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5 generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
6  pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
7  comEnergy = cms.double(13000.0),
8  maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
9  pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
10  filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
11  crossSection = cms.untracked.double(0.00002497),
13  ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(
14  Tauola = cms.untracked.PSet(
15  TauolaPolar,
16  TauolaDefaultInputCards
17  ),
18  parameterSets = cms.vstring('Tauola')
19  ),
21 # ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(
22 # Tauola = cms.untracked.PSet(
23 # UseTauolaPolarization = cms.bool(True),
24 # InputCards = cms.PSet(
25 # mdtau = cms.int32(0),
26 # pjak2 = cms.int32(0),
27 # pjak1 = cms.int32(0)
28 # )
29 # ),
30 # parameterSets = cms.vstring('Tauola')
31 # ),
33  PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
34  # Default (mostly empty - to keep PYTHIA default) card file
35  # Name of the set is "pythiaDefault"
36  pythiaUESettingsBlock,
37  # User cards - name is "myParameters"
38  processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! User defined processes',
39  "MSUB(141) = 1 ! ff -> gamma/Z0/Z\'",
40  'MSTP(44) = 3 ! only select the Z process',
41  "PMAS(32,1) = 2250 ! Z\' mass (GeV)",
42  'CKIN(1) = -1 ! lower invariant mass cutoff (GeV)',
43  'CKIN(2) = -1 ! no upper invariant mass cutoff',
44  'PARU(121)= 0. ! vd',
45  'PARU(122)= 0.506809 ! ad',
46  'PARU(123)= 0. ! vu',
47  'PARU(124)= 0.506809 ! au',
48  'PARU(125)= 0. ! ve',
49  'PARU(126)= 0.506809 ! ae',
50  'PARU(127)= -0.253405 ! vnu',
51  'PARU(128)= 0.253405 ! anu',
52  'PARJ(180)= 0. ! vd',
53  'PARJ(181)= 0.506809 ! ad',
54  'PARJ(182)= 0. ! vu',
55  'PARJ(183)= 0.506809 ! au',
56  'PARJ(184)= 0. ! ve',
57  'PARJ(185)= 0.506809 ! ae',
58  'PARJ(186)= -0.253405 ! vnu',
59  'PARJ(187)= 0.253405 ! anu',
60  'PARJ(188)= 0. ! vd',
61  'PARJ(189)= 0.506809 ! ad',
62  'PARJ(190)= 0. ! vu',
63  'PARJ(191)= 0.506809 ! au',
64  'PARJ(192)= 0. ! ve',
65  'PARJ(193)= 0.506809 ! ae',
66  'PARJ(194)= -0.253405 ! vnu',
67  'PARJ(195)= 0.253405 ! anu',
68  'MDME(289,1) = 0 ! d dbar',
69  'MDME(290,1) = 0 ! u ubar',
70  'MDME(291,1) = 0 ! s sbar',
71  'MDME(292,1) = 0 ! c cbar',
72  'MDME(293,1) = 0 ! b bar',
73  'MDME(294,1) = 0 ! t tbar',
74  'MDME(295,1) = -1 ! 4th gen q qbar',
75  'MDME(296,1) = -1 ! 4th gen q qbar',
76  'MDME(297,1) = 0 ! e- e+',
77  'MDME(298,1) = 0 ! nu_e nu_ebar',
78  'MDME(299,1) = 1 ! mu- mu+',
79  'MDME(300,1) = 0 ! nu_mu nu_mubar',
80  'MDME(301,1) = 0 ! tau tau',
81  'MDME(302,1) = 0 ! nu_tau nu_taubar',
82  'MDME(303,1) = -1 ! 4th gen l- l+',
83  'MDME(304,1) = -1 ! 4th gen nu nubar',
84  'MDME(305,1) = -1 ! W+ W-',
85  'MDME(306,1) = -1 ! H+ H-',
86  'MDME(307,1) = -1 ! Z0 gamma',
87  'MDME(308,1) = -1 ! Z0 h0',
88  'MDME(309,1) = -1 ! h0 A0',
89  'MDME(310,1) = -1 ! H0 A0'),
90  parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings','processParameters')
91  )
92 )
93 #
94 #
95 #ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)