
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RecoHI/HiMuonAlgos/interface/DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC.h"
00002 #include "DataFormats/TrackerRecHit2D/interface/SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection.h"
00003 #include "DataFormats/TrackerRecHit2D/interface/SiStripRecHit2DCollection.h"
00004 #include "DataFormats/TrajectorySeed/interface/TrajectorySeedCollection.h"
00005 #include "TrackingTools/Records/interface/TransientRecHitRecord.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/TrackingRecHit.h"
00007 #include "TrackingTools/MeasurementDet/interface/MeasurementDet.h"
00008 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
00011 using namespace edm;
00012 using namespace std;
00013 //#define DEBUG
00015 namespace cms {
00016 DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC(edm::InputTag rphirecHitsTag0,
00017                                                const MagneticField* magfield0, 
00018                                                const GeometricSearchTracker* theTracker0, 
00019                                                const HICConst* hh,
00020                                                const string bb,
00021                                                int aMult = 1)
00022 {
00024 // initialization
00026   theTracker = theTracker0;
00027   theHICConst = hh;
00028   theLowMult = aMult;
00029   magfield = magfield0;
00030   rphirecHitsTag = rphirecHitsTag0;
00031   TTRHbuilder = 0;
00032   builderName = bb; 
00034   thePropagator=new PropagatorWithMaterial(oppositeToMomentum,0.1057,&(*magfield) );
00036 }
00038 map<DetLayer*,DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::SeedContainer> DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::produce(const edm::Event& e, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup, 
00039                                                     FreeTrajectoryState& theFtsTracker, 
00040                                                     TrajectoryStateOnSurface& newtsos,
00041                                                     FreeTrajectoryState& theFtsMuon,
00042                                                     const TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder* RecHitBuilder,
00043                                                     const MeasurementTracker* measurementTracker,
00044                                                     vector<DetLayer*>* theDetLayer ) {
00047     theMeasurementTracker = measurementTracker;
00048     theLayerMeasurements = new LayerMeasurements(theMeasurementTracker);
00050   //  cout<<" Point 0 "<<endl;
00052     std::map<DetLayer*,DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::SeedContainer> seedMap;
00053 //    SeedContainer seedContainer;
00055     bl = theTracker->barrelLayers();
00056     fpos = theTracker->posForwardLayers();
00057     fneg = theTracker->negForwardLayers();
00059   if(TTRHbuilder == 0){
00060     edm::ESHandle<TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder> theBuilderHandle;
00061     iSetup.get<TransientRecHitRecord>().get(builderName,theBuilderHandle);
00062     TTRHbuilder = theBuilderHandle.product();
00063   }
00064 //  cout<<" Point 1 "<<endl;   
00065 //    int npair=0;
00066 //
00067 //  For each fts do a cycle on possible layers.
00068 //
00069     int nSig =3;
00070     bool itrust=true; 
00071     HICSeedMeasurementEstimator theEstimator(itrust,nSig);
00073    // cout<<" Point 2 "<<endl;
00075     double phipred=0.; double zpred=0.; //double phiupd=0.; double zupd=0.;
00077     for( vector<DetLayer* >::const_iterator ml=theDetLayer->begin(); ml != theDetLayer->end(); ml++)
00078     {
00079 //
00080 // For each layer, we have its own seed container
00081 //
00082      SeedContainer seedContainer;
00084      const BarrelDetLayer* bl = dynamic_cast<const BarrelDetLayer*>(*ml);
00085      const ForwardDetLayer* fl = dynamic_cast<const ForwardDetLayer*>(*ml);
00086       if( bl != 0 )
00087       { 
00088        // The last layer for barrel
00089        phipred = (double)theHICConst->phicut[12];
00090        //phiupd = (double)theHICConst->phiro[12];
00091        zpred = (double)theHICConst->zcut[12];
00092        //zupd = (double)theHICConst->tetro[12];
00093      //  cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::propagate to barrel layer surface "<<bl->specificSurface().radius()<<endl;
00094       }
00095         else
00096          {
00097            if ( fl != 0 ) 
00098            {
00100               // The last layer for endcap
00101               phipred = (double)theHICConst->phicutf[13];
00102               //phiupd = (double)theHICConst->phirof[13];
00103               zpred = (double)theHICConst->tetcutf[13];
00104               //zupd = (double)theHICConst->tetrof[13];
00106        //       cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::propagate to endcap layer surface "<<fl->position().z()<<" Mult="<<
00107 //              theLowMult<<endl;
00108            } // end fl
00109          }// end else
00110 // ==========================================       
00111        theEstimator.set(phipred, zpred);
00112 #ifdef DEBUG       
00113        std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::estimator::set cuts "<<std::endl;
00114 #endif
00115        std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> vTM = theLayerMeasurements->measurements((**ml),newtsos, *thePropagator, theEstimator);
00116 #ifdef DEBUG
00117        std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::Size of compatible TM found by measurements "<<vTM.size()<<std::endl;
00118 #endif
00120 //        int measnum = 0;
00122        for(std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::iterator it=vTM.begin(); it!=vTM.end(); it++)
00123        {
00125 #ifdef DEBUG
00126       const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer rh = (*it).recHit();
00127       if(!(rh->isValid())) {
00128         cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::rechit not valid "<<endl; 
00129       } else {
00130         GlobalPoint realhit = (*rh).globalPosition();
00131        cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::Compatible TM: "<<realhit.perp()<<" "
00132        <<realhit.phi()<<" "<<realhit.z()<<endl;
00133       }
00134 #endif       
00136        pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool> newtmr;
00138        if( bl != 0 )
00139        {
00140 #ifdef DEBUG
00141         cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::Barrel seed "<<endl;
00142 #endif
00143         newtmr = barrelUpdateSeed(theFtsMuon,(*it));
00145        }
00146          else
00147          {
00148 #ifdef DEBUG
00149             cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::Endcap seed "<<endl;
00150 #endif
00151             newtmr = forwardUpdateSeed(theFtsMuon,(*it));
00152          }
00153 #ifdef DEBUG
00154            cout<<" DiMuonSeedGenerator::Estimate seed "<<newtmr.first.estimate()<<" True or false  "<<newtmr.second<<endl;
00155 #endif
00156           if(newtmr.second) seedContainer.push_back(DiMuonTrajectorySeed(newtmr.first,theFtsMuon,theLowMult));
00157        }
00158        seedMap[*ml] = seedContainer;
00159     }       
00160     delete theLayerMeasurements;
00161     return  seedMap; 
00163 }      
00165 pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool> DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::barrelUpdateSeed ( 
00166                                                                   const FreeTrajectoryState& FTSOLD, 
00167                                                                   const TrajectoryMeasurement& tm 
00168                                                                 ) const
00169 {
00171   bool good=false;
00172 #ifdef DEBUG
00173   std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::barrelUpdateSeed::BarrelSeed "<<std::endl;
00174 #endif
00175   const DetLayer* dl = tm.layer();
00176  // std::cout<<" BarrelSeed 0"<<std::endl;  
00177   const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer rh = tm.recHit(); 
00178  // std::cout<<" BarrelSeed 1"<<std::endl;
00179   if(!(rh->isValid())) 
00180   {
00181 #ifdef DEBUG
00182      std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::barrelUpdateSeed::hit is not valid "<<std::endl;
00183 #endif
00184      return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00185   }
00186 #ifdef DEBUG
00187      std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::barrelUpdateSeed::hit is  valid "<<std::endl;
00188 #endif
00189 //  std::cout<<" BarrelSeed 2"<<std::endl;
00190   FreeTrajectoryState FTS = *(tm.forwardPredictedState().freeTrajectoryState());
00192 //
00193 // Define local variables.
00194 //     
00195   int imin = 0;
00196   int imax = 0;
00197   int imin1 = 0;
00198   int imax1 = 0;
00199   double phi = FTSOLD.parameters().position().phi(); 
00200   double pt = FTS.parameters().momentum().perp();
00201   double aCharge = FTS.parameters().charge();
00202   //AlgebraicSymMatrix55 e = FTS.curvilinearError().matrix();
00204   double dptup = 0.35*pt;
00205   double dptdown = 0.7*pt;
00206   double ptshift = 0.22*pt;
00208 //  std::cout<<" BarrelSeed 3 "<<std::endl;  
00209 //
00210 // Calculate a bin for lower and upper boundary of PT interval available for track.  
00211 //  
00212   int imax0 = (int)((pt+ptshift+dptup-theHICConst->ptboun)/theHICConst->step) + 1;
00213   int imin0 = (int)((pt+ptshift-dptdown-theHICConst->ptboun)/theHICConst->step) + 1;
00214   if( imin0 < 1 ) imin0 = 1;
00215 #ifdef DEBUG    
00216         std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::barrelUpdateSeed::imin0,imax0 "<<imin0<<" "<<imax0<<" pt,dpt "<<pt+ptshift<<" "<<dptup<<" "<<dptdown<<std::endl;
00217 #endif  
00219   double dens,df,ptmax,ptmin;
00221   GlobalPoint realhit = (*rh).globalPosition();
00222   df = fabs(realhit.phi() - phi);
00224   double pi=4.*atan(1.);
00225   double twopi=8.*atan(1.);
00227   if(df > pi) df = twopi-df;
00228   if(df > 1.e-5) 
00229   {
00230       dens = 1./df;
00231    } //end if
00232      else
00233       {
00234           dens = 100000.;
00235       } // end else
00236   //   std::cout<<" Phi rh "<<realhit.phi()<<" phumu "<<phi<<" df "<<df<<" dens "<<dens<<std::endl;     
00237         //
00238         // Calculate new imin, imax, pt (works till 20GeV/c)
00239         // It is necessary to parametrized for different Pt value with some step (to be done)
00240         //
00242         ptmax = (dens-(double)(theHICConst->phias[26]))/(double)(theHICConst->phibs[26]) + theHICConst->ptbmax;
00243         ptmin = (dens-(double)(theHICConst->phiai[26]))/(double)(theHICConst->phibi[26]) + theHICConst->ptbmax;
00244 #ifdef DEBUG
00245      std::cout<<" Phias,phibs,phiai,phibi "<<theHICConst->phias[26]<<" "<<theHICConst->phibs[26]<<" "<<
00246      theHICConst->phiai[26]<<" "<<theHICConst->phibi[26]<<" "<<theHICConst->ptbmax<<std::endl;
00247      std::cout<<" ptmin= "<<ptmin<<" ptmax "<<ptmax<<std::endl;
00248      std::cout<<" ptboun "<<theHICConst->ptboun<<" "<<theHICConst->step<<std::endl;
00249 #endif 
00250         imax = (int)((ptmax-theHICConst->ptboun)/theHICConst->step)+1;
00251         imin = (int)((ptmin-theHICConst->ptboun)/theHICConst->step)+1;
00252         if(imin > imax) {
00253 #ifdef DEBUG    
00254                 std::cout<<" imin>imax "<<imin<<" "<<imax<<std::endl; 
00255 #endif          
00256            return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);}
00257         if(imax < 1) { 
00258 #ifdef DEBUG    
00259               std::cout<<"imax < 1 "<<imax<<std::endl; 
00260 #endif        
00261               return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);}
00263         imin1 = max(imin,imin0);
00264         imax1 = min(imax,imax0);
00265         if(imin1 > imax1) {
00266 #ifdef DEBUG    
00267          std::cout<<" imin,imax "<<imin<<" "<<imax<<std::endl; 
00268          std::cout<<" imin,imax "<<imin0<<" "<<imax0<<std::endl;
00269          std::cout<<" imin1>imax1 "<<imin1<<" "<<imax1<<std::endl;
00270 #endif  
00271          return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00272         }
00274 //
00275 // Define new trajectory. 
00276 //
00277         double ptnew = theHICConst->ptboun + theHICConst->step * (imax1 + imin1)/2. - theHICConst->step/2.;  // recalculated PT of track
00279         //
00280         // new theta angle of track
00281         //
00283         double dfmax = 1./((double)(theHICConst->phias[26])+(double)(theHICConst->phibs[26])*(ptnew-theHICConst->ptbmax));
00284         double dfmin = 1./((double)(theHICConst->phiai[26])+(double)(theHICConst->phibi[26])*(ptnew-theHICConst->ptbmax));
00285         double dfcalc = fabs(dfmax+dfmin)/2.;
00286         double phinew = phi+aCharge*dfcalc;
00288         //    
00289         // Recalculate phi, and Z.     
00290         //
00292         double rad = 100.*ptnew/(0.3*4.);
00293         double alf = 2.*asin(realhit.perp()/rad);
00294         double alfnew = phinew - aCharge*alf;
00296         //
00297         // Fill GlobalPoint,GlobalVector    
00298         //
00300         double delx = realhit.z()-theHICConst->zvert;
00301         double delr = sqrt( realhit.y()*realhit.y()+realhit.x()*realhit.x() );
00302         double theta = atan2(delr,delx);        
00304 //      std::cout<<" Point 3 "<<std::endl;
00305 //      
00306 // Each trajectory in tracker starts from real point    
00307 //      GlobalPoint xnew0( realhit.perp()*cos(phinew), realhit.perp()*sin(phinew), realhit.z() ); 
00309         GlobalPoint xnew0( realhit.x(), realhit.y(), realhit.z() ); 
00311         GlobalVector pnew0(ptnew*cos(alfnew),ptnew*sin(alfnew),ptnew/tan(theta));
00313         AlgebraicSymMatrix55 m;
00314         m(0,0) = 0.5*ptnew; m(1,1) = theHICConst->phiro[12];
00315         m(2,2) = theHICConst->tetro[12];
00316         m(3,3) = theHICConst->phiro[12]; 
00317         m(4,4) = theHICConst->tetro[12];
00319         TrajectoryStateOnSurface updatedTsosOnDet=TrajectoryStateOnSurface
00320           ( GlobalTrajectoryParameters( xnew0, pnew0, (int)aCharge, &(*magfield) ),
00321                                               CurvilinearTrajectoryError(m), dl->surface()  );
00323      float estimate = 1.;
00324      TrajectoryMeasurement newtm(tm.forwardPredictedState(), updatedTsosOnDet, rh, estimate, dl );
00325      good=true;
00326      pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool> newtmr(newtm,good);
00327     // std::cout<<" Barrel newtm estimate= "<<newtmr.first.estimate()<<" "<<newtmr.second<<std::endl; 
00328   return newtmr;
00329 } 
00331 pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool> DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::forwardUpdateSeed ( 
00332                                                                          const FreeTrajectoryState& FTSOLD, 
00333                                                                          const TrajectoryMeasurement& tm
00334                                                                        ) const
00335 {
00336   bool good=false;
00337 #ifdef DEBUG
00338   std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::forwardUpdateSeed::EndcapSeed::start "<<std::endl;
00339 #endif
00340   const DetLayer* dl = tm.layer();
00341 //  std::cout<<" EndcapSeed 0"<<std::endl;
00342   const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer rh = tm.recHit();
00343 //  std::cout<<" EndcapSeed 1"<<std::endl;   
00344   if(!(rh->isValid())) 
00345   {
00346 #ifdef DEBUG
00347   std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::forwardUpdateSeed::EndcapSeed::EndcapSeed::hit is not valid "<<std::endl;
00348 #endif
00350      return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00351   }
00353 #ifdef DEBUG
00354   std::cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::forwardUpdateSeed::EndcapSeed::EndcapSeed::valid "<<std::endl;
00355 #endif 
00357   FreeTrajectoryState FTS = *(tm.forwardPredictedState().freeTrajectoryState());
00359 //
00360 // Define local variables.
00361 //     
00363   double phi = FTSOLD.parameters().position().phi(); 
00364   double aCharge = FTS.parameters().charge();
00365   //AlgebraicSymMatrix55 e = FTS.curvilinearError().matrix();
00366   double pt = FTS.parameters().momentum().perp();
00367  // double pz = FTS.parameters().momentum().z();
00368  // double dpt = 0.6*pt;
00370 //  std::cout<<" Point 0 "<<std::endl;
00371   double pi=4.*atan(1.);
00372   double twopi=8.*atan(1.);
00375         GlobalPoint realhit = rh->globalPosition();
00377 //  std::cout<<" Point 1 "<<std::endl;
00379         double df = fabs(realhit.phi() - phi);
00381         if(df > pi) df = twopi-df;
00383 #ifdef DEBUG
00384         cout<<" DiMuonSeedGeneratorHIC::forwardUpdateSeed::phipred::phihit::df "<<phi<<" "<<realhit.phi()<<" "<<df<<endl;
00385 #endif
00387         //
00388         // calculate the new Pl
00389         //
00391         double delx = realhit.z() - theHICConst->zvert;
00392         double delr = sqrt(realhit.y()*realhit.y()+realhit.x()*realhit.x());
00393         double theta = atan2( delr, delx );
00394         double ptmin = 0.;
00395         double ptmax = 0.;
00396         double ptnew = 0.;
00397         double pznew = 0.;
00399 // old ok  double pznew = abs((aCharge*theHicConst->forwparam[1])/(df-theHicConst->forwparam[0]));
00401         if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) > 1.9 )
00402         {
00403 #ifdef DEBUG    
00404            cout<<" First parametrization "<<df<<endl;
00405 #endif     
00406            pznew = fabs(( df - 0.0191878 )/(-0.0015952))/3.;
00408            if( df > 0.1 ) pznew = 5.;
00409            if( fabs(pznew)<3.) pznew = 3.;
00411            if( FTSOLD.parameters().position().z() < 0. ) pznew = (-1)*pznew;
00412            ptnew = pznew * tan( theta );
00413         }
00414         if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) > 1.7 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 1.9 )
00415         {
00416 #ifdef DEBUG    
00417            cout<<" Second parametrization "<<df<<endl;
00418 #endif  
00419            pznew = fabs(( df - 0.38 )/(-0.009))/3.;
00420            if( fabs(pznew)<2.) pznew = 2.;
00422            if( FTSOLD.parameters().position().z() < 0. ) pznew = (-1)*pznew;
00423            ptnew = pznew * tan( theta );
00424         }
00425         if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) > 1.6 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 1.7 )
00426         {
00427 #ifdef DEBUG    
00428            cout<<" Third parametrization "<<df<<endl;
00429 #endif  
00430            pznew = fabs(( df - 0.9 )/(-0.02))/3.;
00431            if( fabs(pznew)<1.) pznew = 1.;
00432            if( FTSOLD.parameters().position().z() < 0. ) pznew = (-1)*pznew;
00433            ptnew = pznew * tan( theta );
00434         }
00435         if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) > 0.7 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 1.6 )
00436         {
00437 #ifdef DEBUG
00438            cout<<" Forth parametrization "<<df<<endl;
00439 #endif  
00440            double dfinv = 0.;
00441            if( df < 0.0000001 ) {
00442                 dfinv = 1000000.; 
00443            }
00444              else
00445              {
00446                 dfinv = 1/df;
00447              }  
00448            ptmin = (dfinv - 4.)/0.7 + 3.;
00449            if( ptmin < 2. ) ptmin = 2.;
00450            ptmax = (dfinv - 0.5)/0.3 + 3.;
00451            ptnew = ( ptmin + ptmax )/2.;
00452            pznew = ptnew/tan( theta );
00454 // std::cout<<" Point 6 "<<std::endl;
00455 #ifdef DEBUG    
00456         std::cout<<" Paramters of algorithm "<<df<<" "<<theHICConst->forwparam[1]<<" "<<theHICConst->forwparam[0]<<std::endl;
00457         std::cout<<" dfinv  "<<dfinv<<" ptmax "<<ptmax<<" ptmin "<<ptmin<<std::endl;
00458 //      std::cout<<" check "<<pt<<" "<<ptnew<<" "<<dpt<<" pz "<<pznew<<" "<<pz<<std::endl;
00459 #endif
00460         }
00461         //
00462         // Check if it is valid
00463         //      
00464         if( (pt - ptnew)/pt < -2 || (pt - ptnew)/pt > 1 )
00465         {
00466 #ifdef DEBUG
00467             cout<<" Return fake 0 pt::ptnew "<<pt<<" "<<ptnew<<endl;
00468 #endif
00469            return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good); // bad rhit
00470         }
00471     //        cout<<" Start recalculation 0 "<<endl;
00472         //
00473         // Recalculate phi, and Z.     
00474         //
00475         double alf = theHICConst->atra * ( realhit.z() - theHICConst->zvert )/fabs(pznew);
00476         double alfnew = realhit.phi() + aCharge*alf;
00477         GlobalPoint xnew0(realhit.x(), realhit.y(), realhit.z()); 
00478         GlobalVector pnew0( ptnew*cos(alfnew), ptnew*sin(alfnew), pznew );
00479 #ifdef DEBUG    
00480         cout<<" Start recalculation 1 FTSOLD eta, r hit, pt "<<FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()<<" "<<realhit.perp()<<
00481                                                                    " "<<FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().perp()<<endl;    
00482 #endif  
00483         if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 1.7 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) > 0.8 )
00484         {
00485             if( realhit.perp() < 80. ) {
00486 //          if( realhit.perp() < 72. ) {
00487 #ifdef DEBUG
00488               cout<<" Return fake 1 "<<realhit.perp()<<endl;
00489 #endif        
00490               return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00491             }  
00492         }
00493 // std::cout<<" Point 9 "<<std::endl;
00495         if( FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().perp() > 2.0){
00496           if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 2.0 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) >= 1.7 )
00497           {
00498             if( realhit.perp() > 100. || realhit.perp() < 60. ) {
00499 #ifdef DEBUG        
00500               cout<<" Return fake 2 "<<endl;
00501 #endif        
00502               return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00503           }  
00504           }
00505           if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 2.4 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) >= 2.0 )
00506           {
00507             if( realhit.perp() > 75. || realhit.perp() < 40. ) {
00508 //          if( realhit.perp() > 82. || realhit.perp() < 40. ) {
00509 #ifdef DEBUG        
00510               cout<<" Return fake 3 "<<endl;
00511 #endif        
00512               return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00513             }  
00514           }
00516         }  
00517         else  // pt<2
00518         {
00519           if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 2.0 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) >= 1.7 )
00520           {       
00521             if( realhit.perp() > 84. || realhit.perp() < 40. ) {
00522 #ifdef DEBUG        
00523               cout<<" Return fake 4 "<<endl;
00524 #endif        
00525               return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00526             }  
00527           }
00528           if( fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) < 2.4 && fabs(FTSOLD.parameters().momentum().eta()) >= 2.0 )
00529           {
00530             if( realhit.perp() > 84. || realhit.perp() < 40. ) {
00531 #ifdef DEBUG        
00532               cout<<" Return fake 5 "<<endl;
00533 #endif        
00534               return pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool>(tm,good);
00535             }  
00536           }
00537        } // pt ><2
00538 #ifdef DEBUG
00539           cout<<" Create new TM "<<endl;
00540 #endif  
00541         AlgebraicSymMatrix55 m;        
00542         m(0,0) = fabs(0.5*pznew); 
00543         m(1,1) = theHICConst->phiro[13]; 
00544         m(2,2) = theHICConst->tetro[13];
00545         m(3,3) = theHICConst->phiro[13]; 
00546         m(4,4) = theHICConst->tetro[13];
00548         TrajectoryStateOnSurface updatedTsosOnDet=TrajectoryStateOnSurface
00549           (GlobalTrajectoryParameters( xnew0, pnew0, (int)aCharge, &(*magfield) ),
00550                                              CurvilinearTrajectoryError(m), dl->surface() );
00552        float estimate=1.;
00553      TrajectoryMeasurement newtm(tm.forwardPredictedState(), updatedTsosOnDet, rh,estimate, dl);
00554      good=true;
00555       pair<TrajectoryMeasurement,bool> newtmr(newtm,good);
00556 #ifdef DEBUG      
00557      std::cout<<" Endcap newtm estimate= "<<newtmr.first.estimate()<<" "<<newtmr.second<<" pt "<<pnew0.perp()<<" pz "<<pnew0.z()<<std::endl;
00558 #endif
00559   return newtmr;
00560 }
00561 }