Defines | Functions | Variables

/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_5_3_3/src/GeneratorInterface/AMPTInterface/interface/AMPTWrapper.h File Reference

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#define _MAXNUMPARTICLE_   150001
#define AMPT   ampt_
#define AMPTSET   amptset_
#define anim   anim_
#define coal   coal_
#define embed   embed_
#define hbt   hbt_
#define hmain1   hmain1_
#define hparnt   hparnt_
#define input1   input1_
#define input2   input2_
#define INVFLV   invflv_
#define ludat1   ludat1_
#define para2   para2_
#define para7   para7_
#define para8   para8_
#define phidcy   phidcy_
#define popcorn   popcorn_
#define resdcy   resdcy_


void ampt_ (const char *frame, double &bmin0, double &bmax0, int)
void amptset_ (double &efrm, const char *frame, const char *proj, const char *targ, int &iap, int &izp, int &iat, int &izt, int, int, int)
int invflv_ (int &)


struct {
   int   isflag
   int   isoft
   int   izpc
   int   nevent
struct {
   float   dpcoal
   float   drcoal
   float   ecritl
struct {
   int   iembed
   float   pxqembd
   float   pyqembd
   float   xembd
   float   yembd
struct {
   int   lblast [_MAXNUMPARTICLE_]
   int   nlast
   float   plast [_MAXNUMPARTICLE_][4]
   float   xlast [_MAXNUMPARTICLE_][4]
struct {
   float   eatt
   int   jatt
   int   n0
   int   n01
   int   n10
   int   n11
   int   natt
   int   np
   int   nt
struct {
   float   hint1 [100]
   float   hipr1 [100]
   int   ihnt2 [50]
   int   ihpr2 [50]
struct {
   float   dt
   int   iavoid
   int   iseed
   float   masspr
   float   massta
struct {
   int   icflow
   int   icoll
   int   icou
   int   icrho
   int   ilab
   int   imomen
   int   insys
   int   ipot
   int   kmul
   int   kpoten
   int   manyb
   int   mode
   int   nfreq
   int   ntmax
struct {
   int   mstj [200]
   int   mstu [200]
   float   parj [200]
   float   paru [200]
struct {
   float   alpha
   float   cutof2
   float   rscut2
   float   xmp
   float   xmu
struct {
   int   ioscar
   int   nsmbbbar
   int   nsmmeson
struct {
   int   idpert
   int   idxsec
   int   npertd
struct {
   int   iphidcy
   int   maxmiss
   int   ntrig
   float   pttrig
struct {
   int   ipop
struct {
   int   iksdcy
   int   nsav

Define Documentation

#define _MAXNUMPARTICLE_   150001

Definition at line 9 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

#define AMPT   ampt_

Definition at line 19 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::generatePartonsAndHadronize().

#define AMPTSET   amptset_

Definition at line 14 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::call_amptset().

#define anim   anim_

Definition at line 80 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

#define coal   coal_

Definition at line 89 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

#define embed   embed_
#define hbt   hbt_
#define hmain1   hmain1_

Definition at line 40 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::add_heavy_ion_rec().

#define hparnt   hparnt_
#define input1   input1_
#define input2   input2_
#define INVFLV   invflv_

Definition at line 24 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::build_ampt().

#define ludat1   ludat1_

Definition at line 70 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

#define para2   para2_

Definition at line 100 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

#define para7   para7_

Definition at line 109 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

#define para8   para8_

Definition at line 118 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

#define phidcy   phidcy_

Definition at line 167 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

#define popcorn   popcorn_

Definition at line 185 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

#define resdcy   resdcy_

Definition at line 157 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by gen::AMPTHadronizer::ampt_init().

Function Documentation

void ampt_ ( const char *  frame,
double &  bmin0,
double &  bmax0,
void amptset_ ( double &  efrm,
const char *  frame,
const char *  proj,
const char *  targ,
int &  iap,
int &  izp,
int &  iat,
int &  izt,
int  ,
int  ,
int invflv_ ( int &  )

Variable Documentation

float alpha

Definition at line 95 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by abcd(), EcalGetLaserData::analyze(), SiPixelTrackingRecHitsValid::beginJob(), TKinFitter::calcC(), VZeroFinder::checkTrackPair(), SiStripGainFromData::ComputeChargeOverPath(), HFCherenkov::computeNbOfPhotons(), HcalSiPMShape::computeShape(), EcalUncalibRecHitRatioMethodAlgo< C >::computeTime(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructGeneralVolume(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructGeneralVolume(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructInsideModule(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructInsideSector(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructInsideSector(), WriteESAlignments::convert(), OutInConversionSeedFinder::createSeedFTS(), TGeoMgrFromDdd::createShape(), CMSCGEN::dNdEmudEnu(), MuonAlignmentInputXML::do_setposition(), TagProbeFitter::doCntEfficiency(), HLTrigReport::dumpReport(), DTSurveyConvert::endJob(), EcalLaserAnalyzer::endJob(), EcalPerEvtLaserAnalyzer::endJob(), DDHCalTBCableAlgo::execute(), QcdLowPtDQM::filldNdeta(), DTSurvey::FillWheelInfo(), ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola::findPointAtCurve(), hitfit::Chisq_Constrainer::fit(), BeamMonitor::FitAndFill(), TFParams::fitpj(), fnc_gaussalpha(), IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateProducer::GetEtaPhiAtEcal(), PythiaFilterIsolatedTrack::GetEtaPhiAtEcal(), NtupleManager::GetGlobalAngles(), EcalLaserDbService::getLaserCorrection(), TangentCircle::getPosition(), HFGflash::gfParameterization(), RoadSearchTrackCandidateMakerAlgorithm::initialTrajectory(), ZToMuMuIsoDepositSelector< Isolator >::isolation(), GenericHouseholder::iterate(), PerigeeConversions::jacobianCurvilinear2Perigee(), PerigeeConversions::jacobianPerigee2Curvilinear(), TFParams::lastShape(), TFParams::lastShape2(), PixelCPEBase::localParameters(), DTTime2DriftParametrization::MB_DT_drift_distance(), DTDriftTimeParametrization::MB_DT_drift_time(), TFParams::mixShape(), MuonResiduals5DOFFitter_FCN(), MuonResiduals6DOFrphiFitter_FCN(), HcalRecHitsMaker::noiseInfCfromDB(), TrackerDpgAnalysis::onTrackAngles(), FTSFromVertexToPointFactory::operator()(), GflashEMShowerProfile::parameterization(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::parameterLayer(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::parameterLayer0(), PetrukhinFunc(), edm::MultiParticleInConeGunProducer::produce(), edm::MultiParticleInConeGunSource::produce(), EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAlphas(), EcalUncalibRecHitRecAnalFitAlgo< EBDataFrame >::pulseShapeFunction(), TFParams::pulseShapepj(), TFParams::pulseShapepj2(), Conv4HitsReco::qFromM_print(), RoadSearchCloudMakerAlgorithm::run(), TFParams::set_const(), EcalUncalibRecHitFixedAlphaBetaAlgo< C >::SetAlphaBeta(), IntegrandThetaFunction::SetParameterAlpha(), IntegralOverPhiFunction::SetParameterAlpha(), hitfit::Top_Decaykin::solve_nu_tmass(), DDG4SolidConverter::trunctubs(), DDI::Polyhedra::volume(), and ZToLLEdmNtupleDumper::ZToLLEdmNtupleDumper().

struct { ... } anim_
struct { ... } coal_
float cutof2

Definition at line 97 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float dpcoal

Definition at line 84 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float drcoal

Definition at line 85 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float dt
float eatt

Definition at line 29 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float ecritl

Definition at line 86 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } embed_
struct { ... } hbt_
float hint1[100]

Definition at line 56 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float hipr1[100]

Definition at line 54 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } hmain1_
struct { ... } hparnt_
int iavoid

Definition at line 125 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int icflow

Definition at line 142 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int icoll
int icou

Definition at line 144 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int icrho

Definition at line 143 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int idpert

Definition at line 113 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int idxsec

Definition at line 115 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int iembed

Definition at line 171 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int ihnt2[50]

Definition at line 57 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int ihpr2[50]

Definition at line 55 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int iksdcy

Definition at line 154 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int ilab

Definition at line 133 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int imomen

Definition at line 140 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } input1_
struct { ... } input2_
int insys

Definition at line 137 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int ioscar

Definition at line 104 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int iphidcy

Definition at line 161 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int ipop

Definition at line 182 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int ipot

Definition at line 138 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int iseed
int isflag

Definition at line 76 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int isoft

Definition at line 75 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int izpc

Definition at line 77 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int jatt

Definition at line 30 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int kmul

Definition at line 146 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int kpoten

Definition at line 145 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int lblast[_MAXNUMPARTICLE_]

Definition at line 44 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } ludat1_
int manyb

Definition at line 134 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float masspr

Definition at line 122 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float massta

Definition at line 123 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int maxmiss

Definition at line 164 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int mode

Definition at line 139 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by HcalHardwareXml::addHardware(), EcalSRCondTools::analyze(), FWProxyBuilderConfiguration::assertParam(), CSCTFPtLUT::calcPt(), calcSampleName(), DQMStoreStats::calcstats(), FWViewEnergyScale::calculateScaleFactor(), lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler::characters(), reco::tau::chargedHadronsInDecayMode(), StorageMaker::check(), CombinedSeedComparitor::CombinedSeedComparitor(), lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler::comment(), SiStripRawProcessingFactory::create_SubtractorCMN(), SiStripRawProcessingFactory::create_Suppressor(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::createDigis(), gen::TauolaInterface::decay(), lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler::endElement(), TauDQMFileLoader::endRun(), pftools::Exercises3::evaluateCalibrator(), pftools::Exercises3::evaluateSpaceManager(), sistrip::DigiToRaw::fedReadoutMode(), sistrip::RawToClustersLazyUnpacker::fill(), sistrip::FEDBufferPayloadCreator::fillChannelBuffer(), EventWithHistoryFilter::getAPVMode(), pat::PATSingleVertexSelector::hasMode_(), gen::TauolaInterface::init(), IOChannel::isBlocking(), pat::helper::IsoDepositIsolator::IsoDepositIsolator(), gen::JetMatchingMadgraph::JetMatchingMadgraph(), lhef::JetMatchingMadgraph::JetMatchingMadgraph(), PhysicsTools::Calibration::Histogram< float >::normalizedIntegral(), LHERunInfoProduct::const_iterator::operator==(), reco::tau::piZerosInDecayMode(), FWGUIManager::promptForConfigurationFile(), Geant4ePropagator::propagate(), PFRootEventManager::readOptions(), sistrip::TrackerSpecialHeader::readoutMode(), edm::service::MessageLoggerScribe::runCommand(), IOChannel::setBlocking(), reco::PFCluster::setDepthCorParameters(), FWLegoViewBase::setFrom(), CmsShowCommon::setFrom(), lumi::DataPipe::setMode(), HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::SetMode(), pos::PixelTBMSettings::setMode(), PFCandidateManager::setParameters(), Benchmark::setParameters(), PFMETMonitor::setParameters(), PFCandidateMonitor::setParameters(), PFJetMonitor::setParameters(), CandIsolatorFromDeposits::SingleDeposit::SingleDeposit(), SiTrivialInduceChargeOnStrips::SiTrivialInduceChargeOnStrips(), gen::TauolaInterface::statistics(), HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver::TCPReceiver(), and TopDecaySubset::TopDecaySubset().

int mstj[200]

Definition at line 66 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int mstu[200]

Definition at line 64 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int n0
int n01

Definition at line 35 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int n10

Definition at line 36 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int n11

Definition at line 37 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int natt

Definition at line 31 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int nevent
int nfreq

Definition at line 141 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int nlast

Definition at line 47 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), and StorageAccount::fillSummary().

int np
int npertd

Definition at line 114 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int nsav

Definition at line 153 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int nsmbbbar

Definition at line 105 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int nsmmeson

Definition at line 106 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int nt
int ntmax

Definition at line 135 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

int ntrig

Definition at line 163 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } para2_
struct { ... } para7_
struct { ... } para8_
float parj[200]

Definition at line 67 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float paru[200]

Definition at line 65 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } phidcy_
float plast[_MAXNUMPARTICLE_][4]

Definition at line 46 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } popcorn_
float pttrig

Definition at line 162 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float pxqembd

Definition at line 172 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float pyqembd

Definition at line 173 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

struct { ... } resdcy_
float rscut2

Definition at line 96 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float xembd

Definition at line 174 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float xlast[_MAXNUMPARTICLE_][4]

Definition at line 45 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

Referenced by L1TOccupancyClientHistogramService::setMaskedBins().

float xmp

Definition at line 93 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float xmu

Definition at line 94 of file AMPTWrapper.h.

float yembd

Definition at line 175 of file AMPTWrapper.h.