00001 #include "../interface/SequentialMinimizer.h"
00003 #include <cmath>
00004 #include <stdexcept>
00005 #include <memory>
00006 #include <algorithm>
00007 #include <limits>
00008 #include "TString.h"
00009 #include "RooRealVar.h"
00010 #include "RooAbsReal.h"
00011 #include "RooLinkedListIter.h"
00012 #include <Math/MinimizerOptions.h>
00013 #include <Math/Factory.h>
00014 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
00015 #include "../interface/ProfilingTools.h"
00016 #define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
00018 #define DEBUG_ODM_printf if (0) printf
00022 #define DEBUG_SM_printf if (fDebug > 1) printf
00023 #define DEBUGV_SM_printf if (fDebug > 2) printf
00025 namespace {
00026 const double GOLD_R1 = 0.61803399 ;
00027 const double GOLD_R2 = 1-0.61803399 ;
00028 const double XTOL = 10*std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
00029 }
00030 void cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::initDefault(const MinimizerContext &ctx, unsigned int idx) {
00031 init(ctx, idx, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 1.0, Form("#%d", idx));
00032 }
00035 bool cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::minimize(int steps, double ytol, double xtol)
00036 {
00038 seek();
00040 bool done = doloop(steps,ytol,xtol);
00041 parabolaStep();
00042 x() = xi_[1];
00043 xstep_ = xi_[2] - xi_[0];
00044 return done;
00045 }
00047 cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::ImproveRet cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::improve(int steps, double ytol, double xtol, bool force)
00048 {
00049 double x0 = x();
00050 if (x0 < xi_[0] || x0 > xi_[2]) {
00052 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: ALERT: variable %s outside bounds x = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f], x0 = %.4f\n", name_.c_str(), xi_[0], xi_[1], xi_[2], x0);
00053 x0 = x() = xi_[1];
00054 } else {
00055 xi_[1] = x0;
00056 }
00057 double y0 = eval();
00058 yi_[1] = y0;
00059 yi_[0] = eval(xi_[0]);
00060 yi_[2] = eval(xi_[2]);
00061 if (xtol == 0) xtol = (fabs(xi_[1])+XTOL)*XTOL;
00063 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: start of improve %s x = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f], y = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]\n", name_.c_str(), xi_[0], xi_[1], xi_[2], yi_[0], yi_[1], yi_[2]);
00065 if (yi_[1] <= yi_[0] && yi_[1] <= yi_[2]) {
00066 if (ytol > 0 && (std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]) - yi_[1]) < ytol) {
00067 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: immediate ytol for %s: ymin %.8f, ymax %.8f, diff %.8f\n", name_.c_str(), yi_[1], std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]), std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]) - yi_[1]);
00068 if (!force || parabolaStep()) return Unchanged;
00069 }
00070 if (xtol > 0 && (xi_[2] - xi_[0]) < xtol) {
00071 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: immediate xtol for %s: xmin %.8f, xmax %.8f, diff %.8f\n", name_.c_str(), xi_[0], xi_[2], xi_[2] - xi_[0]);
00072 if (!force || parabolaStep()) return Unchanged;
00073 }
00074 } else {
00075 reseek();
00076 }
00079 assert(xi_[0] < xi_[2]);
00080 assert(xi_[0] <= xi_[1] && xi_[1] <= xi_[2]);
00082 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[0] || yi_[1] <= yi_[0]);
00083 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[2] || yi_[1] <= yi_[2]);
00085 bool done = doloop(steps,ytol,xtol);
00086 parabolaStep();
00089 assert(xi_[0] < xi_[2]);
00090 assert(xi_[0] <= xi_[1] && xi_[1] <= xi_[2]);
00092 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[0] || yi_[1] <= yi_[0]);
00093 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[2] || yi_[1] <= yi_[2]);
00096 if (ytol > 0 && fabs(yi_[1] - y0) < ytol) {
00097 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: final ytol for %s: ymin(old) %.8f, ymin(new) %.8f, diff %.8f\n", name_.c_str(), y0, yi_[1], y0 -yi_[1]);
00098 if (!force) x() = x0;
00099 return Unchanged;
00100 }
00102 if (xtol > 0 && fabs(xi_[1] - x0) < xtol) {
00103 x() = (force ? xi_[1] : x0);
00104 return Unchanged;
00105 }
00106 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: doloop for %s is %s\n", name_.c_str(), done ? "Done" : "NotDone");
00107 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: end of improve %s x = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f], y = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]\n", name_.c_str(), xi_[0], xi_[1], xi_[2], yi_[0], yi_[1], yi_[2]);
00108 x() = xi_[1];
00109 xstep_ = xi_[2] - xi_[0];
00110 return done ? Done : NotDone;
00111 }
00113 bool cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::doloop(int steps, double ytol, double xtol)
00114 {
00115 if (steps <= 0) steps = 100;
00116 for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
00117 if (xtol > 0 && (xi_[2] - xi_[0]) < xtol) {
00118 return true;
00119 }
00120 goldenBisection();
00121 if (ytol > 0 && (std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]) - yi_[1]) < ytol) {
00122 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: intermediate ytol for %s: ymin %.8f, ymax %.8f, diff %.8f\n", name_.c_str(), yi_[1], std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]), std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]) - yi_[1]);
00123 return true;
00124 }
00125 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: step %d/%d done for %s: ymin %.8f, ymax %.8f, diff %.8f\n", i+1, steps, name_.c_str(), yi_[1], std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]), std::max(yi_[2],yi_[0]) - yi_[1]);
00126 DEBUG_ODM_printf("ODM: %s x = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f], y = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]\n", name_.c_str(), xi_[0], xi_[1], xi_[2], yi_[0], yi_[1], yi_[2]);
00127 }
00129 return false;
00130 }
00132 void cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::seek()
00133 {
00134 if (std::isfinite(xmax_-xmin_)) {
00135 xstep_ = std::max(xstep_, 0.2*(xmax_-xmin_));
00136 } else {
00137 xstep_ = 1.0;
00138 }
00139 reseek();
00140 }
00141 void cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::reseek()
00142 {
00143 double xtol2 = 2*(fabs(xi_[1])+XTOL)*XTOL;
00144 if (xstep_ < xtol2) xstep_ = xtol2;
00145 xi_[1] = x();
00146 yi_[1] = eval(xi_[1]);
00147 xi_[0] = std::max(xmin_, xi_[1]-xstep_);
00148 yi_[0] = (xi_[0] == xi_[1] ? yi_[1] : eval(xi_[0]));
00149 xi_[2] = std::min(xmax_, xi_[1]+xstep_);
00150 yi_[2] = (xi_[2] == xi_[1] ? yi_[1] : eval(xi_[2]));
00151 assert(xi_[0] < xi_[2]);
00152 assert(xi_[0] <= xi_[1] && xi_[1] <= xi_[2]);
00154 for (;;) {
00156 if (yi_[0] < yi_[1]) {
00157 assign(2,1);
00158 assign(1,0);
00159 xi_[0] = std::max(xmin_, xi_[1]-xstep_);
00160 yi_[0] = (xi_[0] == xi_[1] ? yi_[1] : eval(xi_[0]));
00161 } else if (yi_[2] < yi_[1]) {
00162 assign(0,1);
00163 assign(1,2);
00164 xi_[2] = std::min(xmax_, xi_[1]+xstep_);
00165 yi_[2] = (xi_[2] == xi_[1] ? yi_[1] : eval(xi_[2]));
00166 } else if (yi_[2] == yi_[1] && yi_[1] == yi_[0]) {
00169 const int nPoints = 20;
00170 double xi[nPoints], yi[nPoints];
00171 double dx = (xmax_-xmin_)/nPoints, x = xmin_ - 0.5*dx;
00172 bool isConst = true;
00173 int iFound = 0;
00174 for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i, x += dx) {
00175 xi[i] = x; yi[i] = eval(x);
00176 if (yi[i] != yi_[1]) isConst = false;
00177 if (yi[i] < yi[iFound]) { iFound = i; }
00178 }
00179 if (isConst) break;
00180 xi_[0] = (iFound == 0 ? xmin_ : xi[iFound-1]);
00181 xi_[2] = (iFound > nPoints-1 ? xmax_ : xi[iFound+1]);
00182 xi_[1] = iFound; yi_[1] = yi_[iFound];
00183 break;
00184 } else {
00185 xstep_ /= 2;
00186 break;
00187 }
00188 xstep_ *= 2;
00189 }
00192 assert(xi_[0] < xi_[2]);
00193 assert(xi_[0] <= xi_[1] && xi_[1] <= xi_[2]);
00195 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[0] || yi_[1] <= yi_[0]);
00196 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[2] || yi_[1] <= yi_[2]);
00197 }
00199 void cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::goldenBisection()
00200 {
00202 assert(xi_[0] < xi_[2]);
00203 assert(xi_[0] <= xi_[1] && xi_[1] <= xi_[2]);
00205 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[0] || yi_[1] <= yi_[0]);
00206 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[2] || yi_[1] <= yi_[2]);
00207 if (xi_[0] == xi_[1] || xi_[1] == xi_[2]) {
00208 int isame = (xi_[0] == xi_[1] ? 0 : 2);
00210 assert(yi_[isame] <= yi_[2-isame]);
00211 xi_[1] = 0.5*(xi_[0]+xi_[2]);
00212 yi_[1] = eval(xi_[1]);
00213 if (yi_[1] < yi_[isame]) {
00216 } else {
00218 assign(2-isame, 1);
00219 assign(1, isame);
00220 }
00221 } else {
00222 int inear = 2, ifar = 0;
00223 if (xi_[2]-xi_[1] > xi_[1] - xi_[0]) {
00224 inear = 0, ifar = 2;
00225 } else {
00226 inear = 2, ifar = 0;
00227 }
00228 double xc = xi_[1]*GOLD_R1 + xi_[ifar]*GOLD_R2;
00229 double yc = eval(xc);
00232 if (yc < yi_[1]) {
00233 assign(inear, 1);
00234 xi_[1] = xc; yi_[1] = yc;
00235 } else {
00236 xi_[ifar] = xc; yi_[ifar] = yc;
00237 }
00238 }
00240 assert(xi_[0] < xi_[2]);
00241 assert(xi_[0] <= xi_[1] && xi_[1] <= xi_[2]);
00243 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[0] || yi_[1] <= yi_[0]);
00244 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[2] || yi_[1] <= yi_[2]);
00246 }
00248 double cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::parabolaFit()
00249 {
00250 if (xi_[0] == xi_[1] || xi_[1] == xi_[2]) {
00251 return xi_[1];
00252 }
00253 double dx0 = xi_[1] - xi_[0], dx2 = xi_[1] - xi_[2];
00254 double dy0 = yi_[1] - yi_[0], dy2 = yi_[1] - yi_[2];
00255 double num = dx0*dx0*dy2 - dx2*dx2*dy0;
00256 double den = dx0*dy2 - dx2*dy0;
00257 if (den != 0) {
00258 double x = xi_[1] - 0.5*num/den;
00259 if (xi_[0] < x && x < xi_[2]) {
00260 return x;
00261 }
00262 }
00263 return xi_[1];
00264 }
00266 bool cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::parabolaStep() {
00267 double xc = parabolaFit();
00268 if (xc != xi_[1]) {
00269 double yc = eval(xc);
00270 if (yc < yi_[1]) {
00271 xi_[1] = xc;
00272 yi_[1] = yc;
00274 assert(xi_[0] < xi_[2]);
00275 assert(xi_[0] <= xi_[1] && xi_[1] <= xi_[2]);
00277 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[0] || yi_[1] <= yi_[0]);
00278 assert(xi_[1] == xi_[2] || yi_[1] <= yi_[2]);
00279 return true;
00280 }
00281 }
00282 return false;
00283 }
00285 void cmsmath::OneDimMinimizer::moveTo(double x) {
00286 if (x == xmax_) {
00287 xi_[0] = xmax_ - (xi_[2]-xi_[0]); yi_[0] = eval(xi_[0]);
00288 xi_[1] = xmax_; yi_[1] = eval(xmax_);
00289 xi_[2] = xmax_; yi_[2] = yi_[1];
00290 } else if (x == xmin_) {
00291 xi_[2] = xmin_ + (xi_[2]-xi_[0]); yi_[2] = eval(xi_[0]);
00292 xi_[1] = xmin_; yi_[1] = eval(xmin_);
00293 xi_[0] = xmin_; yi_[0] = yi_[1];
00294 } else {
00295 double dx = xi_[2] - xi_[0];
00296 xi_[1] = x; yi_[0] = eval(x);
00297 xi_[0] = std::max(xmin_, x-dx); yi_[0] = eval(xi_[0]);
00298 xi_[2] = std::min(xmax_, x+dx); yi_[2] = eval(xi_[2]);
00299 }
00300 }
00302 void cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::SetFunction(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction & func) {
00303 DEBUG_SM_printf("SequentialMinimizer::SetFunction: nDim = %u\n", func.NDim());
00304 func_.reset(new MinimizerContext(&func));
00305 nFree_ = nDim_ = func_->x.size();
00307 workers_.clear();
00308 workers_.resize(nDim_);
00310 Clear();
00311 }
00313 void cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::Clear() {
00314 DEBUGV_SM_printf("SequentialMinimizer::Clear()\n");
00315 minValue_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
00316 edm_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
00317 state_ = Cleared;
00318 foreach(Worker &w, workers_) w.state = Cleared;
00319 }
00321 bool cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::SetVariable(unsigned int ivar, const std::string & name, double val, double step) {
00322 DEBUGV_SM_printf("SequentialMinimizer::SetVariable(idx %u, name %s, val %g, step %g)\n", ivar, name.c_str(), val, step);
00323 assert(ivar < nDim_);
00324 func_->x[ivar] = val;
00325 workers_[ivar].initUnbound(*func_, ivar, step, name);
00326 workers_[ivar].state = Cleared;
00327 return true;
00328 }
00330 bool cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::SetLimitedVariable(unsigned int ivar, const std::string & name, double val, double step, double lower, double upper) {
00331 DEBUGV_SM_printf("SequentialMinimizer::SetLimitedVariable(idx %u, name %s, var %g, step %g, min %g, max %g)\n", ivar, name.c_str(), val, step, lower, upper);
00332 assert(ivar < nDim_);
00333 func_->x[ivar] = val;
00334 workers_[ivar].init(*func_, ivar, lower, upper, step, name);
00335 workers_[ivar].state = Cleared;
00336 return true;
00337 }
00339 bool cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::SetFixedVariable(unsigned int ivar, const std::string & name, double val) {
00340 DEBUGV_SM_printf("SequentialMinimizer::SetFixedVariable(idx %u, name %s, var %g)\n", ivar, name.c_str(), val);
00341 assert(ivar < nDim_);
00342 func_->x[ivar] = val;
00343 workers_[ivar].initUnbound(*func_, ivar, 1.0, name);
00344 workers_[ivar].state = Fixed;
00345 return true;
00346 }
00348 bool cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::Minimize() {
00349 return minimize();
00350 }
00352 bool cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::minimize(int smallsteps)
00353 {
00354 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDim_; ++i) {
00355 Worker &w = workers_[i];
00356 if (!w.isInit() || w.state == Unknown) throw std::runtime_error(Form("SequentialMinimizer::worker[%u/%u] not initialized!\n", i, nDim_));
00357 if (w.state != Fixed) {
00358 w.minimize(1);
00359 w.state = Ready;
00360 }
00361 }
00362 state_ = Ready;
00363 return improve(smallsteps);
00364 }
00366 bool cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::improve(int smallsteps)
00367 {
00368 static int nFailWakeUpAttempts = runtimedef::get("SeqMinimizer_nFailWakeUpAttempts");
00371 if (state_ == Cleared) return minimize(smallsteps);
00374 double ytol = Tolerance()/sqrt(workers_.size());
00375 int bigsteps = MaxIterations()*20;
00378 std::list<Worker*> doneWorkers;
00381 foreach(Worker &w, workers_) {
00382 if (w.state != Fixed) w.state = Active;
00383 }
00385 state_ = Active;
00386 for (int i = 0; i < bigsteps; ++i) {
00387 DEBUG_SM_printf("Start of loop. Strategy %d, State is %s\n",fStrategy,(state_ == Done ? "DONE" : "ACTIVE"));
00388 State newstate = Done;
00389 int oldActiveWorkers = 0, newActiveWorkers = 0;
00390 foreach(Worker &w, workers_) {
00391 OneDimMinimizer::ImproveRet iret = OneDimMinimizer::Unchanged;
00392 if (w.state == Done || w.state == Fixed) continue;
00393 iret = w.improve(smallsteps,ytol);
00394 oldActiveWorkers++;
00395 if (iret == OneDimMinimizer::Unchanged) {
00396 DEBUGV_SM_printf("\tMinimized %s: Unchanged. NLL = %.8f\n", w.cname(), func_->eval());
00397 w.state = Done;
00398 w.nUnaffected = 0;
00399 doneWorkers.push_front(&w);
00400 } else {
00401 DEBUGV_SM_printf("\tMinimized %s: Changed. NLL = %.8f\n", w.cname(), func_->eval());
00402 w.state = Active;
00403 newstate = Active;
00404 newActiveWorkers++;
00405 }
00406 }
00407 if (fStrategy >= 2 && newActiveWorkers <= 30) {
00408 DEBUG_SM_printf("Middle of loop. Strategy %d, active workers %d: firing full minimizer\n", fStrategy, newActiveWorkers);
00409 if (doFullMinim()) newstate = Done;
00410 }
00411 if (newstate == Done) {
00412 DEBUG_SM_printf("Middle of loop. Strategy %d, State is %s, active workers %d --> %d \n",fStrategy,(state_ == Done ? "DONE" : "ACTIVE"), oldActiveWorkers, newActiveWorkers);
00413 oldActiveWorkers = 0; newActiveWorkers = 0;
00414 double y0 = func_->eval();
00415 std::list<Worker*>::iterator it = doneWorkers.begin();
00418 Worker* firstWorker = *it;
00419 it = doneWorkers.erase(it);
00421 while( it != doneWorkers.end()) {
00422 Worker &w = **it;
00423 if (nFailWakeUpAttempts && w.nUnaffected >= nFailWakeUpAttempts) { ++it; continue; }
00424 OneDimMinimizer::ImproveRet iret = w.improve(smallsteps,ytol,0,true);
00425 oldActiveWorkers++;
00426 if (iret == OneDimMinimizer::Unchanged) {
00427 DEBUGV_SM_printf("\tMinimized %s: Unchanged. NLL = %.8f\n", w.cname(), func_->eval());
00428 w.nUnaffected++;
00429 ++it;
00430 } else {
00431 DEBUGV_SM_printf("\tMinimized %s: Changed. NLL = %.8f\n", w.cname(), func_->eval());
00432 w.state = Active;
00433 newstate = Active;
00434 w.nUnaffected = 0;
00435 it = doneWorkers.erase(it);
00436 newActiveWorkers++;
00437 if (fStrategy == 0) break;
00438 }
00439 }
00440 if (newstate == Active) {
00441 firstWorker->state = Active;
00442 firstWorker->nUnaffected = 0;
00443 }
00444 double y1 = func_->eval();
00445 edm_ = y0 - y1;
00446 }
00447 DEBUG_SM_printf("End of loop. Strategy %d, State is %s, active workers %d --> %d \n",fStrategy,(state_ == Done ? "DONE" : "ACTIVE"), oldActiveWorkers, newActiveWorkers);
00448 if (state_ == Done && newstate == Done) {
00449 DEBUG_SM_printf("Converged after %d big steps\n",i);
00450 minValue_ = func_->eval();
00451 fStatus = 0;
00452 return true;
00453 }
00454 state_ = newstate;
00455 if (func_->nCalls > MaxFunctionCalls()) break;
00456 }
00457 DEBUG_SM_printf("Failed do converge after %d big steps\n",bigsteps);
00458 fStatus = -1;
00459 minValue_ = func_->eval();
00460 return false;
00461 }
00463 namespace cmsmath {
00464 class SubspaceMultiGenFunction : public ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction {
00465 public:
00466 SubspaceMultiGenFunction(const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction *f, int nDim, const int *idx, double *xi) :
00467 f_(f), nDim_(nDim), idx_(idx), x_(xi) {}
00468 virtual IBaseFunctionMultiDim * Clone() const { return new SubspaceMultiGenFunction(*this); }
00469 virtual unsigned int NDim() const { return nDim_; }
00470 private:
00471 virtual double DoEval(const double * x) const {
00472 for (int i = 0; i < nDim_; ++i) x_[idx_[i]] = x[i];
00473 return (*f_)(x_);
00474 }
00475 const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction *f_;
00476 const int nDim_;
00477 const int *idx_;
00478 double *x_;
00479 };
00480 }
00482 bool cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer::doFullMinim()
00483 {
00484 if (fullMinimizer_.get() == 0) {
00485 fullMinimizer_.reset(ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2", ""));
00486 fullMinimizer_->SetTolerance(Tolerance());
00487 fullMinimizer_->SetStrategy(Strategy()-2);
00488 }
00489 subspaceIndices_.clear();
00490 for (int i = 0, n = workers_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
00491 if (workers_[i].state == Active) subspaceIndices_.push_back(i);
00492 }
00493 fullMinimizer_->Clear();
00494 SubspaceMultiGenFunction subfunc(func_->func, subspaceIndices_.size(), &subspaceIndices_[0], &func_->x[0]);
00495 fullMinimizer_->SetFunction(subfunc);
00496 for (int i = 0, n = subspaceIndices_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
00497 int j = subspaceIndices_[i];
00498 Worker &w = workers_[j];
00499 fullMinimizer_->SetLimitedVariable(i, w.name(), func_->x[j], w.step(), w.min(), w.max());
00500 }
00501 bool ok = fullMinimizer_->Minimize();
00502 if (ok) {
00503 const double *ximin = fullMinimizer_->X();
00505 for (int i = 0, n = subspaceIndices_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
00506 func_->x[subspaceIndices_[i]] = ximin[i];
00507 }
00509 for (int i = 0, n = subspaceIndices_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
00510 int j = subspaceIndices_[i];
00511 Worker &w = workers_[j];
00512 w.moveTo( ximin[i] );
00513 }
00515 }
00516 return ok;
00517 }
00520 #include <TPluginManager.h>
00521 namespace {
00522 static int load_seqmin() {
00523 gPluginMgr->AddHandler("ROOT::Math::Minimizer", "SeqMinimizer", "cmsmath::SequentialMinimizer", "HiggsAnalysisCombinedLimit", "SequentialMinimizer(const char *)");
00524 return 1;
00525 }
00526 static int loaded_seqmin = load_seqmin();
00527 }