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3 source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
5 generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
6  comEnergy = cms.double(14000.),
7  pythiaVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
8  PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
9  pythiaZtt = cms.vstring('MSEL = 11 ',
10  'MDME( 174,1) = 0 !Z decay into d dbar',
11  'MDME( 175,1) = 0 !Z decay into u ubar',
12  'MDME( 176,1) = 0 !Z decay into s sbar',
13  'MDME( 177,1) = 0 !Z decay into c cbar',
14  'MDME( 178,1) = 0 !Z decay into b bbar',
15  'MDME( 179,1) = 0 !Z decay into t tbar',
16  'MDME( 182,1) = 0 !Z decay into e- e+',
17  'MDME( 183,1) = 0 !Z decay into nu_e nu_ebar',
18  'MDME( 184,1) = 0 !Z decay into mu- mu+',
19  'MDME( 185,1) = 0 !Z decay into nu_mu nu_mubar',
20  'MDME( 186,1) = 1 !Z decay into tau- tau+',
21  'MDME( 187,1) = 0 !Z decay into nu_tau nu_taubar',
22  'MSTJ( 11) = 3 !Choice of the fragmentation function',
23  'MSTP( 2) = 1 !which order running alphaS',
24  'MSTP( 33) = 0 !(D=0) ',
25  'MSTP( 51) = 7 !structure function chosen',
26  'MSTP( 81) = 1 !multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',
27  'MSTP( 82) = 4 !Defines the multi-parton model',
28  'PARJ( 71) = 10. !for which ctau 10 mm',
29  'PARP( 82) = 1.9 !pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',
30  'PARP( 89) = 1000. !sqrts for which PARP82 is set',
31  'PARP( 83) = 0.5 !Multiple interactions: matter distrbn parameter',
32  'PARP( 84) = 0.4 !Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',
33  'PARP( 90) = 0.16 !Multiple interactions: rescaling power',
34  'CKIN( 1) = 40. !(D=2. GeV)',
35  'CKIN( 2) = -1. !(D=-1. GeV)',
36  'MDME(89,1)=0 ! no tau->electron',
37  'MDME(90,1)=0 ! no tau->muon'),
38  parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaZtt')
39  )
40 )
42 ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)