
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RecoMET/METAlgorithms/interface/EcalHaloAlgo.h"
00002 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/ValueMap.h"
00004 /*
00005   [class]:  EcalHaloAlgo
00006   [authors]: R. Remington, The University of Florida
00007   [description]: See EcalHaloAlgo.h
00008   [date]: October 15, 2009
00009 */
00011 using namespace std;
00012 using namespace reco;
00013 using namespace edm;
00015 bool CompareTime(const EcalRecHit* x, const EcalRecHit* y){ return x->time() < y->time(); }
00017 EcalHaloAlgo::EcalHaloAlgo()
00018 {
00019   RoundnessCut = 0 ;
00020   AngleCut = 0 ;
00021   EBRecHitEnergyThreshold = 0.;
00022   EERecHitEnergyThreshold = 0.;
00023   ESRecHitEnergyThreshold = 0.;
00024   SumEnergyThreshold = 0.;
00025   NHitsThreshold =0;
00026 }
00028 EcalHaloData EcalHaloAlgo::Calculate(const CaloGeometry& TheCaloGeometry, edm::Handle<reco::PhotonCollection>& ThePhotons, edm::Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection>& TheSuperClusters, edm::Handle<EBRecHitCollection>& TheEBRecHits, edm::Handle<EERecHitCollection>& TheEERecHits, edm::Handle<ESRecHitCollection>& TheESRecHits)
00029 {  
00030   EcalHaloData TheEcalHaloData;
00032   // Store energy sum of rechits as a function of iPhi (iphi goes from 1 to 72)       
00033   float SumE[361];           
00034   // Store number of rechits as a function of iPhi
00035   int NumHits[361];               
00036   // Store minimum time of rechit as a function of iPhi
00037   float MinTimeHits[361];                             
00038   // Store maximum time of rechit as a function of iPhi 
00039   float MaxTimeHits[361];                      
00041   // initialize
00042   for(int i = 0 ; i < 361 ; i++ )
00043     {
00044       SumE[i] = 0.;
00045       NumHits[i] = 0 ;
00046       MinTimeHits[i] = 9999.;
00047       MaxTimeHits[i] = -9999.;
00048     }
00050   // Loop over EB RecHits
00051   for(EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator hit = TheEBRecHits->begin() ; hit != TheEBRecHits->end() ; hit++ )
00052     {
00053       // Arbitrary threshold to kill noise (needs to be optimized with data)
00054       if (hit->energy() < EBRecHitEnergyThreshold ) continue;
00056       // Get Det Id of the rechit
00057       DetId id = DetId(hit->id()); 
00058       const CaloSubdetectorGeometry* TheSubGeometry = 0;                                                                         
00059       const CaloCellGeometry* cell = 0 ;                                                                                    
00061       // Get EB geometry 
00062       TheSubGeometry = TheCaloGeometry.getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, 1);                                                         
00063       EBDetId EcalID(id.rawId());
00064       if( TheSubGeometry )
00065         cell = TheSubGeometry->getGeometry(id);
00067       if(cell)
00068         {
00069           // GlobalPoint globalpos = cell->getPosition();
00070           //      float r = TMath::Sqrt ( globalpos.y()*globalpos.y() + globalpos.x()*globalpos.x());
00071           int iPhi = EcalID.iphi();
00073           if( iPhi < 361 )        // just to be safe
00074             {
00075               //iPhi = (iPhi-1)/5 +1;  // convert ecal iphi to phiwedge iphi  (e.g. there are 5 crystal per phi wedge, as in calotowers )
00076               SumE[iPhi] += hit->energy();
00077               NumHits[iPhi] ++;
00079               float time = hit->time();
00080               MinTimeHits[iPhi] = time < MinTimeHits[iPhi] ? time : MinTimeHits[iPhi];
00081               MaxTimeHits[iPhi] = time > MaxTimeHits[iPhi] ? time : MaxTimeHits[iPhi];
00082             }
00083         }
00084     }
00086   //for( int iPhi = 1 ; iPhi < 73; iPhi++ )
00087   for( int iPhi = 1 ; iPhi < 361; iPhi++ )
00088     {
00089       if( SumE[iPhi] >= SumEnergyThreshold && NumHits[iPhi] > NHitsThreshold )
00090         {
00091           // Build PhiWedge and store to EcalHaloData if energy or #hits pass thresholds
00092           PhiWedge wedge(SumE[iPhi], iPhi, NumHits[iPhi], MinTimeHits[iPhi], MaxTimeHits[iPhi]);
00094           // Loop over rechits again to calculate direction based on timing info
00096           // Loop over EB RecHits
00097           std::vector<const EcalRecHit*>  Hits;
00098           for(EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator hit = TheEBRecHits->begin() ; hit != TheEBRecHits->end() ; hit++ )
00099             {
00100               if (hit->energy() < EBRecHitEnergyThreshold ) continue;
00102               // Get Det Id of the rechit
00103               DetId id = DetId(hit->id()); 
00104               EBDetId EcalID(id.rawId());
00105               int Hit_iPhi = EcalID.iphi();
00106               //Hit_iPhi = (Hit_iPhi-1)/5 +1; // convert ecal iphi to phiwedge iphi
00107               if( Hit_iPhi != iPhi ) continue;
00108               Hits.push_back( &(*hit) );
00110             }
00111           std::sort( Hits.begin() , Hits.end(), CompareTime);
00112           float MinusToPlus = 0.;
00113           float PlusToMinus = 0.;
00114           for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < Hits.size() ; i++ )
00115             {
00116               DetId id_i = DetId(Hits[i]->id()); 
00117               EBDetId EcalID_i(id_i.rawId());
00118               int ieta_i = EcalID_i.ieta();
00119               for( unsigned int j = (i+1) ; j < Hits.size() ; j++ )
00120                 {
00121                   DetId id_j = DetId(Hits[j]->id() );
00122                   EBDetId EcalID_j(id_j.rawId());
00123                   int ieta_j = EcalID_j.ieta();
00124                   if( ieta_i > ieta_j ) PlusToMinus += TMath::Abs(ieta_j - ieta_i );
00125                   else MinusToPlus += TMath::Abs(ieta_j -ieta_i) ;
00126                 }
00127             }
00129           float PlusZOriginConfidence = (PlusToMinus+MinusToPlus) ? PlusToMinus / (PlusToMinus+MinusToPlus) : -1.;
00130           wedge.SetPlusZOriginConfidence(PlusZOriginConfidence);
00131           TheEcalHaloData.GetPhiWedges().push_back(wedge);
00132         }
00133     }
00135   std::vector<float> vShowerShapes_Roundness;
00136   std::vector<float> vShowerShapes_Angle ;
00137   for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator cluster = TheSuperClusters->begin() ; cluster != TheSuperClusters->end() ; cluster++ )
00138     {
00139       if( abs(cluster->eta()) <= 1.48  )
00140         { 
00141           vector<float> shapes = EcalClusterTools::roundnessBarrelSuperClusters( *cluster, (*TheEBRecHits.product()));
00142           float roundness = shapes[0];
00143           float angle = shapes[1];
00145           // Check if supercluster belongs to photon and passes the cuts on roundness and angle, if so store the reference to it
00146           if( (roundness >=0 && roundness < GetRoundnessCut()) &&  angle >= 0 && angle < GetAngleCut() )
00147             {
00148               edm::Ref<SuperClusterCollection> TheClusterRef( TheSuperClusters, cluster - TheSuperClusters->begin());
00149               bool BelongsToPhoton = false;
00150               if( ThePhotons.isValid() )
00151                 {
00152                   for(reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iPhoton = ThePhotons->begin() ; iPhoton != ThePhotons->end() ; iPhoton++ )
00153                     {
00154                       if(iPhoton->isEB())
00155                         if ( TheClusterRef ==  iPhoton->superCluster() )
00156                           {
00157                             BelongsToPhoton = true;
00158                             break;
00159                           }
00160                     }
00161                 }
00162               //Only store refs to suspicious EB SuperClusters which belong to Photons
00163               //Showershape variables are more discriminating for these cases  
00164               if( BelongsToPhoton )
00165                 { 
00166                   TheEcalHaloData.GetSuperClusters().push_back( TheClusterRef ) ; 
00167                 }
00168             }
00169           vShowerShapes_Roundness.push_back(shapes[0]);
00170           vShowerShapes_Angle.push_back(shapes[1]);
00171         }
00172       else
00173         { 
00174           vShowerShapes_Roundness.push_back(-1.);
00175           vShowerShapes_Angle.push_back(-1.);
00176         }
00177     }
00179   edm::ValueMap<float>::Filler TheRoundnessFiller( TheEcalHaloData.GetShowerShapesRoundness() );
00180   TheRoundnessFiller.insert( TheSuperClusters, vShowerShapes_Roundness.begin(), vShowerShapes_Roundness.end() );
00181   TheRoundnessFiller.fill();  
00183   edm::ValueMap<float>::Filler TheAngleFiller( TheEcalHaloData.GetShowerShapesAngle() );
00184   TheAngleFiller.insert( TheSuperClusters, vShowerShapes_Angle.begin() , vShowerShapes_Angle.end() );
00185   TheAngleFiller.fill();
00187   return TheEcalHaloData;
00188 }