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4 # Producer for Hybrid BasicClusters and SuperClusters
5 cleanedHybridSuperClusters = cms.EDProducer("HybridClusterProducer",
6  eThreshA = cms.double(0.003),
7  # seed thresold for dominos
8  eseed = cms.double(0.35),
9  # coefficient to increase Eseed as a function of 5x5; 0 gives old behaviour
10  xi = cms.double(0.00),
11  # increase Eseed as a function of et_5x5 (othwewise it's e_5x5)
12  useEtForXi = cms.bool(True),
13  # output collections
14  clustershapecollection = cms.string(''),
15  shapeAssociation = cms.string('hybridShapeAssoc'),
16  # if e1x3 larger than ewing use 1x5
17  # e.g. always build 1x5
18  ewing = cms.double(0.0),
19  # clustering parameters
20  #
21  # threshold on seed RecHits
22  HybridBarrelSeedThr = cms.double(1.0),
23  dynamicPhiRoad = cms.bool(False),
24  basicclusterCollection = cms.string('hybridBarrelBasicClusters'),
25  # phi road parameters
26  step = cms.int32(17),
27  eThreshB = cms.double(0.1),
28  dynamicEThresh = cms.bool(False),
29  # domino thresholds
30  ethresh = cms.double(0.1),
31  superclusterCollection = cms.string(''),
32  ecalhitcollection = cms.string('EcalRecHitsEB'),
33  # input collection
34  ecalhitproducer = cms.string('ecalRecHit'),
35  # recHit flags to be excluded from seeding
36  RecHitFlagToBeExcluded = cms.vstring(
37  'kFaultyHardware',
38  'kPoorCalib',
39  #'kSaturated',
40  #'kLeadingEdgeRecovered',
41  #'kNeighboursRecovered',
42  'kTowerRecovered',
43  'kDead'
44  ),
45  RecHitSeverityToBeExcluded = cms.vstring('kWeird',
46  'kBad',
47  'kTime'),
49  excludeFlagged = cms.bool(True),
50  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet( T0_barl = cms.double(7.4),
51  T0_endc = cms.double(3.1),
52  T0_endcPresh = cms.double(1.2),
53  LogWeighted = cms.bool(True),
54  W0 = cms.double(4.2),
55  X0 = cms.double(0.89)
56  )
57  )