
Go to the documentation of this file.
00011 //----------------------
00012 // This Class' Header --
00013 //----------------------
00014 #include "CondTools/DT/interface/DTCompactMapWriter.h"
00016 //-------------------------------
00017 // Collaborating Class Headers --
00018 //-------------------------------
00021 //---------------
00022 // C++ Headers --
00023 //---------------
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include <vector>
00026 #include <map>
00027 #include <algorithm>
00028 #include <iostream>
00029 #include <fstream>
00032 class DTROSChannelId {
00033  public:
00034   DTROSChannelId( int ddu, int ros, int channel );
00035   int     dduId() const;
00036   int     rosId() const;
00037   int channelId() const;
00038  private:
00039   int     ddu_id;
00040   int     ros_id;
00041   int channel_id;
00042 };
00044 DTROSChannelId::DTROSChannelId( int ddu, int ros, int channel ):
00045      ddu_id(     ddu ),
00046      ros_id(     ros ),
00047  channel_id( channel ) {
00048 }
00050 int DTROSChannelId::dduId() const {
00051   return ddu_id;
00052 }
00054 int DTROSChannelId::rosId() const {
00055   return ros_id;
00056 }
00058 int DTROSChannelId::channelId() const {
00059   return channel_id;
00060 }
00062 class DTROSChannelCompare {
00063  public:
00064   bool operator()( const DTROSChannelId& idl,
00065                    const DTROSChannelId& idr ) const;
00066  private:
00067 };
00069 bool DTROSChannelCompare::operator()( const DTROSChannelId& idl,
00070                                        const DTROSChannelId& idr ) const {
00071   if ( idl.    dduId() < idr.    dduId() ) return true;
00072   if ( idl.    dduId() > idr.    dduId() ) return false;
00073   if ( idl.    rosId() < idr.    rosId() ) return true;
00074   if ( idl.    rosId() > idr.    rosId() ) return false;
00075   if ( idl.channelId() < idr.channelId() ) return true;
00076   if ( idl.channelId() > idr.channelId() ) return false;
00077   return false;
00078 }
00081 class DTROBCardId {
00082  public:
00083   DTROBCardId( int wheel, int sector, int station, int rob );
00084   int   wheelId() const;
00085   int  sectorId() const;
00086   int stationId() const;
00087   int     robId() const;
00088  private:
00089   int   wheel_id;
00090   int  sector_id;
00091   int station_id;
00092   int     rob_id;
00093 };
00095 DTROBCardId::DTROBCardId( int wheel, int sector, int station, int rob ):
00096    wheel_id(   wheel ),
00097   sector_id(  sector ),
00098  station_id( station ),
00099      rob_id(     rob ) {
00100 }
00102 int DTROBCardId::wheelId() const {
00103   return wheel_id;
00104 }
00106 int DTROBCardId::sectorId() const {
00107   return sector_id;
00108 }
00110 int DTROBCardId::stationId() const {
00111   return station_id;
00112 }
00114 int DTROBCardId::robId() const {
00115   return rob_id;
00116 }
00119 class DTROBCardCompare {
00120  public:
00121   bool operator()( const DTROBCardId& idl,
00122                    const DTROBCardId& idr ) const;
00123  private:
00124 };
00126 bool DTROBCardCompare::operator()( const DTROBCardId& idl,
00127                                     const DTROBCardId& idr ) const {
00128   if ( idl.  wheelId() < idr.  wheelId() ) return true;
00129   if ( idl.  wheelId() > idr.  wheelId() ) return false;
00130   if ( idl. sectorId() < idr. sectorId() ) return true;
00131   if ( idl. sectorId() > idr. sectorId() ) return false;
00132   if ( idl.stationId() < idr.stationId() ) return true;
00133   if ( idl.stationId() > idr.stationId() ) return false;
00134   if ( idl.    robId() < idr.    robId() ) return true;
00135   if ( idl.    robId() > idr.    robId() ) return false;
00136   return false;
00137 }
00140 class DTTDCChannelId {
00141  public:
00142   DTTDCChannelId( int tdc, int channel );
00143   int     tdcId() const;
00144   int channelId() const;
00145  private:
00146   int     tdc_id;
00147   int channel_id;
00148 };
00150 DTTDCChannelId::DTTDCChannelId( int tdc, int channel ):
00151      tdc_id(     tdc ),
00152  channel_id( channel ) {
00153 }
00155 int DTTDCChannelId::tdcId() const {
00156   return tdc_id;
00157 }
00159 int DTTDCChannelId::channelId() const {
00160   return channel_id;
00161 }
00164 class DTTDCChannelCompare {
00165  public:
00166   bool operator()( const DTTDCChannelId& idl,
00167                    const DTTDCChannelId& idr ) const;
00168  private:
00169 };
00171 bool DTTDCChannelCompare::operator()( const DTTDCChannelId& idl,
00172                                        const DTTDCChannelId& idr ) const {
00173   if ( idl.    tdcId() < idr.    tdcId() ) return true;
00174   if ( idl.    tdcId() > idr.    tdcId() ) return false;
00175   if ( idl.channelId() < idr.channelId() ) return true;
00176   if ( idl.channelId() > idr.channelId() ) return false;
00177   return false;
00178 }
00181 class DTPhysicalWireId {
00182  public:
00183   DTPhysicalWireId( int superlayer, int layer, int cell );
00184   int superlayerId() const;
00185   int      layerId() const;
00186   int       cellId() const;
00187  private:
00188   int superlayer_id;
00189   int      layer_id;
00190   int       cell_id;
00191 };
00193 DTPhysicalWireId::DTPhysicalWireId( int superlayer, int layer, int cell ):
00194  superlayer_id( superlayer ),
00195       layer_id(      layer ),
00196        cell_id(       cell ) {
00197 }
00199 int DTPhysicalWireId::superlayerId() const {
00200   return superlayer_id;
00201 }
00203 int DTPhysicalWireId::layerId() const {
00204   return layer_id;
00205 }
00207 int DTPhysicalWireId::cellId() const {
00208   return cell_id;
00209 }
00212 class DTPhysicalWireCompare {
00213  public:
00214   bool operator()( const DTPhysicalWireId& idl,
00215                    const DTPhysicalWireId& idr ) const;
00216  private:
00217 };
00219 bool DTPhysicalWireCompare::operator()( const DTPhysicalWireId& idl,
00220                                          const DTPhysicalWireId& idr ) const {
00221   if ( idl.superlayerId() < idr.superlayerId() ) return true;
00222   if ( idl.superlayerId() > idr.superlayerId() ) return false;
00223   if ( idl.     layerId() < idr.     layerId() ) return true;
00224   if ( idl.     layerId() > idr.     layerId() ) return false;
00225   if ( idl.      cellId() < idr.      cellId() ) return true;
00226   if ( idl.      cellId() > idr.      cellId() ) return false;
00227   return false;
00228 }
00231 class DTMapElementIdentifiers {
00232  public:
00233   static int defaultIdValue;
00234   static int ROSMapIdOffset;
00235   static int ROBMapIdOffset;
00236   static int TDCMapIdOffset;
00237 };
00239 int DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue = 0x7fffffff;
00240 int DTMapElementIdentifiers::ROSMapIdOffset = 2000001000;
00241 int DTMapElementIdentifiers::ROBMapIdOffset = 2000002000;
00242 int DTMapElementIdentifiers::TDCMapIdOffset = 2000003000;
00245 void DTCompactMapWriter::buildSteering( std::istream& jobDesc ) {
00246   // template maps and lists, name and type
00247   std::string map_type( "dummy_string" );
00248   std::string map_file( "dummy_string" );
00249   std::string map_list( "dummy_string" );
00251   // ros-rob and tdc-cell maps
00252   std::map<DTROBCardId,
00253            int,
00254            DTROBCardCompare> tdc_idm;
00255   std::map<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId,DTROSChannelCompare> ros_map;
00256   std::map<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId,DTROSChannelCompare> rob_map;
00258   int rob_count = 1;
00259   int ros_count = 1;
00261   // parse job description file and loop over map templates and lists
00262   bool jobEnd = false;
00263   int max_line_length = 1000;
00264   char* job_line = new char[max_line_length];
00265   while ( jobDesc.getline( job_line, max_line_length ) ) {
00266     // parse job description line
00267     char* ptr_line = job_line;
00268     char* end_line = job_line + max_line_length;
00269     while( ptr_line < end_line ) {
00270       // get description command key
00271       // remove leading blanks
00272       while ( *ptr_line == ' ' ) ptr_line++;
00273       std::string key( ptr_line );
00274       int off_blank = key.find( " " );
00275       int off_equal = key.find( "=" );
00276       if ( off_equal < 0 ) off_equal = max_line_length;
00277       if ( off_blank < 0 ) off_blank = key.length();
00278       int ioff = ( off_blank < off_equal ? off_blank : off_equal );
00279       key.erase( ioff++, key.length() );
00280       // go to command value
00281       ptr_line += ++off_equal;
00282       // exit loop at end of description file
00283       if ( (jobEnd = ( key == "end" ) ) ) break;
00284       // get description command value
00285       while ( *ptr_line == ' ' ) ptr_line++;
00286       std::string val( ptr_line );
00287       int off_value = val.find( " " );
00288       if ( ( off_value > 0 ) &&
00289            ( off_value < static_cast<int>( val.length() ) ) )
00290       val.erase( off_value++, val.length() );
00291       // go to next token
00292       ptr_line += off_value;
00293       // set type, template or list file name
00294       if ( key == "type" ) map_type = val;
00295       if ( key ==  "map" ) map_file = val;
00296       if ( key == "list" ) map_list = val;
00297     }
00298     if ( jobEnd ) break;
00300     // open map list file
00301     std::ifstream lfile( map_list.c_str() );
00303     bool write;
00304     // store TDC maps
00305     if ( map_type == "TDC" ) {
00306       // loop over TDC map list for concerned wheels and sectors
00307       int station = 0;
00308       int  wheel;
00309       int sector;
00310       write = true;
00311       while ( lfile >>  wheel
00312                     >> sector
00313                     >> station ) fillTDCMap( map_file,
00314                                                wheel, sector,
00315                                              tdc_idm, station,
00316                                            rob_count, write );
00317       ++rob_count;
00318     }
00320     // store ROS maps
00321     if ( map_type == "ROS" ) {
00322       // loop over ROS map list for concerned ddu, ros, wheel and sector 
00323       int    ddu;
00324       int    ros;
00325       int  wheel;
00326       int sector;
00327       write = true;
00328       while ( lfile >> ddu
00329                     >> ros
00330                     >> wheel
00331                     >> sector ) fillROSMap( map_file,
00332                                                 ddu,      ros,
00333                                               wheel,   sector,
00334                                             ros_map, rob_map,
00335                                           ros_count,    write );
00336       ++ros_count;
00337     }
00339   }
00340   delete job_line;
00342   // merge ROS and TDC maps
00343   fillReadOutMap( ros_count, tdc_idm, ros_map, rob_map );
00345   return;
00347 }
00349 void DTCompactMapWriter::fillTDCMap( const std::string& map_file,
00350                                       int wheel, int sector,
00351                                       std::map<DTROBCardId,
00352                                                int,
00353                                                DTROBCardCompare>& tdc_idm,
00354                                       int stationId,
00355                                       int map_count, bool& write ) {
00357   // template map file name
00358   std::ifstream ifile( map_file.c_str() );
00360   // get station number
00361   int station;
00362   int     rob;
00363   station = stationId;
00364   ifile >> rob;
00365   DTROBCardId key( wheel, sector, station, rob );
00366   tdc_idm.insert( std::pair<DTROBCardId,int>( key, map_count ) );
00367   if ( !write ) return;
00368   // loop over TDC channels and cells
00369   int superlayer;
00370   int      layer;
00371   int       wire;
00372   int        tdc;
00373   int    channel;
00374   while ( ifile >>        tdc
00375                 >>    channel
00376                 >> superlayer
00377                 >>      layer
00378                 >>       wire ) {
00379     // set ROB card, TDC channel and cell identifiers
00380     DTTDCChannelId tdcChannel( tdc, channel );
00381     DTPhysicalWireId physicalWire( superlayer, layer, wire );
00382     // look for rob card connection map
00383     std::cout << DTMapElementIdentifiers::TDCMapIdOffset << " "
00384               <<                               map_count << " "
00385               <<                                     rob << " "
00386               <<                                     tdc << " "
00387               <<                                 channel << " "
00388               << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00389               << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00390               << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00391               <<                              superlayer << " "
00392               <<                                   layer << " "
00393               <<                                    wire
00394               << std::endl;
00396   }
00397   write = false;
00398   return;
00399 }
00401 void DTCompactMapWriter::fillROSMap( const std::string& map_file,
00402                                       int   ddu, int    ros,
00403                                       int whdef, int secdef,
00404                                       std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00405                                                DTROBCardId,
00406                                                DTROSChannelCompare>& ddu_map,
00407                                       std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00408                                                DTROBCardId,
00409                                                DTROSChannelCompare>& ros_map,
00410                                       int map_count,
00411                                       bool& write ) {
00413   DTROSChannelId rosBoard( ddu, ros, 0 );
00414   DTROBCardId    sectorId( whdef, secdef, 0, map_count );
00415   ddu_map.insert( std::pair<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId>( rosBoard,
00416                                                            sectorId ) );
00418   // template map file name
00419   std::ifstream ifile( map_file.c_str() );
00421   // loop over ROS channels and ROBs
00422   int channel;
00423   int wheel;
00424   int sector;
00425   int station;
00426   int rob;
00427   DTROSChannelId rosChanMap( ddu, ros, 0 );
00428   if ( !write ) return;
00429   while ( ifile >> channel
00430                 >>   wheel
00431                 >>  sector
00432                 >> station
00433                 >>     rob ) {
00434     // set sector to default unless specified
00435     if ( !sector ) sector = DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue;
00436     if ( ! wheel )  wheel = DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue;
00437     // set ROS channel and ROB identifiers
00438     DTROSChannelId rosChannel( ddu, ros, channel );
00439     DTROBCardId robCard( wheel, sector, station, rob );
00440     // store ROS channel to ROB connection into map
00441     ros_map.insert( std::pair<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId>( rosChannel,
00442                                                              robCard ) );
00443   }
00444   write = false;
00446   return;
00447 }
00449 void DTCompactMapWriter::cloneROS(  std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00450                                               DTROBCardId,
00451                                               DTROSChannelCompare>& ros_m,
00452                                      std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00453                                               DTROBCardId,
00454                                               DTROSChannelCompare>& ros_a,
00455                                      int ddu_o, int ros_o,
00456                                      int ddu_f, int ros_f ) {
00458   std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00459            DTROBCardId,
00460            DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ros_iter = ros_m.begin();
00461   std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00462            DTROBCardId,
00463            DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ros_iend = ros_m.end();
00464   while ( ros_iter != ros_iend ) {
00465     const std::pair<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId>& rosLink = *ros_iter++;
00466     const DTROSChannelId& rosChannelId = rosLink.first;
00467     const DTROBCardId&    robCardId    = rosLink.second;
00468     if ( rosChannelId.dduId() != ddu_o ) continue;
00469     if ( rosChannelId.rosId() != ros_o ) continue;
00470     const DTROSChannelId  rosChanNewId( ddu_f, ros_f,
00471                                          rosChannelId.channelId() );
00472     ros_a.insert( std::pair<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId>( rosChanNewId,
00473                                                            robCardId ) );
00474   }
00475   return;  
00476 }
00478 void DTCompactMapWriter::appendROS( std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00479                                               DTROBCardId,
00480                                               DTROSChannelCompare>& ros_m,
00481                                      std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00482                                               DTROBCardId,
00483                                               DTROSChannelCompare>& ros_a ) {
00485   std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00486            DTROBCardId,
00487            DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ros_iter = ros_a.begin();
00488   std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00489            DTROBCardId,
00490            DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ros_iend = ros_a.end();
00491   while ( ros_iter != ros_iend ) ros_m.insert( *ros_iter++ );
00492   return;  
00493 }
00496 void DTCompactMapWriter::fillReadOutMap(
00497                          int ros_count,
00498                          std::map<DTROBCardId,
00499                                   int,
00500                                   DTROBCardCompare>& tdc_idm,
00501                          std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00502                                   DTROBCardId,
00503                                   DTROSChannelCompare>& ddu_map,
00504                          std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00505                                   DTROBCardId,
00506                                   DTROSChannelCompare>& ros_map ) {
00508   bool check = true;
00509   bool write = false;
00511   while ( check || write ) {
00512     // ROS board to sector connection map
00513     std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00514              DTROBCardId,
00515              DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ddu_iter = ddu_map.begin();
00516     std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00517              DTROBCardId,
00518              DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ddu_iend = ddu_map.end();
00519     // ROB card to TDC element map
00520     std::map<DTROBCardId,
00521              int,
00522              DTROBCardCompare>::const_iterator idt_iend = tdc_idm.end();
00523     // ROS channel to ROB connection map
00524     std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00525              DTROBCardId,
00526              DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ros_iter = ros_map.begin();
00527     std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00528              DTROBCardId,
00529              DTROSChannelCompare>:: const_iterator ros_iend = ros_map.end();
00531     check = false;
00532     std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00533              DTROBCardId,
00534              DTROSChannelCompare> ros_app;
00536     // loop over ROS channels
00537     while ( ros_iter != ros_iend ) {
00538       // get ROS channel and ROB identifiers
00539       const std::pair<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId>& rosLink = *ros_iter++;
00540       const DTROSChannelId& rosChannelId = rosLink.first;
00541       const DTROSChannelId  rosChanMapId( rosChannelId.dduId(),
00542                                            rosChannelId.rosId(), 0 );
00543       const DTROBCardId&    robCMapId    = rosLink.second;
00544       ddu_iter = ddu_map.find( rosChanMapId );
00545       int  whdef = 0;
00546       int secdef = 0;
00547       int rosMapCk = 0;
00548       if ( ddu_iter != ddu_iend ) {
00549         const DTROBCardId& sector = ddu_iter->second;
00550          whdef = sector.wheelId();
00551         secdef = sector.sectorId();
00552         rosMapCk = sector.robId();
00553       }
00554       else {
00555         std::cout << "DDU map "
00556                   << rosChannelId.dduId() << " "
00557                   << rosChannelId.rosId() << " 0 not found" << std::endl;
00558         continue;
00559       }
00560       int wheel   = robCMapId.  wheelId();
00561       int sector  = robCMapId. sectorId();
00562       int station = robCMapId.stationId();
00563       int rob     = robCMapId.    robId();
00564       if (  wheel != DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue )  whdef =  wheel;
00565       if ( sector != DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue ) secdef = sector;
00566       const DTROBCardId robCardId( whdef, secdef, station, rob );
00567       std::map<DTROBCardId,
00568                int,
00569                DTROBCardCompare>::const_iterator idt_iter =
00570                                    tdc_idm.find( robCardId );
00571       if ( idt_iter != idt_iend ) {
00572         int tdcMapId = idt_iter->second;
00573         ddu_iter = ddu_map.begin();
00574         while ( ddu_iter != ddu_iend ) {
00575           const std::pair<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId>& dduLink = *ddu_iter++;
00576           const DTROSChannelId& ros_id = dduLink.first;
00577           const DTROBCardId&    sec_id = dduLink.second;
00578           int whe_chk = sec_id.wheelId();
00579           int sec_chk = sec_id.sectorId();
00580           if (  wheel != DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue )
00581                whe_chk =  wheel;
00582           if ( sector != DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue )
00583                sec_chk = sector;
00584           if ( rosMapCk != sec_id.robId() ) continue;
00585           DTROBCardId robCardId( whe_chk, sec_chk,
00586                                   station, rob );
00587           idt_iter = tdc_idm.find( robCardId );
00588           int tdcMapCk = idt_iter->second;
00589           if ( ( tdcMapId != tdcMapCk ) && ( !check ) ) {
00590             cloneROS( ros_map, ros_app, 
00591                       rosChannelId.dduId(), rosChannelId.rosId(),
00592                       ros_id.      dduId(), ros_id.      rosId() );
00593             tdcMapId = tdcMapCk;
00594             check = true;
00595           }
00596           if ( ( tdcMapId == tdcMapCk ) && check ) {
00597             std::map<DTROSChannelId,
00598                      DTROBCardId,
00599                      DTROSChannelCompare>::iterator ddu_inew =
00600                                             ddu_map.find( ros_id );
00601             ddu_inew->second = DTROBCardId( sec_id.wheelId(),
00602                                              sec_id.sectorId(),
00603                                              sec_id.stationId(),
00604                                              ros_count );
00605           }
00606         }
00607         if ( check ) {
00608           ros_count++;
00609           break;
00610         }
00611         if ( write )
00612           std::cout << DTMapElementIdentifiers::ROSMapIdOffset << " "
00613                     <<                                rosMapCk << " "
00614                     <<                rosChannelId.channelId() << " "
00615                     << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00616                     << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00617                     <<                                   wheel << " "
00618                     <<                                 station << " "
00619                     <<                                  sector << " "
00620                     <<                                     rob << " "
00621                     << DTMapElementIdentifiers::TDCMapIdOffset << " "
00622                     <<                                tdcMapId << std::endl;
00624       }
00625       else {
00626         std::cout << "TDC map "
00627                   <<   wheel << " "
00628                   <<  sector << " "
00629                   << station << " "
00630                   <<     rob << " not found" << std::endl;
00631       }
00632     }
00633     appendROS( ros_map, ros_app );
00634     if ( !write ) {
00635       write = !check;
00636     }
00637     else {
00638       ddu_iter = ddu_map.begin();
00639       while ( ddu_iter != ddu_iend ) {
00640         const std::pair<DTROSChannelId,DTROBCardId>& dduLink = *ddu_iter++;
00641         const DTROSChannelId& ros_id = dduLink.first;
00642         const DTROBCardId&    sec_id = dduLink.second;
00643         std::cout <<                          ros_id.dduId() << " "
00644                   <<                          ros_id.rosId() << " "
00645                   << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00646                   << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00647                   << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00648                   <<                        sec_id.wheelId() << " "
00649                   << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00650                   <<                       sec_id.sectorId() << " "
00651                   << DTMapElementIdentifiers::defaultIdValue << " "
00652                   << DTMapElementIdentifiers::ROSMapIdOffset << " "
00653                   <<                          sec_id.robId() << std::endl;
00654       }
00655       write = false;
00656     }
00657   }
00659   return;
00660 }