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3 # module to produce jet correction factors associated in a valuemap
4 patJetCorrFactors = cms.EDProducer("JetCorrFactorsProducer",
5  ## the use of emf in the JEC is not yet implemented
6  emf = cms.bool(False),
7  ## input collection of jets
8  src = cms.InputTag("ak5CaloJets"),
9  ## payload postfix for testing
10  payload = cms.string('AK5Calo'),
11  ## correction levels
12  levels = cms.vstring(
13  ## tags for the individual jet corrections; when
14  ## not available the string should be set to 'none'
15  'L1FastJet', 'L2Relative', 'L3Absolute'#, 'L5Flavor', 'L7Parton'
16  ),
17  flavorType = cms.string('J'), ## alternatively use 'T'
18  ## in case that L1Offset or L1FastJet corrections are part
19  ## of the parameter levels add the optional parameter
20  ## primaryVertices here to specify the primary vertex
21  ## collection, which was used to determine the L1Offset
22  ## or L1FastJet correction from. This parameter will ONLY
23  ## be read out if the correction level L1Offset or
24  ## L1FastJet is found in levels.
25  useNPV = cms.bool(True),
26  primaryVertices = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
27  ## in case that L1FastJet corrections are part of the
28  ## parameter levels add the optional parameter rho
29  ## here to specify the energy density parameter for
30  ## the corresponding jet collection (this variable is
31  ## typically taken from kt6PFJets).
32  useRho = cms.bool(True),
33  rho = cms.InputTag('kt6CaloJets', 'rho'),
34 )