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/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_5_3_3/src/TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/interface/Vector_Resolution.h File Reference

Calculate and represent resolution for a vector of momentum $p$, pseudorapidity $\eta$, and azimuthal angle $\phi$. More...

#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/interface/Resolution.h"
#include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/interface/fourvec.h"

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class  hitfit::Vector_Resolution
 Calculate and represent resolution for a vector of $p$, pseudorapidity $\eta$, and azimuthal angle $\phi$. An instance of this class holds three Resolution objects, one each for $p$, $\eta$, and $\phi$. In addition, we have a flag to indicate if the momentum resolution is in $p_{T}$ or $p$. This flag is set by appending [/et] at the end of the string. More...


namespace  hitfit

Detailed Description

Calculate and represent resolution for a vector of momentum $p$, pseudorapidity $\eta$, and azimuthal angle $\phi$.

Scott Stuart Snyder <>
Creation date:
Jul 2000.
Modification History:
Apr 2009: Haryo Sumowidagdo <>: Imported to CMSSW.
Nov 2009: Haryo Sumowidagdo <>: Added doxygen tags for automatic generation of documentation.
Terms of Usage:
With consent for the original author (Scott Snyder).

Definition in file Vector_Resolution.h.