
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef GeneratorInterface_AlpgenInterface_AlpgenCommonBlocks_h
00002 #define GeneratorInterface_AlpgenInterface_AlpgenCommonBlocks_h
00006 extern "C" {
00007         extern struct AHOPTS {
00008                 double  etclus;         // needs to be set up
00009                 double  rclus;          // needs to be set up
00010                 double  etaclmax;
00011                 int     iexc;           // needs to be set up
00012                 int     npfst;
00013                 int     nplst;
00014                 int     nljets;
00015                 int     njstart;
00016                 int     njlast;
00017                 int     ickkw;
00018         } ahopts_;
00020         extern struct AHPPARA {
00021                 double  masses[6];      // mc,mb,mt,mw,mz,mh (set up these)
00022                 double  ebeam;
00023                 int     ih1, ih2, ihrd; // ihrd needs to be set up
00024                 int     itopprc;
00025                 int     nw, nz, nh, nph;
00026                 int     ihvy, ihvy2;
00027                 int     npart, ndns, pdftyp;
00028         } ahppara_;
00030         extern struct AHPARS {
00031                 static const unsigned int nparam = 200;
00033                 double  parval[nparam];
00034                 char    chpar[nparam][8];
00035                 char    chpdes[nparam][70];
00036                 int     parlen[nparam];
00037                 int     partyp[nparam];
00038         } ahpars_;
00040         extern struct AHCUTS {
00041                 double  ptjmin, ptjmax;
00042                 double  etajmax, drjmin;
00043                 double  ptbmin, ptbmax;
00044                 double  etabmax, drbmin;
00045                 double  ptcmin, ptcmax;
00046                 double  etacmax, drcmin;
00047                 double  ptphmin;
00048                 double  etaphmax;
00049                 double  drphjmin, drphmin, drphlmin;
00050                 double  ptlmin;
00051                 double  etalmax, drlmin;
00052                 double  metmin;
00053                 double  mllmin, mllmax;
00054         } ahcuts_;
00055 }
00057 #endif // GeneratorInterface_AlpgenInterface_AlpgenCommonBlocks_h