > int(b.IOVfirst): return 1
00265     if int(a.Run) > int(b.Run) : return 1
00267 ###########################################################################################
00268 def weight(x1, x1err,x2,x2err):
00269     #print "x1 = "+str(x1)+" +/- "+str(x1err)+" x2 = "+str(x2)+" +/- "+str(x2err)
00270     x1     = float(x1)
00271     x1err  = float(x1err)
00272     x2     = float(x2)
00273     x2err  = float(x2err)
00274     tmperr = 0.
00275     if x2err < 1e-6 :
00276         x2err = 1e-6
00277     if x1err < 1e-6:
00278         x1 = x2/(x2err * x2err)
00279         tmperr = 1/(x2err*x2err)
00280     else:
00281         x1 = x1/(x1err*x1err) + x2/(x2err * x2err)
00282         tmperr = 1/(x1err*x1err) + 1/(x2err*x2err)
00283     x1 = x1/tmperr
00284     x1err = 1/tmperr
00285     x1err = math.sqrt(x1err)
00286     return (str(x1), str(x1err))
00288 ###########################################################################################
00289 def dump( beam, file):
00290     end = "\n"
00291     file.write("Runnumber "+beam.Run+end)
00292     file.write("BeginTimeOfFit "+str(beam.IOVBeginTime)+end)
00293     file.write("EndTimeOfFit "+str(beam.IOVEndTime)+end)
00294     file.write("LumiRange "+str(beam.IOVfirst)+" - "+str(beam.IOVlast)+end)
00295     dumpValues(beam, file)
00297 ###########################################################################################
00298 def dumpValues( beam, file):
00299     end = "\n"
00300     file.write("Type "+str(beam.Type)+end)
00301     file.write("X0 "+str(beam.X)+end)
00302     file.write("Y0 "+str(beam.Y)+end)
00303     file.write("Z0 "+str(beam.Z)+end)
00304     file.write("sigmaZ0 "+str(beam.sigmaZ)+end)
00305     file.write("dxdz "+str(beam.dxdz)+end)
00306     file.write("dydz "+str(beam.dydz)+end)
00307     file.write("BeamWidthX "+beam.beamWidthX+end)
00308     file.write("BeamWidthY "+beam.beamWidthY+end)
00309     file.write("Cov(0,j) "+str(math.pow(float(beam.Xerr),2))+" 0 0 0 0 0 0"  +end)
00310     file.write("Cov(1,j) 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.Yerr),2))+" 0 0 0 0 0"  +end)
00311     file.write("Cov(2,j) 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.Zerr),2))+" 0 0 0 0"  +end)
00312     file.write("Cov(3,j) 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.sigmaZerr),2))+" 0 0 0"  +end)
00313     file.write("Cov(4,j) 0 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.dxdzerr),2))+" 0 0"  +end)
00314     file.write("Cov(5,j) 0 0 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.dydzerr),2))+" 0"  +end)
00315     file.write("Cov(6,j) 0 0 0 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.beamWidthXerr),2))  +end)
00316     file.write("EmittanceX 0"+end)
00317     file.write("EmittanceY 0"+end)
00318     file.write("BetaStar 0"+end)
00320 ###########################################################################################
00321 def delta(x,xerr,nextx,nextxerr):
00322     #return math.fabs( float(x) - float(nextx) )/math.sqrt(math.pow(float(xerr),2) + math.pow(float(nextxerr),2))
00323     return ( float(x) - float(nextx), math.sqrt(math.pow(float(xerr),2) + math.pow(float(nextxerr),2)) )
00325 def deltaSig( x ):
00326     return math.fabs(x[0])/x[1]
00328 ###########################################################################################
00329 def readBeamSpotFile(fileName,listbeam=[],IOVbase="runbase", firstRun='1',lastRun='4999999999'):
00330     tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
00331     tmpbeamsize = 0
00333     #firstRun = "1"
00334     #lastRun  = "4999999999"
00335     if IOVbase == "lumibase" and firstRun=='1' and lastRun=='4999999999' :
00336         firstRun = "1:1"
00337         lastRun = "4999999999:4999999999"
00339     inputfiletype = 0
00340     #print "first = " +firstRun
00341     #print "last = " +lastRun
00343     # for bx
00344     maplist = {}
00345     hasBX = False
00347     tmpfile = open(fileName)
00348     atmpline = tmpfile.readline()
00349     if atmpline.find('Runnumber') != -1:
00350         inputfiletype = 1
00351         if len(atmpline.split()) > 2:
00352             hasBX = True
00353             print " Input data has been calculated as function of BUNCH CROSSINGS."
00357     if inputfiletype ==1:
00359         tmpBX = 0
00360         for line in tmpfile:
00362             if line.find('Type') != -1:
00363                 tmpbeam.Type = int(line.split()[1])
00364                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00365             if line.find('X0') != -1:
00366                 tmpbeam.X = line.split()[1]
00367                 #tmpbeam.Xerr = line.split()[4]
00368                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00369             #print " x = " + str(tmpbeam.X)
00370             if line.find('Y0') != -1:
00371                 tmpbeam.Y = line.split()[1]
00372                 #tmpbeam.Yerr = line.split()[4]
00373                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00374             #print " y =" + str(tmpbeam.Y)
00375             if line.find('Z0') != -1 and line.find('sigmaZ0') == -1:
00376                 tmpbeam.Z = line.split()[1]
00377                 #tmpbeam.Zerr = line.split()[4]
00378                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00379             if line.find('sigmaZ0') !=-1:
00380                 tmpbeam.sigmaZ = line.split()[1]
00381                 #tmpbeam.sigmaZerr = line.split()[5]
00382                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00383             if line.find('dxdz') != -1:
00384                 tmpbeam.dxdz = line.split()[1]
00385                 #tmpbeam.dxdzerr = line.split()[4]
00386                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00387             if line.find('dydz') != -1:
00388                 tmpbeam.dydz = line.split()[1]
00389                 #tmpbeam.dydzerr = line.split()[4]
00390                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00391             if line.find('BeamWidthX') != -1:
00392                 tmpbeam.beamWidthX = line.split()[1]
00393                 #tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr = line.split()[6]
00394                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00395             if line.find('BeamWidthY') != -1:
00396                 tmpbeam.beamWidthY = line.split()[1]
00397                 #tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr = line.split()[6]
00398                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00399             if line.find('Cov(0,j)') != -1:
00400                 tmpbeam.Xerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[1] ) ) )
00401                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00402             if line.find('Cov(1,j)') != -1:
00403                 tmpbeam.Yerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[2] ) ) )
00404                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00405             if line.find('Cov(2,j)') != -1:
00406                 tmpbeam.Zerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[3] ) ) )
00407                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00408             if line.find('Cov(3,j)') != -1:
00409                 tmpbeam.sigmaZerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[4] ) ) )
00410                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00411             if line.find('Cov(4,j)') != -1:
00412                 tmpbeam.dxdzerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[5] ) ) )
00413                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00414             if line.find('Cov(5,j)') != -1:
00415                 tmpbeam.dydzerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[6] ) ) )
00416                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00417             if line.find('Cov(6,j)') != -1:
00418                 tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[7] ) ) )
00419                 tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr = tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr
00420                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00421             if line.find('LumiRange')  != -1:
00422                 if IOVbase=="lumibase":
00423                     tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[1]
00424                     tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[3]
00425                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00426             if line.find('Runnumber') != -1:
00427                 tmpbeam.Run = line.split()[1]
00428                 if IOVbase == "runbase":
00429                     tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[1]
00430                     tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[1]
00431                 if hasBX:
00432                     tmpBX = line.split()[3]
00433                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00434             if line.find('BeginTimeOfFit') != -1:
00435                 tmpbeam.IOVBeginTime = line.split()[1] +" "+line.split()[2] +" "+line.split()[3]
00436                 if IOVbase =="timebase":
00437                     tmpbeam.IOVfirst =  time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[1] +  " " + line.split()[2] + " " + line.split()[3],"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
00438                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00439             if line.find('EndTimeOfFit') != -1:
00440                 tmpbeam.IOVEndTime = line.split()[1] +" "+line.split()[2] +" "+line.split()[3]
00441                 if IOVbase =="timebase":
00442                     tmpbeam.IOVlast = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[1] +  " " + line.split()[2] + " " + line.split()[3],"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
00443                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00444             if tmpbeamsize == 20:
00445                 if IOVbase=="lumibase":
00446                     tmprunfirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[0])
00447                     tmprunlast  = int(lastRun.split(":")[0])
00448                     tmplumifirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[1])
00449                     tmplumilast  = int(lastRun.split(":")[1])
00450                     acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = False
00451                     # check lumis in the same run
00452                     if tmprunfirst == tmprunlast and int(tmpbeam.Run)==tmprunfirst:
00453                         if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast)<=tmplumilast:
00454                             acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
00455                     # if different runs make sure you select the correct range of lumis
00456                     elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunfirst:
00457                         if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst: acceptiov1 = True
00458                     elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunlast:
00459                         if int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= tmplumilast: acceptiov2 = True
00460                     elif tmprunfirst <= int(tmpbeam.Run) and tmprunlast >= int(tmpbeam.Run): 
00461                         acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
00463                     if acceptiov1 and acceptiov2:
00464                         if tmpbeam.Type != 2:
00465                             print "invalid fit, skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)
00466                         elif isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
00467                             print "invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)                       
00468                         elif hasBX:
00469                             if maplist.has_key(tmpBX) == False:
00470                                 maplist[tmpBX] = [tmpbeam]
00471                             else:
00472                                 maplist[tmpBX].append(tmpbeam)
00473                         else:
00474                             listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
00476                 elif int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= int(firstRun) and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= int(lastRun):
00477                     if tmpbeam.Type != 2:
00478                         print "invalid fit, skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)
00479                     elif isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
00480                         print "invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)
00481                     else:
00482                         listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
00484                 tmpbeamsize = 0
00485                 tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
00486                 tmpBX = 0
00487     else:
00489         for line in tmpfile:
00491             if line.find('X0') != -1:
00492                 tmpbeam.X = line.split()[2]
00493                 tmpbeam.Xerr = line.split()[4]
00494                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00495             #print " x = " + str(tmpbeam.X)
00496             if line.find('Y0') != -1:
00497                 tmpbeam.Y = line.split()[2]
00498                 tmpbeam.Yerr = line.split()[4]
00499                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00500             #print " y =" + str(tmpbeam.Y)
00501             if line.find('Z0') != -1 and line.find('Sigma Z0') == -1:
00502                 tmpbeam.Z = line.split()[2]
00503                 tmpbeam.Zerr = line.split()[4]
00504                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00505             #print " z =" + str(tmpbeam.Z)
00506             if line.find('Sigma Z0') !=-1:
00507                 tmpbeam.sigmaZ = line.split()[3]
00508                 tmpbeam.sigmaZerr = line.split()[5]
00509                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00510             if line.find('dxdz') != -1:
00511                 tmpbeam.dxdz = line.split()[2]
00512                 tmpbeam.dxdzerr = line.split()[4]
00513                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00514             if line.find('dydz') != -1:
00515                 tmpbeam.dydz = line.split()[2]
00516                 tmpbeam.dydzerr = line.split()[4]
00517                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00518             if line.find('Beam Width X') != -1:
00519                 tmpbeam.beamWidthX = line.split()[4]
00520                 tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr = line.split()[6]
00521                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00522             if line.find('Beam Width Y') != -1:
00523                 tmpbeam.beamWidthY = line.split()[4]
00524                 tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr = line.split()[6]
00525                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00526         #if line.find('Run ') != -1:
00527             if line.find('for runs')  != -1:
00528             #tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[6].strip(',')
00529                 tmpbeam.Run      = line.split()[2]
00530                 if IOVbase == "runbase":
00531                   tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[2]
00532                   tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[4]
00533                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00534             if line.find('LumiSection')  != -1:
00535                 if IOVbase=="lumibase":
00536                     tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[10]
00537                     tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[10]
00538                 tmpbeamsize += 1
00539             if tmpbeamsize == 10:
00541                 if IOVbase=="lumibase":
00542                     tmprunfirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[0])
00543                     tmprunlast  = int(lastRun.split(":")[0])
00544                     tmplumifirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[1])
00545                     tmplumilast  = int(lastRun.split(":")[1])
00546                     acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = False
00547                     # check lumis in the same run
00548                     if tmprunfirst == tmprunlast and int(tmpbeam.Run)==tmprunfirst:
00549                         if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast)<=tmplumilast:
00550                             acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
00551                     # if different runs make sure you select the correct range of lumis
00552                     elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunfirst:
00553                         if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst: acceptiov1 = True
00554                     elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunlast:
00555                         if int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= tmplumilast: acceptiov2 = True
00556                     elif tmprunfirst <= int(tmpbeam.Run) and tmprunlast >= int(tmpbeam.Run): 
00557                         acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
00559                     if acceptiov1 and acceptiov2:
00560                         if isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
00561                             print "invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)                       
00562                         elif hasBX:
00563                             if maplist.has_key(tmpBX) == False:
00564                                 maplist[tmpBX] = [tmpbeam]
00565                             else:
00566                                 maplist[tmpBX].append(tmpbeam)
00567                         else:
00568                             listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
00570                 elif int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= int(firstRun) and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= int(lastRun):
00571                     if isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
00572                         print "invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)
00573                     else:
00574                         listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
00576                 tmpbeamsize = 0
00577                 tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
00578                 tmpBX = 0
00580     tmpfile.close()
00581     print " got total number of IOVs = " + str(len(listbeam)) + " from file " + fileName
00582     #print " run " + str(listbeam[3].IOVfirst ) + " " + str( listbeam[3].X )
00583     if hasBX:
00584         return maplist
00585     else:
00586         return listbeam
00588 ###########################################################################################
00589 # Sort and clean list of data for consecutive duplicates and bad fits
00590 def sortAndCleanBeamList(listbeam=[],IOVbase="lumibase"):
00591     # sort the list
00592     if IOVbase == "lumibase":
00593         listbeam.sort( cmp = cmp_list_lumi )
00594     else:
00595         listbeam.sort( cmp = cmp_list_run )
00597     # first clean list of data for consecutive duplicates and bad fits
00598     tmpremovelist = []
00599     for ii in range(0,len(listbeam)):
00600         ibeam = listbeam[ii]
00601         datax = ibeam.IOVfirst
00602         #print str(ii) + "  " +datax
00603         if datax == '0' and IOVbase =="runbase":
00604             print " iov = 0? skip this IOV = "+ str(ibeam.IOVfirst) + " to " + str(ibeam.IOVlast)
00605             tmpremovelist.append(ibeam)
00607         if ii < len(listbeam) -1:
00608             #print listbeam[ii+1].IOVfirst
00609             if IOVbase =="lumibase":
00610                 if ibeam.Run == listbeam[ii+1].Run and ibeam.IOVfirst == listbeam[ii+1].IOVfirst:
00611                     print " duplicate IOV = "+datax+", keep only last duplicate entry"
00612                     tmpremovelist.append(ibeam)
00613             elif datax == listbeam[ii+1].IOVfirst:
00614                 print " duplicate IOV = "+datax+", keep only last duplicate entry"
00615                 tmpremovelist.append(ibeam)
00617     for itmp in tmpremovelist:
00618         listbeam.remove(itmp)
00620 ###########################################################################################
00622 def createWeightedPayloads(fileName,listbeam=[],weighted=True):
00623     newlistbeam = []
00624     tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
00625     docreate = True
00626     countlumi = 0
00627     tmprun = ""
00628     maxNlumis = 60
00629     if weighted:
00630         maxNlumis = 999999999
00631     for ii in range(0,len(listbeam)):
00632         ibeam = listbeam[ii]
00633         inextbeam = BeamSpot()
00634         iNNbeam = BeamSpot()
00635         if docreate:
00636             tmpbeam.IOVfirst = ibeam.IOVfirst
00637             tmpbeam.IOVBeginTime = ibeam.IOVBeginTime
00638             tmpbeam.Run = ibeam.Run
00639             tmpbeam.Type = 2
00640         docheck = False
00641         docreate = False
00642         #print "Currently testing ii="+str(ii)+" Lumi1: "+str(ibeam.IOVfirst)
00644         # check last iov
00645         if ii < len(listbeam) - 1: 
00646             inextbeam = listbeam[ii+1]
00647             docheck = True
00648             if ii < len(listbeam) -2:
00649                 iNNbeam = listbeam[ii+2]
00650         else:
00651             print "close payload because end of data has been reached. Run "+ibeam.Run
00652             docreate = True
00653         # check we run over the same run
00654         if ibeam.Run != inextbeam.Run:
00655             print "close payload because end of run "+ibeam.Run
00656             docreate = True
00657         # check maximum lumi counts
00658         if countlumi == maxNlumis -1:
00659             print "close payload because maximum lumi sections accumulated within run "+ibeam.Run
00660             docreate = True
00661             countlumi = 0
00662         # weighted average position
00663         (tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr) = weight(tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr, ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr)
00664         (tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr, ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr)
00665         (tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr, ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr)
00666         (tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) = weight(tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr, ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr)
00667         (tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr, ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr)
00668         (tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr, ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr)
00669         #print "wx = " + ibeam.beamWidthX + " err= "+ ibeam.beamWidthXerr
00670         (tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr, ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr)
00671         (tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr, ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr)
00673         if weighted:
00674             docheck = False
00675         # check offsets
00676         #if False:
00677         if docheck:
00679             # define minimum limit
00680             min_limit = 0.0025
00682             # limit for x and y
00683             limit = float(ibeam.beamWidthX)/2.
00684             if limit < min_limit: limit = min_limit
00686             # check movements in X
00687             adelta1 = delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, inextbeam.X, inextbeam.Xerr)
00688             adelta2 = (0.,1.e9)
00689             adelta1dxdz = delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr)
00690             adelta2dxdz = (0.,1.e9)
00691             adelta1dydz = delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr)
00692             adelta2dydz = (0.,1.e9)
00693             adelta1widthx = delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr)
00694             adelta2widthx = (0.,1.e9)
00695             adelta1widthy = delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr)
00696             adelta2widthy = (0.,1.e9)
00697             adelta1z0 = delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, inextbeam.Z, inextbeam.Zerr)
00698             adelta1sigmaZ = delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, inextbeam.sigmaZ, inextbeam.sigmaZerr)
00700             if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
00701                 adelta2 = delta(inextbeam.X, inextbeam.Xerr, iNNbeam.X, iNNbeam.Xerr)
00702                 adelta2dxdz = delta(inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr, iNNbeam.dxdz, iNNbeam.dxdzerr)
00703                 adelta2dydz = delta(inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr, iNNbeam.dydz, iNNbeam.dydzerr)
00704                 adelta2widthx = delta(inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthX, iNNbeam.beamWidthXerr)
00705                 adelta2widthy = delta(inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthY, iNNbeam.beamWidthYerr)
00707             deltaX = deltaSig(adelta1) > 3.5 and adelta1[0] >= limit
00708             if ii < len(listbeam) -2:
00709                 if deltaX==False and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0] > 0. and  math.fabs(adelta1[0]+adelta2[0]) >= limit:
00710                     #print " positive, "+str(adelta1[0]+adelta2[0])+ " limit="+str(limit)
00711                     deltaX = True
00712                 elif deltaX==True and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0]<=0 and adelta2[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) < 3:
00713                     deltaX = False
00714                     #print " negative, "+str(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0])
00715                 #else:
00716                 #    print str(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0])
00718             # check movemnts in Y
00719             adelta1 = delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, inextbeam.Y, inextbeam.Yerr)
00720             adelta2 = (0.,1.e9)
00721             if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
00722                 adelta2 = delta(inextbeam.Y, inextbeam.Yerr, iNNbeam.Y, iNNbeam.Yerr)
00724             deltaY = deltaSig(adelta1) > 3.5 and adelta1[0] >= limit
00725             if ii < len(listbeam) -2:
00726                 if deltaY==False and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0] > 0. and  math.fabs(adelta1[0]+adelta2[0]) >= limit:
00727                     deltaY = True
00728                 elif deltaY==True and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0]<=0 and adelta2[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) < 3:
00729                     deltaY = False
00730             # check movements in Z                                                    
00732             limit = float(ibeam.sigmaZ)/2.
00733             deltaZ = deltaSig(adelta1z0) > 3.5 and math.fabs(adelta1z0[0]) >= limit
00735             deltasigmaZ = deltaSig(adelta1sigmaZ) > 5.0
00737             # check dxdz
00738             adelta = delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr)
00739             deltadxdz   = deltaSig(adelta) > 5.0
00740             if deltadxdz and adelta1dxdz[0]*adelta2dxdz[0]<=0 and adelta2dxdz[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1dxdz[0]/adelta2dxdz[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1dxdz[0]/adelta2dxdz[0]) < 3:
00741                 deltadxdz = False
00742             # check dydz
00743             adelta = delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr)
00744             deltadydz   = deltaSig(adelta) > 5.0
00745             if deltadydz and adelta1dydz[0]*adelta2dydz[0]<=0 and adelta2dydz[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1dydz[0]/adelta2dydz[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1dydz[0]/adelta2dydz[0]) < 3:
00746                 deltadydz = False
00748             adelta = delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr)
00749             deltawidthX = deltaSig(adelta) > 5
00750             if deltawidthX and adelta1widthx[0]*adelta2widthx[0]<=0 and adelta2widthx[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1widthx[0]/adelta2widthx[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1widthx[0]/adelta2widthx[0]) < 3:
00751                 deltawidthX = False
00753             adelta = delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr) 
00754             deltawidthY = deltaSig(adelta) > 5
00755             if deltawidthY and adelta1widthy[0]*adelta2widthy[0]<=0 and adelta2widthy[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1widthy[0]/adelta2widthy[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1widthy[0]/adelta2widthy[0]) < 3:
00756                 deltawidthY = False
00757             #if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
00758             #    deltaX = deltaX and delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, iNNbeam.X, iNNbeam.Xerr) > 1.5
00759             #    deltaY = deltaY and delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, iNNbeam.Y, iNNbeam.Yerr) > 1.5
00760             #    deltaZ = deltaZ and delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, iNNbeam.Z, iNNbeam.Zerr) > 1.5
00761             #           
00762             #    deltasigmaZ = deltasigmaZ and delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, iNNbeam.sigmaZ, iNNbeam.sigmaZerr) > 2.5
00763             #    deltadxdz   = deltadxdz and delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, iNNbeam.dxdz, iNNbeam.dxdzerr) > 2.5
00764             #    deltadydz   = deltadydz and delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, iNNbeam.dydz, iNNbeam.dydzerr) > 2.5
00765             #
00766             #    deltawidthX = deltawidthX and delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthX, iNNbeam.beamWidthXerr) > 3
00767             #    deltawidthY = deltawidthY and delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthY, iNNbeam.beamWidthYerr) > 3
00769             if deltaX or deltaY or deltaZ or deltasigmaZ or deltadxdz or deltadydz or deltawidthX or deltawidthY:
00770                 docreate = True
00771                 #print "shift here: x="+str(deltaX)+" y="+str(deltaY)
00772                 #print "x1 = "+ibeam.X + " x1err = "+ibeam.Xerr
00773                 #print "x2 = "+inextbeam.X + " x2err = "+inextbeam.Xerr
00774                 #print "Lumi1: "+str(ibeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: "+str(inextbeam.IOVfirst)
00775                 #print " x= "+ibeam.X+" +/- "+ibeam.Xerr
00776                 #print "weighted average x = "+tmpbeam.X +" +//- "+tmpbeam.Xerr
00777                 print "close payload because of movement in X= "+str(deltaX)+", Y= "+str(deltaY) + ", Z= "+str(deltaZ)+", sigmaZ= "+str(deltasigmaZ)+", dxdz= "+str(deltadxdz)+", dydz= "+str(deltadydz)+", widthX= "+str(deltawidthX)+", widthY= "+str(deltawidthY)
00778         if docreate:
00779             #if ii == len(listbeam)-1:
00780             tmpbeam.IOVlast = ibeam.IOVlast
00781             tmpbeam.IOVEndTime = ibeam.IOVEndTime
00782             print "  Run: "+tmpbeam.Run +" Lumi1: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)
00783             newlistbeam.append(tmpbeam)
00784             tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
00785             countlumi = 0
00786         tmprun = ibeam.Run
00787         countlumi += 1
00789     payloadfile = open(fileName,"w")
00790     for iload in newlistbeam:
00791         dump( iload, payloadfile )
00792     payloadfile.close()
00793     return newlistbeam
00794 ###########################################################################################
00795 def createWeightedPayloadsNew(fileName,listbeam=[],weighted=True):
00796     newlistbeam = []
00797     docreate = False
00798     docheck = False
00799     lastPayload = listbeam[0]
00801     firstToUse = 0
00802     lastToUse = 0
00803     for ii in range(0,len(listbeam)):
00804         docreate = False
00805         if docheck:
00806             deltaX = delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, inextbeam.X, inextbeam.Xerr) > 1.5
00807             deltaY = delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, inextbeam.Y, inextbeam.Yerr) > 1.5
00808             deltaZ = delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, inextbeam.Z, inextbeam.Zerr) > 2.5
00810             deltasigmaZ = delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, inextbeam.sigmaZ, inextbeam.sigmaZerr) > 2.5
00811             deltadxdz   = delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr) > 2.5
00812             deltadydz   = delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr) > 2.5
00814             deltawidthX = delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr) > 3
00815             deltawidthY = delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr) > 3
00817             #if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
00818             #    deltaX = deltaX and delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, iNNbeam.X, iNNbeam.Xerr) > 1.5
00819             #    deltaY = deltaY and delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, iNNbeam.Y, iNNbeam.Yerr) > 1.5
00820             #    deltaZ = deltaZ and delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, iNNbeam.Z, iNNbeam.Zerr) > 1.5
00821             #           
00822             #    deltasigmaZ = deltasigmaZ and delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, iNNbeam.sigmaZ, iNNbeam.sigmaZerr) > 2.5
00823             #    deltadxdz   = deltadxdz and delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, iNNbeam.dxdz, iNNbeam.dxdzerr) > 2.5
00824             #    deltadydz   = deltadydz and delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, iNNbeam.dydz, iNNbeam.dydzerr) > 2.5
00825             #
00826             #    deltawidthX = deltawidthX and delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthX, iNNbeam.beamWidthXerr) > 3
00827             #    deltawidthY = deltawidthY and delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthY, iNNbeam.beamWidthYerr) > 3
00829             if deltaX or deltaY or deltaZ or deltasigmaZ or deltadxdz or deltadydz or deltawidthX or deltawidthY:
00830                 if ii != 0:
00831                     docreate = True
00832                     lastToUse = ii-1
00833                 #print "shift here: x="+str(deltaX)+" y="+str(deltaY)
00834                 #print "x1 = "+ibeam.X + " x1err = "+ibeam.Xerr
00835                 #print "x2 = "+inextbeam.X + " x2err = "+inextbeam.Xerr
00836                 #print "Lumi1: "+str(ibeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: "+str(inextbeam.IOVfirst)
00837                 #print " x= "+ibeam.X+" +/- "+ibeam.Xerr
00838                 #print "weighted average x = "+tmpbeam.X +" +//- "+tmpbeam.Xerr
00839                 print "close payload because of movement in X= "+str(deltaX)+", Y= "+str(deltaY) + ", Z= "+str(deltaZ)+", sigmaZ= "+str(deltasigmaZ)+", dxdz= "+str(deltadxdz)+", dydz= "+str(deltadydz)+", widthX= "+str(deltawidthX)+", widthY= "+str(deltawidthY)
00841         #WARNING this will only be fine for Run based IOVs
00842         if ii >= len(listbeam) - 1 or listbeam[ii].Run != listbeam[ii+1].Run :
00843             print "close payload because end of run has been reached. Run " + listbeam[ii].Run
00844             docreate = True
00845             lastToUse = ii
00848          # check maximum lumi counts
00849 #?        if countlumi == maxNlumis:
00850 #?            print "close payload because maximum lumi sections accumulated within run "+ibeam.Run
00851 #?            docreate = True
00852 #?            countlumi = 0
00853         if docreate:
00854             tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
00855             for ibeam in listbeam[firstToUse:lastToUse]:
00856                 (tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr) = weight(tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr, ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr)
00857                 (tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr, ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr)
00858                 (tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr, ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr)
00859                 (tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) = weight(tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr, ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr)
00860                 (tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr, ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr)
00861                 (tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr, ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr)
00862                 #print "wx = " + ibeam.beamWidthX + " err= "+ ibeam.beamWidthXerr
00863                 (tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr, ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr)
00864                 (tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr, ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr)
00865             tmpbeam.IOVfirst     = listbeam[firstToUse].IOVfirst
00866             tmpbeam.IOVBeginTime = listbeam[firstToUse].IOVBeginTime
00867             tmpbeam.Run          = listbeam[firstToUse].Run
00868             tmpbeam.Type         = 2
00869             tmpbeam.IOVlast      = listbeam[lastToUse].IOVlast
00870             tmpbeam.IOVEndTime   = listbeam[lastToUse].IOVEndTime
00871             newlistbeam.append(tmpbeam)
00872             firstToUse = lastToUse+1
00873             print "Run: " + tmpbeam.Run + " Lumi1: " + str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: " + str(tmpbeam.IOVlast)
00875     payloadfile = open(fileName,"w")
00876     for iload in newlistbeam:
00877         dump( iload, payloadfile )
00878     payloadfile.close()
00880 ###########################################################################################
00881 def writeSqliteFile(sqliteFileName,tagName,timeType,beamSpotFile,sqliteTemplateFile,tmpDir="/tmp/"):
00882     writeDBOut = tmpDir + "write2DB_" + tagName + ".py"
00883     wFile      = open(sqliteTemplateFile)
00884     wNewFile   = open(writeDBOut,'w')
00886     writeDBTags = [('SQLITEFILE','sqlite_file:' + sqliteFileName),
00887                    ('TAGNAME',tagName),
00888                    ('TIMETYPE',timeType),
00889                    ('BEAMSPOTFILE',beamSpotFile)]
00891     for line in wFile:
00892         for itag in writeDBTags:
00893             line = line.replace(itag[0],itag[1])
00894         wNewFile.write(line)
00896     wNewFile.close()
00897     print "writing sqlite file ..."
00898     status_wDB = commands.getstatusoutput('cmsRun '+ writeDBOut)
00899     print status_wDB[1]
00901     os.system("rm -f " + writeDBOut)
00902     return not status_wDB[0]
00904 ###########################################################################################
00905 def readSqliteFile(sqliteFileName,tagName,sqliteTemplateFile,tmpDir="/tmp/"):
00906     readDBOut = tmpDir + "readDB_" + tagName + ".py"
00908     rFile = open(sqliteTemplateFile)
00909     rNewFile = open(readDBOut,'w')
00911     readDBTags = [('SQLITEFILE','sqlite_file:' + sqliteFileName),
00912                   ('TAGNAME',tagName)]
00914     for line in rFile:
00915         for itag in readDBTags:
00916             line = line.replace(itag[0],itag[1])
00917         rNewFile.write(line)
00919     rNewFile.close()
00920     status_rDB = commands.getstatusoutput('cmsRun '+ readDBOut)
00922     outtext = status_rDB[1]
00923     print outtext
00924     os.system("rm -f " + readDBOut)
00925     return not status_rDB[0]
00927 ###########################################################################################
00928 def appendSqliteFile(combinedSqliteFileName, sqliteFileName, tagName, IOVSince, IOVTill ,tmpDir="/tmp/"):
00929     aCommand = "cmscond_export_iov -d sqlite_file:" + tmpDir + combinedSqliteFileName + " -s sqlite_file:" + sqliteFileName + " -i " + tagName + " -t " + tagName + " -l sqlite_file:" + tmpDir + "log.db" + " -b " + IOVSince + " -e " + IOVTill
00930     print aCommand
00931     std = commands.getstatusoutput(aCommand)
00932     print std[1]
00933     return not std[0]
00935 ###########################################################################################
00936 def uploadSqliteFile(sqliteFileDirName, sqliteFileName, dropbox="/DropBox"):
00937     # Changing permissions to metadata
00938     acmd = "chmod a+w " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
00939     outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00940     print acmd
00941 #    print outcmd[1]
00942     if outcmd[0]:
00943         print "Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
00944         return False
00946     acmd = "cp " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".db " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt ." 
00947     print acmd
00948     outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00949     print outcmd[1]
00950     if outcmd[0]:
00951         print "Couldn't cd to " + sqliteFileDirName
00952         return False
00954     acmd = "tar -cvjf " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2 " + sqliteFileName + ".db " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
00955     print acmd
00956     outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00957     print outcmd[1]
00958     if outcmd[0]:
00959         print "Couldn't zip the files!"
00960         return False
00962     acmd = "chmod a+w " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2"
00963     outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00964     print acmd
00965 #    print outcmd[1]
00966     if outcmd[0]:
00967         print "Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2"
00968         return False
00970     acmd = "scp -p " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2" + "" + dropbox
00971     print acmd
00972     outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00973     print outcmd[1]
00974     if outcmd[0]:
00975         print "Couldn't scp the files to DropBox!"
00976         return False
00979     acmd = "mv " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2 " + sqliteFileDirName
00980     print acmd
00981     outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00982     print outcmd[1]
00983     if outcmd[0]:
00984         print "Couldn't mv the file to " + sqliteFileDirName
00985         return False
00987     acmd = "rm " + sqliteFileName + ".db " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
00988     print acmd
00989     outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00990     print outcmd[1]
00991     if outcmd[0]:
00992         print "Couldn't rm the db and txt files"
00993         return False
00995 #    acmd = "scp -p " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
00996 #    outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
00997 #    print acmd
00998 #    print outcmd[1]
00999 #    if outcmd[0]:
01000 #        print "Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
01001 #        return False
01003 #    acmd = "ssh \"mv /tmp/" + sqliteFileName + ".db /tmp/" + sqliteFileName + ".txt " + dropbox +"\""
01004 #    print acmd
01005 #    outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
01006 #    print outcmd[1]
01007 #    if outcmd[0]:
01008 #        print "Can't move files from tmp to dropbox!"
01009         return False
01011 #    acmd = "ssh \"mv /tmp/" + final_sqlite_file_name + ".txt "+dropbox +"\""
01012 #    outcmd = commands.getstatusoutput(acmd)
01013 #    print acmd
01014 #    print outcmd[1]
01015 #    if outcmd[0]:
01016 #        print "Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
01017 #        return False
01019     return True