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3 laserSorter = cms.EDAnalyzer("LaserSorter",
4  outputDir = cms.string("out"),
5  fedSubDirs = cms.vstring(
6  "Unknown",
7  "EE-7", "EE-8", "EE-9", "EE-1", "EE-2",
8  "EE-3", "EE-4", "EE-5", "EE-6", "EB-1",
9  "EB-2", "EB-3", "EB-4", "EB-5", "EB-6",
10  "EB-7", "EB-8", "EB-9", "EB-10", "EB-11",
11  "EB-12", "EB-13", "EB-14", "EB-15", "EB-16",
12  "EB-17", "EB-18", "EB+1", "EB+2", "EB+3",
13  "EB+4", "EB+5", "EB+6", "EB+7", "EB+8",
14  "EB+9", "EB+10", "EB+11", "EB+12", "EB+13",
15  "EB+14", "EB+15", "EB+16", "EB+17", "EB+18",
16  "EE+7", "EE+8", "EE+9", "EE+1", "EE+2",
17  "EE+3", "EE+4", "EE+5", "EE+6"),
18  timeLogFile = cms.untracked.string("laserSortingTime.txt"),
19  disableOutput = cms.untracked.bool(False),
20  outputListFile = cms.untracked.string("lmfFileList.txt"),
21  verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
23  #limit on "no fully readout dcc error" messages per run
24  maxFullReadoutDccError = cms.int32(10),
26  #limit on "No ECAL DCC Data" messages per run
27  maxNoEcalDataMess = cms.int32(10),
29  # Tolerance on lumi block spanning of a FED sequence. Subsequent events
30  # of a same FED must span at most on 2*lumiBlockSpan_+1 luminosity blocks.
31  #
32  # * It is important that the laser sequence scane does not pass twice on the same FED
33  # within the 2*lumiBlockSpan_+1. Failing this requirement will result mixing event of
34  # different passes in the same output file.
35  #
36  # * The number of input files opened simultinuously is proportional to 2*lumiBlockSpan_+1.
37  # So increasing lumiBlockSpan_ will also increase the number of opened files and may have
38  # some impact of sorting time performances.
39  #
40  # * Recommanded value is: maximum time consecutively spent on a FED in the
41  # sequence (T_fed, = max event count * 10 ms) divided by the luminosity
42  # block duration (T_lb), divided by 2 and ceil-rounded: ceil(T_fed/(2*T_lb))
43  lumiBlockSpan = cms.int32(2)
44 )