
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 from RecoLocalCalo.EcalRecAlgos.ecalCleaningAlgo import cleaningAlgoConfig 
00005 # rechit producer
00006 ecalRecHit = cms.EDProducer("EcalRecHitProducer",
00007     EErechitCollection = cms.string('EcalRecHitsEE'),
00008     EEuncalibRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("ecalGlobalUncalibRecHit","EcalUncalibRecHitsEE"),
00009     EBuncalibRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("ecalGlobalUncalibRecHit","EcalUncalibRecHitsEB"),
00010     EBrechitCollection = cms.string('EcalRecHitsEB'),
00011     # channel flags to be exluded from reconstruction, e.g { 1, 2 }
00012     ChannelStatusToBeExcluded = cms.vint32(),
00013     # avoid propagation of dead channels other than after recovery
00014     killDeadChannels = cms.bool(True),
00015     algo = cms.string("EcalRecHitWorkerSimple"),
00016     # define maximal and minimal values for the laser corrections
00018     EBLaserMIN = cms.double(0.5),
00019     EELaserMIN = cms.double(0.5),
00021     EBLaserMAX = cms.double(2),
00022     EELaserMAX = cms.double(3),
00025     # apply laser corrections
00026     laserCorrection = cms.bool(True),
00027     # reco flags association to DB flag
00028     # the vector index corresponds to the DB flag
00029     # the value correspond to the reco flag
00030     flagsMapDBReco = cms.vint32(
00031              0,   0,   0,  0, # standard reco
00032              4,               # faulty hardware (noisy)
00033             -1,  -1,  -1,     # not yet assigned
00034              4,   4,          # faulty hardware (fixed gain)
00035              7,   7,   7,     # dead channel with trigger
00036              8,               # dead FE
00037              9                # dead or recovery failed
00038             ),                        
00040     # for channel recovery
00041     algoRecover = cms.string("EcalRecHitWorkerRecover"),
00042     recoverEBIsolatedChannels = cms.bool(False),
00043     recoverEEIsolatedChannels = cms.bool(False),
00044     recoverEBVFE  = cms.bool(False),
00045     recoverEEVFE  = cms.bool(False),
00046     recoverEBFE = cms.bool(True),
00047     recoverEEFE = cms.bool(True),
00048     #db statuses for which recovery in EE/EB should not be attempted           
00049     dbStatusToBeExcludedEE = cms.vint32(
00050                                         142
00051                                         ), # dead,LV off
00052     dbStatusToBeExcludedEB = cms.vint32(
00053                                         142
00054                                         ), # dead,LV off
00056     # --- logWarnings for saturated DeadFEs
00057     # if the logWarningThreshold is negative the Algo will not try recovery (in EE is not tested we may need negative threshold e.g. -1.e+9)
00058     # if you want to enable recovery but you don't wish to throw logWarnings put the logWarningThresholds very high e.g +1.e+9
00059     #  ~64 GeV is the TP saturation level
00060     logWarningEtThreshold_EB_FE = cms.double(50),# in EB logWarningThreshold is actually in E (GeV)
00061     logWarningEtThreshold_EE_FE = cms.double(50),# in EE the energy should correspond to Et (GeV) but the recovered values of energies are not tested if make sense
00062     ebDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag("ecalDetIdToBeRecovered:ebDetId"),
00063     eeDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag("ecalDetIdToBeRecovered:eeDetId"),
00064     ebFEToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag("ecalDetIdToBeRecovered:ebFE"),
00065     eeFEToBeRecovered = cms.InputTag("ecalDetIdToBeRecovered:eeFE"),
00066     singleChannelRecoveryMethod = cms.string("NeuralNetworks"),
00067     singleChannelRecoveryThreshold = cms.double(8),
00068     triggerPrimitiveDigiCollection = cms.InputTag("ecalDigis:EcalTriggerPrimitives"),
00069     cleaningConfig=cleaningAlgoConfig,
00071     )