
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // File:
00003 // Description: Simulation of QIE readout for HCal
00006 #include "SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/HcalQie.h"
00008 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00009 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/RandomNumberGenerator.h"
00010 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussQ.h"
00011 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandPoissonQ.h"
00012 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00013 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
00015 #include <iostream>
00016 #include <iomanip>
00017 #include <cmath>
00019 //#define DebugLog
00021 HcalQie::HcalQie(edm::ParameterSet const & p) {
00023   //static SimpleConfigurable<double> p1(4.0,   "HcalQie:qToPE");
00024   //static SimpleConfigurable<int>    p2(6,     "HcalQie:BinOfMax");
00025   //static SimpleConfigurable<int>    p3(2,     "HcalQie:SignalBuckets");
00026   //static SimpleConfigurable<int>    p4(0,     "HcalQie:PreSamples");
00027   //static SimpleConfigurable<int>    p5(10,    "HcalQie:NumOfBuckets");
00028   //static SimpleConfigurable<double> p6(0.5,   "HcalQie:SigmaNoise");
00029   //static SimpleConfigurable<double> p7(0.0005,"HcalQie:EDepPerPE");
00030   //static SimpleConfigurable<int>    p8(4,     "HcalQie:BaseLine");
00032   edm::ParameterSet m_HQ  = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HcalQie");
00033   qToPE         = m_HQ.getParameter<double>("qToPE");
00034   binOfMax      = m_HQ.getParameter<int>("BinOfMax");
00035   signalBuckets = m_HQ.getParameter<int>("SignalBuckets");
00036   preSamples    = m_HQ.getParameter<int>("PreSamples");
00037   numOfBuckets  = m_HQ.getParameter<int>("NumOfBuckets");
00038   sigma         = m_HQ.getParameter<double>("SigmaNoise");
00039   eDepPerPE     = m_HQ.getParameter<double>("EDepPerPE");
00040   int bl        = m_HQ.getParameter<int>("BaseLine");
00042   shape_  = shape();
00043   code_   = code();
00044   charge_ = charge();
00045   if (signalBuckets == 1) {
00046     phase_ = -3; rescale_ = 1.46;
00047   } else if (signalBuckets == 3) {
00048     phase_ = -1; rescale_ = 1.06;
00049   } else if (signalBuckets == 4) {
00050     phase_ =  0; rescale_ = 1.03;
00051   } else {
00052     phase_ = -2; rescale_ = 1.14; signalBuckets = 2;
00053   }
00054   weight_ = weight(binOfMax, signalBuckets, preSamples, numOfBuckets);
00055   baseline= codeToQ(bl);
00056   bmin_   = binOfMax-3;
00057   if (bmin_<0) bmin_ = 0;
00058   if (binOfMax>numOfBuckets) 
00059     bmax_ = numOfBuckets+5;
00060   else 
00061     bmax_ = binOfMax+5;
00063   edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: initialized with binOfMax " << binOfMax 
00064                           << " sample from " << bmin_ << " to " << bmax_ 
00065                           << "; signalBuckets " << signalBuckets 
00066                           << " Baseline/Phase/Scale " << baseline << "/" 
00067                           << phase_ << "/" << rescale_ << "\n"
00068                           <<"                          Noise " << sigma 
00069                           << "fC  fCToPE " << qToPE << " EDepPerPE " 
00070                           << eDepPerPE;
00071 }
00073 HcalQie::~HcalQie() {
00074   edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HcalQie:: Deleting Qie";
00075 }
00077 std::vector<double> HcalQie::shape() {
00079   // pulse shape time constants in ns
00080   const float ts1  = 8.;          // scintillation time constants : 1,2,3
00081   const float ts2  = 10.;           
00082   const float ts3  = 29.3;         
00083   const float thpd = 4.;          // HPD current collection drift time
00084   const float tpre = 5.;          // preamp time constant
00086   const float wd1 = 2.;           // relative weights of decay exponents 
00087   const float wd2 = 0.7;
00088   const float wd3 = 1.;
00090   // HPD starts at I and rises to 2I in thpd of time
00091   double norm=0.0;
00092   int j, hpd_siz = (int)(thpd);
00093   std::vector<double> hpd_drift(hpd_siz);
00094   for (j=0; j<hpd_siz; j++) {
00095     double tmp = (double)j + 0.5;
00096     hpd_drift[j] = 1.0 + tmp/thpd;
00097     norm += hpd_drift[j];
00098   }
00099   // normalize integrated current to 1.0
00100   for (j=0; j<hpd_siz; j++) {
00101     hpd_drift[j] /= norm;
00102   }
00104   // Binkley shape over 6 time constants
00105   int  preamp_siz=(int)(6*tpre);
00106   std::vector<double> preamp(preamp_siz);
00107   norm = 0;
00108   for (j=0; j<preamp_siz; j++) {
00109     double tmp = (double)j + 0.5;
00110     preamp[j]  = tmp*exp(-(tmp*tmp)/(tpre*tpre));
00111     norm += preamp[j];
00112   }
00113   // normalize pulse area to 1.0
00114   for (j=0; j<preamp_siz; j++) {
00115     preamp[j] /= norm;
00116   }
00118   // ignore stochastic variation of photoelectron emission
00119   // <...>
00120   // effective tile plus wave-length shifter decay time over 4 time constants
00122   int tmax = 6 * (int)ts3;
00123   std::vector<double> scnt_decay(tmax);
00124   norm = 0;
00125   for (j=0; j<tmax; j++) {
00126     double tmp = (double)j + 0.5;
00127     scnt_decay[j] = wd1*exp(-tmp/ts1) + wd2*exp(-tmp/ts2) + wd3*exp(-tmp/ts3);
00128     norm += scnt_decay[j];
00129   }
00130   // normalize pulse area to 1.0
00131   for (j=0; j<tmax; j++) {
00132     scnt_decay[j] /= norm;
00133   }
00135   int nsiz = tmax + hpd_siz + preamp_siz + 1;
00136   std::vector<double> pulse(nsiz,0.0);  // zeroing output pulse shape
00137   norm = 0;
00138   int    i, k;
00139   for (i=0; i<tmax; i++) {
00140     int t1 = i; // and ignore jitter from optical path length
00141     for (j=0; j<hpd_siz; j++) {
00142       int t2 = t1 + j;
00143       for (k=0; k<preamp_siz; k++) {
00144         int   t3 = t2 + k;
00145         float tmp = scnt_decay[i]*hpd_drift[j]*preamp[k];
00146         pulse[t3]+= tmp;
00147         norm     += tmp;
00148       }
00149     }
00150   }
00152   // normalize for 1 GeV pulse height
00153   edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Convoluted Shape ============== "
00154                           << "Normalisation " << norm;
00155   for (i=0; i<nsiz; i++) {
00156     pulse[i] /= norm;
00157 #ifdef DebugLog
00158     LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Pulse[" << std::setw(3) << i << "] " 
00159                         << std::setw(8) << pulse[i];
00160 #endif
00161   }
00163   return pulse;
00164 }
00166 std::vector<int> HcalQie::code() {
00168   unsigned int CodeFADCdata[122] = {
00169       0,     1,      2,      3,      4,      5,      6,      7,      8,      9,
00170      10,    11,     12,     13,     14,     15,     16,     17,     18,     19,
00171      20,    21,     22,     23,     24,     25,     26,     27,     28,     29,
00172      30,    31,                     34,     35,     36,     37,     38,     39,
00173      40,    41,     42,     43,     44,     45,     46,     47,     48,     49,
00174      50,    51,     52,     53,     54,     55,     56,     57,     58,     59,
00175      60,    61,     62,     63,                     66,     67,     68,     69,
00176      70,    71,     72,     73,     74,     75,     76,     77,     78,     79,
00177      80,    81,     82,     83,     84,     85,     86,     87,     88,     89,
00178      90,    91,     92,     93,     94,     95,                     98,     99,
00179     100,   101,    102,    103,    104,    105,    106,    107,    108,    109,
00180     110,   111,    112,    113,    114,    115,    116,    117,    118,    119,
00181     120,   121,    122,    123,    124,    125,    126,    127 };
00183   std::vector<int> temp(122);
00184   int i;
00185   for (i = 0; i < 122; i++) 
00186     temp[i] = (int)CodeFADCdata[i];
00188 #ifdef DebugLog
00189   int siz = temp.size();
00190   LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Codes in array of size " << siz;
00191   for (i=0; i<siz; i++)
00192     LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Code[" << std::setw(3) << i << "] " 
00193                         << std::setw(6) << temp[i];
00194 #endif
00195   return temp;
00196 }
00198 std::vector<double> HcalQie::charge() {
00200   double ChargeFADCdata[122] =  {
00201    -1.5,  -0.5,    0.5,    1.5,    2.5,    3.5,    4.5,    5.5,    6.5,    7.5,
00202     8.5,   9.5,   10.5,   11.5,   12.5,   13.5,   14.5,   16.5,   18.5,   20.5,
00203    22.5,  24.5,   26.5,   28.5,   31.5,   34.5,   37.5,   40.5,   44.5,   48.5,
00204    52.5,  57.5,                   62.5,   67.5,   72.5,   77.5,   82.5,   87.5,
00205    92.5,  97.5,  102.5,  107.5,  112.5,  117.5,  122.5,  127.5,  132.5,  142.5,
00206   152.5, 162.5,  172.5,  182.5,  192.5,  202.5,  217.5,  232.5,  247.5,  262.5,
00207   282.5, 302.5,  322.5,  347.5,                  372.5,  397.5,  422.5,  447.5,
00208   472.5, 497.5,  522.5,  547.5,  572.5,  597.5,  622.5,  647.5,  672.5,  697.5,
00209   722.5, 772.5,  822.5,  872.5,  922.5,  972.5, 1022.5, 1072.5, 1147.5, 1222.5,
00210  1297.5,1372.5, 1472.5, 1572.5, 1672.5, 1797.5,                 1922.5, 2047.5,
00211  2172.5,2297.5, 2422.5, 2547.5, 2672.5, 2797.5, 2922.5, 3047.5, 3172.5, 3397.5,
00212  3422.5,3547.5, 3672.5, 3922.5, 4172.5, 4422.5, 4672.5, 4922.5, 5172.5, 5422.5,
00213  5797.5,6172.5, 6547.5, 6922.5, 7422.5, 7922.5, 8422.5, 9047.5 };             
00215   std::vector<double> temp(122);
00216   int i;
00217   for (i = 0; i < 122; i++)
00218     temp[i] = (double)(ChargeFADCdata[i]);
00220 #ifdef DebugLog
00221   int siz = temp.size();
00222   LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Charges in array of size " << siz;
00223   for (i=0; i<siz; i++)
00224     LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Charge[" << std::setw(3) << i << "] " 
00225                         << std::setw(8) << temp[i];
00226 #endif
00227   return temp;
00228 }
00230 std::vector<double> HcalQie::weight(int binOfMax, int mode, int npre, 
00231                                     int bucket) {
00233   std::vector<double> temp(bucket,0);
00234   int i;
00235   for (i=binOfMax-1; i<binOfMax+mode-1; i++)
00236     temp[i] = 1.;
00237   if (npre>0) {
00238     for (i=0; i<npre; i++) {
00239       int j   = binOfMax-2-i;
00240       temp[j] =-(double)mode/(double)npre;
00241     }
00242   }
00244 #ifdef DebugLog
00245   int siz = temp.size();
00246   LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Weights in array of size " << siz 
00247                       << " and Npre " << npre;
00248   for (i=0; i<siz; i++)
00249     LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: [Weight[" << i << "] = " << temp[i];
00250 #endif
00251   return temp;
00252 }
00255 double HcalQie::codeToQ(int ic) {
00257   double tmp=0;
00258   for (unsigned int i=0; i<code_.size(); i++) {
00259     if (ic == code_[i]) {
00260       double delta;
00261       if (i == code_.size()-1) 
00262         delta = charge_[i] - charge_[i-1];
00263       else
00264         delta = charge_[i+1] - charge_[i];
00265       tmp = charge_[i] + 0.5*delta;
00266       break;
00267     }
00268   }
00270   return tmp;
00271 }
00274 int HcalQie::getCode(double charge) {
00276   int tmp=0;
00277   for (unsigned int i=0; i<charge_.size(); i++) {
00278     if (charge < charge_[i]) {
00279       if (i>0) tmp = code_[i-1];
00280       break;
00281     }
00282   }
00284   return tmp;
00285 }
00288 double HcalQie::getShape(double time) {
00290   double tmp = 0;
00291   int    k = (int) (time + 0.5);
00292   if (k>=0 && k<((int)(shape_.size())-1))
00293     tmp = 0.5*(shape_[k]+shape_[k+1]);
00295   return tmp;
00296 }
00299 std::vector<int> HcalQie::getCode(int nht, std::vector<CaloHit> hitbuf) {
00301   const double  bunchSpace=25.;
00302   int nmax = (bmax_ > numOfBuckets ? bmax_ : numOfBuckets);
00303   std::vector<double> work(nmax);
00305   edm::Service<edm::RandomNumberGenerator> rng;
00306   if ( ! rng.isAvailable()) {
00307     throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
00308       << "HcalQIE requires the RandomNumberGeneratorService\n"
00309       << "which is not present in the configuration file. "
00310       << "You must add the service\n in the configuration file or "
00311       << "remove the modules that require it.";
00312   }
00313   CLHEP::RandGaussQ  randGauss(rng->getEngine(), baseline,sigma);
00314   CLHEP::RandPoissonQ randPoisson(rng->getEngine());
00317   // Noise in the channel
00318   for (int i=0; i<numOfBuckets; i++) 
00319     work[i] =;
00321 #ifdef DebugLog
00322   LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie::getCode: Noise with baseline " << baseline 
00323                       << " width " << sigma << " and " << nht << " hits";
00324   for (int i=0; i<numOfBuckets; i++) 
00325     LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie: Code[" << i << "] = " << work[i];
00326 #endif  
00327   double etot=0, esum=0, photons=0;
00328   if (nht>0) {
00330     // Sort the hits
00331     std::vector<CaloHit*> hits(nht);
00332     std::vector<CaloHit*>::iterator k1, k2;
00333     int kk;
00334     for (kk = 0; kk < nht; kk++) {
00335       hits[kk] = &hitbuf[kk];
00336     }
00337     sort(hits.begin(),hits.end(),CaloHitMore());
00339     // Energy deposits
00340     for (kk = 0, k1 = hits.begin(); k1 != hits.end(); kk++, k1++) {
00341       double ehit  = (**k1).e();
00342       double jitter= (**k1).t();
00343       int    jump  = 0;
00344       for (k2 = k1+1; k2 != hits.end() && (jitter-(**k2).t())<1. &&
00345              (jitter-(**k2).t())>-1.; k2++) {
00346         ehit += (**k2).e();
00347         jump++;
00348       }
00350       double avpe  = ehit/eDepPerPE;
00351       double photo =;
00352       etot   += ehit;
00353       photons+= photo; 
00354 #ifdef DebugLog
00355       LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie::getCode: Hit " << kk << ":" << kk+jump 
00356                           << " Energy deposit " << ehit << " Time " << jitter
00357                           << " Average and true no of PE " << avpe << " " 
00358                           << photo;
00359 #endif
00360       double bintime = jitter - phase_ - bunchSpace*(binOfMax-bmin_);
00361 #ifdef DebugLog
00362       LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie::getCode: phase " << phase_  
00363                           << " binTime " << bintime;
00364 #endif
00365       std::vector<double> binsum(nmax,0);
00366       double norm=0, sum=0.;
00367       for (int i=bmin_; i<bmax_; i++) {
00368         bintime += bunchSpace;
00369         for (int j=0; j<(int)(bunchSpace); j++) {
00370           double tim = bintime + j;
00371           double tmp = getShape(tim);
00372           binsum[i] += tmp;
00373         }
00374         sum += binsum[i];
00375       }
00377       if (sum>0) norm = (photo/(sum*qToPE));
00378 #ifdef DebugLog
00379       LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie::getCode: PE " << photo << " Sum " << sum
00380                           << " Norm. " << norm;
00381 #endif
00382       for (int i=bmin_; i<bmax_; i++)
00383         work[i] += binsum[i]*norm;
00385       kk += jump;
00386       k1 += jump;
00387     }
00388   }
00390   std::vector<int> temp(numOfBuckets,0);
00391   for (int i=0; i<numOfBuckets; i++) {
00392     temp[i] = getCode(work[i]);
00393     esum   += work[i];
00394   }
00395 #ifdef DebugLog
00396   LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie::getCode: Input " << etot << " GeV; Photons "
00397                       << photons << ";  Output " << esum << " fc";
00398 #endif
00399   return temp;
00400 }
00403 double HcalQie::getEnergy(std::vector<int> code) {
00405   std::vector<double> work(numOfBuckets);
00406   double sum=0;
00407   for (int i=0; i<numOfBuckets; i++) {
00408     work[i] = codeToQ (code[i]);
00409     sum += work[i]*weight_[i];
00410 #ifdef DebugLog
00411     LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie::getEnergy: " << i << " code " << code[i] 
00412                         << " PE " << work[i];
00413 #endif
00414   }
00416   double tmp;
00417   if (preSamples == 0) {
00418     tmp = (sum - signalBuckets*baseline) * rescale_ * qToPE * eDepPerPE;
00419   } else {
00420     tmp = sum * rescale_ * qToPE;
00421   }
00422 #ifdef DebugLog
00423   LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HcalQie::getEnergy: PE " << sum*qToPE << " Energy " 
00424                       << tmp << " GeV";
00425 #endif
00426   return tmp;
00427 }