
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef graph_path_h
00002 #define graph_path_h
00006 #include <map>
00007 #include <set>
00008 #include <vector>
00009 #include <iostream>
00010 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/adjgraph.h"
00012 template <class N, class E>
00013 class GraphPath
00014 {
00015 public:
00016   typedef pair<N,N> segment_type;
00017   //FIXME: GraphPath: find memory optimized representation of type paths_type ...
00018   typedef std::map< segment_type, set< segment_type > > paths_type;
00019   typedef set< std::vector<N> > paths_set;
00020   typedef std::vector< pair<N,N> > chain_type;
00021   typedef std::vector<std::vector<segment_type> > result_type;
00022   GraphPath(const graph<N,E> & g, const N & root);
00023   ~GraphPath() {}
00024   bool fromTo(const N & from, const N & to, std::vector< std::vector<N> > & result) const;
00026   void calcPaths(const graph<N,E>& g, const N & root);
00027   void findSegments(const N & n, set< segment_type >& result);
00028   void stream(std::ostream&);
00034   bool paths2(const segment_type & ft, result_type& result) const;                           
00036 //private:
00037   void update(segment_type & s, result_type & r, int pos) const;  
00038   paths_type paths_;
00039 };
00042 template <class N, class M>
00043 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const pair<N,M> & p)
00044 {
00045   os << p.first << ":" << p.second;
00046 }
00048 /*
00049 template <class N>
00050 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const std::vector<N> & v)
00051 {
00052   typename std::vector<N>::const_iterator it = v.begin();
00053   os << '[';
00054   for(; it != v.end(); ++it)
00055     os << *it << ' ';
00056   os << ']' <<  std::endl;  
00057   return os;
00058 }
00060 */
00061 /*
00062 template <class N>
00063 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const std::vector< std::vector< N > > & p)
00064 {
00065    std::vector< std::vector<N> >::const_iterator paths_it = p.begin();
00066    for(; paths_it != p.end(); ++paths_it) {
00067      std::vector<N>::const_iterator path_it = paths_it->begin();
00068      for(; path_it != paths_it->end(); ++paths_it)
00069        os << *path_it << '-';
00070      os << std::endl;  
00071    }
00073    return os;
00074 }
00077 template <class N>
00078 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const std::vector< std::vector< pair<N,N> > > & p)
00079 {
00080    std::vector< std::vector<pair<N,N> > >::const_iterator paths_it = p.begin();
00081    for(; paths_it != p.end(); ++paths_it) {
00082      std::vector<pair<N,N> >::const_iterator path_it = paths_it->begin();
00083      for(; path_it != paths_it->end(); ++paths_it)
00084        os << '[' << path_it->first << ' ' << path_it->second  << "]-";
00085      os << std::endl;  
00086    }
00088    return os;
00089 }
00090 */
00093 template <class N, class E>
00094 bool GraphPath<N,E>::fromTo(const N & from, const N & to, std::vector< std::vector<N> > & result) const
00095 {
00096    result_type tres;
00097    bool rslt=false;
00098    if (paths2(segment_type(from,to),tres)) {
00099      typename result_type::iterator rit = tres.begin(); // iterator over std::vector< std::vector<seg_t> >
00100      for (; rit!=tres.end(); ++rit) {
00101        N & target = (*rit)[0].second;
00102        typename std::vector<segment_type>::reverse_iterator pit = rit->rbegin();
00103        typename std::vector<segment_type>::reverse_iterator pend = rit->rend(); 
00104        --pend;
00105        std::vector<N> v(1,(*rit)[0].first); // <A,X> -> <A>
00106        //std::cout << pit->first << '-';
00107        ++pit;
00108        for(; pit!=pend; ++pit) {
00109          v.push_back(pit->second);
00110          //std::cout << pit->second << '-';
00111        }         
00112        //std::cout << target << std::endl;
00113        v.push_back(target);
00114        result.push_back(v);      
00115      }
00117      rslt=true;
00118    }
00120    return rslt;
00121 }
00124 template <class N, class E>
00125 bool GraphPath<N,E>::paths2(const segment_type & ft, result_type& result) const
00126 {
00127   typename paths_type::const_iterator git = paths_.find(ft);
00128   if (git==paths_.end()) {
00129     result.clear();
00130     return false;
00131   }
00133   std::vector<segment_type> v;
00134   v.push_back(git->first);
00135   result.push_back(v); // starting point; the set will be enlarged & the std::vectors inside
00136                     // get pushed_back as new path-segments appear ...
00138   // find a possible direct-connetion:
00139   //set<segment_type>::iterator direct_it = 
00141   bool goOn(true);
00143   while(goOn) {
00144     //FIXME: use size_type whenever possible ..
00145     int u = result.size();
00146     int i;
00147     int cntdwn=u;
00148     for (i=0; i<u; ++i) {
00149       segment_type & upd_seg = result[i].back();
00150       if (upd_seg.first!=upd_seg.second) // only update result if not <X,X> !!
00151         update(upd_seg,result,i); // adds new paths ..
00152       else
00153         --cntdwn;
00154     }
00155     goOn = bool(cntdwn);
00157     //std::cout << "0.--: cntdwn=" << cntdwn << std::endl;
00158     /* PRINT THE RESULT
00159     result_type::iterator rit = result.begin();
00160     for(; rit!=result.end(); ++rit) {
00161       std::vector<segment_type>::iterator pit = rit->begin();
00162       for(; pit!=rit->end(); ++pit) {
00163         std::cout << "[" << pit->first << "," << pit->second << "] ";
00164       }
00165       std::cout << std::endl;
00166     }  
00167     std::cout << "===========" << std::endl;
00168     */
00169   }    
00170   return true;
00171 } 
00174 template <class N, class E>
00175 void GraphPath<N,E>::update(segment_type & s, result_type & result, int u) const
00176 {
00177    // s ...      segment, which is used to find its children
00178    // result ... std::vector of path-std::vectors
00179    // u ...      path in result which is currently under observation, s is it's 'back'
00180    const set<segment_type> & segs = paths_.find(s)->second;
00181    typename set<segment_type>::const_iterator segit = segs.begin();
00183    if (segs.size()==0)  {
00184      cerr << "you should never get here: GraphPath::update(...)" << std::endl;
00185      exit(1);
00186    }  
00187    /*
00188    std::cout << "1. s=" << s.first << " " << s.second 
00189         << " aseg=" << segit->first << " " << segit->second << std::endl;
00190    */
00191    std::vector<segment_type>  temp_pth = result[u];
00192    ++segit;
00193    for (; segit!=segs.end(); ++segit) { // create new pathes (whenever a the path-tree is branching)
00194      std::vector<segment_type> v = temp_pth;
00195      v.push_back(*segit);
00196      result.push_back(v);     
00197    }
00198    temp_pth.push_back(*segs.begin()); // just append the first new segment to the existing one (also, when no branch!)
00199    result[u]=temp_pth;
00200 }
00203 template <class N, class E>
00204 GraphPath<N,E>::GraphPath(const graph<N,E>& g, const N & root)
00205 {
00206    calcPaths(g,root);
00207 }
00215 template <class N, class E>
00216 void GraphPath<N,E>::calcPaths(const graph<N,E>& g, const N & n)
00217 {
00218    // find n(ode) in g(raph) and all its children (get rid of the
00219    // multiconnections ...
00220    //set< pair<N,E> > nodes;
00221    pair<bool,graph<N,E>::neighbour_range> childRange = g.nodes(n);
00222    if (!childRange.first) 
00223      return;
00225    set<N> children;
00226    typename set< pair<N,E> >::const_iterator nit = childRange.second.first;
00227    for(; nit!=childRange.second.second; ++nit)
00228      children.insert(nit->first);
00230    // iterate over children and ..
00231    typename set<N>::iterator cit = children.begin();
00232    for(; cit!=children.end(); ++cit) {
00233      segment_type key = segment_type(n,*cit); // create new direct path-segment
00234      segment_type direct = segment_type(*cit,*cit);
00235      set< segment_type > temp;
00236      temp.insert(direct); // add direct connection as first member of set,
00237                           // but not as <A,B> but as <B,B> to mark a direct connection
00238      //if(n != *cit) {                    
00239        paths_.insert(std::make_pair(key,temp));
00240        findSegments(n,temp); // look for previous segments leading to n
00241        typename set< segment_type >::iterator sit = temp.begin();
00242        for (; sit!=temp.end(); ++sit) { // iterator over already linked segments
00243          if (sit->first != key.second) // don't insert <B,B> as key!
00244            paths_[segment_type(sit->first,key.second)].insert(*sit);
00245        }
00246      //} 
00247      //calcPath(g,*cit);        
00248    }
00249    for(cit=children.begin();cit!=children.end();++cit) {
00250      //if (n != * cit)
00251        calcPaths(g,*cit);  
00252    }  
00253 }
00256 template <class N, class E>
00257 void GraphPath<N,E>::findSegments(const N & n, set< segment_type >& result)
00258 {
00259    typename paths_type::iterator pit = paths_.begin();
00260    for (; pit!=paths_.end(); ++pit) {
00261      if (pit->first.second == n)
00262        result.insert(pit->first);
00263    }    
00264 }
00266 template <class N, class E>
00267 void GraphPath<N,E>::stream(std::ostream & os)
00268 {
00269   typename paths_type::iterator it = paths_.begin();
00270   for(; it!=paths_.end(); ++it) {
00271     os << "[" << it->first.first << "->" << it->first.second << "] : ";
00272     typename set<segment_type>::iterator sit = it->second.begin();
00273     os << "< ";
00274     for(; sit!=it->second.end();++sit) {
00275       os << " [" << sit->first << "->" << sit->second << "] ";
00276     }  
00277     os << " >" << std::endl;  
00279   }
00280 }
00281 #endif