
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # Here so that python translator can see the names
00004 # Now beta function vertex smearing 
00005 #from FastSimulation.Event.Early10TeVCollisionVertexGenerator_cfi import *
00006 #from FastSimulation.Event.Realistic7TeV2011CollisionVertexGenerator_cfi import *
00007 from FastSimulation.Configuration.CommonInputs_cff import *
00008 if(fastsimPrimaryVertex=='Realistic8TeV'):
00009     from FastSimulation.Event.Realistic8TeVCollisionVertexGenerator_cfi import *
00010 else:
00011     from FastSimulation.Event.Realistic7TeV2011CollisionVertexGenerator_cfi import *
00014 from FastSimulation.Event.ParticleFilter_cfi import *
00015 from FastSimulation.MaterialEffects.MaterialEffects_cfi import *
00016 from FastSimulation.TrajectoryManager.ActivateDecays_cfi import *
00017 from FastSimulation.TrajectoryManager.TrackerSimHits_cfi import *
00018 from FastSimulation.Calorimetry.Calorimetry_cff import *
00019 famosSimHits = cms.EDProducer("FamosProducer",
00020     # FastCalorimetry
00021     FamosCalorimetryBlock,
00022     # Conditions to save Tracker SimHits 
00023     TrackerSimHitsBlock,
00024     # Material effects to be simulated in the tracker material and associated cuts
00025     MaterialEffectsBlock,
00026     # Material effects for muons in ECAL
00027     MaterialEffectsForMuonsInECALBlock,
00028     # Material effects for muons in HCAL
00029     MaterialEffectsForMuonsInHCALBlock,
00030     # (De)activate decays of unstable particles (K0S, etc...)
00031     ActivateDecaysBlock,
00032     # Kinematic cuts for the particle filter in the SimEvent
00033     ParticleFilterBlock,
00034     # The HepMCProduct source
00035     SourceLabel = cms.InputTag("generator"),
00036     # The genParticle source (in case there is no HepMCProduct)
00037     GenParticleLabel = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),
00038     # If false, no SimTrack collection for Muons is stored
00039     SimulateMuons = cms.bool(True),
00040     # The beam spot source
00041     BeamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
00042     # Run Number
00043     RunNumber = cms.untracked.int32(1001),
00044     Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
00045     # If false, no misalignment can be applied in the tracker
00046     ApplyAlignment = cms.bool(False),
00047     # If false, no SimHits are simulated in the tracker
00048     # (but the tracker material is still here)
00049     SimulateTracking = cms.bool(True),
00050     # If false, no PCaloHits are produced
00051     SimulateCalorimetry = cms.bool(True),
00052     # If the following is false, no B field map is used, 
00053     # and B is set to 4 T altogether
00054     UseMagneticField = cms.bool(True),
00055     # The primary vertex smearing 
00056     VertexGenerator = cms.PSet(
00057         myVertexGenerator
00058     )
00059 )