
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import coral
00002 import nameDealer
00003 class idDealer(object):
00004     """Manages the autoincremental ID values.\n
00005     Input: coral.schema object
00006     """
00007     def __init__( self , schema  ):
00008         self.__schema = schema
00009         self.__idTableColumnName = nameDealer.idTableColumnDefinition()[0]
00010         self.__idTableColumnType = nameDealer.idTableColumnDefinition()[1]
00012     def getIDColumnDefinition( self ):
00013         return (self.__idTableColumnName, self.__idTableColumnType)
00015     def getIDforTable( self, tableName ):
00016         """
00017         get the new id value to use for the given table
00018         """
00019         try:
00020             idtableName = nameDealer.idTableName(tableName)
00021             query = self.__schema.tableHandle(idtableName).newQuery()
00022             query.addToOutputList(self.__idTableColumnName)
00023             query.setForUpdate() #lock it
00024             cursor = query.execute()
00025             result = 0
00026             while ( ):
00027                 result = cursor.currentRow()[self.__idTableColumnName].data()
00028             del query
00029             return result
00030         except Exception, e:
00031             raise Exception, str(e)
00033     def generateNextIDForTable( self, tableName ):
00034         """
00035         Set the nextID in the IDTableName to current id value + 1 .\n
00036         Input: ID table name.
00037         """
00038         try:
00039             idtableName = nameDealer.idTableName(tableName)
00040             tableHandle = self.__schema.tableHandle(idtableName)
00041             query = tableHandle.newQuery()
00042             query.addToOutputList(self.__idTableColumnName)
00043             query.setForUpdate() #lock it
00044             cursor = query.execute()
00045             result = 0
00046             while ( ):
00047                 result = cursor.currentRow()[0].data()
00048             dataEditor = tableHandle.dataEditor()
00049             inputData = coral.AttributeList()
00050             dataEditor.updateRows('NEXTID = NEXTID+1','',inputData)
00051             del query            
00052             return result+1
00053         except Exception, e:
00054             raise Exception, str(e)
00056 if __name__ == "__main__":
00057     fakeIDtableName='Fake_ID'
00058     svc=coral.ConnectionService()
00059     session=svc.connect('sqlite_file:fake.db')
00060     transaction=session.transaction()
00061     try:
00062         transaction.start(False)
00063         schema=session.nominalSchema()
00064         idor=idDealer(schema)
00065         if schema.existsTable(fakeIDtableName) is False:
00066           description=coral.TableDescription()
00067           description.setName(fakeIDtableName)
00068           description.setPrimaryKey(idor.getIDColumnDefinition()[0])        
00069           description.insertColumn(idor.getIDColumnDefinition()[0],idor.getIDColumnDefinition()[1])
00070           idtableHandle=schema.createTable(description)
00071           idtableHandle.privilegeManager().grantToPublic(coral.privilege_Select)
00072           inputData=coral.AttributeList()
00073           editor=idtableHandle.dataEditor()
00074           editor.rowBuffer(inputData)
00075           inputData[ idor.getIDColumnDefinition()[0] ].setData(0)
00076           editor.insertRow(inputData)
00077         idor.generateNextIDForTable('Fake')
00078         print idor.getIDforTable('Fake')
00079         transaction.commit()
00080         del session
00081     except coral.Exception,e:
00082         transaction.rollback()
00083         del session
00084     except Exception, e:
00085         print 'failed in unit test'
00086         print str(e)
00087         del session