Source code (CVS tag: V01-20-08-02 ) - Administrative privileges
This package contains the standard configuration fragments (* for most common use cases and options.
Generator Sequences is the default configuration fragment for CMSSW Event Generation and Generator-level analysis tools. Consists of the following:
- pgen = cms.Sequence(cms.SequencePlaceholder("randomEngineStateProducer")+VertexSmearing+GeneInfo+genJetMET)
- Includes modeling of the IR spread. Also includes extraction and separate storage of the generator's particles, event weights and event scale. In addition, it includes construction of jets and MET from generator-level particles. Specifically, this sequence is composed of 3 (sub)sequences:
Simulation Sequences is the default configuration fragment for CMSSW Simulation. Requires setup of random seeds for all components in play (see below). Consists of the following:
- simulation = cms.Sequence(psim*pdigi)
- psim = cms.Sequence(cms.SequencePlaceholder("randomEngineStateProducer")* g4SimHits)
- Includes full-scale Geant4-based simulation of particles passage through CMS detector, in the presence of the magnetic field. CMS detector description and magnetic field record are included in the configuration together with the simulation module (SimG4Core/Configuration/python/
- pdigi = cms.Sequence(cms.SequencePlaceholder("randomEngineStateProducer")*cms.SequencePlaceholder("mix")*doAllDigi*trackingParticles)
- Includes modeling of pileup (see details below), detector electronics responce for all detector subsystems, and association of generator particles and vertices with Geant4-simulated tracks and vertices. Specifically, modeling of detector electronics response is composed of 3 (sub)sequences:
- doAllDigi = cms.Sequence(trDigi+calDigi+muonDigi)
Reconstruction Sequences is the default configuration fragment for CMSSW Reconstruction. Changes with time and is defined looking at the various needs wrt algorithms, space on disk, time available for reconstruction. At the moment, the standard reconstruction sequence is composed of (please note that at least the distinction between global/highlevel reconstruction does not really reflect functional aspects):
Other options are:
- reconstruction_withRS = reconstruction: the default, with Road Search global tracking activated.
- reconstruction_plusGSF : the same as the default, with Gaussian Sum Filter global tracking activated.
Additional Files
- Random Seeds include: currently, seeds are given for physics events generation or read-in (source) and detector simulation
- seeds for source, vertex smearing, Geant4-based simulation of particles interactions with CMS detector materials, modeling of mixing, and modeling of electronics response for all CMS detector subsystems.
- Vertex includes: in order to allow an easy configuration of the Vertex Smearing, 4 Configuration Fragments are provided. The user is supposed to include one and only one among:
- disables vertex smearing. Actually, it smears, but by fractions of a micron.
- vertex smearing as in ORCA. On the transverse plane, 15 um gaussian smearing. Longitudinally (z), 5.3 cm gaussian smearing. This is the ADVICED option
- flat vertex smearing. On the transverse plane, 15 um flat smearing. Longitudinally (z), 5.3 cm flat smearing.
- vertex smearing which resembles beam profile.
- Mixing includes: three options are given to the user, who has to choose one and only one among:
- Additional includes (for HLT/OnSel MC production)
Last updated: @ K. Lassila-Perini