3 source = cms.Source(
5 generator = cms.EDFilter(
6 comEnergy = cms.double(14000.),
7 PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
15 myParameters = cms.vstring(
'MSEL=0 ! Users defined processes',
16 'MSUB(102)=1 ! Define the process : gg -> H',
17 'PMAS(23,1)=91.188 ! Z mass',
18 'PMAS(24,1)=80.450 ! W mass',
19 'PMAS(25,1)=180.00 ! H mass',
20 'MDME(210,1)=0 ! Switch off Higgs decay channels',
35 'MDME(225,1)=1 ! H -> ZZ switched on',
37 'MDME(174,1)=0 ! Switch off Z decay channels',
45 'MDME(182,1)=1 ! Z -> e+e- switched on',
47 'MDME(184,1)=1 ! Z -> mu+mu- switched on',
51 'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Do not decay unstable particles',
52 'PARJ(71)=10. ! with c*tau > cTauMin (in mm) in PYTHIA'),
56 parameterSets = cms.vstring(
60 ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)