
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/interface/LMFDat.h"
00003 #include <sstream>
00004 #include <math.h>
00006 using std::cout;
00007 using std::endl;
00009 LMFDat::LMFDat() : LMFUnique() { 
00010   m_tableName = ""; 
00011   m_max = -1; 
00012   _where = "";
00013   _wherePars.clear();
00014 }
00016 LMFDat::LMFDat(EcalDBConnection *c) : LMFUnique(c) {
00017   m_tableName = "";
00018   m_max = -1;
00019   _where = "";
00020   _wherePars.clear();
00021 }
00023 LMFDat::LMFDat(oracle::occi::Environment* env,
00024                oracle::occi::Connection* conn) : LMFUnique(env, conn) {
00025   m_tableName = "";
00026   m_max = -1;
00027   _where = "";
00028   _wherePars.clear();
00029 }
00031 std::string LMFDat::foreignKeyName() const {
00032   return "lmfRunIOV";
00033 }
00035 int LMFDat::getLMFRunIOVID() {
00036   int id = getInt(foreignKeyName());
00037   if (id == 0) {
00038     // try to get it from the list of foreign keys
00039     std::map<std::string, LMFUnique*>::iterator i = 
00040       m_foreignKeys.find(foreignKeyName());
00041     if (i != m_foreignKeys.end()) {
00042       LMFRunIOV *iov = (LMFRunIOV*)(i->second);
00043       if (iov != NULL) {
00044         id = iov->fetchID();
00045         setInt(foreignKeyName(), id);
00046       }
00047     }
00048   }
00049   return id;
00050 }
00052 LMFDat& LMFDat::setMaxDataToDump(int n) {
00053   m_max = n;
00054   return *this;
00055 }
00057 std::map<unsigned int, std::string> LMFDat::getReverseMap() const {
00058   std::map<unsigned int, std::string> m;
00059   std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator i = m_keys.begin();
00060   std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator e = m_keys.end();
00061   while (i != e) {
00062     m[i->second] = i->first;
00063     i++;
00064   }
00065   return m;
00066 }
00068 void LMFDat::dump() const {
00069   dump(0, m_max);
00070 }
00072 void LMFDat::dump(int n) const {
00073   dump(n, m_max);
00074 }
00076 void LMFDat::dump(int n, int max) const {
00077   LMFUnique::dump(n);
00078   int s = m_data.size();
00079   cout << "Stored data: " << s << endl;
00080   if (max >= 0) {
00081     std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::const_iterator p = m_data.begin();
00082     std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::const_iterator end = m_data.end();
00083     int c = 0;
00084     std::map<unsigned int, std::string> rm = getReverseMap();
00085     while ((p != end) && (c < max)) {
00086       int id = p->first;
00087       std::vector<float> x = p->second;
00088       cout << c << " -------------------------------------------" << endl;
00089       cout << "   ID: " << id << endl;
00090       for (unsigned int j = 0; j < x.size(); j++) {
00091         if (j % 4 == 0) {
00092           cout << endl << "   ";
00093         }
00094         cout << rm[j] << ":" << x[j] << "\t";
00095       }
00096       cout << endl;
00097       p++;
00098       c++;
00099     }
00100   }
00101 }
00103 std::string LMFDat::buildInsertSql() {
00104   // create the insert statement
00105   std::stringstream sql;
00106   sql << "INSERT INTO " + getTableName() + " VALUES (";
00107   unsigned int nParameters = m_keys.size() + 2; 
00108   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nParameters - 1; i++) {
00109     sql << ":" << i + 1 << ", ";
00110   }
00111   sql << ":" << nParameters << ")";
00112   std::string sqls = sql.str();
00113   if (m_debug) {
00114     cout << m_className << "::writeDB: " << sqls << endl;
00115   }
00116   return sqls;
00117 }
00119 std::string LMFDat::getIovIdFieldName() const {
00120   return "LMF_IOV_ID";
00121 }
00123 void LMFDat::setWhereClause(std::string where) {
00124   // to be used by experts to restrict the results of a query
00125   _where = where;
00126 }
00128 void LMFDat::setWhereClause(std::string where, 
00129                             std::vector<std::string> parameters) {
00130   // to be used by experts to restrict the results of a query
00131   // in this case the where clause can contains positional parameter,
00132   // identified as :/I, :/S, :/F for, respectively, integer, string or
00133   // float parameters. The parameters are all passed as strings
00134   // in parameters
00135   _wherePars  = parameters;
00136   _where      = where;
00137 }
00139 std::string LMFDat::buildSelectSql(int logic_id, int direction) {
00140   // create the insert statement
00141   // if logic_id = 0 select all channels for a given iov_id
00142   std::stringstream sql;
00143   int count = 1;
00144   if (getLMFRunIOVID() > 0) {
00145     if (_where.length() > 0) {
00146       // check if this is an expert query. If so, add a WHERE clause
00147       _where = " AND " + _where;
00148     }
00149     // in this case we are looking for all data collected during the same
00150     // IOV. There can be many logic_ids per IOV.
00151     sql << "SELECT * FROM CMS_ECAL_LASER_COND." << getTableName() << " WHERE "
00152         << getIovIdFieldName() << " = " << getLMFRunIOVID() 
00153         << _where;
00154     // the expert query must be specified each time the expert makes the query
00155     // then empty it
00156     _where = "";
00157   } else {
00158     // in this case we are looking for a specific logic_id whose
00159     // data have been collected at a given time. There is only
00160     // one record in this case.
00161     std::string op = ">";
00162     std::string order = "ASC";
00163     if (direction < 0) {
00164       op = "<";
00165       order = "DESC";
00166     }
00168         << getTableName() << ".* FROM CMS_ECAL_LASER_COND." 
00169         << getTableName() 
00170         << " JOIN LMF_RUN_IOV ON " 
00171         << "LMF_RUN_IOV.LMF_IOV_ID = " 
00172         << getTableName() << "." << getIovIdFieldName() << " "
00173         << "WHERE SUBRUN_START " << op << "= TO_DATE(:" << count;
00174     count++;
00175     sql << ", 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ORDER BY SUBRUN_START " 
00176         << order << ") WHERE ROWNUM <= 1";
00177   }
00178   if (logic_id > 0) {
00179     sql << " AND LOGIC_ID = :" << count;
00180   }
00181   std::string sqls = sql.str();
00182   if (m_debug) {
00183     cout << m_className << "::buildSelectSqlDB: " << sqls << endl;
00184   }
00185   return sqls;
00186 }
00188 void LMFDat::getPrevious(LMFDat *dat)
00189   throw(std::runtime_error)
00190 {
00191   getNeighbour(dat, -1);
00192 }
00194 void LMFDat::getNext(LMFDat *dat)
00195   throw(std::runtime_error)
00196 {
00197   getNeighbour(dat, +1);
00198 }
00200 void LMFDat::getNeighbour(LMFDat *dat, int which)
00201   throw(std::runtime_error)
00202 {
00203   // there should be just one record in this case
00204   if (m_data.size() == 1) {
00205     dat->setConnection(this->getEnv(), this->getConn());
00206     int logic_id = m_data.begin()->first;
00207     Tm lastMeasuredOn = getSubrunStart();
00208     lastMeasuredOn += which;
00209     dat->fetch(logic_id, &lastMeasuredOn, which);
00210     dat->setMaxDataToDump(m_max);
00211   } else {
00212     dump();
00213     throw(std::runtime_error(m_className + "::getPrevious: Too many LOGIC_IDs in "
00214                         "this object"));
00215   }
00216 }
00218 void LMFDat::fetch(const EcalLogicID &id) 
00219   throw(std::runtime_error)
00220 {
00221   fetch(id.getLogicID());
00222 }
00224 void LMFDat::fetch(const EcalLogicID &id, const Tm &tm) 
00225   throw(std::runtime_error)
00226 {
00227   fetch(id.getLogicID(), &tm, 1);
00228 }
00230 void LMFDat::fetch(const EcalLogicID &id, const Tm &tm, int direction) 
00231   throw(std::runtime_error)
00232 {
00233   setInt(foreignKeyName(), 0); /* set the LMF_IOV_ID to undefined */
00234   fetch(id.getLogicID(), &tm, direction);
00235 }
00237 void LMFDat::fetch() 
00238   throw(std::runtime_error)
00239 {
00240   fetch(0);
00241 }
00243 void LMFDat::fetch(int logic_id) 
00244   throw(std::runtime_error)
00245 {
00246   fetch(logic_id, NULL, 0);
00247 }
00249 void LMFDat::fetch(int logic_id, const Tm &tm) 
00250   throw(std::runtime_error)
00251 {
00252   fetch(logic_id, &tm, 1);
00253 }
00255 void LMFDat::adjustParameters(int count, std::string &sql, 
00256                               Statement *stmt) {
00257   // adjust positional parameters and change them according to their
00258   // decalred type
00259   std::size_t nw = 0;
00260   std::size_t n = sql.find(":"); 
00261   for (int done = 1; done < count; done++) {
00262     // skip already bound variables
00263     n = sql.find(":", n + 1);
00264   }
00265   while (n != std::string::npos) {
00266     char type = + 1);
00267     if (type == 'S') {
00268       stmt->setString(nw + count, _wherePars[nw]);
00269       nw++;
00270     } else if (type == 'F') {
00271       stmt->setFloat(nw + count, atof(_wherePars[nw].c_str()));
00272       nw++;
00273     } else if (type == 'I') {
00274       stmt->setInt(nw + count, atoi(_wherePars[nw].c_str()));
00275       nw++; 
00276     } 
00277     n = sql.find(":", n + 1); 
00278   }
00279 }
00281 void LMFDat::fetch(int logic_id, const Tm *timestamp, int direction) 
00282   throw(std::runtime_error)
00283 {
00284   bool ok = check();
00285   if ((timestamp == NULL) && (getLMFRunIOVID() == 0)) {
00286     throw(std::runtime_error(m_className + "::fetch: Cannot fetch data with "
00287                         "timestamp = 0 and LMFRunIOV = 0"));
00288   }
00289   if (ok && isValid()) {
00290     if (m_debug) {
00291       std::cout << "[LMFDat] This object is valid..." << std::endl;
00292     }
00293     try {
00294       Statement * stmt = m_conn->createStatement();
00295       std::string sql = buildSelectSql(logic_id, direction);
00296       if (m_debug) {
00297         std::cout << "[LMFDat] Executing query " << std::endl;
00298         std::cout << "         " << sql << std::endl << std::flush;
00299       }
00300       if (logic_id == 0) {
00301         // get data for all crystals with a given timestamp
00302         stmt->setPrefetchRowCount(10000);
00303       }
00304       stmt->setSQL(sql);
00305       int count = 1;
00306       if (logic_id > 0) {
00307         if (timestamp != NULL) {
00308           stmt->setString(count, timestamp->str());
00309           count++;
00310         }
00311         stmt->setInt(count++, logic_id);
00312       }
00313       adjustParameters(count, sql, stmt);
00314       ResultSet *rset = stmt->executeQuery();
00315       std::vector<float> x;
00316       int nData = m_keys.size();
00317       x.reserve(nData);
00318       while (rset->next() != 0) {
00319         for (int i = 0; i < nData; i++) {
00320           x.push_back(rset->getFloat(i + 3));
00321         }
00322         int id = rset->getInt(2);
00323         if (timestamp != NULL) {
00324           setInt(foreignKeyName(), rset->getInt(1));
00325         }
00326         this->setData(id, x);
00327         x.clear();
00328       }
00329       stmt->setPrefetchRowCount(0);
00330       m_conn->terminateStatement(stmt);
00331     }
00332     catch (oracle::occi::SQLException &e) {
00333       throw(std::runtime_error(m_className + "::fetch: " + e.getMessage()));
00334     }
00335     m_ID = m_data.size();
00336   }
00337 }
00339 bool LMFDat::isValid() {
00340   bool ret = true;
00341   if (m_foreignKeys.find(foreignKeyName()) == m_foreignKeys.end()) {
00342     ret = false;
00343     m_Error += " Can't find lmfRunIOV within foreign keys.";
00344     if (m_debug) {
00345       cout << m_className << ": Foreign keys map size: " << m_foreignKeys.size() 
00346            << endl;
00347     }
00348   }
00349   return ret;
00350 }
00352 std::map<int, std::vector<float> > LMFDat::fetchData() 
00353   throw(std::runtime_error)
00354 {
00355   // see if any of the data is already in the database
00356   std::map<int, std::vector<float> > s = m_data;
00357   std::string sql = "SELECT LOGIC_ID FROM CMS_ECAL_LASER_COND." + 
00358     getTableName() + " WHERE "
00359     + getIovIdFieldName() + " = :1";
00360   if (m_debug) {
00361     cout << m_className << ":: candidate data items to be written = " 
00362          << s.size() << endl;
00363     cout << m_className << "   Executing " << sql;
00364     cout << " where " << getIovIdFieldName() << " = " 
00365          << getLMFRunIOVID() << endl;
00366   }
00367   try {
00368     Statement* stmt = m_conn->createStatement();
00369     stmt->setSQL(sql);
00370     stmt->setInt(1, getLMFRunIOVID());
00371     stmt->setPrefetchRowCount(10000);
00372     ResultSet* rset = stmt->executeQuery();
00373     std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator i = s.end();
00374     std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::iterator e = s.end();
00375     while (rset->next() != 0) {
00376       if (m_debug) {
00377         cout << m_className << ":: checking " << rset->getInt(1) << endl
00378              << std::flush;
00379       }
00380       i = s.find(rset->getInt(1));
00381       if (i != e) {
00382         s.erase(i);
00383       }
00384     }
00385     stmt->setPrefetchRowCount(0);
00386     m_conn->terminateStatement(stmt);
00387   }
00388   catch (oracle::occi::SQLException &e) {
00389     throw(std::runtime_error(m_className + "::fetchData:  "+e.getMessage()));
00390   }
00391   if (m_debug) {
00392     cout << m_className << ":: data items to write = " 
00393          << s.size() << endl;
00394   }
00395   return s;
00396 }
00398 int LMFDat::writeDB() 
00399   throw(std::runtime_error)
00400 {
00401   // first of all check if data already present
00402   if (m_debug) {
00403     cout << m_className << ": Writing foreign keys" << endl;
00404   }
00405   LMFUnique::writeForeignKeys();
00406   if (m_debug) {
00407     cout << m_className << ": Foreign keys written" << endl;
00408   }
00409   // write data on the database
00410   int ret = 0;
00411   std::map<int, std::vector<float> > data2write = fetchData();
00412   if (data2write.size() > 0) {
00413     this->checkConnection();
00414     bool ok = check();
00415     // write
00416     if (ok && isValid()) {
00417       std::list<dvoid *> bufPointers;
00418       int nParameters = m_keys.size(); 
00419       int nData = data2write.size();
00420       if (m_debug) {
00421         cout << m_className << ": # data items = " << nData << endl;
00422         cout << m_className << ": # parameters = " << nParameters << endl;
00423       }
00424       int * iovid_vec = new int[nData];
00425       int * logicid_vec = new int[nData];
00426       int *intArray = new int[nData];
00427       float *floatArray = new float[nData];
00428       ub2 * intSize = new ub2[nData];
00429       ub2 * floatSize = new ub2[nData];
00430       size_t intTotalSize = sizeof(int)*nData;
00431       size_t floatTotalSize = sizeof(float)*nData;
00432       try {
00433         Statement * stmt = m_conn->createStatement();
00434         std::string sql = buildInsertSql();
00435         stmt->setSQL(sql);
00436         // build the array of the size of each column
00437         for (int i = 0; i < nData; i++) {
00438           intSize[i] = sizeof(int);
00439           floatSize[i] = sizeof(int);
00440         }
00441         // build the data array for first column: the same run iov id
00442         LMFRunIOV *runiov = (LMFRunIOV*)m_foreignKeys[foreignKeyName()];
00443         int iov_id = runiov->getID();
00444         std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::const_iterator b = data2write.begin();
00445         std::map<int, std::vector<float> >::const_iterator e = data2write.end();
00446         for (int i = 0; i < nData; i++) {
00447           iovid_vec[i] = iov_id;
00448         }
00449         stmt->setDataBuffer(1, (dvoid*)iovid_vec, oracle::occi::OCCIINT,
00450                             sizeof(iovid_vec[0]), intSize);
00451         // build the data array for second column: the logic ids
00452         int c = 0;
00453         while (b != e) {
00454           int id = b->first;
00455           logicid_vec[c++] = id;
00456           b++;
00457         }
00458         stmt->setDataBuffer(2, (dvoid*)logicid_vec, oracle::occi::OCCIINT,
00459                             sizeof(logicid_vec[0]), intSize);
00460         // for each column build the data array
00461         oracle::occi::Type type = oracle::occi::OCCIFLOAT;
00462         for (int i = 0; i < nParameters; i++) {
00463           b = data2write.begin();
00464           // loop on all logic ids
00465           c = 0;
00466           while (b != e) {
00467             std::vector<float> x = b->second;
00468             if (m_type[i] == "INT") {
00469               intArray[c] = (int)rint(x[i]);
00470             } else if ((m_type[i] == "FLOAT") || (m_type[i] == "NUMBER")) {
00471               floatArray[c] = x[i];
00472             } else {
00473               throw(std::runtime_error("ERROR: LMFDat::writeDB: unsupported type"));
00474             }
00475             c++;
00476             b++;
00477           }
00478           // copy data into a "permanent" buffer
00479           dvoid * buffer;
00480           type = oracle::occi::OCCIINT;
00481           ub2 *sizeArray = intSize;
00482           int size = sizeof(intArray[0]);
00483           if ((m_type[i] == "FLOAT") || (m_type[i] == "NUMBER")) {
00484             buffer = (dvoid *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nData);
00485             memcpy(buffer, floatArray, floatTotalSize);
00486             type = oracle::occi::OCCIFLOAT;
00487             sizeArray = floatSize;
00488             size = sizeof(floatArray[0]);
00489           } else {
00490             buffer = (dvoid *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nData);
00491             memcpy(buffer, intArray, intTotalSize);
00492           }
00493           bufPointers.push_back(buffer);
00494           if (m_debug) {
00495             for (int k = 0; ((k < nData) && (k < m_max)); k++) {
00496               cout << m_className << ": === Index=== " << k << endl;
00497               cout << m_className << ": RUN_IOV_ID = " << iovid_vec[k] << endl;
00498               cout << m_className << ": LOGIC_ID = " << logicid_vec[k] << endl;
00499               cout << m_className << ": FIELD " << i << ": " 
00500                    << ((float *)(buffer))[k] << endl;
00501             }
00502           }
00503           stmt->setDataBuffer(i + 3, buffer, type, size, sizeArray);
00504         }
00505         stmt->executeArrayUpdate(nData);
00506         delete [] intArray;
00507         delete [] floatArray;
00508         delete [] intSize;
00509         delete [] floatSize;
00510         delete [] logicid_vec;
00511         delete [] iovid_vec;
00512         std::list<dvoid *>::const_iterator bi = bufPointers.begin();
00513         std::list<dvoid *>::const_iterator be = bufPointers.end();
00514         while (bi != be) {
00515           free(*bi);
00516           bi++;
00517         }
00518         m_conn->commit();
00519         m_conn->terminateStatement(stmt);
00520         ret = nData;
00521       } catch (oracle::occi::SQLException &e) {
00522         debug();
00523         setMaxDataToDump(nData);
00524         // get the Foreign Key
00525         LMFRunIOV *runiov = (LMFRunIOV*)m_foreignKeys[foreignKeyName()];
00526         int iov_id = runiov->getID();
00527         std::cout << "==== This object refers to IOV " << iov_id << std::endl;
00528         dump();
00529         m_conn->rollback();
00530         throw(std::runtime_error(m_className + "::writeDB: " + 
00531                                  e.getMessage()));
00532       }
00533     } else {
00534       cout << m_className << "::writeDB: Cannot write because " << 
00535         m_Error << endl;
00536       dump();
00537     }
00538   }
00539   return ret;
00540 }
00542 void LMFDat::getKeyTypes() 
00543   throw(std::runtime_error)
00544 {
00545   m_type.reserve(m_keys.size());
00546   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_keys.size(); i++) {
00547     m_type.push_back("");
00548   }
00549   // get the description of the table
00550   std::string sql = "";
00551   try {
00552     Statement *stmt = m_conn->createStatement();
00554     /*
00556       "USER_TAB_COLS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '" + getTableName() + "' " 
00557       "AND COLUMN_NAME != '" + getIovIdFieldName() +  "' AND COLUMN_NAME != " 
00558       "'LOGIC_ID'";
00559     */
00560     stmt->setSQL(sql);
00561     stmt->setString(1, getTableName());
00562     stmt->setString(2, getIovIdFieldName());
00563     ResultSet *rset = stmt->executeQuery();
00564     while (rset->next() != 0) {
00565       std::string name = rset->getString(1);
00566       std::string t = rset->getString(2);
00567       m_type[m_keys[name]] = t;
00568     }
00569     m_conn->terminateStatement(stmt);
00570   } catch (oracle::occi::SQLException &e) {
00571     throw(std::runtime_error(m_className + "::getKeyTypes: " + e.getMessage() +
00572                         " [" + sql + "]"));
00573   }
00574 }
00576 bool LMFDat::check() {
00577   // check that everything has been correctly setup
00578   bool ret = true;
00579   m_Error = "";
00580   // first of all we need to check that the class name has been set
00581   if (m_className == "LMFUnique") {
00582     m_Error = "class name not set ";
00583     ret = false;
00584   }
00585   //then check that the table name has been set
00586   if (getTableName() == "") {
00587     m_Error += "table name not set ";
00588     ret = false;
00589   }
00590   // fill key types if not yet done
00591   if (m_type.size() != m_keys.size()) {
00592     getKeyTypes();
00593     if (m_type.size() != m_keys.size()) {
00594       m_Error += "key size does not correspond to table definition";
00595       ret = false;
00596     }
00597   }
00598   return ret;
00599 }
00601 /* unsafe methods */
00603 std::vector<float> LMFDat::getData(int id) {
00604   std::vector<float> ret;
00605   if (m_data.find(id) != m_data.end()) {
00606     ret = m_data[id];
00607   }
00608   return ret;
00609 }
00611 std::vector<float> LMFDat::operator[](int id) {
00612   return getData(id);
00613 }
00615 std::vector<float> LMFDat::getData(const EcalLogicID &id) {
00616   return getData(id.getLogicID());
00617 }
00619 /* safe methods */
00621 bool LMFDat::getData(int id, std::vector<float> &ret) {
00622   bool retval = false;
00623   if (m_data.find(id) != m_data.end()) {
00624     ret= m_data[id];
00625     retval = true;
00626   }
00627   return retval;
00628 }
00630 bool LMFDat::getData(const EcalLogicID &id, std::vector<float> &ret) {
00631   return getData(id.getLogicID(), ret);
00632 }
00634 /* all data */
00636 std::map<int, std::vector<float> > LMFDat::getData() {
00637   return m_data;
00638 }
00640 /* unsafe */
00642 float LMFDat::getData(int id, unsigned int k) {
00643   return m_data[id][k];
00644 }
00646 float LMFDat::getData(const EcalLogicID &id, unsigned int k) {
00647   return getData(id.getLogicID(), k);
00648 }
00650 float LMFDat::getData(const EcalLogicID &id, const std::string &key) {
00651   return getData(id.getLogicID(), m_keys[key]);
00652 }
00654 float LMFDat::getData(int id, const std::string &key) {
00655   return getData(id, m_keys[key]);
00656 }
00658 /* safe */
00660 bool LMFDat::getData(int id, unsigned int k, float &ret) {
00661   bool retval = false;
00662   std::vector<float> v;
00663   retval = getData(id, v);
00664   if ((retval) && (v.size() > k)) {
00665     ret= v[k];
00666     retval = true;
00667   } else {
00668     retval = false;
00669   }
00670   return retval;
00671 }
00673 bool LMFDat::getData(const EcalLogicID &id, unsigned int k, float &ret) {
00674   return getData(id.getLogicID(), k, ret);
00675 }
00677 bool LMFDat::getData(int id, const std::string &key, float &ret) {
00678   bool retval = false;
00679   if (m_keys.find(key) != m_keys.end()) {
00680     retval = getData(id, m_keys[key], ret); 
00681   }
00682   return retval;
00683 }
00685 bool LMFDat::getData(const EcalLogicID &id, const std::string &key, float &ret)
00686 {
00687   return getData(id.getLogicID(), key, ret);
00688 }