
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #! /usr/bin/env python
00003 #################################################################
00004 # - python script
00005 # Created by Alejandro Gomez
00006 # For more info, please check:
00007 #
00008 # or by email:
00010 # This python script creates managebles pdf for HLT Timing Studies. 
00011 # It saves some.png files from a former root file, creates a tex file,
00012 # compiles it twice for better results and remove all the temp files.
00013 # Please check the usage function to see how it works.
00014 ###############################################################
00016 #############################################
00017 ## Imports
00018 ############################################
00020 import os, glob
00021 import os.path
00022 import operator
00023 import subprocess 
00024 import sys, getopt
00025 sys.argv.append('-b')
00026 from ROOT import *
00027 import cStringIO 
00030 gROOT.SetStyle("Plain")
00031 gStyle.SetOptStat(111111)
00032 gStyle.SetHistFillColor(kBlue)
00034 ###############################################################
00035 def usage():
00036 ###############################################################
00037         print "\nThis is the usage function\n"
00038         print 'Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' -i <file1> [option]'
00039         print 'e.g.:  '+sys.argv[0]+' -i outputTiming.root -t'
00040         print 'e.g.:  '+sys.argv[0]+' -i outputTiming.root -s HLT_Jet300_v5\n'
00042         print '\n-----Options-----'
00043         print ' -i                      Input File'
00044         print ' -o                      Output File (optional)'
00045         print ' -t                      For only main time info per event. It will take less than 1 min.'
00046         print ' -p                      For path time info. It will take approx 25 min.'
00047         print ' -m                      For module time info. It will take approx 25 min.'
00048         print ' -s Path_Name            (For an specific path). Ti will take less than 1 min.'
00049         print '\n For -p or -m option, the process needs like 200 Mb in disk space,'
00050         print ' but please dont be afraid. Before the process ends, all the temporal files'
00051         print ' will be erased.'
00054 ###############################################################
00055 def maininfo(infile, outfile):
00056         ''' Creates main info tex file'''
00057 ##############################################################
00058         texpreamble = ['\documentclass[10pt,a5paper,landscape]{report}\n',
00059                         '\usepackage{graphicx}\n',
00060                         '\usepackage[a5paper,vmargin={5mm,2mm},hmargin={5mm,5mm}]{geometry}\n',
00061                         '\usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref}\n',
00062                         '\hypersetup{backref, colorlinks=true}\n',
00063                         '\\title{ \\textbf{\Huge{HLT Timing Summary}} \\footnote{\large{Documentation at \url{}}} \\\\ Main Info }\n',
00064                         '\\author{\Large{CMS Experiment}}\n',
00065                         '\date{\\today}\n',
00066                         '\\begin{document}\n',
00067                         '\maketitle\n',
00068                         '\\newpage\n',
00069                         '\clearpage\n'
00070                         '\\tableofcontents\n',
00071                         '\\newpage\n',
00072                         '\\newpage \chapter{Total time for all modules per event} \\newpage \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{totalTimetemp.png}\n']
00074         names1 = {}
00075         names4 = {}
00076         specific = {}
00077         file1 = TFile(infile,'read')
00078         for k in file1.GetListOfKeys():
00079                 allnames = k.ReadObj().GetName()
00080                 if 'pathTime_' in allnames:
00081                         pathname = '_'.join(allnames.split('_')[1:])
00082                         if not pathname in names1:
00083                                 names1[pathname] = k.ReadObj().GetMean()
00084                 elif 'incPathTime_' in allnames:
00085                         pathname = '_'.join(allnames.split('_')[1:])
00086                         if not pathname in names4:
00087                                 names4[pathname] = k.ReadObj().GetMean()
00089         names2 = dict(sorted(names1.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True)[:10])
00090         names3 = sorted(names2, key=names2.get, reverse=True)
00091         names5 = dict(sorted(names4.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True)[:10])
00092         names6 = sorted(names5, key=names5.get, reverse=True)
00094         texfile = open(outfile+'-main.tex', 'w')
00095         texfile.writelines(texpreamble)
00096         if os.path.exists(infile.replace('.root','')+'-summary.txt'):
00097                 excludefile = open(infile.replace('.root','')+'-summary.txt', 'r')
00098                 texfile.write('\\newpage \section{Summary} \n \\begin{verbatim} \n')
00099                 for line in excludefile.readlines():
00100                         texfile.write(line+'\n')
00101                 excludefile.close()
00102                 texfile.write('\end{verbatim}')
00103         texfile.write('\\newpage \\chapter{10 Slowest Paths}\n')
00104         texfile.write('\section{Average module (in path) time}\n')
00105         for path in names3:
00106                 texfile.write('\\newpage \subsection{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{moduleInPathTimeSummary'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00107                 get_plot2(infile,'moduleInPathTimeSummary_'+path)
00108         texfile.write('\section{Average module (in path) running time}\n')
00109         for path in names3:
00110                 texfile.write('\\newpage \subsection{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{moduleInPathScaledTimeSummary'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00111                 get_plot2(infile,'moduleInPathScaledTimeSummary_'+path)
00112         texfile.write('\section{Per event time for path}\n')
00113         for path in names3:
00114                 texfile.write('\\newpage \subsection{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{pathTime'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00115                 get_plot1(infile,'pathTime_'+path)
00116         texfile.write('\section{Per event incremental time for path}\n')
00117         for path in names6:
00118                 texfile.write('\\newpage \subsection{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{incPathTime'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00119                 get_plot1(infile,'incPathTime_'+path)
00120         texfile.write('\end{document}')
00121         texfile.close()
00123         texfile.close()
00125         get_plot1(infile,'totalTime')
00129 #################################################
00130 def pathsinfo(infile,outfile):
00131         '''Create the paths info tex file'''
00132 ################################################
00134         texpreamble = ['\documentclass[10pt,a5paper,landscape]{book}\n',
00135                         '\usepackage{graphicx}\n',
00136                         '\usepackage[a5paper,vmargin={5mm,2mm},hmargin={5mm,5mm}]{geometry}\n',
00137                         '\usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref}\n',
00138                         '\usepackage[titles]{tocloft}\n'
00139                         '\hypersetup{backref, colorlinks=true}\n',
00140                         '\setlength{\cftsecnumwidth}{4em}\n'
00141                         '\\title{ \\textbf{\Huge{HLT Timing Summary}} \\footnote{\large{Documentation at \url{}}} \\\\ Paths Info }\n',
00142                         '\\author{\Large{CMS Experiment}}\n',
00143                         '\date{\\today}\n',
00144                         '\\begin{document}\n',
00145                         '\maketitle\n',
00146                         '\\newpage\n',
00147                         '\\tableofcontents\n',
00148                         '\\newpage\n']
00150         names1 = {}
00151         file = TFile(infile,'read')
00152         for k in file.GetListOfKeys():
00153                 allnames= k.ReadObj().GetName()
00154                 mean = 1
00155                 if 'moduleInPathScaledTime_' in allnames:
00156                         pathname = '_'.join(allnames.split('_')[1:-1])
00157                         if not pathname in names1:
00158                                 names1[pathname] = mean
00159         names = names1.keys()
00160         names.sort()
00162         texfile = open(outfile+'-paths.tex', 'w')
00163         texfile.writelines(texpreamble)
00165         texfile.write('\\chapter{Average module (in path) time}\n')
00166         for path in names:
00167                 texfile.write('\\newpage \section{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{moduleInPathTimeSummary'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')  
00168                 get_plot2(infile,'moduleInPathTimeSummary_'+path)
00169         texfile.write('\\chapter{Average module (in path) running time}\n')
00170         for path in names:
00171                 texfile.write('\\newpage \section{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{moduleInPathScaledTimeSummary'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')    
00172                 get_plot2(infile,'moduleInPathScaledTimeSummary_'+path)
00173         texfile.write('\\chapter{Failing module (by path)}')
00174         for path in names:
00175                 texfile.write('\\newpage \section{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{failedModule'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00176                 get_plot2(infile,'failedModule_'+path)
00177         texfile.write('\\chapter{Per event time for path}\n')
00178         for path in names:
00179                 texfile.write('\\newpage \section{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{pathTime'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00180                 get_plot1(infile,'pathTime_'+path)
00181         texfile.write('\\chapter{Per event incremental time for path}\n')
00182         for path in names:
00183                 texfile.write('\\newpage \section{'+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{incPathTime'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00184                 get_plot1(infile,'incPathTime_'+path)
00186         texfile.write('\end{document}')
00187         texfile.close()
00190 #################################################
00191 def moduleinfo(infile,outfile):
00192         '''Create the paths info tex file'''
00193 ################################################
00195         texpreamble = ['\documentclass[10pt,a5paper,landscape]{report}\n',
00196                         '\usepackage{graphicx}\n',
00197                         '\usepackage[a5paper,vmargin={5mm,2mm},hmargin={5mm,5mm}]{geometry}\n',
00198                         '\usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref}\n',
00199                         '\hypersetup{backref, colorlinks=true}\n',
00200                         '\usepackage[titles]{tocloft}\n'
00201                         '\setlength{\cftsecnumwidth}{4em}\n'
00202                         '\\title{ \\textbf{\Huge{HLT Timing Summary}} \\footnote{\large{Documentation at \url{}}} \\\\ Modules Info }\n',
00203                         '\\author{\Large{CMS Experiment}}\n',
00204                         '\date{\\today}\n',
00205                         '\\begin{document}\n',
00206                         '\maketitle\n',
00207                         '\\newpage\n',
00208                         '\\tableofcontents\n',
00209                         '\\newpage\n']
00211         names1 = {}
00212         file = TFile(infile,'read')
00213         for k in file.GetListOfKeys():
00214                 allnames = k.ReadObj().GetName()
00215                 mean = 1
00216                 if 'moduleTime_' in allnames:
00217                         modname = ''.join(allnames.split('_')[1:])
00218                         if not (('!' in modname) or ('-' in modname)): 
00219                                 if not modname in names1:
00220                                         names1[modname] = mean
00221         names = names1.keys()
00222         names.sort()
00224         texfile1 = open(outfile+'-modules.tex', 'w')
00225         texfile1.writelines(texpreamble)
00227         texfile1.write('\\chapter{Time per event for module} \n \\newpage')
00228         for modules in names:
00229                 texfile1.write('\section{'+modules+'}')
00230                 texfile1.write('\centering \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{moduleTime'+ modules +'temp.png}\n')
00231                 get_plot1(infile,'moduleTime_'+modules)
00232         texfile1.write('\end{document}')
00233         texfile1.close()
00235         texfile2 = open(outfile+'-runningModules.tex', 'w')
00236         texfile2.writelines(texpreamble)
00237         texfile2.write('\\chapter{Running Time per event for module} \n \\newpage')
00238         for modules in names:
00239                 texfile2.write('\section{'+modules+'}')
00240                 texfile2.write('\centering \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{moduleScaledTime'+modules+'temp.png}\n')    
00241                 get_plot1(infile,'moduleScaledTime_'+ modules)
00243         texfile2.write('\end{document}')
00244         texfile2.close()
00246 ###############################################################
00247 def specificpathinfo(infile, outfile, path):
00248         ''' Creates an specific path info tex file'''
00249 ##############################################################
00250         texpreamble = ['\documentclass[10pt,a5paper,landscape]{report}\n',
00251                         '\usepackage{graphicx}\n',
00252                         '\usepackage[a5paper,vmargin={5mm,2mm},hmargin={5mm,5mm}]{geometry}\n',
00253                         '\usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref}\n',
00254                         '\usepackage[titles]{tocloft}\n'
00255                         '\hypersetup{backref, colorlinks=true}\n',
00256                         '\setlength{\cftsubsecnumwidth}{4em}\n'
00257                         '\\title{ \\textbf{\Huge{HLT Timing Summary}} \\footnote{\large{Documentation at \url{}}} \\\\ Main Info + ' + path.replace('_','\_') +' info }\n',
00258                         '\\author{\Large{CMS Experiment}}\n',
00259                         '\date{\\today}\n',
00260                         '\\begin{document}\n',
00261                         '\maketitle\n',
00262                         '\\tableofcontents \n'
00263                         '\\newpage\n \\chapter{Main Info} \n',
00264                         '\\newpage \centering \section{Total time for all modules per event} \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{totalTimetemp.png}\n']
00266         texfile = open(outfile+'-'+path+'.tex', 'w')
00267         texfile.writelines(texpreamble)
00268         get_plot1(infile,'totalTime')
00270         names = {}
00271         file1 = TFile(infile,'read')
00272         for k in file1.GetListOfKeys():
00273                 allnames = k.ReadObj().GetName()
00274                 if 'moduleInPathScaledTime_' in allnames:
00275                         pathname = '_'.join(allnames.split('_')[1:-1])
00276                         if not pathname in names:
00277                                 names[pathname] = {}
00278         for pathnames in names.keys():
00279                 histo = file1.Get('moduleInPathTimeSummary_'+pathnames)
00280                 for bin in range(histo.GetNbinsX()):
00281                         label = histo.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(bin+1)
00282                         names[pathnames][bin+1] = label
00284         for pathname in names:
00285                 if path in pathname:
00286                         texfile.write('\chapter{' + path.replace('_','\_')+ ' Info} \n')
00287                         texfile.write('\\newpage \section{Average module in '+ path.replace('_','\_') +' time} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{moduleInPathTimeSummary'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00288                         get_plot2(infile,'moduleInPathTimeSummary_'+path)
00289                         texfile.write('\\newpage \section{Average module in '+ path.replace('_','\_') +' running time} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.35]{moduleInPathScaledTimeSummary'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00290                         get_plot2(infile,'moduleInPathScaledTimeSummary_'+path)
00291                         texfile.write('\\newpage \section{Per event time for '+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{pathTime'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00292                         get_plot1(infile,'pathTime_'+path)
00293                         texfile.write('\\newpage \section{Per event incremental time for '+ path.replace('_','\_') +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{incPathTime'+ path.replace('_','') +'temp.png}\n')
00294                         get_plot1(infile,'incPathTime_'+path)
00295                         texfile.write('\section{Running time per event for '+path.replace('_','\_')+'}')        
00296                         for modules in names[path].values():
00297                                 texfile.write('\subsection{'+ modules +'} \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{moduleInPathScaledTime'+ path.replace('_','') + modules +'temp.png}\n')
00298                                 get_plot1(infile,'moduleInPathScaledTime_'+ path +'_'+ modules)
00299         texfile.write('\\end{document}')
00300         texfile.close()
00305 ###################################################################
00306 def get_plot1(file,allnames):
00307         ''' Function to create the plot and save it as.png file '''
00308 ###################################################################
00309         file = TFile(file,'read')
00310         histo = file.Get(allnames)
00311         can = TCanvas('can', '', 800,600)
00313         histo.UseCurrentStyle()
00314         histo.Draw()
00315         can.SetBorderMode(0)
00316         can.SetFillColor(kWhite)
00317         can.SaveAs(allnames.replace('_','')+'temp.png')
00318         del can
00322 ###################################################################
00323 def get_plot2(infile,allnames):
00324         ''' Function to create the plot and save it as.png file '''
00325 ###################################################################
00326         file1 = TFile(infile,'read')
00327         histo = file1.Get(allnames)
00328         can = TCanvas('can', '', 1600,1000)
00330         histo.UseCurrentStyle()
00331         histo.Draw()
00332         if histo.GetNbinsX() > 50:
00333                 histo.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.02)
00334         else:
00335                 histo.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03)
00336         can.SetBorderMode(0)
00337         can.SetBorderSize(0)
00338         can.SetFillColor(kWhite)
00339         can.SetBottomMargin(0.4)
00340         can.SaveAs(allnames.replace('_','')+'temp.png')
00341         del can
00343 ###############################################################
00344 def main(argv):
00345 ###############################################################
00346         print "\nPython script that creates Timing Summary pdf files"
00347         print "For more info, please contact Alejandro Gomez"
00348         print "email:\n"
00350         infile = None
00351         outfile = None
00352         path = None
00353         call_maininfo = False
00354         call_pathsinfo = False
00355         call_modulesinfo = False
00356         call_specificinfo = False
00357         try:
00358                 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hi:o:tbpms:', ['help', 'input=', 'output='])
00359                 if not opts:
00360                         print 'No options supplied'
00361                         usage()
00362         except getopt.GetoptError,e:
00363                 print e
00364                 usage()
00365                 sys.exit(2)
00366         for opt, arg in opts:
00367                 if opt in ('h', '--help'):
00368                         usage()
00369                         sys.exit(2)
00370                 elif opt == '-b':
00371                         print 'Running in batch mode' 
00372                 elif opt in ('-i', '--input'):
00373                         infile = arg
00374                         outfile = infile.replace('.root','')
00375                 elif opt in ('-o', '--output'):
00376                         outfile = arg
00377                 elif opt == '-t':
00378                         call_maininfo = True
00379                 elif opt == '-p':
00380                         call_pathsinfo = True
00381                 elif opt == '-m':
00382                         call_modulesinfo = True
00383                 elif opt == '-s':
00384                         path = arg
00385                         call_specificinfo = True
00386                 else:
00387                         usage()
00388                         sys.exit(2)
00391         if call_maininfo:
00392                 print 'Creating the Main Info Timing Summary pdf'
00393                 print 'Creating plots...'
00394                 maininfo(infile,outfile)
00395                 print 'Compiling tex file......'
00396       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-main.tex'])
00397                 print 'Verifing......' 
00398       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-main.tex'])    #twice for better compilation
00399                 print 'Removing temp files.........'
00400                 os.remove(outfile+'-main.aux')
00401                 os.remove(outfile+'-main.log')
00402                 os.remove(outfile+'-main.out')
00403                 os.remove(outfile+'-main.tex')
00404                 os.remove(outfile+'-main.toc')
00405                 for filename in glob.glob('*temp.png'):
00406                         os.remove(filename)
00407                 print '{0}-main.pdf is done'.format(outfile)
00409         if call_pathsinfo:
00410                 print 'Creating the Paths Info Timing Summary pdf'
00411                 print 'This process takes awhile... please be patient'
00412                 print 'Creating plots...'
00413                 pathsinfo(infile,outfile)
00414                 print 'Compiling tex file......'
00415       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-paths.tex'])
00416                 print 'Verifing......' 
00417       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-paths.tex'])    #twice for better compilation
00418                 print 'Removing temp files.........'
00419                 os.remove(outfile+'-paths.aux')
00420                 os.remove(outfile+'-paths.log')
00421                 os.remove(outfile+'-paths.out')
00422                 os.remove(outfile+'-paths.tex')
00423                 os.remove(outfile+'-paths.toc')
00424                 for filename in glob.glob('*temp.png'):
00425                         os.remove(filename)
00426                 print '{0}-paths.pdf is done'.format(outfile)
00428         if call_modulesinfo:
00429                 print 'Creating the Modules Info Timing Summary pdf'
00430                 print 'This process takes awhile... please be patient'
00431                 print 'Creating plots...'
00432                 moduleinfo(infile,outfile)
00433                 print 'Compiling tex file......'
00434       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-modules.tex'])
00435       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-runningModules.tex'])
00436                 print 'Verifing......'
00437       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-modules.tex'])    #twice for better compilation
00438       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-runningModules.tex'])    #twice for better compilation
00439                 print 'Removing temp files.........'
00440                 os.remove(outfile+'-modules.aux')
00441                 os.remove(outfile+'-runningModules.aux')
00442                 os.remove(outfile+'-modules.log') 
00443                 os.remove(outfile+'-runningModules.log') 
00444                 os.remove(outfile+'-modules.out')
00445                 os.remove(outfile+'-runningModules.out')
00446                 os.remove(outfile+'-modules.tex')
00447                 os.remove(outfile+'-runningModules.tex')
00448                 os.remove(outfile+'-modules.toc')
00449                 os.remove(outfile+'-runningModules.toc')
00450                 for filename in glob.glob('*temp.png'):
00451                         os.remove(filename) 
00452                 print '{0}-modules.pdf is done'.format(outfile) 
00453                 print '{0}-runningModules.pdf is done'.format(outfile) 
00455         if call_specificinfo:
00456                 print 'Creating the Main Info + '+ path +' Timing Summary pdf'
00457                 print 'This process takes awhile... please be patient'
00458                 print 'Creating plots...'
00459                 specificpathinfo(infile,outfile,path)
00460                 print 'Compiling tex file......'
00461       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-'+path+'.tex'])
00462                 print 'Verifing......'
00463       ['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', outfile+'-'+path+'.tex'])    #twice for better compilation
00464                 print 'Removing temp files.........'
00465                 os.remove(outfile+'-'+path+'.aux')
00466                 os.remove(outfile+'-'+path+'.log')
00467                 os.remove(outfile+'-'+path+'.out')
00468                 os.remove(outfile+'-'+path+'.tex')
00469                 os.remove(outfile+'-'+path+'.toc')
00470                 for filename in glob.glob('*temp.png'):
00471                         os.remove(filename)
00472                 print '{0}-'.format(outfile)+path+'.pdf is done'
00475 #######################################################
00476 if __name__ =='__main__':
00477 #######################################################
00478         main(sys.argv[1:])