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1 # Author : Gero Flucke
2 # Date : July 19th, 2007
3 # last update: $Date: 2011/07/01 07:01:20 $ by $Author: mussgill $
4 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
6 # DCS partitions
7 # "EBp","EBm","EEp","EEm","HBHEa","HBHEb","HBHEc","HF","HO","RPC"
8 # "DT0","DTp","DTm","CSCp","CSCm","CASTOR","TIBTID","TOB","TECp","TECm"
9 # "BPIX","FPIX","ESp","ESm"
10 import DPGAnalysis.Skims.skim_detstatus_cfi
11 ALCARECOTkAlCosmics0TDCSFilter = DPGAnalysis.Skims.skim_detstatus_cfi.dcsstatus.clone(
12  DetectorType = cms.vstring('TIBTID','TOB','TECp','TECm','BPIX','FPIX'),
13  ApplyFilter = cms.bool(True),
14  AndOr = cms.bool(True),
15  DebugOn = cms.untracked.bool(False)
16 )
18 #________________________________Track selection____________________________________
19 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muons reconstructed by Combinatorial Track Finder
20 import Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi
21 ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T = Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi.AlignmentTrackSelector.clone(
22  src = 'ctfWithMaterialTracksP5',
23  filter = True,
24  applyBasicCuts = True,
25  ptMin = 0., ##10
26  ptMax = 99999.,
27  etaMin = -99., ##-2.4 keep also what is going through...
28  etaMax = 99., ## 2.4 ...both TEC with flat slope
29  nHitMin = 7,
30  nHitMin2D = 2,
31  chi2nMax = 999999.,
32  applyNHighestPt = False, ## no pT measurement -> sort meaningless
33  nHighestPt = 1,
34  applyMultiplicityFilter = False
35  )
37 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muons reconstructed by Cosmic Track Finder
38 # (same cuts)
39 ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0T = ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T.clone(
40  src = 'cosmictrackfinderP5' ## different for CTF
41  )
43 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muons reconstructed by Regional Cosmic Tracking
44 # (same cuts)
45 ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsRegional0T = ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T.clone(
46  src = 'regionalCosmicTracks'
47  )
49 #________________________________Sequences____________________________________
50 seqALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T)
51 seqALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0T = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0T)
52 seqALCARECOTkAlCosmicsRegional0T = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsRegional0T)