
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"
00002 #include "RecoMET/METAlgorithms/interface/CaloSpecificAlgo.h"
00003 #include "DataFormats/CaloTowers/interface/CaloTowerDetId.h"
00004 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/RecoCandidate.h"
00005 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EcalSubdetector.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
00008 using namespace reco;
00009 using namespace std;
00011 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00012 // This algorithm adds calorimeter specific global event information to 
00013 // the MET object which may be useful/needed for MET Data Quality Monitoring
00014 // and MET cleaning.  This list is not exhaustive and additional 
00015 // information will be added in the future. 
00016 //-------------------------------------
00018 reco::CaloMET CaloSpecificAlgo::addInfo(edm::Handle<edm::View<Candidate> > towers, CommonMETData met, bool noHF, double globalThreshold)
00019 { 
00020   // Instantiate the container to hold the calorimeter specific information
00021   SpecificCaloMETData specific;
00022   // Initialise the container 
00023   specific.MaxEtInEmTowers = 0.0;         // Maximum energy in EM towers
00024   specific.MaxEtInHadTowers = 0.0;        // Maximum energy in HCAL towers
00025   specific.HadEtInHO = 0.0;          // Hadronic energy fraction in HO
00026   specific.HadEtInHB = 0.0;          // Hadronic energy in HB
00027   specific.HadEtInHF = 0.0;          // Hadronic energy in HF
00028   specific.HadEtInHE = 0.0;          // Hadronic energy in HE
00029   specific.EmEtInEB = 0.0;           // Em energy in EB
00030   specific.EmEtInEE = 0.0;           // Em energy in EE
00031   specific.EmEtInHF = 0.0;           // Em energy in HF
00032   specific.EtFractionHadronic = 0.0; // Hadronic energy fraction
00033   specific.EtFractionEm = 0.0;       // Em energy fraction
00034   specific.CaloSETInpHF = 0.0;        // CaloSET in HF+ 
00035   specific.CaloSETInmHF = 0.0;        // CaloSET in HF- 
00036   specific.CaloMETInpHF = 0.0;        // CaloMET in HF+ 
00037   specific.CaloMETInmHF = 0.0;        // CaloMET in HF- 
00038   specific.CaloMETPhiInpHF = 0.0;     // CaloMET-phi in HF+ 
00039   specific.CaloMETPhiInmHF = 0.0;     // CaloMET-phi in HF- 
00040   specific.METSignificance = 0.0;
00042   double totalEt = 0.0; 
00043   double totalEm     = 0.0;
00044   double totalHad    = 0.0;
00045   double MaxTowerEm  = 0.0;
00046   double MaxTowerHad = 0.0;
00047   double sumEtInpHF = 0.0;
00048   double sumEtInmHF = 0.0;
00049   double MExInpHF = 0.0;
00050   double MEyInpHF = 0.0;
00051   double MExInmHF = 0.0;
00052   double MEyInmHF = 0.0;
00054   if( towers->size() == 0 )  // if there are no towers, return specific = 0
00055     {
00056       //   LogDebug("CaloMET") << "Number of Candidate CaloTowers is zero : Unable to calculate calo specific info. " ;
00057       const LorentzVector p4( met.mex, met.mey, 0.0, met.met );
00058       const Point vtx( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
00059       CaloMET specificmet( specific, met.sumet, p4, vtx );
00060       return specificmet;
00061     }
00063   edm::View<Candidate>::const_iterator towerCand = towers->begin();
00064   for( ; towerCand != towers->end(); towerCand++ ) 
00065     {
00066       const Candidate* candidate = &(*towerCand);
00067       if (candidate) {
00068         const CaloTower* calotower = dynamic_cast<const CaloTower*> (candidate);
00069         if (calotower)
00070           {
00071             double caloTowerEt=calotower->et();
00072             double caloTowerHadEt=calotower->hadEt();
00073             double caloTowerEmEt=calotower->emEt();
00074             if(caloTowerEt < globalThreshold) continue;
00075             totalEt  += caloTowerEt;
00076             totalEm  += caloTowerEmEt;
00078             //totalHad += caloTowerHadEt + calotower->outerEt() ;
00080             bool hadIsDone = false;
00081             bool emIsDone = false;
00082             int cell = calotower->constituentsSize();
00083             while ( --cell >= 0 && (!hadIsDone || !emIsDone) ) 
00084               {
00085                 DetId id = calotower->constituent( cell );
00086                 if( !hadIsDone && id.det() == DetId::Hcal ) 
00087                   {
00088                     HcalSubdetector subdet = HcalDetId(id).subdet();
00089                     if( subdet == HcalBarrel || subdet == HcalOuter )
00090                       {
00091                         if( caloTowerHadEt > MaxTowerHad ) MaxTowerHad = caloTowerHadEt;
00092                         specific.HadEtInHB   += caloTowerHadEt;
00093                         specific.HadEtInHO   += calotower->outerEt();
00094                       }
00095                     else if( subdet == HcalEndcap )
00096                       {
00097                         if( caloTowerHadEt > MaxTowerHad ) MaxTowerHad = caloTowerHadEt;
00098                         specific.HadEtInHE   += caloTowerHadEt;
00099                       }
00100                     else if( subdet == HcalForward )
00101                       {
00102                         if (!noHF)
00103                           {
00104                             if( caloTowerHadEt > MaxTowerHad ) MaxTowerHad = caloTowerHadEt;
00105                             if( caloTowerEmEt  > MaxTowerEm  ) MaxTowerEm  = caloTowerEmEt;
00106                             //These quantities should be nonzero only if HF is included, i.e., noHF == false
00107                             specific.HadEtInHF   += caloTowerHadEt;
00108                             specific.EmEtInHF    += caloTowerEmEt;
00109                           }
00110                         else
00111                           {
00112                             //These quantities need to be corrected from above if HF is excluded
00113                             // totalHad             -= caloTowerHadEt;  
00114                             totalEm              -= caloTowerEmEt;
00115                             totalEt              -= caloTowerEt;
00116                           }
00117                         // These get calculate regardless of NoHF == true or not.
00118                         // They are needed below for either case. 
00119                         if (calotower->eta()>=0)
00120                           {
00121                             sumEtInpHF  += caloTowerEt;
00122                             MExInpHF    -= (caloTowerEt * cos(calotower->phi()));
00123                             MEyInpHF    -= (caloTowerEt * sin(calotower->phi()));
00124                           }
00125                         else
00126                           {
00127                             sumEtInmHF  += caloTowerEt;
00128                             MExInmHF    -= (caloTowerEt * cos(calotower->phi()));
00129                             MEyInmHF    -= (caloTowerEt * sin(calotower->phi()));
00130                           }
00131                       }
00132                     hadIsDone = true;
00133                   }
00134                 else if( !emIsDone && id.det() == DetId::Ecal )
00135                   {
00136                     EcalSubdetector subdet = EcalSubdetector( id.subdetId() );
00137                     if( caloTowerEmEt  > MaxTowerEm  ) MaxTowerEm  = caloTowerEmEt;
00138                     if( subdet == EcalBarrel )
00139                       {
00140                         specific.EmEtInEB    += caloTowerEmEt; 
00141                       }
00142                     else if( subdet == EcalEndcap ) 
00143                       {
00144                         specific.EmEtInEE    += caloTowerEmEt;
00145                       }
00146                     emIsDone = true;
00147                   }
00148               }
00149           }
00150       }
00151     }
00153   //Following Greg L's suggestion to calculate this quantity outside of the loop and to avoid confusion. 
00154   //This should work regardless of HO's inclusion / exclusion .
00155   totalHad += (totalEt - totalEm);
00157   if(!noHF)
00158     { // Form sub-det specific MET-vectors
00159       LorentzVector METpHF(MExInpHF, MEyInpHF, 0, sqrt(MExInpHF*MExInpHF + MEyInpHF*MEyInpHF));
00160       LorentzVector METmHF(MExInmHF, MEyInmHF, 0, sqrt(MExInmHF*MExInmHF + MEyInmHF*MEyInmHF));
00161       specific.CaloMETInpHF =;
00162       specific.CaloMETInmHF =;
00163       specific.CaloMETPhiInpHF = METpHF.Phi();
00164       specific.CaloMETPhiInmHF = METmHF.Phi();
00165       specific.CaloSETInpHF = sumEtInpHF;
00166       specific.CaloSETInmHF = sumEtInmHF;
00167     }
00168   else
00169     { // remove HF from MET calculation 
00170       met.mex   -= (MExInmHF + MExInpHF);
00171       met.mey   -= (MEyInmHF + MEyInpHF);
00172       met.sumet -= (sumEtInpHF + sumEtInmHF);
00173       met.met    = sqrt(met.mex*met.mex + met.mey*met.mey);   
00174     } 
00176   specific.MaxEtInEmTowers         = MaxTowerEm;  
00177   specific.MaxEtInHadTowers        = MaxTowerHad;         
00178   specific.EtFractionHadronic = totalHad / totalEt; 
00179   specific.EtFractionEm       =  totalEm / totalEt;       
00181   const LorentzVector p4( met.mex, met.mey, 0.0, met.met );
00182   const Point vtx( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
00183   // Create and return an object of type CaloMET, which is a MET object with 
00184   // the extra calorimeter specfic information added
00185   CaloMET specificmet( specific, met.sumet, p4, vtx );
00186   return specificmet;
00187 }
00188 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------