
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 patElectrons = cms.EDProducer("PATElectronProducer",
00004     # input collection
00005     electronSource = cms.InputTag("gsfElectrons"),
00007     # use particle flow instead of std reco
00008     useParticleFlow  =  cms.bool( False ),
00009     pfElectronSource = cms.InputTag("particleFlow"),
00010     pfCandidateMap = cms.InputTag("particleFlow:electrons"),
00012     # collections for mva input variables
00013     reducedBarrelRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEB"),
00014     reducedEndcapRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEE"),
00016     # user data to add
00017     userData = cms.PSet(
00018       # add custom classes here
00019       userClasses = cms.PSet(
00020         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00021       ),
00022       # add doubles here
00023       userFloats = cms.PSet(
00024         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00025       ),
00026       # add ints here
00027       userInts = cms.PSet(
00028         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00029       ),
00030       # add candidate ptrs here
00031       userCands = cms.PSet(
00032         src = cms.VInputTag('')
00033       ),
00034       # add "inline" functions here
00035       userFunctions = cms.vstring(),
00036       userFunctionLabels = cms.vstring()
00037     ),
00039     # embedding of AOD items
00040     embedGsfElectronCore = cms.bool(True),  ## embed in AOD externally stored gsf electron core
00041     embedGsfTrack        = cms.bool(True),  ## embed in AOD externally stored gsf track
00042     embedSuperCluster    = cms.bool(True),  ## embed in AOD externally stored supercluster
00043     embedPFCandidate     = cms.bool(True),  ## embed in AOD externally stored particle flow candidate
00044     embedTrack           = cms.bool(False), ## embed in AOD externally stored track (note: gsf electrons don't have a track)
00046     # embed IsoDeposits to recompute isolation
00047     isoDeposits = cms.PSet(),
00049     # user defined isolation variables the variables defined here will be accessible
00050     # via pat::Electron::userIsolation(IsolationKeys key) with the key as defined in
00051     # DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Isolation.h
00052     userIsolation = cms.PSet(),
00054     # electron ID
00055     addElectronID = cms.bool(True),
00056     electronIDSources = cms.PSet(
00057         # configure many IDs as InputTag <someName> = <someTag> you
00058         # can comment out those you don't want to save some disk space
00059         eidRobustLoose      = cms.InputTag("eidRobustLoose"),
00060         eidRobustTight      = cms.InputTag("eidRobustTight"),
00061         eidLoose            = cms.InputTag("eidLoose"),
00062         eidTight            = cms.InputTag("eidTight"),
00063         eidRobustHighEnergy = cms.InputTag("eidRobustHighEnergy"),
00064     ),
00066     # mc matching
00067     addGenMatch      = cms.bool(True),
00068     embedGenMatch    = cms.bool(True),
00069     genParticleMatch = cms.InputTag("electronMatch"), ## Association between electrons and generator particles
00071     # efficiencies
00072     addEfficiencies = cms.bool(False),
00073     efficiencies    = cms.PSet(),
00075     # resolution configurables
00076     addResolutions   = cms.bool(False),
00077     resolutions      = cms.PSet(),
00079     # high level selections
00080     embedHighLevelSelection = cms.bool(True),
00081     usePV                   = cms.bool(True),
00082     beamLineSrc             = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
00083     pvSrc                   = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices")
00084 )