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tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.doPixels = cms.bool(True) |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.doStrips = cms.bool(True) |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.fileName = cms.untracked.string('myOutputFile.root') |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.fileNames |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.pixelClusters = cms.InputTag("siPixelClusters") |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.pixelModule = cms.string('BPIX,FPIX,PIXEL') |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.pixelVariables = cms.string('pHits,pSize,pCharge') |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.process = cms.Process("ClusterSummaryProducer") |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.stripClusters = cms.InputTag("siStripClusters") |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.stripModule = cms.string('TOB,TIB,TID,TEC,TRACKER') |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.stripVariables = cms.string('cHits,cSize,cCharge') |
tuple | clustersummaryproducer_cfg.verbose = cms.bool(False) |
| For running on pre 3.6 files the current needed to determine the magnetic field is taken from Conditions DB. More...