
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "PhysicsTools/IsolationAlgos/interface/IsoDepositVetoFactory.h"
00003 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/IsoDepositVetos.h"
00004 #include "PhysicsTools/IsolationAlgos/interface/EventDependentAbsVetos.h"
00005 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
00007 // ---------- FIRST DEFINE NEW VETOS ------------
00008 namespace reco { namespace isodeposit {
00010     class SwitchingEcalVeto : public AbsVeto {
00011         public:
00012             // creates SwitchingEcalVeto from another AbsVeto (which becomes owned by this veto) 
00013             SwitchingEcalVeto(AbsVeto *veto, bool isBarrel) :
00014                 veto_(veto), barrel_(isBarrel) {}
00015             virtual bool veto(double eta, double phi, float value) const {
00016                 return (fabs(eta) < 1.479) == (barrel_) ? veto_->veto(eta,phi,value) : false;
00017             }
00018             virtual void centerOn(double eta, double phi) {
00019               veto_->centerOn(eta,phi);
00020             }
00021         private:
00022             std::auto_ptr<AbsVeto> veto_;
00023             bool barrel_;   
00024     };
00026     class NumCrystalVeto : public AbsVeto {
00027         public:
00028             NumCrystalVeto(Direction dir, double iR) : vetoDir_(dir), iR_(iR) {}
00029             virtual bool veto(double eta, double phi, float value) const {
00030                 if( fabs(vetoDir_.eta()) < 1.479) {
00031                     return ( vetoDir_.deltaR(Direction(eta,phi)) < 0.0174*iR_ );
00032                 } else {
00033                     return ( vetoDir_.deltaR(Direction(eta,phi)) < 0.00864*fabs(sinh(eta))*iR_ );
00034                 }
00035             }
00036             virtual void centerOn(double eta, double phi) { vetoDir_ = Direction(eta,phi); }
00037         private:
00038             Direction vetoDir_; float iR_;
00039     };
00041     class NumCrystalEtaPhiVeto : public AbsVeto {
00042         public:
00043             NumCrystalEtaPhiVeto(math::XYZVectorD dir, double iEta, double iPhi) :
00044                 vetoDir_(dir.eta(),dir.phi()), 
00045                 iEta_(iEta), 
00046                 iPhi_(iPhi) {}
00047             NumCrystalEtaPhiVeto(Direction dir, double iEta, double iPhi) : 
00048                 vetoDir_(dir.eta(),dir.phi()), 
00049                 iEta_(iEta), 
00050                 iPhi_(iPhi) {}
00051             virtual bool veto(double eta, double phi, float value) const {
00052                 double dPhi = phi - vetoDir_.phi();
00053                 double dEta = eta - vetoDir_.eta();
00054                 while( dPhi < -M_PI )   dPhi += 2*M_PI;
00055                 while( dPhi >= M_PI )   dPhi -= 2*M_PI;
00056                 if( fabs(vetoDir_.eta()) < 1.479) {
00057                     return ( (fabs(dEta) < 0.0174*iEta_) && (fabs(dPhi) < 0.0174*iPhi_) );
00058                 } else {
00059                     return ( (fabs(dEta) < 0.00864*fabs(sinh(eta))*iEta_) && 
00060                              (fabs(dPhi) < 0.00864*fabs(sinh(eta))*iPhi_) );
00061                 }
00062             }
00063             virtual void centerOn(double eta, double phi) { vetoDir_ = Direction(eta,phi); }
00064         private:
00065             Direction vetoDir_;
00066             double iEta_, iPhi_;
00067     };
00069 } }
00071 // ---------- THEN THE ACTUAL FACTORY CODE ------------
00072 reco::isodeposit::AbsVeto *
00073 IsoDepositVetoFactory::make(const char *string) {
00074     reco::isodeposit::EventDependentAbsVeto * evdep = 0;
00075     std::auto_ptr<reco::isodeposit::AbsVeto> ret(make(string,evdep));
00076     if (evdep != 0) {
00077         throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "The resulting AbsVeto depends on the edm::Event.\n" 
00078                                               << "Please use the two-arguments IsoDepositVetoFactory::make.\n";
00079     }
00080     return ret.release();
00081 }
00083 reco::isodeposit::AbsVeto *
00084 IsoDepositVetoFactory::make(const char *string, reco::isodeposit::EventDependentAbsVeto *&evdep) {
00085     using namespace reco::isodeposit;
00086     static boost::regex 
00087         ecalSwitch("^Ecal(Barrel|Endcaps):(.*)"),
00088         threshold("Threshold\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00089         thresholdtransverse("ThresholdFromTransverse\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00090         absthreshold("AbsThreshold\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00091         absthresholdtransverse("AbsThresholdFromTransverse\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00092         cone("ConeVeto\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00093         angleCone("AngleCone\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00094         angleVeto("AngleVeto\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00095         rectangularEtaPhiVeto("RectangularEtaPhiVeto\\(([+-]?\\d+\\.\\d+),([+-]?\\d+\\.\\d+),([+-]?\\d+\\.\\d+),([+-]?\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00096         numCrystal("NumCrystalVeto\\((\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00097         numCrystalEtaPhi("NumCrystalEtaPhiVeto\\((\\d+\\.\\d+),(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)"),
00098         otherCandidatesDR("OtherCandidatesByDR\\((\\w+:?\\w*:?\\w*),\\s*(\\d+\\.?|\\d*\\.\\d*)\\)"),
00099         otherJetConstituentsDR("OtherJetConstituentsDeltaRVeto\\((\\w+:?\\w*:?\\w*),\\s*(\\d+\\.?|\\d*\\.\\d*),\\s*(\\w+:?\\w*:?\\w*),\\s*(\\d+\\.?|\\d*\\.\\d*)\\)"),
00100         otherCand("^(.*?):(.*)"),
00101         number("^(\\d+\\.?|\\d*\\.\\d*)$");
00102     boost::cmatch match;
00104     //std::cout << "<IsoDepositVetoFactory::make>:" << std::endl;
00105     //std::cout << " string = " << string << std::endl;
00107     evdep = 0; // by default it does not depend on this
00108     if (regex_match(string, match, ecalSwitch)) {
00109         return new SwitchingEcalVeto(make(match[2].first), (match[1] == "Barrel") );
00110     } else if (regex_match(string, match, threshold)) {
00111         return new ThresholdVeto(atof(match[1].first));
00112     } else if (regex_match(string, match, thresholdtransverse)) {
00113         return new ThresholdVetoFromTransverse(atof(((std::string)match[1]).c_str()));
00114     } else if (regex_match(string, match, absthreshold)) {
00115         return new AbsThresholdVeto(atof(match[1].first));
00116     } else if (regex_match(string, match, absthresholdtransverse)) {
00117         return new AbsThresholdVetoFromTransverse(atof(((std::string)match[1]).c_str()));
00118     } else if (regex_match(string, match, cone)) {
00119         return new ConeVeto(Direction(), atof(match[1].first));
00120     } else if (regex_match(string, match, number)) {
00121         return new ConeVeto(Direction(), atof(match[1].first));
00122     } else if (regex_match(string, match, angleCone)) {
00123         return new AngleCone(Direction(), atof(match[1].first));
00124     } else if (regex_match(string, match, angleVeto)) {
00125         return new AngleConeVeto(Direction(), atof(match[1].first));
00126     } else if (regex_match(string, match, rectangularEtaPhiVeto)) {
00127         return new RectangularEtaPhiVeto(Direction(), 
00128                     atof(match[1].first), atof(match[2].first), 
00129                     atof(match[3].first), atof(match[4].first));
00130     } else if (regex_match(string, match, numCrystal)) {
00131         return new NumCrystalVeto(Direction(), atof(match[1].first));
00132     } else if (regex_match(string, match, numCrystalEtaPhi)) {
00133         return new NumCrystalEtaPhiVeto(Direction(),atof(match[1].first),atof(match[2].first));
00134     } else if (regex_match(string, match, otherCandidatesDR)) {
00135         OtherCandidatesDeltaRVeto *ret = new OtherCandidatesDeltaRVeto(edm::InputTag(match[1]), 
00136                                                                         atof(match[2].first));
00137         evdep = ret;
00138         return ret;    
00139     } else if (regex_match(string, match, otherJetConstituentsDR)) {
00140         OtherJetConstituentsDeltaRVeto *ret = new OtherJetConstituentsDeltaRVeto(Direction(), 
00141                                                    edm::InputTag(match[1]), atof(match[2].first),
00142                                                    edm::InputTag(match[3]), atof(match[4].first));
00143         evdep = ret;
00144         return ret;
00145     } else if (regex_match(string, match, otherCand)) {
00146         OtherCandVeto *ret = new OtherCandVeto(edm::InputTag(match[1]), 
00147                                                            make(match[2].first));
00148         evdep = ret;
00149         return ret;
00150     } else {
00151         throw cms::Exception("Not Implemented") << "Veto " << string << " not implemented yet...";
00152     }
00153 }