Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

FillInfoPopConSourceHandler Class Reference

#include <FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for FillInfoPopConSourceHandler:
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< FillInfo >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FillInfoPopConSourceHandler (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
void getNewObjects ()
std::string id () const
 ~FillInfoPopConSourceHandler ()

Private Attributes

std::string m_authpath
std::string m_connectionString
bool m_debug
std::string m_dipSchema
unsigned short m_firstFill
unsigned short m_lastFill
std::string m_name

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::FillInfoPopConSourceHandler ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 21 of file

  m_debug( pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>( "debug", false ) )
  ,m_firstFill( (unsigned short)pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>( "firstFill", 1 ) )
  ,m_lastFill( (unsigned short)pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>( "lastFill", m_firstFill ) )
  ,m_name( pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>( "name", "FillInfoPopConSourceHandler" ) )
  ,m_authpath(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("authenticationPath","")) {}
FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::~FillInfoPopConSourceHandler ( )

Definition at line 30 of file


Member Function Documentation

void FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::getNewObjects ( ) [virtual]

Implements popcon::PopConSourceHandler< FillInfo >.

Definition at line 32 of file

References FillInfo::availableBunchSlots, cond::DbSession::close(), cond::DbConnection::close(), cond::DbConnection::configuration(), cond::DbConnection::configure(), FillInfo::COSMICS, cond::DbConnection::createSession(), Debug, relval_parameters_module::energy, first, cond::time::from_boost(), FillInfo::GAP, FillInfo::IONS, cond::TagInfo::lastInterval, popcon::PopConSourceHandler< FillInfo >::lastPayload(), cond::TagInfo::lastPayloadToken, m_authpath, m_connectionString, m_debug, m_dipSchema, m_firstFill, m_lastFill, m_name, popcon::PopConSourceHandler< FillInfo >::m_to_transfer, popcon::PopConSourceHandler< FillInfo >::m_userTextLog, cond::TagInfo::name, cond::DbSession::nominalSchema(), FillInfo::NONE, NONE, cond::DbSession::open(), timeUnitHelper::pack(), FillInfo::PB82, FillInfo::PROTON, FillInfo::PROTONS, cond::DbSession::schema(), edm::second(), python::CommonUtils::session, FillInfo::setBeamInfo(), findQualityFiles::size, cond::TagInfo::size, popcon::PopConSourceHandler< FillInfo >::tagInfo(), cond::rpcobgas::time, cond::time::to_boost(), cond::TagInfo::token, cond::DbSession::transaction(), pat::UNKNOWN, FillInfo::UNKNOWN, and cond::time::unpack().

  //reference to the last payload in the tag
  Ref previousFill;
  //if a new tag is created, transfer fake fill from 1 to the first fill for the first time
  if ( tagInfo().size == 0 ) {
    edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << "New tag "<< tagInfo().name << "; from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
  } else {
    //check what is already inside the database
    edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << "got info for tag " << tagInfo().name 
                           << ", IOVSequence token " << tagInfo().token
                           << ": size " << tagInfo().size 
                           << ", last object valid since " << tagInfo().lastInterval.first 
                           << " ( "<< boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( tagInfo().lastInterval.first ) )
                           << " ); from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
    //retrieve the last payload...
    previousFill = this->lastPayload();
    //checking its content
    edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << "The last payload in tag " << tagInfo().name 
                           << " valid since " << tagInfo().lastInterval.first
                           << " has token " << tagInfo().lastPayloadToken 
                           << " and values:\n" << *previousFill
                           << "from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
    if( m_firstFill <= previousFill->fillNumber() ) {
      //either we are trying to put the same value, or we want to put an older fill:
      //the first fill will become the previous one plus one 
      std::ostringstream es;
      es << "Trying to insert fill number " << m_firstFill 
         << ( ( m_firstFill < previousFill->fillNumber() ) ? ", which is an older fill than " : ", which is the same fill as " ) 
         << "the last one in the destination tag " << previousFill->fillNumber()
         << ": the first fill to be looked for will become " << previousFill->fillNumber() + 1;
      edm::LogWarning( m_name ) << es.str() << "; from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
      m_firstFill = previousFill->fillNumber() + 1;
  //if the last fill to be looked for is smaller than the first one send error message and return
  //this check cannot be done before, as we should find which is the first fill to query
  if( m_firstFill > m_lastFill ) {
    edm::LogError( m_name ) << "WRONG CONFIGURATION! The first fill " << m_firstFill
                            << " cannot be larger than the last one " << m_lastFill
                            << " EXITING. from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
  //retrieve the data from the relational database source
  cond::DbConnection dbConnection;
  //configure the connection
  if( m_debug ) {
    dbConnection.configuration().setMessageLevel( coral::Debug );
  } else {
    dbConnection.configuration().setMessageLevel( coral::Error );
  dbConnection.configuration().setPoolAutomaticCleanUp( false );
  dbConnection.configuration().setConnectionTimeOut( 0 );
  dbConnection.configuration().setAuthenticationPath( m_authpath );
  //create a sessiom
  cond::DbSession session = dbConnection.createSession(); m_connectionString, true );
  //run the first query against the schema logging fill information
  coral::ISchema& runTimeLoggerSchema = session.nominalSchema();
  //start the transaction against the fill logging schema
  //prepare the query:
  std::unique_ptr<coral::IQuery> fillDataQuery( runTimeLoggerSchema.newQuery() );
  //FROM clause
  fillDataQuery->addToTableList( std::string( "RUNTIME_SUMMARY" ) );
  //SELECT clause
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "LHCFILL" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "NBUNCHESBEAM1" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "NBUNCHESBEAM2" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "NCOLLIDINGBUNCHES" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "NTARGETBUNCHES" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "RUNTIME_TYPE_ID" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "PARTY1" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "PARTY2" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "CROSSINGANGLE" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "BETASTAR" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "INTENSITYBEAM1" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "INTENSITYBEAM2" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "ENERGY" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "CREATETIME" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "BEGINTIME" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "ENDTIME" ) );
  fillDataQuery->addToOutputList( std::string( "INJECTIONSCHEME" ) );
  //WHERE clause
  coral::AttributeList fillDataBindVariables;
  fillDataBindVariables.extend( std::string( "firstFillNumber" ), typeid( unsigned short ) );
  fillDataBindVariables[ std::string( "firstFillNumber" ) ].data<unsigned short>() = m_firstFill;
  fillDataBindVariables.extend( std::string( "lastFillNumber" ), typeid( unsigned short ) );
  fillDataBindVariables[ std::string( "lastFillNumber" ) ].data<unsigned short>() = m_lastFill;
  //by imposing BEGINTIME IS NOT NULL, we remove fills which never went into stable beams,
  //or the most recent one, just declared but not yet in stable beams
  std::string conditionStr( "BEGINTIME IS NOT NULL AND LHCFILL BETWEEN :firstFillNumber AND :lastFillNumber" );
  fillDataQuery->setCondition( conditionStr, fillDataBindVariables );
  //ORDER BY clause
  fillDataQuery->addToOrderList( std::string( "LHCFILL" ) );
  //define query output
  coral::AttributeList fillDataOutput;
  fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>( std::string( "LHCFILL" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>( std::string( "NBUNCHESBEAM1" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>( std::string( "NBUNCHESBEAM2" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>( std::string( "NCOLLIDINGBUNCHES" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<unsigned short>( std::string( "NTARGETBUNCHES" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<int>( std::string( "RUNTIME_TYPE_ID" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<int>( std::string( "PARTY1" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<int>( std::string( "PARTY2" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<float>( std::string( "CROSSINGANGLE" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<float>( std::string( "BETASTAR" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<float>( std::string( "INTENSITYBEAM1" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<float>( std::string( "INTENSITYBEAM2" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<float>( std::string( "ENERGY" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>( std::string( "CREATETIME" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>( std::string( "BEGINTIME" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>( std::string( "ENDTIME" ) );
  fillDataOutput.extend<std::string>( std::string( "INJECTIONSCHEME" ) );
  fillDataQuery->defineOutput( fillDataOutput );
  //execute the query
  coral::ICursor& fillDataCursor = fillDataQuery->execute();
  //initialize loop variables
  unsigned short previousFillNumber = 1, currentFill = m_firstFill;
  cond::Time_t previousFillEndTime = 0ULL, afterPreviousFillEndTime = 0ULL, beforeStableBeamStartTime = 0ULL;
  if( tagInfo().size > 0 ) {
    previousFillNumber = previousFill->fillNumber();
    previousFillEndTime = previousFill->endTime();
  unsigned short bunches1 = 0, bunches2 = 0, collidingBunches = 0, targetBunches = 0;
  FillInfo::FillTypeId fillType = FillInfo::UNKNOWN;
  FillInfo::ParticleTypeId particleType1 = FillInfo::NONE, particleType2 = FillInfo::NONE;
  float crossingAngle = 0., betastar = 0., intensityBeam1 = 0., intensityBeam2 = 0., energy = 0.;
  coral::TimeStamp stableBeamStartTimeStamp, beamDumpTimeStamp;
  cond::Time_t creationTime = 0ULL, stableBeamStartTime = 0ULL, beamDumpTime = 0ULL;
  std::string injectionScheme( "None" );
  std::ostringstream ss;
  //loop over the cursor where the result of the query were fetched
  while( ) {
    if( m_debug ) {
      std::ostringstream qs;
      fillDataCursor.currentRow().toOutputStream( qs );
      edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << qs.str() << "\nfrom " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
    currentFill = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "LHCFILL" ) ].data<unsigned short>();
    coral::Attribute const & bunches1Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "NBUNCHESBEAM1" ) ];
    if( bunches1Attribute.isNull() ) {
      bunches1 = 0;
    } else {
      bunches1 =<unsigned short>();
    coral::Attribute const & bunches2Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "NBUNCHESBEAM2" ) ];
    if( bunches2Attribute.isNull() ) {
      bunches2 = 0;
    } else {
      bunches2 =<unsigned short>();
    coral::Attribute const & collidingBunchesAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "NCOLLIDINGBUNCHES" ) ];
    if( collidingBunchesAttribute.isNull() ) {
      collidingBunches = 0;
    } else {
      collidingBunches =<unsigned short>();
    coral::Attribute const & targetBunchesAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "NTARGETBUNCHES" ) ];
    if( targetBunchesAttribute.isNull() ) {
      targetBunches = 0;
    } else {
      targetBunches =<unsigned short>();
    fillType = static_cast<FillInfo::FillTypeId>( fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "RUNTIME_TYPE_ID" ) ].data<int>() );
    coral::Attribute const & particleType1Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "PARTY1" ) ];
    if( particleType1Attribute.isNull() ) {
      particleType1 = FillInfo::NONE;
    } else {
      particleType1 = static_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId>(<int>() );
    coral::Attribute const & particleType2Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "PARTY2" ) ];
    if( particleType2Attribute.isNull() ) {
      particleType2 = FillInfo::NONE;
    } else {
      particleType2 = static_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId>(<int>() );
    coral::Attribute const & crossingAngleAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "CROSSINGANGLE" ) ];
    if( crossingAngleAttribute.isNull() ) {
      crossingAngle = 0.;
    } else {
      crossingAngle =<float>();
    coral::Attribute const & betastarAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "BETASTAR" ) ];
    if( betastarAttribute.isNull() ) {
      betastar = 0.;
    } else {
      betastar =<float>();
    coral::Attribute const & intensityBeam1Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "INTENSITYBEAM1" ) ];
    if( intensityBeam1Attribute.isNull() ) {
      intensityBeam1 = 0.;
    } else {
      intensityBeam1 =<float>();
    coral::Attribute const & intensityBeam2Attribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "INTENSITYBEAM2" ) ];
    if( intensityBeam2Attribute.isNull() ) {
      intensityBeam2 = 0.;
    } else {
      intensityBeam2 =<float>();
    coral::Attribute const & energyAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "ENERGY" ) ];
    if( energyAttribute.isNull() ){
      energy = 0.;
    } else {
      energy =<float>();
    creationTime = cond::time::from_boost( fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "CREATETIME" ) ].data<coral::TimeStamp>().time() );
    //BEGINTIME is imposed to be NOT NULL in the WHERE clause
    stableBeamStartTimeStamp = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "BEGINTIME" ) ].data<coral::TimeStamp>();
    stableBeamStartTime = cond::time::from_boost( stableBeamStartTimeStamp.time() );
    coral::Attribute const & beamDumpTimeAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "ENDTIME" ) ];
    if( beamDumpTimeAttribute.isNull() ) {
      beamDumpTime = 0;
    } else {
      beamDumpTimeStamp =<coral::TimeStamp>();
      beamDumpTime = cond::time::from_boost( beamDumpTimeStamp.time() );
    coral::Attribute const & injectionSchemeAttribute = fillDataCursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "INJECTIONSCHEME" ) ];
    if( injectionSchemeAttribute.isNull() ) {
      injectionScheme = std::string( "None" );
    } else {
      injectionScheme =<std::string>();
    //fix an inconsistency in RunTimeLogger: if the fill type is defined, the particle type should reflect it!
    if( fillType != FillInfo::UNKNOWN && ( particleType1 == FillInfo::NONE || particleType2 == FillInfo::NONE ) ) {
      switch( fillType ) {
      case FillInfo::PROTONS :
        particleType1 = FillInfo::PROTON;
        particleType2 = FillInfo::PROTON;
      case FillInfo::IONS :
        particleType1 = FillInfo::PB82;
        particleType2 = FillInfo::PB82;
      case FillInfo::UNKNOWN :
      case FillInfo::COSMICS :
      case FillInfo::GAP :
    //if the end time of the fill is 0 (i.e. timestamp null), it is still ongoing: do not store!
    if( beamDumpTime == 0 ) {
      edm::LogWarning( m_name ) << "NO TRANSFER NEEDED: the fill number " << currentFill
                                << " is still ongoing"
                                << "; from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
    //run the second and third query against the schema hosting detailed DIP information
    coral::ISchema& beamCondSchema = session.schema( m_dipSchema );
    //start the transaction against the DIP "deep" database backend schema
    session.transaction().start( true );
    //prepare the WHERE clause for both queries
    coral::AttributeList bunchConfBindVariables;
    bunchConfBindVariables.extend<coral::TimeStamp>( std::string( "stableBeamStartTimeStamp" ) );
    bunchConfBindVariables[ std::string( "stableBeamStartTimeStamp" ) ].data<coral::TimeStamp>() = stableBeamStartTimeStamp;
    conditionStr = std::string( "DIPTIME <= :stableBeamStartTimeStamp" );
    //define the output types for both queries
    coral::AttributeList bunchConfOutput;
    bunchConfOutput.extend<coral::TimeStamp>( std::string( "DIPTIME" ) );
    bunchConfOutput.extend<unsigned short>( std::string( "BUCKET" ) );
    //execute query for Beam 1
    std::unique_ptr<coral::IQuery> bunchConf1Query(beamCondSchema.newQuery());
    bunchConf1Query->addToTableList( std::string( "LHC_CIRCBUNCHCONFIG_BEAM1" ), std::string( "BEAMCONF\", TABLE( BEAMCONF.VALUE ) \"BUCKETS" ) );
    bunchConf1Query->addToOutputList( std::string( "BEAMCONF.DIPTIME" ), std::string( "DIPTIME" ) );
    bunchConf1Query->addToOutputList( std::string( "BUCKETS.COLUMN_VALUE" ), std::string( "BUCKET" ) );
    bunchConf1Query->setCondition( conditionStr, bunchConfBindVariables );
    bunchConf1Query->addToOrderList( std::string( "DIPTIME DESC" ) );
    bunchConf1Query->limitReturnedRows( FillInfo::availableBunchSlots ); //maximum number of filled bunches
    bunchConf1Query->defineOutput( bunchConfOutput );
    coral::ICursor& bunchConf1Cursor = bunchConf1Query->execute();
    std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> bunchConfiguration1( 0ULL );
    while( ) {
      if( m_debug ) {
        std::ostringstream b1s;
        fillDataCursor.currentRow().toOutputStream( b1s );
        edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << b1s.str() << "\nfrom " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
      //bunchConf1Cursor.currentRow().toOutputStream( std::cout ) << std::endl;
      if( bunchConf1Cursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "BUCKET" ) ].data<unsigned short>() != 0 ) {
        unsigned short slot = ( bunchConf1Cursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "BUCKET" ) ].data<unsigned short>() - 1 ) / 10 + 1;
        bunchConfiguration1[ slot ] = true;
    //execute query for Beam 2
    std::unique_ptr<coral::IQuery> bunchConf2Query(beamCondSchema.newQuery());
    bunchConf2Query->addToTableList( std::string( "LHC_CIRCBUNCHCONFIG_BEAM2" ), std::string( "BEAMCONF\", TABLE( BEAMCONF.VALUE ) \"BUCKETS" ) );
    bunchConf2Query->addToOutputList( std::string( "BEAMCONF.DIPTIME" ), std::string( "DIPTIME" ) );
    bunchConf2Query->addToOutputList( std::string( "BUCKETS.COLUMN_VALUE" ), std::string( "BUCKET" ) );
    bunchConf2Query->setCondition( conditionStr, bunchConfBindVariables );
    bunchConf2Query->addToOrderList( std::string( "DIPTIME DESC" ) );
    bunchConf2Query->limitReturnedRows( FillInfo::availableBunchSlots ); //maximum number of filled bunches
    bunchConf2Query->defineOutput( bunchConfOutput );
    coral::ICursor& bunchConf2Cursor = bunchConf2Query->execute();
    std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> bunchConfiguration2( 0ULL );
    while( ) {
      if( m_debug ) {
        std::ostringstream b2s;
        fillDataCursor.currentRow().toOutputStream( b2s );
        edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << b2s.str() << "\nfrom " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
      if( bunchConf2Cursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "BUCKET" ) ].data<unsigned short>() != 0 ) {
        unsigned short slot = ( bunchConf2Cursor.currentRow()[ std::string( "BUCKET" ) ].data<unsigned short>() - 1 ) / 10 + 1;
        bunchConfiguration2[ slot ] = true;
    //commit the transaction against the DIP "deep" database backend schema
    //store dummy fill information if empty fills are found beetween the two last ones in stable beams
    afterPreviousFillEndTime  = cond::time::pack( std::make_pair( cond::time::unpack( previousFillEndTime ).first, cond::time::unpack( previousFillEndTime ).second + 1 ) );
    beforeStableBeamStartTime = cond::time::pack( std::make_pair( cond::time::unpack( stableBeamStartTime ).first, cond::time::unpack( stableBeamStartTime ).second - 1 ) );
    if( afterPreviousFillEndTime < stableBeamStartTime ) {
      edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << "Entering fake fill between fill number " << previousFillNumber
                             << " and current fill number " << currentFill
                             << ", from " <<  afterPreviousFillEndTime
                             << " ( " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( afterPreviousFillEndTime ) )
                             << " ) to " << beforeStableBeamStartTime
                             << " ( " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( beforeStableBeamStartTime ) )
                             << " ); from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
      m_to_transfer.push_back( std::make_pair( new FillInfo(), afterPreviousFillEndTime ) );
    } else {
      //the current fill cannot start before the previous one!
      edm::LogError( m_name ) << "WRONG DATA! In the previous fill number " << previousFillNumber
                              << " beams were dumped at timestamp " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( previousFillEndTime ) )
                              << ", which is not before the timestamp " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( stableBeamStartTime ) )
                              << " when current fill number " << currentFill
                              << " entered stable beams. EXITING. from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
    //construct an instance of FillInfo and set its values
    FillInfo* fillInfo = new FillInfo( currentFill ); 
    fillInfo->setBeamInfo( const_cast<unsigned short const &>( bunches1 )
                         , const_cast<unsigned short const &>( bunches2 )
                         , const_cast<unsigned short const &>( collidingBunches )
                         , const_cast<unsigned short const &>( targetBunches )
                         , const_cast<FillInfo::FillTypeId const &>( fillType )
                         , const_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const &>( particleType1 )
                         , const_cast<FillInfo::ParticleTypeId const &>( particleType2 )
                         , const_cast<float const &>( crossingAngle )
                         , const_cast<float const &>( betastar )
                         , const_cast<float const &>( intensityBeam1 )
                         , const_cast<float const &>( intensityBeam2 ) 
                         , const_cast<float const &>( energy ) 
                         , const_cast<cond::Time_t const &>( creationTime )
                         , const_cast<cond::Time_t const &>( stableBeamStartTime )
                         , const_cast<cond::Time_t const &>( beamDumpTime )
                         , const_cast<std::string const &>( injectionScheme )
                         , const_cast<std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> const &>( bunchConfiguration1 )
                         , const_cast<std::bitset<FillInfo::bunchSlots+1> const &>( bunchConfiguration2 ) 
    //store this payload
    m_to_transfer.push_back( std::make_pair( (FillInfo*)fillInfo, stableBeamStartTime ) );
    edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << "The new payload to be inserted into tag " << tagInfo().name 
                           << " with validity " << stableBeamStartTime 
                           << " ( " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( cond::time::to_boost( stableBeamStartTime ) )
                           << " ) has values:\n" << *fillInfo
                           << "from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
    //add log information
    ss << " fill = " << currentFill
       << ";\tinjection scheme: " << injectionScheme
       << ";\tstart time: " 
       << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( stableBeamStartTimeStamp.time() )
       << ";\tend time: "
       << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string( beamDumpTimeStamp.time() )
       << "." << std::endl;
    //prepare variables for next iteration
    previousFillNumber = currentFill;
    previousFillEndTime = beamDumpTime;
  //commit the transaction against the fill logging schema
  //close the session
  //close the connection
  //store log information
  m_userTextLog = ss.str();
  edm::LogInfo( m_name ) << "Transferring " << m_to_transfer.size() << " payload(s); from " << m_name << "::getNewObjects";
std::string FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::id ( void  ) const [virtual]

Implements popcon::PopConSourceHandler< FillInfo >.

Definition at line 418 of file

References m_name.

  return m_name;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 22 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Referenced by getNewObjects().

Definition at line 22 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Referenced by getNewObjects().

Definition at line 18 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Referenced by getNewObjects().

Definition at line 22 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Referenced by getNewObjects().

unsigned short FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::m_firstFill [private]

Definition at line 19 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Referenced by getNewObjects().

unsigned short FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::m_lastFill [private]

Definition at line 19 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Referenced by getNewObjects().

std::string FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::m_name [private]

Definition at line 20 of file FillInfoPopConSourceHandler.h.

Referenced by getNewObjects(), and id().